Session 24 October 2009

Maybe it is a 'monitor' thing. I was mainly referring to the gradient of the 'blue' as it got darker and darker towards the top outer edge, directly underneath the text: Coming Soon!

--edit: Ok, having gone looking at some purple stuff, I realized what the problem was. When blue gets darker and darker, towards what most people call 'midnight blue', that's what I normally call 'purple.'

It's a mis-identification I picked up in my youth somehow.
I just love the official symbol!

Okay, rolyateel, how do we get the plaque and how much does it cost? :wow: :cool:
Q: (L) Okay, what is the importance of Paleochristianity?

A: The only hope for the survival of your realm and species.

Q: (L) In what sense do you mean that?

A: Unification of aim: survival and avoidance of the destruction hanging over your heads as a consequence of the machinations of psychopathy.

Great to see the site. I am really exited in seeing how it all will turn out. Since well here lies our hope.

[quote author=Lauranimal]Funny you mentioned this.... I was looking at the new album release by Delerium, and the letter 'I' in Delerium, really stood out to me. Beautiful. And I thought, "gee, I wonder if anyone has given any thought to the font for the logo?"

looking forward to seeing what you come up with :D[/quote]

I will try it, but don't expect to much. :)
Having fallen behind a bit in my SOTT and forum reading, I'm finally catching up on this thread. It grew so much since I had last read it, with a whole lot more material added even than the forum in general.

First, a million thanks to all who worked on all the variations AND applications of the symbol. What an amazing demonstration of creative networking and collaboration!!! The results speak for themselves. Simply beautiful!

Laura said:
The picture is becoming so much clearer. We are all dupes of the 4 D STS gang, right up to the top of the heap - the global elite that think they have the inside track in this race, or the inside scoop for their survival, and don't care a hoot that they are helping to destroy the planet. They actually think that 4 D STS types will keep their word and hand over control on the other side of the disaster!

So, yeah, the timeline has been changed and our focus has been changed somewhat as a consequence.

Imperfect though they may be, I thank Cosmic Mind for the Cs!!!

I thought about this whole issue for the last day or so reading this thread. It is unbelievable. Our working hypothesis of our oh-so-strange reality just gets more creepy and bizarre even as more and more data accumulates adding to the evidence supporting the hypothesis describing this very odd reality. I mean, even those of us who are so aware of all the machinations of the control heirarchy, seem to find ourselves flabbergasted sometimes at the sheer enormity and variety of the evidence.

It's been a while since I've read all the info on remote viewing projects the PTB have been so interested in. One thing is for sure, although it is also totally absurd: this development of the Fellowship and this whole project leading up to it IS seen as an extreme threat to them. ANYTHING that would lead to greater understanding, unity and cooperation, and a weakening of their control for humanity in general is a clear danger for such deviant agendas. It is really disturbing that people (and life on the planet in general, it seems) are held in such contempt, are seen as the enemy, and an endless war is being waged against this very unaware enemy. I often have a very matter-of-fact attitude about this whole control system and its perverse plots. But once in a while it just hits me in a way that I imagine someone new to these matters would be affected -- I'm shocked.

JEEP said:
I'm sure the end result will be the right one.

Congratulations! This is a very pleasing combination of colors and hues and I won't have any trouble looking at it for a very long time either! In fact, I have it centered as my Desktop background with the white rectangle surrounded by black. It was too pixelated full size on an all white background. If I had the know how, I would have Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind and Institute of PaleoChristianity written in turquoise on the black portion underneath the white rectangle, offset to the left, and the Prayer of the Soul written in gold on the black portion to the vertical right of the white rectangle. That would be sooo cool!

I also like the idea that the other variations will be available as well. Good job everyone! :D

On another note:

Laura (4 July 1998) said:
A: Disasters involve cycles in the human experiential cycle
which corresponds to the passage of comet cluster.

Q: (A) I understant that this comet cluster is cyclic and
comes every 3600 years
. I want to know something about
the shape of this comet cluster. I can hardly imagine...
A: Did you catch the significance of the answer regarding
time table of cluster and brown star? Human cycle mirrors
cycle of catastrophe. Earth benefits in form of periodic
Time to start paying attention to the signs.
They are escalating. They can even be "felt" by you and
others, if you pay attention.
Q: (L) That is kind of what it is sounding like. Unless our
lives and experiences escalate in concert with all these
other events... (A) I have a last question which I have
prepared. So, we have these two physical disasters or
events, the coming brown star and the comet cluster, but
we have been told that this time it is going to be
different because this time it is accompanied by a plane

Session 30th May said:
Q: (L) Okay, what is the importance of Paleochristianity?

A: The only hope for the survival of your realm and species.

Q: (L) In what sense do you mean that?

A: Unification of aim: survival and avoidance of the destruction hanging over your heads as a consequence of the machinations of psychopathy.

Laura said:
But what is of most interest is the series of remarks about the human experiential cycle intersecting with, and mirroring, the cycle of cosmic catastrophes. One naturally wonders if the human part of this equation were modified, if the catastrophic part would be similarly modified?

In other words, it seems that the PTB simply don't grok the fact that the one and only way to ameliorate what is coming - and I think that they have an idea of what may be in our future - would be to ameliorate conditions for humanity as a whole. They have been "promised rewards" for helping the 4 D STS forces to bring suffering and destruction on the planet and, of course, 4 D STS is not harmed by that destruction, but rather they want to accelerate it, increase it, use it as part of their demonic plans; and the really stupid puppets on Earth are helping them.

OK, if I'm understanding this correctly, if the human race doesn't get its act together by recognizing, 1) that our world is being run and controlled by psychopaths, and, 2) the psychopaths have been co-opted by hyperdimensional beings to bring about total collapse and destruction of human civilization with all the attendant pain, suffering, and horror, than the cometary disasters will proceed unimpeded. However, if our efforts to reintroduce PaleoChristianity to the world's population is successful, then the earth won't necessarily be wiped out by these comets? If so, that's a mighty tall order. As much as I want to believe this is doable, I have to think that as of this moment, awareness by the general population is less than zero. I have to wonder, if alien disclosure comes about somewhat soon, either officially or by accident, will this in some way make it easier to get people to consider the possibility of PaleoChristianity - the knowledge of realms that all men comprehended before the "fall"?

I was under the impression that the destruction of earth by comets was inevitable and nothing was going to change that. Or, is it that unless something changes, there will only be a tiny few that can make it to the new, alternate earth in 4D with 3D earth left a burning, destroyed landscape for a few survivors and the psychopaths to be burned or buried, really left behind, in their mistaken belief that they are going to be rewarded for their collusion with the Lizzies? In other words, 3D earth is going to be toast no matter what and whether there will be a significant transfer of humans to 4D earth or an insignificant number transferring depends on the population waking up to our current realities?

Again, the few people I have dared broach this subject with have not been receptive in the least. What will it take to make them realize what is really going on and what is at stake? Gosh, this logo better have some powerful mojo (Laura: "A really good symbol communicates on an unconscious level - whether the complexity of the symbol is lost on the conscious mind or not. There is probably a lot more to this image than I have suggested by my own brief examination/interpretation.") to help bring about the changes necessary to accomplish this mission!

Edit: spelling corrections
I've been out of state and out of touch w/forum since Monday, Nov. 9 and I'm trying to catch up. Consequently, I just found this in the History/Kantek section:
e-mail traffic with HFM

Quote from: Laura
> > 6. If a double digit percentage of the world’s population had a sudden > awakening to a scientific truth that CONNECTED with an obvious necessity > for an observer or soul and if this scientific awakening or “mass > knowledge event” were timed with the communication and/or technology for > a shortcut that allowed people to access the timeless realm in their > minds to see bigger reality with their own mind/spirit for themselves, > then what would happen in your opinion, Laura?

They would be able to mentally block the STS connection with their 3 D tools/agents, thus shutting down the ability to continue to deceive ALL of humanity, and the awakening of the MASSES would then probably also be able to ameliorate the cometary bombardment event. Doesn't mean that more than half of humanity will not still die in these events, but it means that if they do, their souls will not be "smashed" and returned to primal matter and the planet itself will not have that "weight" of primal matter/smashed souls karma to overcome. Instead, those deaths will be glorious transitions with the energy of the separation of the body/soul given to manifest a new world that shifts into a relationship with STO energies.

I'd forgotten about this exchange in the Baked Noodle section. This provides clarification regarding the inevitability of cometary bombardment - it will still happen, but either fewer deaths and/or fewer smashed souls/bad karma created. But, it's clear the C's have a plan that has been communicated to Laura and she is working to get the ball rolling on it - the wise as serpents, gentle as doves plan!
JEEP said:
However, if our efforts to reintroduce PaleoChristianity to the world's population is successful, then the earth won't necessarily be wiped out by these comets? If so, that's a mighty tall order. As much as I want to believe this is doable, I have to think that as of this moment, awareness by the general population is less than zero.

Something along these lines may very well be possible since PaleoChristianity might very well be that intelligent vehicle that ‘bridges the gap’ (so to speak) at the shock point in the Ray of Creation (the Mi-Fa interval) that allows those finer influences from the higher realms to penetrate and be transmitted into the earth and moon realms at the termination points of (Gurdjieff’s) Great Ray of Creation. When there is a completed circuit of this kind then things may very well change on many different levels simultaneously.
kenlee said:
Something along these lines may very well be possible since PaleoChristianity might very well be that intelligent vehicle that ‘bridges the gap’ (so to speak) at the shock point in the Ray of Creation (the Mi-Fa interval) that allows those finer influences from the higher realms to penetrate and be transmitted into the earth and moon realms at the termination points of (Gurdjieff’s) Great Ray of Creation. When there is a completed circuit of this kind then things may very well change on many different levels simultaneously.

That sounds pretty miraculous and wonderful, but still there is this:

Laura said:
Doesn't mean that more than half of humanity will not still die in these events . . .

Maybe the side trip to 5D will be ameliorated as well. :/
As for slogans, I like 'sto pro veritate' which is Latin for 'I stand for truth'.


My own change would be 'I stand for truth with love in my heart.'


I just saw the official symbol for the Fellowship, and it's just great!
Inspiration was obviously drawn from a similar crop circle, and it fits so perfectly...
I'll set it as a wallpaper on my desktop.
Thank you Jeep for your post, 561, of yesterday, I have copied the quote from Laura, and keep it close by an aid-memoire for the FotCM.
Laura said:
Okay, the OFFICIAL symbol is posted here:

I'm not sure why, but the page is not opening in my computer :(, I get to an error message saying that the server can't establish connection. Any ideas?
Gertrudes said:
Laura said:
Okay, the OFFICIAL symbol is posted here:

I'm not sure why, but the page is not opening in my computer :(, I get to an error message saying that the server can't establish connection. Any ideas?

I have the same problem this morning. Last time i tried it, it was ok but this morning i have a message saying that it is impossible to open the page.
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