Session 24 October 2009

E said:
levels of membership?
virtual churches?
online church?
higher level?

I think I’m in shock! Honesty is the best policy.

Hi E - believe it or not, this is not at all an unusual reaction. And, yes, honesty IS the best policy.

I think I need some time…or maybe a lot of time…

Take some time and read through Laura's posts here -

As you're reading it, try to remove the word 'church' from your mind and the equation. As a person who has a lot of negative baggage with the word church/religion (actually, I think the vast majority of people here have that baggage, if not worse) - I understand the negative connotation and triggers. So, the word 'church' leads to negative connotations on all the other words you listed too.

Stop for just a moment and consider that we are defining ALL of those words objectively and from the standpoint of our understanding, which - in most cases - is diametrically opposed to the general understanding and definitions. Also consider that, if we are to have a positive effect, the kind of positive effect that will make all this struggle and suffering worthwhile, we must work within the system of this world.

In other words, stop for a moment and look for the source of your shock - find where it's coming from and I think it likely that you'll find it has to do with past experience and not what is developing here. If this is so, it will be your task to separate the threads of the two and come to a conclusion based on the present and on Reality.

The only reason I think that this might be the case with your shock is because that is how it was with me as I first began to consider this idea, as well. fwiw.
Wow ! I'm breathless !
Indeed, it's a smashing year !

Now, that I got a casual job in the local food Co-op, I can afford a tithe and my 'orthorexia nervosa disorder' will be safe :)

Thank you so much !

And thanks for the chucle:

Laura said:
I mean, they just have like a bishop or a pope who is just a human being sending down papal bulls... papal BS!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

On to studying Statement of Principles
domi said:
Talk about a strategic enclosure!
Wise as serpents indeed.

But my big question is: where are you going to put the wedding chapel? And can we make Joe the High Priest of Tobacco?

All kidding aside, I am very excited by all this and thank you for making this happen.
Congratulations. I feel history is being made.

Domi, you are one funny chap. I am not sure if you are a single male but if you are it is your lucky day because I am a single female and looking for that special one to tie the knots. If you wish we can make history happen. We can be the first couple to be married at the alter. I am waiting for your answer. Just say yes! ;)
Thank you Laura and team for posting this session.

I'm a little in shock at the idea of forming a religion, BUT I do agree that this is a very wise move to be making.
Mona said:
I must confess that I was never too keen on joining any church groups, actually just hearing the word 'church' gave me shivers all over my body. But, in this case I have to say it is a fantastic and most clever idea. This is exactly what will give a full protection to this group of people from those nasty parasitic individuals. I would not hesitate at all to join in this church group. Yes, I did say 'church' and I did not even feel any shivering in my body. Finally I will be able to say freely what is on my mind without being ridiculed as a conspiracy theorist or an alien freak. And I will also be able to say no to the vaccine legally. I love this idea.
Thanks Laura

Yes, I have the same feelings regarding the association with the word "church". However, looking on the bright side, it might be a positive adaptation given the small community I live in. Even though I won't be attending their "church", I can at least say that I'll be busy tonight with my Church functions ;) I've never been able to use that line before, but it might actually help me to fit in here in smalltownville :)

I also like the idea of being able to use the religious argument against mandatory vaccinations. I'm not as much worried about myself getting them as I am my children, so I'll have to study up on what the law is in this state for that. We supposedly have the ability to "philosophically" exempt ourselves and our children from vaccines in this state, although I don't know how long that will last. I would feel safer using the religious argument because then there is no discussion. If the doctors question you, they could potentially get sued - so they just don't bother arguing.

It would also be cool to walk into a bar and legally smoke too (we have a public smoking ban here) claiming it is my religious right - although that might be pushing it. I think I'll stick to my patio for now... :cool2:

Today has been quite a shock... :cool:
Wow, now I know why I had such and emotional release on Sunday AM. I just couldn't understand where the crying and emotional depth bomb was coming from, and was real glad I was by myself. I had been telling myself for the last couple of days and writing little notes to myself, that now was the time for DOING. I just knew that a waiting time was over, but until I read this session just now I had no real reason why or understanding of what.

I look forward to the 'devil in the details'. I know I won't be disappointed. This is so right!

E said:
levels of membership?
virtual churches?
online church?
higher level?

I think I’m in shock! Honesty is the best policy.
I think I need some time…or maybe a lot of time…

Same reaction here. While I do understand practical and legal reasons for church idea in some countries. Maybe we can wait and see :)
Well, this session and the formation of a religion really came as a shock to me, and it set off all kinds of worries and also selfishness programs. I've been (in my estimation) failing miserably lately (really in the dumps and not participating) and emotions have been all over the place and this jangled them some more (not that the jangling is necessarily a bad thing). With that in mind, I want to mention a couple of the things that hit me in my state:

1) I love the idea of the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind. However, the thought/fear also crossed my mind about the name. It sounds new-agey and I have been thinking "What will my wife and other people say or think about my joining something with this name?" I am going to join because I believe in this approach and the ideals, but I have fear.

2) I noticed a couple of other mentions about concerns about hierarchy, elders with more information, etc. and I worry about the accountability and openness of the organization regarding the use of donated money. If anything is secret or non-accountable it would foster doubt or the inducement of doubt by outsiders. I donate because the value I receive in almost immeasurable and I can see the results of support for SOTT/Laura/the gang both in my personal life and in the general mission. But, going "organizational" with a religion opens up a whole new can of worms with growth. It would help to know the general thinking along these lines.

3) The basic tenets as discussed in the Statement of Principles are almost impossible for someone to grasp that hasn't done a lot of the reading. I grok most of it but I've read most of the core of the recommended reading as well as almost everything online here. I like the idea of being able to explain the basics in simple terms to those unfamiliar in case they ask. Perhaps some formulation in the future along those lines would be beneficial. Maybe I'm again worrying too much about what others would think in some way, but I wish it were easier to describe in layman's terms if others in my life are interested.

Even though I am way low right now I still know that what you have all done is invaluable to myself, and I think to humanity. Thank you so much for your perseverance and this great work.
Mona said:
domi said:
Talk about a strategic enclosure!
Wise as serpents indeed.

But my big question is: where are you going to put the wedding chapel? And can we make Joe the High Priest of Tobacco?

All kidding aside, I am very excited by all this and thank you for making this happen.
Congratulations. I feel history is being made.

Domi, you are one funny chap. I am not sure if you are a single male but if you are it is your lucky day because I am a single female and looking for that special one to tie the knots. If you wish we can make history happen. We can be the first couple to be married at the alter. I am waiting for your answer. Just say yes! ;)
I know , you are kidding here. this website is about objective learning. If people are not objective, whether they are the first couple to tie or not, they could be the first couple to untie the knot, for sure.
This is great news! Thanks QFG/QFS, SOTT's team, C's, Laura/Ark. Something odd to me overall is the feeling, which comes so often in so many ways on a personal note, the feeling that you all are doing so much.. Overall, the US is what it is, and it seems there are so few of us.. it's a feeling that you are ,maybe planting a seed in the worst possible soil. How many people really care about a few Americans these days? I'm asking that, and maybe only invoking 'opinions' but what does the average person outside the US think of us (myself an American). Not to conclude that everyone thinks we're the scumdogs of the universe, but I don't imagine there are many people who, for all we (the USA) have done the last 4 decades or more, would really apply themselves to helping us out. I've read the articles on the economy, flu etc.. and things are looking like they're going from bad to worse REAL SOON.

Like Anart and E mentioned, I to had some initial fear due to what I've come to understand about religion. Then there is the fact that for 6-7 years I've read transcripts, articles and recommended books (not all by any means). In all I've observed, learned, unlearned and relearned, there is a level of trust and respect I have for you brilliant people here on the forum and my own ability to grasp at some parts of the puzzle, that it really does make sense. Having some legal protections, while helping people to learn about the situation people-kind find ourselves in here on the BBm, seems logical.

I'll be sending something in the mail soon as well. Much thanks to you all!
:halo: well really exited because i had a lot of questions and the first answer answer to me my lot of questions, but i have more with this session

I live in Mexico and I am a young, how could I participate if I have a lot of restrictions, and I'm talking about money, I'm talking that I live in Mexico

So, what may I do

Whatever this idea is very like my idea in my history or saga that I'm writting

this is like the "Blue Sideral Fellowship", now I have to wait because I'm very interested about this

Sorry for the gramma
I’m not sure what to say. I was surprised when I first read the C’s session. After all the information against religion this seems a complete turnaround. I mean this is really big and I’m a little worried that there maybe some repercussions from the PTB. I can relate to E’s comments.

E said:
levels of membership?
virtual churches?
online church?
higher level?

I think I’m in shock! Honesty is the best policy.
I think I need some time…or maybe a lot of time…

On reflection though, it may be the best way for the protection of everyone involved in this work.

As you can see I’m in great confusion.
This is absolutely wonderful news! I've been reading through the principles, and they make a lot of sense, so does the rationale for setting this up as a church in the first place.

I have a similar problem as others, in that I'm already involved with another religion (for legal purposes), and probably won't be able to join formally. Not sure how to handle that... hm...

All in all, great step forwards :-)
anart said:
Also consider that, if we are to have a positive effect, the kind of positive effect that will make all this struggle and suffering worthwhile, we must work within the system of this world.

Today, I have pondered this event in our lives and its origin, meaning, and consequences. This is not entertainment, it is doing. I cannot express my wonder more than to quote Gurdjieff's aim in the Fourth Way, originating in his mind nearly a century ago. I would also like to quote Ephesian and Matthew’s words, with mankind for nearly two millenia, which have never left me since childhood when I first began to wonder, “What is this life?”

Gurdjieff….Life is real only then said:
The trouble is that until this time the aim of my inner world had been concentrated only on my one unconquerable desire to investigate from all sides, and to understand, the exact significance and purpose of the life of man.

Secondly, as a result of the memory in my automatic mentation of the sight of all sorts of terrors flowing from the violent events which I had witnessed, and finally from accumulated impressions arising from conversations with various revolutionaries in the previous several years, first in Italy and then in Switzerland, and still more recently in Transcaucasia, there had crystallized in me little by little, besides the previous unique aim, another also unconquerable aim.

This other newly arisen aim of my inner world was summed up in this: that I must discover, at all costs, some manner or means for destroying in people the predilection for suggestibility which causes them to fall easily under the influence of “mass hypnosis.”

Ephesians 6:12 said:
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Matthew 10:l6 said:
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
This is wonderful news. And there is something absolutely delicious about turning the pathocracy's tools on itself. Wishful thinking will get you every time! :headbanger: My application will be in this week.

jacksun said:
Wow, now I know why I had such and emotional release on Sunday AM. I just couldn't understand where the crying and emotional depth bomb was coming from, and was real glad I was by myself.

Same here. I've cried myself to sleep for the last four nights after the meditations, and not even really able to say why. And this was even skipping the round breathing. Last night, I started crying even before the pipe breath and had to wait till it was done to even begin the meditation. There's been a lot of upheavel in my life lately and reasons enough weep, but I while it was happening I couldn't say "I'm crying because of x or y." Very strange.

This though, The Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind; this is is truly heartening :flowers:

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