Session 24 October 2009

:love: wow! what strength on mind !
-this is probably related to "Creating a new world"

I'm happy so many agree with the idea ...i'm under shock and will try and recover by tomorrow.

What makes me sad is that i don't even know who to help ...i want to help, participate ...this "church" gives one more reason to fight and fight i will

Overall, happy for those who are ready for this and will try and make tomorrow newer and better :rockon: :love: ...i'll sustain with the little i have ...Thank U SO MUCHHHHHH
Lorraine said:
I’m not sure what to say. I was surprised when I first read the C’s session. After all the information against religion this seems a complete turnaround. I mean this is really big and I’m a little worried that there maybe some repercussions from the PTB. I can relate to E’s comments.

Certainly the news can come as a shock. We have been programmed to see religion in this light. We see how it is used for control.

But there is religion and religion. The religion that Laura, the chateau crew, and the members of this forum have been criticizing is one that is organized to keep people in their place. It doesn't answer the deep longing felt by so many people for something true and real. But we know that this longing exists. We feel it. That is why we are here. The poor individuals who died in the sweat lodge felt it. They died for it. There are people all over the world who feel it. Where do they have to turn? Who can give it to them?

Not organized religion. Not the many gurus and new age snake oil salesmen.

But keep in mind that the religion we know today is a corrupted form of something that was once alive and vibrant. There can be a religion that is an integral part of life, that binds communities together is a healthy way.

We have seen that the Éiriú Eolas breathing programme can make a huge difference in our lives. We have experienced a practice that can answer that deep longing.

So how do we get it 'out there'?

The Cs said that "Life is religion". Now we can make religion part of our life. We can become models for others.

On reflection though, it may be the best way for the protection of everyone involved in this work.

As you can see I’m in great confusion.

That is normal, but again, we are returning the true content to the word 'religion' - which means to bind together. The Cs said it. We are making connections to each other. We have seen the tremendous change in the forum over the last months. We are building a community. We are learning how it can be done, and now we will learn how to offer it to others.


Exciting times!
Laura said:
(L) Right, yeah. We would help so that for example, if somebody wanted to say, "Hey, I'm not taking vaccinations because it's against the principles of my religion, that vaccinations are harmful and we don't believe in them."
This is a very practical and powerful solution! :wow:

Thank you Laura, Team and Cs for this big move! :flowers:
herondancer said:
This is wonderful news. And there is something absolutely delicious about turning the pathocracy's tools on itself. Wishful thinking will get you every time!

Absolutely. This idea is really genius…using the structure set up by the pathologicals as protection against them!!! :D

I was hoping that this was the ways things were headed after reading something Laura wrote in the “Creating a New World” thread awhile back:

Laura said:
Let me just say that we have an idea/plan that we will be unveiling very soon that we think will serve very well. It's actually something that is so obvious that it took a lot of concerted "attack" effort from "outside" to block it from our view (mine, in particular). [...]

As I just mentioned, we have a plan to give a bit more structure to the process AND provide protection to those who wish to pursue community/family building. This thread has given us a lot of ideas/material to work with and we'll unveil soon.

Things are really speeding up and it sounds like there will be lots of additional work ahead! Recently I have been thinking a lot about applying to QFS. My self doubt programs kick in pretty hard whenever I think about it…thoughts like “you don’t know enough” and “you haven’t done enough Work”, etc. Additionally, I’ve been putting off applying with the excuse that I need to read the entire QFS recommended reading list including all the optional books, even though I know this is not a requirement for application. :) It’s good to hear that QFS is taking applications now. I certainly want to help and contribute more, so will get the FOTCM forms sent in and go from there.

Thank you so much for the session and for the FOTCM! What a wonderful idea and a fantastic gift to the world!!! :D :rockon:
E said:
levels of membership?
virtual churches?
online church?
higher level?

Fwiw, this is EXACTLY what my mind went through as I read this session. While I understand the legal means of why the group is doing this, the word church, sets off a lot of red bells and warning signs for me. If I had not been a participating member of this group since 2002, and know how honest you folks are with this work I would think this is some new-age thing.

But like anart said, for me the word ‘church’, same as the word ‘mosque’ are emotionally charged words, implemented in me through birth and it takes a LOT to look outside the box sort to speak on this issue. Having said that, I still haven’t read Statement of Principles of the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind but I will after I write this post.

Something that came to my mind regarding the semantics of the word church is how about we use something less emotionally charged? Like Temple? Something akin to the Buddhist religion, or maybe even Sanctuary?

I just feel as Laura mentioned in the session. That this is going to give a lot of fuel to Vinnie and the gang to attack us even more. I mean, usually what is entailed in a church, doesn’t it require to worship something? Like Christians worship God/Jesus (son of God) Muslims worship Allah/Muhammad (messenger of God) Jews – Yahweh , Buddhists- Buddha, etc… I think you get my point. So what do we worship? The C’s? Aren’t people going to get the wrong idea?!?

Keep in mind, I KNOW the C’s have said we are not god, etc.. and that I KNOW this is for legal purposes. I just have a difficult time excepting some semantics within it and I think a lot of new people will too. Not to mention our families who are not involved in this work.

Lúthien said:
Regarding religions people already belong to and that they would need to resign from, does it also include the fact of being baptized at birth and having followed catechism during childhood, even if now you don't practice Catholicism anymore? I suppose not, but asking just in case…

My next question is along side your question. I was born in Iran so by default I’m a Muslim. Technically, I can change my religion but if I do I don’t think I can ever go back to Iran. And if I do go back, I have to make sure they don’t find out that my religion has changed.

My third question is regarding the purchase of this DVDs and the entitlements. Does every individual have to purchase their OWN DVD and send in their OWN request for membership? Or can a married couple or spouses send one for themselves and their kids. Like since I paid for the DVD does my husband have to buy a DVD too? With his credit card that’s in HIS name? For legal records etc?

All in all this sounds like the next step in development in all this work and it is indeed exciting.

Moderator's note: I have replaced the name of your husband by "my husband" for confidentiality.
Just noticing that the word religion and church seems to trigger a lot of emotional feelings and thoughts. Perhaps the definition and etymology of these two words might be of help. Also remember that Laura spoke about the root word for religion in the Wave.


1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
3. the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.
4. the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.
5. the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.
6. something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: to make a religion of fighting prejudice.
7. religions, Archaic. religious rites.
8. Archaic. strict faithfulness; devotion: a religion to one's vow.

9. get religion, Informal.
a. to acquire a deep conviction of the validity of religious beliefs and practices.
b. to resolve to mend one's errant ways: The company got religion and stopped making dangerous products.

1150–1200; ME religioun (< OF religion) < L religiōn- (s. of religiō) conscientiousness, piety, equiv. to relig(āre) to tie, fasten (re- re- + ligāre to bind, tie; cf. ligament ) + -iōn- -ion; cf. rely


1. a building for public Christian worship.
2. public worship of God or a religious service in such a building: to attend church regularly.
3. (sometimes initial capital letter) the whole body of Christian believers; Christendom.
4. (sometimes initial capital letter) any division of this body professing the same creed and acknowledging the same ecclesiastical authority; a Christian denomination: the Methodist Church.
5. that part of the whole Christian body, or of a particular denomination, belonging to the same city, country, nation, etc.
6. a body of Christians worshipping in a particular building or constituting one congregation: She is a member of this church.
7. ecclesiastical organization, power, and affairs, as distinguished from the state: separation of church and state; The missionary went wherever the church sent him.
8. the clergy and religious officials of a Christian denomination.
9. the Christian faith: a return of intellectuals to the church.
10. (initial capital letter) the Christian Church before the Reformation.
11. (initial capital letter) the Roman Catholic Church.
12. the clerical profession or calling: After much study and contemplation, he was prepared to enter the church.
13. a place of public worship of a non-Christian religion.
14. any non-Christian religious society, organization, or congregation: the Jewish church.

–verb (used with object)

15. to conduct or bring to church, esp. for special services.
16. South Midland and Southern U.S. to subject to church discipline.
17. to perform a church service of thanksgiving for (a woman after childbirth).

bef. 900; ME chir(i)che, OE cir(i)ce ≪ Gk kȳri(a)kón (dôma) the Lord's (house), neut. of kȳriakós of the master, equiv. to kȳ́ri(os) master (kŷr(os) power + -ios n. suffix) + -akos, var. of -ikos -ic; akin to D kerk, G Kirche, ON kirkja. See kirk

So for religion I use definition number one replacing "superhuman agency" with "Cosmic Mind" and for church I use definition number 13 (lucky for some). :lol:
Much Thanks as always to you and the team Laura.

Just the other day my brother was busting my chops because he was trying to point out how much of what we do is just like a religion and I told him I don't see how. I always bust on him because so much of his Sufi studies seem to be based on Islam. He finds it hard to explain certain things to me sometimes because I am so anti-religious ever since leaving Catholicism. Now I'm gonna tell him we're making it official and I'm joining a religion after all? This will make him almost as happy as me! :P At the same time it had me thinking how nice it would be to give up everything I have now and devote my time to just helping others, doing meditation daily and reading a good book on a beautiful afternoon. Nothing to worry about anymore, just helping out best I can. Kinda sounded like priesthood for a minute! :scared:

It warms my heart to think of how much all you guys do for us and you hardly even know many of us, let alone have ever even met. This is one of the greatest examples of true love that I can think of. Eternal Thanks and may the Divine Cosmic Mind Bless you all for caring so much. I am truly blessed to have found this family.

I was equally happy to know that your Mother is not suffering that much on her journey home Laura. :flowers:
This whole session just left me with a very warm feeling. :love: I should of known when you said you had things in the works you guys weren't kidding!

Edit: removed question.. already answered.
gaman said:
Well, this session and the formation of a religion really came as a shock to me, and it set off all kinds of worries and also selfishness programs. I've been (in my estimation) failing miserably lately (really in the dumps and not participating) and emotions have been all over the place and this jangled them some more (not that the jangling is necessarily a bad thing). With that in mind, I want to mention a couple of the things that hit me in my state:

You think that YOU were upset by the idea? Remember me? The person who has been accused of "trying to start a cult" for years with NO justification? Those accusations were so effective that they even caused me to think that I ought to just totally drop the Cs, focus on research, and try to convince the world that it is nuts by sheer, brute, brain power!

Well, we tried that for the past six years or so - resorting to chatting with the Cs only occasionally - and realized that it simply wasn't the way. For every logical, well documented truth that gets told, there are a hundred illogical, undocumented, emotional declarations made by psychopaths that people will believe because they have been so programmed by... RELIGION to follow "authority".

Just thinking about doing this has been agony for me. But, as I have written elsewhere:

Let me try to point out something to you here: Some months ago a millionaire businessman who is actually quite similar to George Green of "Handbook for a new Paradigm" fame, but actually somewhere between him and Alex Jones. He's a pretty sharp guy and well-informed - knows some well-placed people in the "Patriot Movement", has read Ponerology and bought many copies to send to his friends and associates. Etc. So, when he asked to come visit us, I agreed.

He turned out to be one of the most obnoxious people I've ever encountered. It seems that "freedom" and "patriotism" is traveling in the disguise of Right Wing Fascism and Fundamentalism and even non-sectarian "Republican survivalists" such as this guy is.

At one point after going over and over the whole dire situation the planet is in and acknowledging everything I said as being true, he said this: Well, if people don't wake up and figure it out then they aren't worthy of getting it. They will become extinct.

I pointed out that this blatant Malthusian perspective did not take into account how certain qualities of people were used against them by pathologicals and that this has been going on for millennia, slowly and subtly subverting the human mind by changing the society, the standards, etc. We don't even need "mind programming" programs with this going on.

His answer was: "Too bad for them. If they had it, they would wake up. If they don't wake up, that means they don't have it and they don't deserve the help. Everything that everyone needs to know is out there,
available, they can access it if they want to. That they don't just means they aren't going to survive and nobody will miss them. The planet will be better off without them."

Those are not the exact, word for word words, but pretty close.

So, I sat there, stunned. I realized that this perspective was non-interference, total freedom for everyone, minimal government, free will to the max... in short, that he was giving me the "free will" perspective
pushed to the limits.

And it WAS Malthusian.

I thought about the millennia of slow, careful, deliberate manipulation, mind programming, and horrors without end to which human beings had been subjected... those creatures who once lived in a paradise where there were no psychopaths and who evolved with social ties that did not have any accommodation for outright, deliberate, deception for evil purposes.

Sure, it's the way of the world, but it's like the story of Eden...(taking it at face value) the serpent came along and tempted Eve and she was supposed to be in a perfect world where no evil existed so she was set up.

Well, people are living in a world where they believe in a good god who is in charge and they have no clue that this belief is a lie. They believe everyone has a soul and the only evil is a "fault" or a fallen angel who tempts people, and it will all turn out okay in the end.

All that is bullshit and we know it.

There is a very real possibility that - as Gurdjieff hinted - our whole ray of creation/world could just disappear in a puff of smoke. (More or less.)

Well, yeah, we are all confident that we will reincarnate somewhere else, why worry about it? That's one way to be a "New Age Malthusian."

But the thing is, we are here on this planet, here and now, and we have brains, and we have information.

So, either we do something big, or we quit.

It's that simple.

And if we decide to do something big, we have to figure out HOW to do it most efficiently and impeccably.

I'll tell you something else this millionaire said to me when I suggested that there COULD be a way... we just hadn't thought of it yet... that maybe the Cs could suggest something, and he said: "No, you and the Cs are supposed to remain marginal. That's your role... just pick up and wake up a few and hope they come through on the other side. Forget about everyone else - they are fertilizer."

People say to me: "I think we should approach the problem from the point of view of what sort of people we want to attract *the most*"

That's exclusivism and Malthusian.

They say to me: "I don't think we want to attract the type of people who are only able to be good sheep and nothing more.

To that I say: Sez who? Isn't that partly what this is all about? Shepherding the sheep and helping those who CAN awaken to do so? And doing BOTH responsibly?!

In fact, it was this conversation with that millionaire that finally made me see that what the Cs were driving at was the only solution. Here, this guy just says that only a very few will get it and the rest are fertilizer. I don't think that is a very responsible approach toward humanity. Yes, of course, I understand that there is a real possibility that a LOT - maybe the majority - of humanity may perish in the upcoming years. But if that is going to happen, they should at least have the possibility of doing so while supported within a network that really cares about them, one where there are bonds established both at higher levels AND at this level (as above, so below). And for those who do not perish, having a network will be safety net to come down in on the other side. I don't know if you have read this thread entirely:

... but you might find it enlightening. This is not the same "millionaire" that I mention above, but rather a different one. And both these "millionaires" contacted me in the early part of this year and their attitudes and what they said had a profound effect on me and my thinking. At one point, I realized, with cold clarity, that I had really been manipulated into a position where I was unwilling to do what had to be done because of fear of more attack and defamation. Well, hell's bells! The attack and defamation has been unrelenting for years now and I haven't even done what they were obviously afraid I would do: take the logical step and create a structure, a foundation.

Anyway, in the exchange with this other millionaire, there was the following:

extract from other thread said:
HFM said:
> > 6. If a double digit percentage of the world’s population had a sudden > awakening to a scientific truth that CONNECTED with an obvious necessity > for an observer or soul and if this scientific awakening or “mass > knowledge event” were timed with the communication and/or technology for > a shortcut that allowed people to access the timeless realm in their > minds to see bigger reality with their own mind/spirit for themselves, > then what would happen in your opinion, Laura?

They would be able to mentally block the STS connection with their 3 D tools/agents, thus shutting down the ability to continue to deceive ALL of humanity, and the awakening of the MASSES would then probably also be able to ameliorate the cometary bombardment event. Doesn't mean that more than half of humanity will not still die in these events, but it means that if they do, their souls will not be "smashed" and returned to primal matter and the planet itself will not have that "weight" of primal matter/smashed souls karma to overcome. Instead, those deaths will be glorious transitions with the energy of the separation of the body/soul given to manifest a new world that shifts into a relationship with STO energies.

In the midst of all this, there was the death of Pepperfritz and that had a profound effect on me also. You'll see the connections when you read the above linked thread.

Anyway, all these things have been running in the background along with several other things mentioned in the Cs sessions from this year. I decided at the beginning of the year that I really needed to get back to regular sessions and we have done so, and I also committed to making them available to others because we are in a desperate time where the total extinction of humanity, leaving only psychopaths and a few humanoid slaves, is a real possibility. However, I'm not even sure of that anymore. As I wrote in still another thread about George Green and the "Handbook for a New Paradigm":

shijing on 23-10-2009 said:
The main reason why George gives for moving to Ecuador is that if there is a nuclear exchange in the northern hemisphere, the fallout is supposed to be confined to the northern hemisphere and not blow into the southern hemisphere. I have no idea how accurate that is.

Read Prouty's books "JFK" and "The Secret Team". There isn't going to be a nuclear exchange. There is already a one-world government and it's the elite PTB, holding hands around the globe, against the 83% rest of humanity. What's more, I think that their sources have misled them. They've been empowered to create an infrastructure for their STS overlords which has been used to set things up so that vast numbers of people will die in upcoming cosmic interactions so that this energy can be used by the 4D STS crowd to take control of the planet in toto. But, believe me, the 4D STS types don't want a bunch of psychopaths hanging around any more than anyone else... they aren't useful, they aren't manipulatable, they don't produce emotional loosh, who needs 'em? They are being set up to be in the place that is most likely to take serious hits: the Southern hemisphere.

That's the big double-cross that their "sources" are setting them up for: Psychopaths simply do not recognize that they, like germs, will be destroyed by fire or buried deep underground along with the body they are helping to destroy.

It would be funny if it wasn't all so tragic for everyone else.

Think about it... just THINK! Use pure processing brain power on this one.

And that's another thing that happened earlier this year: I read Prouty. If you haven't, best get on with it!

gaman said:
1) I love the idea of the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind. However, the thought/fear also crossed my mind about the name. It sounds new-agey and I have been thinking "What will my wife and other people say or think about my joining something with this name?" I am going to join because I believe in this approach and the ideals, but I have fear.

No doubt. QFS discussed the name for a long time. The winner was "Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind - Institute of PaleoChristianity". It was tested by a few members on people who are not part of the work and the most favorable responses came to this version. We also wanted to avoid the use of the word "church" even though, in legal terms, that is the word that defines what we are doing.

Also, when QFS was discussing how they wanted to name "their church," there WAS a bit of play involved. Everyone likes "Lord of the Rings" and the term "Fellowship" just seemed appealing to a lot of people, not just in QFS.

gaman said:
2) I noticed a couple of other mentions about concerns about hierarchy, elders with more information, etc. and I worry about the accountability and openness of the organization regarding the use of donated money. If anything is secret or non-accountable it would foster doubt or the inducement of doubt by outsiders. I donate because the value I receive in almost immeasurable and I can see the results of support for SOTT/Laura/the gang both in my personal life and in the general mission. But, going "organizational" with a religion opens up a whole new can of worms with growth. It would help to know the general thinking along these lines.

It's really no different than what we already do, it's just a different legal designation. As I already noted, we have been under attack from "outsiders" for years with NO legal protection, so the main thing different now is that we have that protection.

As for "hierarchy and elders," there is no way we can do this without that because that is simply the legal system that is in place. Also, if you read the statement of principles, the acknowledgment that there ARE individuals who can see somewhat more clearly than others is tacit. The Cs, and all the work that has proceeded from that, even the existence of this forum and its rules and the moderators and their work to keep the noise level down, is a sort of "elders council" system. That isn't going to change.

So, I'll make it clear: I will be CEO of a seven member board that has already been selected. I will abstain from voting on any issue except in cases where there is a tie at which point I will have the power of casting the deciding vote. I will also have the power of veto.

For now, the board exists by virtue of the three incorporating members having proposed and carried the motion that the board will consist of seven members and having nominated and appointed the additional members to a permanent board. Right now, that board is tasked with the responsibility of finalizing the Statement of Principles and creating the Bylaws of the corporation. This latter is going to have to be done VERY carefully so that we can make sure that we have as much defense against ponerization as possible. That means that it is NOT going to be anything like other group/churches bylaws which, we can clearly see, allow ingress of pathological types. The rules and systems of evaluation are going to be novel, I can assure you.

gaman said:
3) The basic tenets as discussed in the Statement of Principles are almost impossible for someone to grasp that hasn't done a lot of the reading. I grok most of it but I've read most of the core of the recommended reading as well as almost everything online here. I like the idea of being able to explain the basics in simple terms to those unfamiliar in case they ask. Perhaps some formulation in the future along those lines would be beneficial. Maybe I'm again worrying too much about what others would think in some way, but I wish it were easier to describe in layman's terms if others in my life are interested.

You are definitely worried about what others will think. I was so worried about it myself that I've spent the past six years spinning my wheels and not doing what was obvious and logical. But then, I guess it wasn't time. I needed to read Prouty and to have those exchanges with the two millionaires and to really grok their mindset, along with some pushes from the Cs, to get me off the fence on this one!

Perhaps one day in the not too distant future, you will have an experience that will get you off the fence, too. Until then, you can be a "closet member" if you like.
Why do you think that the PTB will respect the technicalities of the US Constitution and leave members of the Fellowship (in the US) alone? Is it worth the risk of identifying ourselves as members of what the PTB may very well consider to be possibly a subversive group - after all, we are after the TRUTH, and want to share it with as many as are interested and also want the TRUTH, and the PTB are doing their darnedest to keep it absolutely masked, twisted, and hidden? After all, my understanding is that Laura and Ark left the US for France because, among other reasons, the PTB were harassing them mercilessly. Why wouldn't having our names and addresses in the Fellowship database not open us up to the same (or worse, since the times are now even more violent and corrupt) harassment and attack that Ark and Laura were subjected to? Why wouldn't they just get the list, round us up, and put us in one of their detention camps and throw away the key?

I really, really want to join, because this is the only group I've ever found that seems to be really, truly interested in the the TRUTH, the WHOLE TRUTH, and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, COMPASSION as well as the development of the SOUL - which is what I have been striving for my whole life. But I also want to know if you truly think that this will really protect us, or only put a big target on our backs for the PTB to precisely aim at?

I just want to know if this has been totally thought through.... Our names and addresses in the database is what really concerns me.
Balberon said:
[...]it's a feeling that you are ,maybe planting a seed in the worst possible soil. How many people really care about a few Americans these days? I'm asking that, and maybe only invoking 'opinions' but what does the average person outside the US think of us (myself an American). Not to conclude that everyone thinks we're the scumdogs of the universe, but I don't imagine there are many people who, for all we (the USA) have done the last 4 decades or more, would really apply themselves to helping us out. I've read the articles on the economy, flu etc.. and things are looking like they're going from bad to worse REAL SOON.

Hi Balberon,
I think it is depending on the person who sees (something), or sees not. Well, that means in many opinions America is still a golden country and on the other hand many say that the government is going crazy. And many things happening for a purpose, to distract and to use these emotions for other (devious) purposes, I think maybe in the eastern countries this is a result of the foreign policy of America, to create negative friction.
And what comes to my mind too, it doesn't matter what the name of the country is, it is important to plant the seed, so that people who are seeking truth can find shelter. Like to create a butterfly effect?! And to show that there is a difference possible.

There also came the question, of creating a church. IMO it's not an idea that came from nowhere, that means we are together on this ground (in this house) for a longer time (through this forum), discussions, external considering, trying to integrate the work, meditating and so on, that we are already practicing -this religion- in one way or another. Well I think, that the forum itself (the discussion of creating a new world for example) played also a great part of creating this -church- and -religion-. That we created/built also (beside the huge and countless work of Laura and the team) somehow the fundament of it. And now Laura gives this fundament the roof and a name so to speak.

United we stand. Under one banner I guess.
Deedlet said:
Fwiw, this is EXACTLY what my mind went through as I read this session. While I understand the legal means of why the group is doing this, the word church, sets off a lot of red bells and warning signs for me. If I had not been a participating member of this group since 2002, and know how honest you folks are with this work I would think this is some new-age thing.

Well, I guess it is a good thing then that you have been involved all this time... :)

Deedlet said:
But like anart said, for me the word ‘church’, same as the word ‘mosque’ are emotionally charged words, implemented in me through birth and it takes a LOT to look outside the box sort to speak on this issue. Having said that, I still haven’t read Statement of Principles of the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind but I will after I write this post.

Perhaps you should have read it first? It might have answered a lot of your concerns and then you wouldn't have added to the noise factor. ;)

Deedlet said:
Something that came to my mind regarding the semantics of the word church is how about we use something less emotionally charged? Like Temple? Something akin to the Buddhist religion, or maybe even Sanctuary?

Understand that this is called "Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind" with the subtitle "Insititute of PaleoChristianity". As I have already mentioned, the word "church" only comes in as a LEGAL definition. It is not our choice of a word to describe ourselves, though it is certainly the legal nomenclature.

Deedlet said:
I just feel as Laura mentioned in the session. That this is going to give a lot of fuel to Vinnie and the gang to attack us even more. I mean, usually what is entailed in a church, doesn’t it require to worship something? Like Christians worship God/Jesus (son of God) Muslims worship Allah/Muhammad (messenger of God) Jews – Yahweh , Buddhists- Buddha, etc… I think you get my point. So what do we worship? The C’s? Aren’t people going to get the wrong idea?!?

Like I said, you should have read the Principles first - then you would understand that the "object of respect" (or "object of cultic value) is Divine Cosmic Mind.

Deedlet said:
Keep in mind, I KNOW the C’s have said we are not god, etc.. and that I KNOW this is for legal purposes. I just have a difficult time excepting some semantics within it and I think a lot of new people will too. Not to mention our families who are not involved in this work.

I think you meant "accepting" and not "excepting." For external purposes, it is simply a form of "Christianity." The Articles of Incorporation read as follows


ONE: The name of this corporation is Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind.

TWO: This corporation is a nonprofit religious corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under the Nonprofit Religious Corporation Law primarily for religious purposes. The specific purposes for which this corporation is organized are to establish and maintain a fellowship whose purpose is to learn to be truly Christ-like in our daily living by actualizing ancient principles of PaleoChristian Techno-Spirituality retrieved and reconstituted by both diligent study and inspiration; to be a fellowship that nurtures members through sound Mystical Science to grow in knowledge, consciousness, and conscience so as to fully know and actualize True Existence in relationship with the Cosmos; to be a Fellowship that ministers unselfishly to persons in the community and world in the name of PaleoChrist-Consciousness as originally revealed to humankind in past aeons; in short, to endeavor to restore humankind to its naturally beneficial and benevolent relationship with all levels of the Cosmos via Paleo-Christianity, including publishing and disseminating information in all media for this purpose.

THREE: The name and address in the State of California of this corporation's initial agent for service of process is Walter W. Hansell, 201 California Street, #1500, San Francisco, CA 94111.


(a) This corporation is organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of these Articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (1) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or (2) by a corporation contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(c) No substantial part of the activities of this corporation shall consist of carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate or intervene in any political campaign (including the publishing or distribution of statements) on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office.

FIVE: The property of this corporation is irrevocably dedicated to religious purposes and no part of the net income or assets of the organization shall ever inure to the benefit of any director, officer or member thereof or to the benefit of any private person.

On the dissolution or winding up of this corporation, its assets remaining after payment of, or provision for payment of, all debts and liabilities of this corporation, shall be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation, or corporation which is organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes and which has established its tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Date:____________________ _________________________________
Walter W. Hansell, Incorporator

I, the above-mentioned incorporator of this corporation, hereby declare that I am the person who executed the foregoing Articles of Incorporation, which execution is my act and deed.

Walter W. Hansell, Incorporator



The Purpose of the "church" is exactly as defined, it is up to us to spell out what PaleoChristianity is and how it is practiced based on guidance from the Cs and research.

Deedlet said:
Lúthien said:
Regarding religions people already belong to and that they would need to resign from, does it also include the fact of being baptized at birth and having followed catechism during childhood, even if now you don't practice Catholicism anymore? I suppose not, but asking just in case…

My next question is along side your question. I was born in Iran so by default I’m a Muslim. Technically, I can change my religion but if I do I don’t think I can ever go back to Iran. And if I do go back, I have to make sure they don’t find out that my religion has changed.

Those are personal issues that you have to decide yourself.

Deedlet said:
My third question is regarding the purchase of this DVDs and the entitlements. Does every individual have to purchase their OWN DVD and send in their OWN request for membership? Or can a married couple or spouses send one for themselves and their kids. Like since I paid for the DVD does my husband have to buy a DVD too? With his credit card that’s in HIS name? For legal records etc?

All in all this sounds like the next step in development in all this work and it is indeed exciting.

Obviously those remarks were made somewhat lightly and just to make a point and you have taken them absolutely literally and twisted the meaning. Since it has been clearly stated that people are invited to make copies and share the program with others, and it is available on the net for downloading, the technical point is that those who may wish to leave a paper trail of their affiliation are referenced by this remark. ;)
Sonrisa said:
I just want to know if this has been totally thought through.... Our names and addresses in the database is what really concerns me.


I think you need to consider that you probably are already on a list or in a database because of your participation in this forum.
Let's face it: the PTB are monitoring this forum because of the ideas propagated here.
With database technology it is really no big deal to figure out who you if one really wants to know.

The legal framework will give protection but also make more visible but that visibility is needed to reach more people, or so I think.

I understand your fears, but as far as I'm concerned I already have a target painted on my back so there is nothing to lose.

Gawan said:
Lúthien said:
Regarding religions people already belong to and that they would need to resign from, does it also include the fact of being baptized at birth and having followed catechism during childhood, even if now you don't practice Catholicism anymore? I suppose not, but asking just in case…

I'm not entirely sure how the situation in your country is (exactly the laws), but to get baptized (for example it often happens when you are a child) here in Germany means to get registered and an entry in the local church book.
And heck, to get out of the church they want 20€, oh my god. :) (and that's a lower fee, among others)

I did some research and in France, you can send a letter to the parish where you were baptized, as well as to the diocese on which it depends, where you state that you renounce your baptism:

According to some people, it's not even necessary and you can just say that you stopped practicing (or that you never practiced). I mean, the Catholic church is not gonna run after you to check that you don't belong to another religion. But anyway, if you really want to make it clear, then you send a letter asking to be officially "de-baptized".
anart said:
E said:
levels of membership?
virtual churches?
online church?
higher level?

I think I’m in shock! Honesty is the best policy.

Hi E - believe it or not, this is not at all an unusual reaction. And, yes, honesty IS the best policy.

I think I need some time…or maybe a lot of time…

Take some time and read through Laura's posts here -

As you're reading it, try to remove the word 'church' from your mind and the equation. As a person who has a lot of negative baggage with the word church/religion (actually, I think the vast majority of people here have that baggage, if not worse) - I understand the negative connotation and triggers. So, the word 'church' leads to negative connotations on all the other words you listed too.

Stop for just a moment and consider that we are defining ALL of those words objectively and from the standpoint of our understanding, which - in most cases - is diametrically opposed to the general understanding and definitions. Also consider that, if we are to have a positive effect, the kind of positive effect that will make all this struggle and suffering worthwhile, we must work within the system of this world.

In other words, stop for a moment and look for the source of your shock - find where it's coming from and I think it likely that you'll find it has to do with past experience and not what is developing here. If this is so, it will be your task to separate the threads of the two and come to a conclusion based on the present and on Reality.

The only reason I think that this might be the case with your shock is because that is how it was with me as I first began to consider this idea, as well. fwiw.
What helped me overcome this shock (probably the same one as Erna's ) was reading carefully The Fellowship Declaration and also knowing how this idea came to materialization.
Unfortunately being in 3D means being proficient in legal definitions, this doesn't mean BEING OF this world, but as I said BEING IN it. OSIT
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