Session 25 April 2010

You were a gutless coward when you called Nexus Magazine a cointelpro operation in public - and I hope one day Laura wakes up to herself enough to see what sort of person you really are.

Or maybe she already knows and doesn't care.


PS: Leave the SOTT Focus page up as long as you like. Joe Quinn, SOTT and Laura are the ones coming out of it as the overall credibility losers. The fact that you even think MMS, Jim Humble and Nexus are losing face or credibility in your bizarre article is just more evidence of how out-of-touch you are out of touch with reality.

Duncan M. Roads, Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.
Tel: 07 5442 9280; Fax: 07 5442 9381

"The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means. On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
(Aldous Huxley)

Calling Joe a "gutless coward" for standing up for me, for what is right, for seeing through that Jim Humble scam, is just paramoralistic. It's especially bizarre when you consider that Roads went after ME first with a whole slew of nastinesses. Reminds me of this:

Political Ponerology said:
Paranoid character disorders: It is characteristic of paranoid behavior for people to be capable of relatively correct reasoning and discussion as long as the conversation involves minor differences of opinion. This stops abruptly when the partner’s arguments begin to undermine their overvalued ideas, crush their long-held stereotypes of reasoning, or forces them to accept a conclusion they had subconsciously rejected before. Such a stimulus unleashes upon the partner a torrent of pseudo-logical, largely paramoralistic, often insulting utterances which always contain some degree of suggestion.

Edit: Fixed quotes

Perceval said:
Insults from anyone are best not taken personally if possible, but insults from a 'man' like Roads who attacks women are aren't even worth thinking twice about.

It is probably possible that Roads feels threatened by Laura for being such an extraordinary woman. And having the truth exposed in his face about the Nexus magazine was probably not a pleasant experience. Oh well, hopefully he will get over his hurt feelings one day, maybe in his next lifetime. I am just very appreciative of individuals who show us the many reasons why we should work so hard to get rid of the many programs that hinder our growth in this lifetime. Two of these individuals that I would like to thank are Guest and Curiouscat. They make the work for me a little easier.

I really appreciate that.

And Laura's teachings will continue to be heard throughout the world no matter what anyone says. Though I wish more people were willing to listen. I wonder what percentage of the human population is aware of Laura's work. It probably is very small. I have wondered for some time if those who are awakening could be more related genetically to Jesus' blood line. Or am I thinking like a mad person here right now. There are so many mysteries to be solved. ;)

for quite some time since I passed through here ... and I've really been a surprise to those about what was said about Jim Humble and MMS monatomic gold ... what also impressed me, and once considered this information as valuable, but reading the transcript I have calmed down quite Cassiopeaname .

sorry that is not made any allusion or questions regarding the earthquake in Chile, I live in the city of Talca, Region VII, one of the areas affected by the disaster and although the phenomenon was consulted on in Haiti is not it also applies to what happened in my country: HAARP ..

I wish I could do at a future meeting.

Thank you very much for the opportunity to access valuable work and a lot of energy to go ahead

Patrick says in Spanish
hace bastante tiempo que no me pasaba por aqui... y la verdad me he llevado una sorpresa de aquellas acerca de lo dicho sobre jim humble y su MMS...lo del oro monoatómico tambien me impresionó , ya que alguna vez consideré esa información como valiosa , pero al leer la trascripcion Cassiopeaname he tranquilizado bastante.

lamento mucho que no se halla hecho alguna alusión o pregunta con respecto al terremoto en CHILE , vivo en la ciudad de TALCA , VII Región , una de las zonas afectadas por el desastre y si bien es cierto se consultó sobre el fenómeno en Haití no se si tambien es aplicable a lo ocurrido en mi país: HAARP..

ojalá lo puedan hacer en una próxima sesión.

Muchas gracias por la posibilidad valiosa de acceder a su trabajo y mucha energía para que sigan adelante¡¡¡
Thanks for another great session. Like others have written, I found the advice to Guest particularly interesting, important, a propos for myself... wow. Gives me a lot to think about.

I read the MMS article and its discussion before I read the session. I'm really glad Laura didn't go to the conference, for all the stated reasons. But the one thing that struck me while reading the article's discussion was the possible physical danger she could have been in if she had gone. It was the moment when I read that it was revealed, after her cancellation, that a gang of "ex-followers" were going to show up and "confront" her, that I saw the potential for physical danger.

We all know what can happen when angry mobs assemble, and how easily any one individual (or group) can be manipulated for evil purposes. And I imagine that most, if not all, of them have convinced themselves that they have been personally hurt or attacked by Laura - who knows what that could have turned into. To think she dodged that one without even being aware of that group's plan to be there!

Good call, Laura, but please keep being careful!

I don't mean that in a selfish "because we need you", kind of way. I think I can speak for a lot of people here in saying that you have already taught us so much, and pointed us in the right direction, so that if we didn't have access to any more of your work we could still keep moving in the right direction, if we worked hard enough. I mean it in a "we care about you, and your well-being, because you're pretty darned special", kind of way.

So...PLEASE KEEP BEING CAREFUL! (sorry, I didn't mean to yell)
Hi patriciomaldon, and welcome (belatedly) to the forum :)

patriciomaldon said:
for quite some time since I passed through here ...

We encourage all new members to make a short introduction post in the Newbies section -- just something about yourself, and how you found us.
The new information about Humble's strange connections (strange just doesn't capture it) in Allen's article feels like it may be just the beginning of the "rabbit hole." Thanks for your work Allen, and also the whole team. I'll stay tuned.
I don't know if I'm on the right track here but I just woke up with this feeling that we have just been given a major lesson. The first thing that really caught my eye was the 'cut off' statement and how it immediately brought up a good deal of fears within me that maybe I was 'too late to the party' and would not enough time left in the this current life to really work on myself unless I fundamentally change - then comes the 'complete jerk' statement in the transmission - been there done that, and then it dawned on me that isn't this the whole point. I've always felt a slight uneasiness about this Nexus conference, I simply could not believe the PTB would just allow Laura to talk about things that can make a fundamental difference in this life without embarking upon a vicious attack, and really is it any surprise what has happened with the pathetic attack by Duncan Roads on Laura. However, I think we all should face up to the reality that this will always be the fact, they will never allow Laura, Ark, Joe etc any chance to do this without setting up a massive attack on them, hence all the recent warnings about traveling.

So, given these realities of which we have substantial evidence, is not the lesson that we can/should do more, Laura has given us all incredible techniques to help us work on ourselves, if Laura is going to be targeted wherever she goes should not we take on some of the burden, I see this as a call to action for us all to do just a little bit more. If you do the full EE program two times a week, do it three times, if you read three times a week try doing some reading four times a week, if we see a great idea about how to organise don't let the idea die in the middle of a long thread take the suggestion and help keep it alive, but we have to do something, I have increasingly got the feeling that time now appears to be short and if a whole network of people each do just a little more the effectiveness of that effort will increase exponentially.

Think of all the things that have been given to us, the monumental effort it has taken by others to get us to this point, is it not intellectually lazy to learn about such things and then do nothing with them, are we falling into wishful thinking by thinking that if we just do the minimum we will somehow be protected. The lessons we learn are not only for ourselves but for others and with just a little bit more effort by each of us we take the burden off the people who have suffered most to get us this knowledge and wisdom.

I hope this make sense, I literally had these thoughts when I got up this morning and had to post this, most likely out of frustration that maybe I need to look a my own ''real' effort, I just think it's time we take all the guidance we have been given and with just a little more effort by each of us start to do something with it.

To those that are given much, much is expected - with me this is currently out of balance it's time for more guided effort, it's time to do a little more breathing, time to do a little more reading, time to stop thinking others will do everything while I do the minimum, time to really start to wake up.

Phew!! end of emotional release.
Thank you Laura and team for this session.

On the subject of “dream work”, Shijing, I couldn’t agree with you more when you said:

Shijing said:
The part about past lives affecting our present life and the need to reflect on other's perceptions of our own actions really resonated with me and gives me a lot to think about/work with. I think that this is some very valuable advice.
Thank you all for this latest session, i have a question about 'divine intervention' in the case of "Guest",

Is it UN-Likely due to his extreme narcissistic patterns that a door may open even after the 'cut-off' point?

If the past is any indication of what the future holds, most likely the cut-off will be executed, even as 'penance is being paid' even with foreknowledge. There by stopping 'Guest' from any growth soul-wise.

Is 'divine-intervention' a possibility, from his(Guest's)-Higher-Self? or is the 'cut-off' a point as solid as sin and hell is; -- in conventional religion?

(Guest) So would it be safe for me to travel over the next three months?

A: It would be better not to travel at all for a time unless necessary, however, if you do not, you must figure out a sufficient "penance" as a substitute.

Q: (L) Why do you say "penance"?

A: “Guest” has lived in a remarkably narcissistic bubble for some time despite all our encouragement. Admitting it, seeing it, atoning by awakening true conscience is essential, and soon. Constant observing of the self and journaling and other contemplation. Perhaps Ark will share some of his journals. You have a similar nature though he is more naturally empathic. Beware, there is a "cutoff" point past which there are no further opportunities in this life.
In most likely-ness, this 'cut-off' point exists for anyone on the path and even if we do live on alternate time-lines, this 'cut-off' point is as deterministic as predestination is in Christianity.

unless narcissism is the directing hangman influence. I want say about the Bah-Hah, also if this breathing excercise is practiced by 'Guest' and the benefits of the program are realized would he most likely avoid a predetermined fate? as the breath technique erases bad karma?

I ask because , i seem to always take 2 steps forward and 3 steps back, in my progress in this school.

I don't want to think that im not gonna make it because i didnt see/hear/notice/feel/take the opportunity, when it was present.

Perfection is an idea, an attempt by mere mortals to make the best of it as it life comes. progress in the direction of personal best is, a vector too isn't it.

i just feel doomed from the whole 'cut-off' statement. my past indicates that will fail.

Mod's note: Edited to put the text in quotes and in black.
Oxajil said:
Repentance of sins as in: First admitting you're a jerk, trying to find the cause in yourself rather than in others/outside. You can only deal with yourself, if you can face yourself. Be it the predator, the man-machine, the ego, programs, past life trauma's or many different I's, you have to face and understand them first before you can deal with them. I'm guessing here is where the Dream working comes into place.

Desire to be forgiven: "You must understand that you have been reacting all your life based on emotions from another life that is over and those feelings do not apply here and now."

For a "long time" you have been carrying these emotions from another life into this life and you've been letting those emotions get in the way of your development.
Having this kind of weight on your shoulders might make you sloppy, lose your concentration and slow you down on your way to reaching your goals.
Understanding is the first step, it seems. In understanding these emotions, hopefully, one day you will be able to let them go and see them as a lesson. Leaving them in the life where they were experienced and letting them go in this life.
This way you will "lose" some "heavy weight" that you've been carrying. Which will make you "light", which in turn might make it safer for you to "travel".

Maybe it's time to understand, forgive and deal with what has happened in the past. And "asking for forgiveness" is meaningless when there is no DOing involved.

I'm probably going way off right now, but thought I'd share these thoughts anyway.

I felt a sword going through. Thanks for those thoughts. They went so far, that they reached this far.
Hi Stevie,

Just a note.

The red highlight has an intenisity that can have the opposite effect than what you intended. You may want to consider modifying your post just in case.

Also, are you acquainted with the 4th Way concept of shock? If not, it's a useful study.
ty, no i dint kno that i just didnt kno how to put the box around the quoted statement, just not familiar with the controls of this system's board, no shocks intended. sorry
I can't read anything with the red highlight. It is offputting in the extreme! Don't know what programmer thought that was a good idea!
Stevie jj said:
ty, no i dint kno that i just didnt kno how to put the box around the quoted statement, just not familiar with the controls of this system's board, no shocks intended. sorry

Hi Stevie jj,

Here you will find the User help page.

And here you will find the explanation to quote a post.

Hope it helps :)
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