Session 25 April 2010

Stevie jj said:
ty, no i dint kno that i just didnt kno how to put the box around the quoted statement, just not familiar with the controls of this system's board, no shocks intended. sorry

Also, from cassiopedia - Shocks
atiil said:
I don't know if I'm on the right track here but I just woke up with this feeling that we have just been given a major lesson. The first thing that really caught my eye was the 'cut off' statement and how it immediately brought up a good deal of fears within me that maybe I was 'too late to the party' and would not enough time left in the this current life to really work on myself unless I fundamentally change - then comes the 'complete jerk' statement in the transmission - been there done that, and then it dawned on me that isn't this the whole point. I've always felt a slight uneasiness about this Nexus conference, I simply could not believe the PTB would just allow Laura to talk about things that can make a fundamental difference in this life without embarking upon a vicious attack, and really is it any surprise what has happened with the pathetic attack by Duncan Roads on Laura. However, I think we all should face up to the reality that this will always be the fact, they will never allow Laura, Ark, Joe etc any chance to do this without setting up a massive attack on them, hence all the recent warnings about traveling.

So, given these realities of which we have substantial evidence, is not the lesson that we can/should do more, Laura has given us all incredible techniques to help us work on ourselves, if Laura is going to be targeted wherever she goes should not we take on some of the burden, I see this as a call to action for us all to do just a little bit more. If you do the full EE program two times a week, do it three times, if you read three times a week try doing some reading four times a week, if we see a great idea about how to organise don't let the idea die in the middle of a long thread take the suggestion and help keep it alive, but we have to do something, I have increasingly got the feeling that time now appears to be short and if a whole network of people each do just a little more the effectiveness of that effort will increase exponentially.

Think of all the things that have been given to us, the monumental effort it has taken by others to get us to this point, is it not intellectually lazy to learn about such things and then do nothing with them, are we falling into wishful thinking by thinking that if we just do the minimum we will somehow be protected. The lessons we learn are not only for ourselves but for others and with just a little bit more effort by each of us we take the burden off the people who have suffered most to get us this knowledge and wisdom.

I hope this make sense, I literally had these thoughts when I got up this morning and had to post this, most likely out of frustration that maybe I need to look a my own ''real' effort, I just think it's time we take all the guidance we have been given and with just a little more effort by each of us start to do something with it.

To those that are given much, much is expected - with me this is currently out of balance it's time for more guided effort, it's time to do a little more breathing, time to do a little more reading, time to stop thinking others will do everything while I do the minimum, time to really start to wake up.

Phew!! end of emotional release.

I share your idea strongly.

I looked at the questions I have done, and every time I want to do other, I feel an incredible shame. Recently I was thinking "Laura and the Cass team, they have given the tools necessary to all. It is my responsibility to use them or not."

says Jeanne de Salzmann:

"You will see that in life are exactly what they put in
her. His life is a mirror of who you are, is its own image.
You are passive, blind and applicants."

They have sought the tools by us, and I will ask them to find me? not is acceptable, it is an ungrateful. Not just for Laura, the team, they did and still doing its job. Worse ingratitude towards oneself. Only for see a few lights in the sky, that something bites me while I sleep, etc. anyway whatever happens, it will be by myself. Just I have to do my homework, the rest is what has to happen.

I just wanted to mention something I found curious about the C's goodbye message:

"Be well and prosper!"

This sounds very reminiscent of that very well known phrase from star trek, namely, the Vulcan farewell:

"Live long and prosper."

I think it's funny how the C's omitted the part about living long, and substituted it with BE-ing well. :/

Other than that, I just want to send out a huge THANK YOU to the team for this, and, well, everything...
Novelis said:

I just wanted to mention something I found curious about the C's goodbye message:

"Be well and prosper!"

This sounds very reminiscent of that very well known phrase from star trek, namely, the Vulcan farewell:

"Live long and prosper."

I think it's funny how the C's omitted the part about living long, and substituted it with BE-ing well. :/

I had the same thought after I read it.
truth seeker said:
Novelis said:

I just wanted to mention something I found curious about the C's goodbye message:

"Be well and prosper!"

This sounds very reminiscent of that very well known phrase from star trek, namely, the Vulcan farewell:

"Live long and prosper."

I think it's funny how the C's omitted the part about living long, and substituted it with BE-ing well. :/

I had the same thought after I read it.

it's like they've mix-n-matched two sci-fi references.

"be well" is the standard greeting in Demolition Man - a sci-fi dystopia action movie, starring Sylvester Stalone and Sandra Bullock, set in an ultra-fascist future police state where everything deemed 'bad for you' is illegal (eg smoking, swearing, sex), every restaurant is a Taco Bell franchise, the minutiae of everyone's lives is ultra-controlled and surveilled, and the inhabitants of this state live in 'blissful' ignorance of the disenfranchised underclass of 'have nots' who struggle to survive outside the system (whilst being vilified as 'terrorists'). Seems like we already got there, huh?
Novelis said:

I just wanted to mention something I found curious about the C's goodbye message:

"Be well and prosper!"

This sounds very reminiscent of that very well known phrase from star trek, namely, the Vulcan farewell:

"Live long and prosper."

I think it's funny how the C's omitted the part about living long, and substituted it with BE-ing well. :/

Other than that, I just want to send out a huge THANK YOU to the team for this, and, well, everything...

Well, if we've got a comet(s) on a collision course with earth in about 4-1/2 years, maybe "be well" makes more sense as a substitution. :D
Novelis said:

I just wanted to mention something I found curious about the C's goodbye message:

"Be well and prosper!"

This sounds very reminiscent of that very well known phrase from star trek, namely, the Vulcan farewell:

"Live long and prosper."

I think it's funny how the C's omitted the part about living long, and substituted it with BE-ing well. :/

Other than that, I just want to send out a huge THANK YOU to the team for this, and, well, everything...

I too was gobsmacked since "Be well" is the official closing salutation in almost all written company correspondences from ... and has been for almost 5 years... at my urging.

I almost took it personal :halo:
Interesting session! thank you all for sharing it. I guess I'll have to step up the work process. I recently started lowing the consumption of sugar, dairies and as much wheat products as possible. The "cut off point" thing has really made me think about my life.
Novelis said:

I just wanted to mention something I found curious about the C's goodbye message:

"Be well and prosper!"

This sounds very reminiscent of that very well known phrase from star trek, namely, the Vulcan farewell:

"Live long and prosper."

I think it's funny how the C's omitted the part about living long, and substituted it with BE-ing well. :/

Uhm....then I'm the only person who first read that last' C's line as: "Be well and perspire!' :-[ :lol: :lol:
"Be well and perspire!" - that's priceless, Gimpy. It never ceases to amaze me how many times my brain has rearranged or substituted characters so the words align with my expectation, only to later find I had misread a phrase (usually after I hear other people refer to the same phrase but with different wording). I'm pretty sure I suffer from something like dyslexia, which has forced me to slow down my reading rate to ensure I am seeing what I should.

Be well and perspire,

Hello everyone,
Does anyone know how I can access Ark's journals. I would like to try the dream therapy for accessing past life issues. I tried the search button 'Ark's journals
but came out empty handed. I also checked Laura's blog, but I could not find it there either. I am sorry but I am terrible at searching.
your help will be appreciated. thanks
I think the reference to Ark's journal is directed towards Guest's perusal, as in a Buckwheat castle document not released to the public, as far as i know.
That's correct Freyr, Ark's journals are not publicly available. If you want to begin the dream work, Laura's explanation to "Guest" in the session is a good place to start:

(L) Dream work is when... and I guess you'll have to read some of Ark's journal entries. What you'll need to do is read some of his journal entries and see how he approached a problem of the self. Then when you see how he wrote it down, how he looked at it, saw it, looked at it from different directions. Once you see how to identify the problems, how to think about them, then what you do is you do the meditation. Then when that's over, or even while you're doing it, you think about the problem. You come at it in the same way as if you were writing about it. Maybe even take memories and you examine them and you think about them. You think about everything you can remember. And then you have it in your mind as you go to sleep. Then, if you wake up during the night with a dream, or in the morning with some insight, you write it down. This is where stuff comes from really deep areas. It may be something that's not so much current life dissociation as it is something even deeper. That might be a question you might want to ask.

If you go to this thread, others have begun sharing their experiences applying Laura's description of Ark's Dream Work techniques.
Thanks Freyr, I was hoping I would find some guidelines/methods on how one can use dreaming to explore past lives. What Ark was describing was not a simple way of just dreaming up past lives; it sounded like he was able to monitor/control his dreams somehow. I may be wrong :-[
FWIW, In a way you may be exploring past life 'spill-over' in dreaming. It may not be the actual setting and costume of the time, what matters is the pressing issue trying to surface for release or learning. I think doing active daytime observation (Work), EE and dreamwork combined in symbolic dialogue will plunge the depths and in time, by seeing and choosing will unlock the blocking drama. what Laura said, rephrased really.
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