Session 25 April 2010

Shijing said:
Nienna Eluch said:
I'd like to thank Joe for putting up that article, even though he knew he would be part of the rude and hate-filled threats and name-calling. He is a defender of Laura's to the end, no matter the cost to himself.

Thank you Joe, and Laura, and the rest of the crew who have to weather this storm. All Warrior's to the end. :flowers:

I also want to second this thought -- not only was the SOTT piece really high-quality and put together in record time, but both Laura and Joe have provided excellent examples in having the courage to do what's right and then dealing with the ensuing fall-out. In an emotionally-charged situation like this, it is so tempting to want to hit back at the person who is attacking you, and I think the way that Laura and Joe are handling the attacks against him re: the SOTT column and maintaining their cool is admirable :flowers:

Of course. From me too :flowers:
Stormy Knight said:
Well it didn't take much for him to unleash most despicable ad hominem attack both on you and Joe which he hastily deleted from FB, but not soon enough to hide his true colors. It speaks volumes about his values and forces that drive him.
I hope you are not taking his words to the heart, remember sticks and stones....
Indeed you are the most wonderful human being which has given so much to so many people around the globe that is all that matters
, and as for Mr. Roads ...well:

I think the same, and as others i´m glad you decided to cancel your participation, and once more how good it is to be vigilant as you are. Anyway i wonder if you had any clue about the agenda of this people before dealing with them or if you have to interact closely with them in order to see the symptoms of a twisted personality.

I hope you all are fine.

Moderator edit
: Fixed quotes code.
Edit : Nexus magazine email is shocking. (removed inadequate emotional response (old program))
mkrnhr said:
Wait wait wait, i'm just at page 4 of this thread. This Duncan something of Nexus magazine used that tone in an email?? Using insults?? What a disgrace for it (yes, it, because it's no more a hiuman being), deleted

Hi mkrnhr, I realize it's really easy to become emotionally upset at what Duncan wrote, but it really does no good to call him names. Basically, calling him names and hurling insults at him is doing exactly what he did, which was what upset you so much. So - it would make more sense to simply note his unethical and rather startling behavior, rather than hurling insults.
Laura said:
Session Date: April 25th 2010

Laura, Ark, Rabelais, Perceval, Andromeda, Burma Jones, PoB, Bubbles, Ailén, Belibaste, Mr. Scott, Psyche, Guest

Q: (L) Okay, this is Sunday, April 25th, 2010.

A: Hello delighted to be back!

Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Nilennioa of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) I've often wondered when these names come up. They're just such strange things. What is it that they mean?

A: They relate to the specific vibrational frequency of the moment as expressed by the numerical frequency of the combination of vowels and consonants.

Q: (L) What is the numerical frequency of a vowel and consonant?

A: It is a science barely understood by your civilization but was once well known. Words have deeper meaning than you suspect.

Q: (Bubbles) Like in numerology?

A: Similar, but that is a dim reflection of the ancient science.

Here's a thought.

Taking into consideration what the C's said about vowels and consonants and the specific frequency variation of the moment, that they way you say things and the particular empashis on certain words or whatever, could possibly relate to an energy exchange? Words having a deeper meaning when saying things a certain way than if were not said in a particular way?

This would tie into the work as well, since it would require you to remain conscious of everything you said relating to that moment and the needs of that given moment I.e you are helping someone 'open their eyes' to the objective reality, so you would have to be careful of what you said and how you said it to give the subject matter the maximum impact?

Also it would explain for example when Hitler, speaking from the podium in one of his famous speeches, could 'hold' an audience captive by his words and how he said it.

Useful for STS and STO candidates??

Just throwing my 2 pence out there :)

Useful for STS to control and manipulate. Useful for STO candidates to help 'all who ask'

Laura said:
Calling Joe a "gutless coward" for standing up for me, for what is right, for seeing through that Jim Humble scam, is just paramoralistic. It's especially bizarre when you consider that Roads went after ME first with a whole slew of nastinesses. Reminds me of this:

Political Ponerology said:
Paranoid character disorders: It is characteristic of paranoid behavior for people to be capable of relatively correct reasoning and discussion as long as the conversation involves minor differences of opinion. This stops abruptly when the partner’s arguments begin to undermine their overvalued ideas, crush their long-held stereotypes of reasoning, or forces them to accept a conclusion they had subconsciously rejected before. Such a stimulus unleashes upon the partner a torrent of pseudo-logical, largely paramoralistic, often insulting utterances which always contain some degree of suggestion.

Yes, Joe has done it in his name and not behind a pseudonym. So it isn't gutless or cowardly at all.

Edit: I've just read Joe's article and what Roads left on Lauras FB page......... :scared:
Thank-you for the great session, to the Buckwheat crew. Facinating and frightening a little at the same time. I was always on the fence about Mr. Humble anyways, no loss for me there, but the harrassment for Laura out in the spotlight all the time, I mean that in so much as to say Laura is 'the' one everybody wants a piece of. I watched her Camelot video today it was great, very informative for me.

I was very taken by the exchange with the guest, as I was reading along I even was saying aloud "I am a Jerk!", I really am looking forward to reading it over.

I'm wondering what priorities to make with this news, delve into past life disturbances, anchor the frequency, learn more of what anchoring the frequency is. Act accordingly.... I just pretty much ended a 10 year friendship today utilizing what I'm learning here, not good but this guy either had to wake up or go, I just had to stop his energy sucking.

Again to the transcripters and those working the board, thanks 4 the truth. It stung that time but I would rather know than not.
Gertrudes said:
Just found the post by Laura that I've mentioned:
Laura said:
I wonder if it was the MMS? I do NOT like that stuff and I posted about it in the MMS thread that it should only be used with extreme caution.

It was on this thread

Thank you for this session.

This whole situation is once again another attack from the PTB and it most likely won’t be the last. I just wanted to say that neema and I were speaking about his stomach ache and that he took mms to help it, but he was constantly throwing up and it was just NOT helping him but making it worse and we didn't even realize it. He was also getting weird white spots that resembled mosquito bites all over, and the throwing up and the spots went away after he stopped taking MMS.

Right now, we are in the middle of our "vacation", which hasn't been much of a vacation because we've had to deal with several attacks, emotionally and physically.
I won't get into much of it right now, except for the physical part. I got a canker sore in the back of my mouth the day before we left for Cali and I recalled that in the MMS video it said that MMS was good for curing it. Well i used some and my canker sore ended up spreading from 1-6 in a matter of hours. So I stopped using it and visited the doctor who prescribed a cream to me and the cream healed me. But I was about to throw the MMS in the trash and then I read this whole thing about the Nexus conference, etc and I was just

Anyway I just wanted to jot down my thoughts about MMS real quick and let ya'l know that I'm really glad you listened to your intuition and cancelled the visit to Amsterdam and stopped potential attacks.
Thank you for releasing this very interesting session. As others have already pointed out, there is lots to think about...

It's always very disappointing to find out that a person claiming to be fighting a good fight is just a fraud, a freak that is being used by nasty forces to bring destruction to us all. I'm not even sure that "disappointing" is the right word and I'm not surprised by the emotional reactions here.

On the other hand, it is a relief - another one bites the dust and good riddance! It's just that the exchange of negative energy and the drama that goes with it takes its toll on the humans involved. That energy could be spent elsewhere with much better results. And as far as that e-mail/message is concerned - it deserves full light on it. I'm a great believer in giving the lie what it deserves - the truth.

So let us spread it around how the NEXUS dude is just a creep sitting on top of a giant pile of steaming BS.
(oh yeah my button is getting pushed now, too)

I wish luck to "Guest". It is very fortuitous to receive life advice straight from the C's. Not to mention the encouragement:

Q: (Bubbles) Can he do it?
A: We think so.

Obviously, whatever the problem is - things can be corrected and rectified. Even though we don't know the exact details (and don't need to), the exchange itself has general appeal and can be used by anyone wishing to work on themselves. If I may say so, this is so classically C's...

I think the opening is very intriguing - please ma'am, can we have some more! It's the key to the meaning of the C's names - something that was explored on the forum in the past but from the linguistic point of view. This is more like an "energy vibration" approach, or something. Moreover, the energy signature is connected to the here-now of the session.

Can we use this to gage the current state of the environment? I'm not even sure what questions to ask...

Two people in this thread have asked why nothing was said about the Polish plane accident. Well, alright - I'm surprised as well. BUT I figure that with all this other stuff happening, and a Guest at the table - things just shifted away from the topic. OR the answers are already known but should not be revealed to the general public for safety reasons. In which case, enough said.

One question:

Q: (L) Was that movie about aliens that was supposed to be based on a true story, was it true?
A: Partly.

Which movie is this about...?

Thanks again.

Just to read the words of that man - Duncan - in the quoted mail and FB message made me sick :mad:,
But many people in such circumstances show a side of their nature which otherwise they would never show.
He showed himself as he really is. Shocking indeed.

Nienna Eluch said:
Thank you Joe, and Laura, and the rest of the crew who have to weather this storm.

Gimpy said:
I don't follow you Laura, I stand WITH you, ok?

Same here guys! Thanks for everything.
Thank you laura and team for sessions. Now a days, these sessions are creating lot of shocks.
Laura said:
Session Date: April 25th 2010

Laura, Ark, Rabelais, Perceval, Andromeda, Burma Jones, PoB, Bubbles, Ailén, Belibaste, Mr. Scott, Psyche, Guest

Q: (L) Okay, this is Sunday, April 25th, 2010.

A: Hello delighted to be back!

Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Nilennioa of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) I've often wondered when these names come up. They're just such strange things. What is it that they mean?

A: They relate to the specific vibrational frequency of the moment as expressed by the numerical frequency of the combination of vowels and consonants.

Q: (L) What is the numerical frequency of a vowel and consonant?

A: It is a science barely understood by your civilization but was once well known. Words have deeper meaning than you suspect.

Q: (Bubbles) Like in numerology?

A: Similar, but that is a dim reflection of the ancient science.
this reminds me of the C's comments about mantra's. They work if one believe. Similarly some of the tantric words are for the negative forces too.
Q: (L) Is there any benefit to be obtained through the use of mantras?
A: Especially when the mind says there is. Remember, most all power necessary for altering reality and physicality is contained within the belief center of the mind. This is
something you will understand more closely when you reach 4th density reality where physicality is no longer a prison, but is instead, your home, for you to alter as you
please. In your current state, you have the misinterpretation of believing that reality is finite and therein lies your difficulty with finite physical existence. We are surprised that
you are still not able to completely grasp this concept.
Q: (L) Well, I think I have a good grasp of this concept, but I am asking questions to obtain answers for others to comprehend.
A: That is not being completely honest.
Q: (L) Close enough. Is it true that recitation of mantras can effect spirit release or exorcism?
A: If you please.
Q: (L) Last week, the remark was made, regarding spirit release and exorcism, that if it is done properly, by the right person, that there is no side effects or eventualities that
would bring detrimental conditions to the individuals and location involved. What was meant by "done correctly?" What is the correct format or mode for exorcism?
A: Correct manner involves honesty and understanding that one has complete faith and awareness of the activities pursued. In other words, when one performs an act which
they proclaim to be having a desired result, and they do not have faith in their own actions as, in fact, producing the desired result, then the effort will collapse because of
their lack of faith. Whereas when one has complete faith and multidensity understanding, their activities are indeed truth and useful as prescribed and this is the correct way
to pursue them.
Q: (L) Isn't faith a difficult commodity to acquire?
A: Not at all. When you have found something of truth you will receive demonstrations which locks in your faith.
Q: (L) I see. What is the criteria for the "correct person" to be performing exorcism or spirit release?
A: The same as the previous answer.

(Guest) So would it be safe for me to travel over the next three months?

A: It would be better not to travel at all for a time unless necessary, however, if you do not, you must figure out a sufficient "penance" as a substitute.

Q: (L) Why do you say "penance"?

A: “Guest” has lived in a remarkably narcissistic bubble for some time despite all our encouragement. Admitting it, seeing it, atoning by awakening true conscience is essential, and soon. Constant observing of the self and journaling and other contemplation. Perhaps Ark will share some of his journals. You have a similar nature though he is more naturally empathic. Beware, there is a "cutoff" point past which there are no further opportunities in this life.
so True, ISOTM it was mentioned Creation ( in the context of octaves ) can't be constant either go up or Go down not stable. Fantastic Raise or Fantastic Fall as mentioned in Gnosis I. I often get up with this painful realization. it is painful, but it repeats. My fall started when I stopped journal to avoid ex's persecution and I find it very difficult to continue.

(Guest) What is dream work?

(L) Dream work is when... and I guess you'll have to read some of Ark's journal entries. What you'll need to do is read some of his journal entries and see how he approached a problem of the self. Then when you see how he wrote it down, how he looked at it, saw it, looked at it from different directions. Once you see how to identify the problems, how to think about them, then what you do is you do the meditation. Then when that's over, or even while you're doing it, you think about the problem. You come at it in the same way as if you were writing about it. Maybe even take memories and you examine them and you think about them. You think about everything you can remember. And then you have it in your mind as you go to sleep. Then, if you wake up during the night with a dream, or in the morning with some insight, you write it down. This is where stuff comes from really deep areas. It may be something that's not so much current life dissociation as it is something even deeper. That might be a question you might want to ask.
thank you for the technique. I don't have confidence at this time that my thinking is right on target. some body suggested hypnotherapy. Does hypnotherapy work ?

A: One note to Guest: A key to observing the self is to turn the attention simultaneously towards others to notice their true reactions to what you think you are doing or how you think you are being perceived.
this is again some thing I was told repeatedly. I perceive some danger or anger for some event related to how others are treating me and some alarm raises and then I ask my friend before reacting ( once I used to react and burned my self ) he tells how other person was feeling based on corporate political information he is gathering , suddenly I feel I am selfish, rude, narcissistic and stupid and person who did exactly what I am trying to avoid.

Q: (L) I guess that means you have to be ruthlessly honest. If you think that you are doing this or that, and that it should be being perceived that way, IS that really what's happening? And I guess that means getting feedback. Because you may think that what you're doing is being perceived a certain way, and it isn't. So, self-observing is walking between two worlds: the inner and the outer, simultaneously.

(Ark) I screwed up - I better not ask! I know it! So I better not ask. I will do better! [laughter]

(Burma Jones) It's true, I've done that lot: "Boy was I stupid, I think I'll just avoid everyone and cool down..."

(Ailén) It's good advice for everyone.
thank you for the comments.

Q: (Ark) Is there any danger that if we publish this, we will have a multi-million dollar lawsuit from Humble?

A: Who is he going to sue? Sixth density?

Q: (L) Was there any physical danger to us?

A: Well, there hangs a tale/tail!

Q: (L) What do you mean?

A: Remember our warning about traveling to, and sleeping in, strange places?

Q: (L) Yeah. So there could even have been some physical danger?

A: Yes. [/quote]
when nexus visit was announced , the first thought came to me is , if burma jones movement was warned, is it not similar here too ?. probably not. Any way I don't know lot of things.

Q: (L) And basically the invitation to Jim Humble kind of flushed out the whole situation and exposed their hand more than anything else.

A: Yes.

If the duncan is till lurking here, it will be interesting to see his rants after this session . Does he dare to criticise C's too or will he criticize that session is made up. As others mentioned the end result was a fantastic high quality article. so much honesty in the article that I guess, MMS sales will go down after so many( major) spot less years. first of all , Humbles claims of being inventor of so many things is ridiculous, based only my own experience, only psychopaths claim like that. Still most of us gave benefit of doubt. It is good to hear C's perspective.

(Bubbles) Why are Guest's past life behaviors manifesting in his present life more than everybody else's?

A: The intensity of the experience. And notice that others do have rather similar difficulties though with slightly different focus; witness Andromeda, Atriedes, Laura, Ark. Though they have made much in the way of resolution. It could be said that all of you here have this difficulty to one extent or another.

Q: (Bubbles) About a month ago, I woke up at night and my room was shaking. Was that an earthquake, or was I just psychically feeling an earthquake?

A: Vibrations within your nervous system.

Q: (Bubbles) Shook my room?

(Burma Jones) I used to have them.

(Bubbles) Was I shaking my room in my bed?

A: Yes.

Q: (Burma Jones) So is that the same thing that used to happen to me then, that I used to call my "personal earthquakes"?

A: Yes.

Q: (Bubbles) Why does it happen?

A: Your system is out of synch and this must be corrected rapidly.
Oh! boy how did you guys resolve this issue. working on the spirits way ( B influences)and being honest WORK
You were a gutless coward when you called Nexus Magazine a cointelpro operation in public - and I hope one day Laura wakes up to herself enough to see what sort of person you really are.

Sounds contradictory to me. Speaking honestly and clearly in a public forum about things you believe in is the opposite to cowardice, IMO.
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