Divide By Zero said:Awesome session! Thanks!
(dugdeep) I had a pretty crazy experience on sleeping a couple of nights ago. Just a lot of like waves of energy coming over me, and like really tenseness in the body and that sort of thing... I was just wondering what was going on there?
A: Brain chemical adjustment.
I've been having this kind of stuff too- and difficulty in sleeping due to it. The last few days have been better with sleep, but still soreness/tenderness. Feels like being tired, even if the day is relaxed. EE doesn't help much, sometimes amplifies it.
Also, it can come with anger later on. Example: today I felt sore, and in reading SOTT I just got infuriated by the ridiculousness of the whole gaza and MH17 situations and how people eat it up. It's partly narcissism, but when will people wake up? (and not take twitter as a source- sheesh!)
My experience was a little more intense than what it sounds like you're describing. It lasted for about half an hour, on and off, where massive waves of energy would rush through my body making it completely tense up to the point where I couldn't really move. I was drifting in and out of dream states at the same time and had one dream where a group of people were collectively lifting me over their heads and spinning me around, and it completely felt like I was really being spun - dizziness, nausea, the whole bit. After the fact, the whole experience felt vaguely positive, but I was left with an overall feeling of "What the &%$ was that?!"