Session 27 April 2024

“A: In reality, there is no time. Perception is what gives the illusion.“

I don’t know why this is bothering me so much…keep thinking about it.
Are we not living in reality?
Does this mean we are in a virtual world?

Can changing our perception, change our experience of time?

Just like in Flatland, the concept of Sphereland is almost impossible to understand, if you are in Flatlands. So understanding a world where time doesn’t exist, sounds so unreal.
Can changing our perception, change our experience of time?

Yes, Castaneda talked about a change in perception, he called it a change in the position of the gathering point (which is our consciousness), the shining point in the luminous egg (perhaps something similar to our term aura? ). Don Juan described our current perception to him as the First Attention (3D?), and what, among other things, the Mexican and New and Old Psychics did, they also practiced going into the second attention (4D?). This would correspond to a change in perception. And then, of course, comes a different understanding of time.

Da, Castaneda je govorio o promjeni percepcije, nazvao je to promjenom položaja skupne točke (koja je naša svijest), svjetleće točke u svjetlećem jajetu (možda nešto slično našem terminu aura?). Don Juan je opisao našu trenutnu percepciju kao Prvu pozornost (3D?), a ono što su, između ostalog, vježbali Meksički i Novi i Stari vidovnjaci, prakticirali su odlazak u drugu pozornost (4D?). To bi odgovaralo promjeni percepcije. I onda, naravno, dolazi drugačije shvaćanje vremena.
Interestingly, Pat Price, Stanford Research Institute's remote viewer, and CIA project Stargate and project 8200's remote viewers (total of 4-5 remote viewers) saw an underground base below Mount Hayes, which is ~100 miles east of Mount McKinley. Some also saw alien beings working at consoles.

The area between Anchorage, Juneau and Barrow, called the Alaska Triangle, is a hotbed of missing persons and UAP activity. Both Mount McKinley and Mount Hayes are part of this triangle. There's also magnetic anomalies near the eastern ridge of mountains and underground caves/tunnels in the area. Here's a video that goes more in-depth:

It sure is a hotbed of missing persons. I attach a video of a report on a UFO sighting in Alaska from multiple witnesses but it is the introductory voice over at the commencement I really wish to draw to your attention. The narrator claims at the beginning that since 1988, more than 15,000 people have disappeared in the Alaska Triangle. He doesn't present any evidence to support this but, if true, that is a staggering number of people for a state that has such a small population. Some of these disappearances may be explicable by ordinary means, e.g., plane crashes, animal attacks, people getting lost and dying of exposure etc. However, that is still a staggeringly high figure. If the alien base the C's have referred to in this session is one of the main destinations, then one must fear the worst for these people since they may well have ended up filet mignon for some hungry Greys :scared:.

Exactly, it seems that 4D, according to the Cs, has this capacity to allow us to take into account the inside and the outside at the same time. This is not the case in purely external 3D. In fact, it's this fact that, for me, translates into the emergence of physical variability from 4D : the fact of being able to simultaneously consider the inside and the outside makes us change our spatial reference point as to what we consider static or not in physical reality. This is what will enable us to go beyond current physics and make it "alive"... on the way to integrating, little by little, the presence of Consciousness within it.

The fact that entry into 4D translates into an awakening of the DNA is, for me, linked to what you call new capacities or abilities. I wouldn't be surprised if the chaos we're seeing in the terrestrial sphere is linked to the awakening of the inner part of humans and humanity. This inner part being something we have to learn to take into account and there's nothing more difficult than apprehending something that's unknown to us or that we no longer know!

As we enter 4D, we become aware that nothing is separate anymore, as in 3D, where everything is individualized. There is the beginning of an awareness that beyond apparent individuality exists a connection at a level other than physical 3D. This is perhaps what physicists are beginning to discover through the notion of entanglement at the quantum level. These are, perhaps, the first beginnings of what we call consciousness and which we find so hard to accept as crucial in the approach to quantum mechanics.

Bearing in mind the presence of this connection, our responsibility becomes more important as we approach a reality where we can no longer say we are not responsable. We all share a common reality as living beings (and therefore conscious on some level), and we can no longer look upon "the other" as something different from ourselves, as in 3D. From 4D onwards, the "other" is revealed as an aspect of ourselves, another facet, a reflection. My feeling is that accepting this reality could help generate less chaos around us or in our environment, because the outside world, the environment, from 4D onwards, is no longer to be considered in isolation. And it's the fact of considering the inside and the outside, at the same time, that makes us perceive what we consider 3D space differently.

We are no longer led to focus on the outside, on what is different from us, but on the relationship, on what links inside and outside, considering them simultaneously... the 4th dimension of space. Then, perhaps, what we think of as the 4th dimension of space, the nature of which we're so keen to know, will turn out to be a frequency characterizing a reality of its own, an individuality linked to the Whole. Then we'll no longer be in a fixed, abstract, external 3D but in a 3D animated by life, a living 3D in which all forms and realities are but an expression, in the moment, of a more living global reality...

I don't know if what I'm saying is clear enough? When my feelings are clearer, I'll come back to this point :)​
In my view, we are getting a true glimpse of the weirdness of 4D on the excellent The Curse of Skinwalker Ranch TV series. The scientists involved in the current investigation on this show (N.B. the Aerospace magnate Robert Bigelow led an earlier investigation into the ranch, the results of which still remain secret) are constantly surprised by what they encounter and their instruments observe, which has completely turned upside down their 3D scientific view and is producing a paradigm shift in their thinking (e.g., they are starting to think these things are operating in other dimensions and that they may even be witnessing a portal in operation over the ranch). For example, LIDAR readings and GPS coordinates etc. show data which has measurements obtained by the investigators yielding results taking them up to 1,000 ft underground rather than on the surface.

And now the C's in this session have confirmed that like the Alaskan Triangle anomaly, the investigators are dealing with an alien base, which, because it is occupied by 4D denizens, exists in a 4D environment (as the C's also confirmed recently). This was a voluntary admission by the C's on their part since nobody asked them directly about Skinwalker Ranch. Did they do this deliberately so we might focus on it?​

(Nienna) This is a follow-up question from the dark or black pyramid that was asked last session. There are a few people in the area, where this underground pyramid is said to be, that say they think something is there because of an area that is fenced in with a couple of watch towers or something similar on the property. So, my question is, is there something there in that area southwest of Mount McKinley and what some say is the Alaskan Triangle? Is there something there?

A: Yes

Q: (Nienna) If so, what is it?

A: Entry/exit to underground facility with attendant magnetic anomalies. Similar to Skinwalker Ranch.

As an avid viewer of the series, I believe the scientists have actually located the base since they now seem to have a 3D model of it. However, their depth readings for the base are all over the place and make little sense in our 3D reality but can readily be explained by the effects of 4D. I have commented a few times on what they have discovered on the show in the Imminent Alien Disclosure thread (excellent thread by the way). I set out below one of my posts (see: Imminent Alien Disclosure?):
I have banged on about the TV documentary series The Curse of Skinwalker Ranch quite a bit of late but in its own way it is part of the current ongoing revelation or disclosure, since they are filming UAP's more and more frequently as they poke the proverbial hornets nest with their rockets, lasers and other scientific experiments.

Although they are capturing UAPs on film in real time, on occasions they have only spotted the UAP after the event where their numerous cameras set up all over the site have captured them when they were not visible to the naked eye. A good recent example was a silver orb filmed in a field where the team had been investigating strange anomalies, which none of the team saw when they were actually there, but due to diligent observation it was subsequently spotted on one single frame of digital video film where it literally blinked in and out of vision.

Another incredible example occurred on the last episode I watched when an infrared camera observed two large spherical balls of light pass at speed in quick succession through the solid rock of a mesa where the investigators had been observing a group of local Native Americans carrying out a ritual drumming and chanting session based on old traditional chants. The Native Americans had been quite spooked at the end of the session since a couple of them had claimed to see in their peripheral vision what they considered to be a shadow person or skin walker. However nobody who was present saw the two balls of light disappear into the mesa. They were only spotted after playing back video film taken by the infrared camera when filming the ritual. What is also interesting is that the chanting was carried out near to an ancient spiral stone circle, which a Native American local guide or trooper who was present at the scene, and who is well versed in the lore of the Ranch, believes is a portal. When the chanting and drumming started, the stone circle lit up like a Christmas tree as the infra red camera filmed the site but the infra red glow just as quickly disappeared when the drumming and chanting ceased.

More and more the phenomena being seen and experienced at the ranch are giving the investigators a glimpse of the hyperdimensional reality that surrounds the UFO subject or what we know as 4th density. Since this is all being captured by accredited scientists on film and on their scientific instrumentation, it is hard to ignore or dismiss the evidence.

Some of the anomalous effects witnessed on the show have been amazing and thanks to the C's we are in a better position to understand them than the scientists probably are. An investigator who had worked on the previous Bigelow investigation returned to the ranch and met with the current team. He drove around the ranch with an infra red camera the team had fitted to the vehicle. When the team watched with him the resulting footage, the infra red track produced was at times shown to be incredibly a few hundred feet underground. This left them all gobsmacked. However, if one takes into account the fact that measurements and perspectives in 4D may be completely different to what we perceive in 3D, then it is readily explainable.

As I said above, this show is actually bringing us disclosure in real time. It is not without its dangers though, since many of the investigators have been physically affected during shooting (e.g., collapsing due to strange energy spikes or even suffering brain swellings requiring urgent hospitalisation). The scientists have also witnessed the overt intrusion of unmarked Black Hawk helicopters with their transponders off, which I am guessing belong to the Secret government rather than the US military. Evidently, the Secret Government know the ranch conceals an alien base and are keeping a close eye on things - perhaps at the bidding of the aliens.

The attached video is a taster for the show for those who may not have seen it:

Right at the end of the video, scientific advisor Travis Taylor (BTW: I love his southern accent) states that besides the wormhole (portal) they think they have now found evidence that the ranch conceals an underground base. The video below is a clip where the team look at the findings revealing the extensive underground base:

Finally, Travis Taylor presents evidence for what may be a wormhole over the anomalous triangle on the ranch:

In my view, we are getting a true glimpse of the weirdness of 4D on the excellent The Curse of Skinwalker Ranch TV series. The scientists involved in the current investigation on this show (N.B. the Aerospace magnate Robert Bigelow led an earlier investigation into the ranch, the results of which still remain secret) are constantly surprised by what they encounter and their instruments observe, which has completely turned upside down their 3D scientific view and is producing a paradigm shift in their thinking (e.g., they are starting to think these things are operating in other dimensions and that they may even be witnessing a portal in operation over the ranch). For example, LIDAR readings and GPS coordinates etc. show data which has measurements obtained by the investigators yielding results taking them up to 1,000 ft underground rather than on the surface.​
Agreed! In the first seasons, they really had to stretch to fill each episode. But every episode this current season is jam packed with crazy stuff. For example, back in the day the Shermans encountered what they thought was a direwolf. A cow died last year on the property and one of its bones was chewed by some animal with enormous jaw and canine strength, enough to puncture the bone without breaking the tooth. The local biologist said the direwolf canine was a perfect match in size and strength. And then, next episode, they find a rotting canine corpse in the ravine whose jaw size matches that of a direwolf cub. Not confirmed that's what it is yet, but hopefully the DNA results will say one way or the other.
Q: How does that feel? How is that experience …

Alice through the looking glass. [MJF: A reference to Lewis Carroll's famous book 'Through the Looking Glass' which is absolutely replete with occultic meaning and mathematical/scientific references for those who are aware.]

I can't find the specific session where they say it (as I remember) but it was that at the moment of the crossing when the wave arrives all the densities and realities will cross and then we will know that it is enlightenment.

Now in this session they say that:

A: Okay, here we go: Oncoming wave is a transformation from third density to fourth density so, events happening due to the approach of the wave are causing changes across densities and realities! In third density, you will notice changes that will have third density explanations, but they are a manifestation of the approach; you see them as third density because that is your current point of reference! Remember that all reflects in and cross all density levels but also there is a merging upon arrival of the wave, it is realm border crossing!!!!!!

Alice through the looking glass... this makes sense if at the moment of crossing there is a moment of self-reflection. That is to say, to look at oneself from all possible angles of existence. Therefore able to observe and contemplate the past, the present and the future.
Q: Now, on a couple of occasions we have talked about trees. You have said that the trees would lead me to an answer. Then you made remarks about beechnut, and oaks, and beech and bloodlines and family trees and the Nordic Covenant. Basically, I asked about this Nordic Covenant and you said that I would find the answer, that the trees would lead me to it. I asked what literary source I should go to to find the least distorted source of information. You answered "trees" again.
Were they talking about Yggdrasil?

A: The Nordic Covenant was a duality.

Q: (L) SV comes from that area where that Nordic covenant, what is it, Minnesota, she's from Minnesota? Oh, I never made that connection! Holy Frijoles! 'Nordic Covenant was a duality' ... so, when you made mention of the Nordic Covenant, and the banking scandal, was that a double-layered statement to us?

A: Maybe, but you are missing the point! All persons of Nordic heritage hold secret power centers, can be of darkness, or of light... SV is of Teutonic bloodline leading directly to such super power source such as Thule Society and others, and she is aware of her powers and mission. It is of positive orientation. However, you are being tested by 4th through 6th density forces to determine if you have the strength and wisdom for continuance!

Q: Well, let me get to some of these other questions. Previously you said that the central thing about the Nordic Covenant was that there were bloodlines that extend off the planet. From what I understand, all humans on the planet have bloodlines that extend off the planet. In what sense did you mean this about the Nordic Covenant; that the bloodlines extend off the planet?

A: Not all so recent, not all so “pure.”

Q: (L) Okay, now: I would like to know if there was a real historic person behind the legend of King Arthur?

A: Close. Sorcerer's Coven. Secret pact of coven is covenant.

Q: (L) Was this the Nordic Covenant behind the legend of King Arthur?

A: Not really.

Q: (L) I think that implies that there might be a connection?

A: Maybe there is something more like an offshoot.

Q: (L) The Nordic Covenant is an offshoot of the Arthurian Covenant or vice versa?

A: King Arthur story based on an offshoot of Nordic Covenant Root.

Q: (L) Okay, now you say that the Nordic Covenant can be positive or negative. Would the Arthurian Cycle be of the Positive Offshoot?

A: Both.

(Altair) Was the Nordic covenant made on the 3D Earth?

A: No.

Q: (L) If so, where? Well, that's irrelevant. It was not made on the 3D Earth. Where was it made?

A: 4D.

Q: (Altair) Are there any traces of the Nordic covenant in German/Norse mythology?

A: The whole mythos is permeated with it.
I finished Gods of the North by Brian Branston and there might be some clues:

The Northmen of the Migration Age called the race of their gods Aesir from a singular form ass meaning (for them) "god".
In the rationalizing Prologue to his Prose Edda Snorri Sturluson seeks to derive the word Aesir from the word Asia. This
etymology is a popular and unscientific one, although apart from the superficial similarity of the two words, Snorri's
derivation may have been founded on a tradition according to which the cult of certain gods migrated to Scandinavia
from the south and ultimately from Asia Minor.

It seems extremely likely that gods did come from the direction of Asia Minor: they were not Aesir but members of
another race of gods called in both Eddas by the name Vanir. The advent of the new gods is represented in the mythology by a war between Aesir and Vanir in which neither party gains complete victory. In other words, that rather unusual result of a
struggle between warring gods had come about, a draw:
neither team was demoted in toto as demons, elves or fairies,
though certain insecure members were dropped from the Aesir's side (Mimir, Hoenir); and Vanir deities (Njörðr, Frey,
Freya) were accepted into the northern pantheon alongside the Aesir.

Ynglinga Saga IV says that after the war between Aesir and Vanir "both sides appointed a meeting place for a peace conference, agreed on an armistice and exchanged hostages...

Skáldskaparmál I tells a different tale about Kvasir: "The gods had a quarrel with the people called Vanir and they held a
peace conference and arranged an armistice
this way: they each went up to a pot and spat their spittle into it. When they
parted, the gods took that peace token and rather than let it perish they made of it a man. This man is called Kvasir, so
wise that nobody could question him about anything at all without his knowing the answer."

The War In Heaven

It appears that Freya the incomparable goddess of beauty, love and fruitfulness was stolen from Asgard by the Frost Giants.
Nothing in nature prospered and the air was filled with rottenness. It looks as if that other emblem and mainspring of
life and fertility, the Sun (as well as the Moon), had been stolen away too. The rape of Freya was in some way connected with
an evil woman, a witch from Giantland who had insinuated herself into Freya's good graces in Asgard.


War between the two sets of deities followed and the walls of Asgard were broken down and the "war-wise Vanir were able to tread the field". The phrase "to tread the field" appears to be a parallel to the O.E. "to possess the (battle) field" met with so often in the Old English Chronicle during the years of the viking invasions. Such a phrase seems to indicate a victory but a rather incomplete one; at any rate, the opponent lives to fight again.

The Aesir and Vanir patched up a truce according to the terms of which two Aesir (Hoenir and Mimir) were exchanged
for Njörðr, father of Frey and Freya who also came to live in Asgard. Another deity, Kvasir (by some accounts a Vanir, by
others a product of the mixture of Aesir's and Vanir's spittle) is also mentioned as a hostage in Asgard.

Kidnapping of Freya in this legend somewhat resembles the kidnapping of Helen of Troy by Paris which triggered the Troyan war:

Paris, a Trojan prince, came to Sparta to claim Helen, in the guise of a supposed diplomatic mission. Before this journey, Paris had been appointed by Zeus to judge the most beautiful goddess; Hera, Athena, or Aphrodite. In order to earn his favour, Aphrodite promised Paris the most beautiful woman in the world. Swayed by Aphrodite's offer, Paris chose her as the most beautiful of the goddesses, earning the wrath of Athena and Hera.

Although Helen is sometimes depicted as being raped by Paris, Ancient Greek sources are often elliptical and contradictory

More from Branston:

The ancient Greek writer Euhemeros came to the conclusion that myths are based on historic happenings and that the gods
are mostly deified men, and their feats only exaggerated traditions of exploits of outstanding primeval, generally national
heroes. This is the attitude taken up by Snorri in the Prologue to his Edda where, for instance, Thor is made a grandson of
Priam of Troy
... similarly, in the Ynglinga saga Snorri makes the Aesir come from Asia and the Vanir from a land on the river" formerly called Vanaquisl" (the Don) and their country "on the Vanaquisl was called Vanaland or Vanaheim".

The Don river is located in Russia:

“A: In reality, there is no time. Perception is what gives the illusion.“

I don’t know why this is bothering me so much…keep thinking about it.
Are we not living in reality?
Does this mean we are in a virtual world?
The Cs have mentioned us living in an illusion many times. You can do a search for the word "illusion" and come up with many hits. Here's a few that were mentioned in the first couple of years of the sessions:

November 24, 1994
Q: (L) So we just have to stay on our toes at all times?

A: Absolutely don't let others distract you. You have suffered many attempts at distraction away from truth. Now follow some proclamations: Pause. All there is is lessons. This is one infinite school. There is no other reason for anything to exist. Even inanimate matter learns it is all an "Illusion." Each individual possesses all of creation within their minds. Now, contemplate for a moment. Each soul is all powerful and can create or destroy all existence if know how. You and us and all others are interconnected by our mutual possession of all there is. You may create alternative universes if you wish and dwell within. You are all a duplicate of the universe within which you dwell. Your mind represents all that exists. It is "fun" to see how much you can access.
December 28, 1994
Q: (V) Well, let me ask this question... is this the only species in the universe that studies this concept of psychology? Are there psychologists in Orion, are there psychologists in Cassiopaea?

A: Narrow concept.

Q: (L) What do you mean it's a narrow concept? (V) I mean, I mean... (L) Do you understand what they mean? (V) No, but what I mean is are we the only thinking, intelligent, types of people that... (L) I don't think that's what they meant to imply. (V) Well, it's not coming out right. You know, I sit here and I try and put things into words and it's so hard...

A: Expand your mind.

Q: (V) I'm trying to. (L) By what means?

A: Less prejudice.

Q: (L) Bet you never thought you would be called prejudiced, did you? (V) Prejudice about what? I don't think they are talking about blacks and whites... (L) I know, but there are other kinds...

A: The universe is an infinite illusion.

Q: (V) Jesus Christ! You guys...

A: We are not Jesus Christ.

Q: (V) That was just an exclamation... (L) They know that. I think they are being funny. (V) Ha, ha. Well, then, I guess... okay, when you say the universe is an infinite illusion, then why not close the eyes, lights out and the illusion is over?

A: Stop focusing so narrowly and rigidly.
January 7, 1995
Q: (D) Well, that is a concept that is very difficult for me. (L) Well, for everybody. We can talk about it and play with it... but there really is no time. It's an illusion, it's a lie... (T) It's part of the 3rd density world we have created... (D) I'm trying real hard... (F) Okay, let me give you an example: Take yourself off the planet, take yourself farther away so you can't see the sun anymore except as a speck. (D) Okay, I'm there... (F) Now you are floating out there in space... there is no direction, everything is just out from you... there is no up or down or sideways... nothing... You see stars every way you look, but there is no point of orientation... Now, being no longer on the planet, the sun doesn't rise and the sun doesn't set... you have no watch or clock... how do you know what was before and what was after... (T) Have you ever heard of people who go down into caves to do research experiments, and they come out thinking that only 45 days have passed when it has really been 65 or a hundred... because time slows down and virtually stops. Time is a human concept. (F) I read the book about the Barbara Mackle abduction. She was kidnapped by a guy who put her into an underground coffin with gadgets to help her survive, and she was buried... she thought, when she was pulled out, 83 hours later, she thought she had only been in there one night. (L) Let's ask this question: In a state where there are no artificial considerations such as the delineation of night and day, in such a state, what would be the natural cycle of the human physical body in terms of, say, sleeping or eating, and refer this back to our concept of time. In other words, how long would we naturally stay awake, and then how long would we naturally sleep if we were not constrained by artificial time references, in a general sense?

A: Your entire existence would be radically different and would not cycle in the same ways at all.

Q: (L) Can you tell us how it would?

A: It depends on the environment.

Q: (L) So, we are so interactive with our environment that we almost can't separate ourselves from it, is that what you are saying?

A: Close.
March 11, 1995
Q: (L) At one point we were told that time was an illusion that came into being at the "time" of the "Fall" in Eden, and this was said in such a way that I inferred that there were other illusions put into place at that time...

A: Time is an illusion that works for you because of your altered DNA state.

Q: (L) Okay, what other illusions?

A: Monotheism, the belief in one separate, all powerful entity.

Q: (L) What is another one of the illusions?

A: The need for physical aggrandizement.

Q: (L) The focus on the physical as the thing one needs to hold onto or protect. (T) Is separate the key word in regard to Monotheism?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What is another of the illusions?

A: Linear focus.

Q: (L) Anything else at this time?

A: Unidimensionality.

Q: (L) The veil... (J) The perception of only one dimension... (L) Were these illusions programmed into us genetically through our DNA?

A: Close.
There is more in the previous session, but it is quite long and discusses how we came to be in this 3rd Density STS world. If you want to continue reading it, just click on Laura's name at the top of the quote.

I hope this helps you a little, ianvr.
Ynglinga Saga IV says that after the war between Aesir and Vanir "both sides appointed a meeting place for a peace conference, agreed on an armistice and exchanged hostages...

And this would be a war between Atlanteans and Athenians? And now they live happily underground, letting a new war between new versions of Atlanteans and Athenians to develop? I don't know what kind of Covenant they made, but it seems that it doesn't include us on the surface.
Q: (L) Is there anything you would like to tell us before we get started on this really long list of questions? I mean, something that we might need to know in advance?

A: In reality, there is no time. Perception is what gives the illusion.

Q: (L) And that is apropos of what?

A: You will see.

The way I interpret this is that something will come to our time from another time and that will show us that time doesn't exist, that you can manipulate it if you know how, that you can time travel. If we already have 4D glitches on the planet, maybe we will also have time glitches.
Were they talking about Yggdrasil?

I finished Gods of the North by Brian Branston and there might be some clues:

The War In Heaven

Kidnapping of Freya in this legend somewhat resembles the kidnapping of Helen of Troy by Paris which triggered the Troyan war:

More from Branston:

The Don river is located in Russia:

View attachment 96076

What I found interesting in the Norse myths is that the kidnapping of Freya is causally linked to Fimbulwinter, the Great Winter. During normal seasonal cycles, Freya was understood to sleep all winter, so the world grew cold and dark and hungry. When she awoke in spring, the love and beauty and warmth that poured from her renewed all of nature.

When she was kidnapped by the Giants and swallowed by Fenrir, she couldn't wake up, and so winter extended. When I read this at the time, I realized it was the only mythology I'd read that seemed to explicitly mention the Ice Age, aside from Hopi legends.

During Ragnarok, Odin with his spear leaps into Fenrir's mouth to save her in order to return springtime to the world. There are more details of course, but it's interesting to think of all these dynamics as actions of cometary bodies in the sky.

Also really fascinating to think about the outer-inner connection, ie., the emotions involved in the saga, as all of this is probably going on inside of us, too. When human Love is overtaken by lower emotions and swallowed by The Beast, our inner world and the outer world will grow cold and fall into chaos. Only one-eyed Wisdom can save the day, by leaping down the throat of The Beast with weapon at hand, willing to sacrifice for the betterment of all.

A cool comic book that features some excellent artwork is Valhalla by Peter Madsen.

January 7, 1995

(L) Let's ask this question: In a state where there are no artificial considerations such as the delineation of night and day, in such a state, what would be the natural cycle of the human physical body in terms of, say, sleeping or eating, and refer this back to our concept of time. In other words, how long would we naturally stay awake, and then how long would we naturally sleep if we were not constrained by artificial time references, in a general sense?

A: Your entire existence would be radically different and would not cycle in the same ways at all.

Q: (L) Can you tell us how it would?

A: It depends on the environment.

Q: (L) So, we are so interactive with our environment that we almost can't separate ourselves from it, is that what you are saying?

A: Close.

Maybe that's why undergrounders are underground, to reduce the perception of cyclical time? And thus get out of the illusion? What will happen to time if it is always night or always day? How do underground people record time? It's so interesting!
Right in the first episode - see video below from 07:24, I set the time for you there to check just for Laura's specific comment - you can get nearly the same functionality Laura mentions via placing dream creativity crystals under your pillow and you sleep at night.

Most active period of this method, that Laura mentions in below video - of "getting radical new information" (apart from your new vivid dreams) is right after when you regain consciousness: I call it my Semi Sleep Office, when & where I re-organize the new information (gained in the dream and the "channeling" / info-download right after that) and in that state of heightened intelligence + improved super-memory I write entire, new posts in my head, - while analyzing the new info received - (this while coming out from semi-sleep, still in the bed) to publish those infos via posts on this forum, here, later.

So this method of sleeping with under-pillow-dream-crystals is probably, because the dream crystals have a strong EM force-field (you can check easily with a dowsing rod), in which power-radiation your head = brain is constantly bathed, while you sleep. So if you want an EDGE at your job, above trick is how to do it!

Dream crystals you can order here:

I recommend using more than one crystal, but that's just because I work in the creative field and my under-pillow-pack of 8 dream crystals placed in a soft cloth pouch helps me enormously!

I had a lot of [multiplied] several dozens such above "Edgar-Cayce-Dream-sessions" since then. Watching the above podcast series, - double-check out the exact statements of Laura there - it happens nearly just like that and I immediately felt, I have to corroborate!

Any problem you cannot solve in life, now you have an enormously increased chance to "sleep on it" this powerful new way!!
I’m a bit confused. Is there a post about these Dream Crystal sets buried somewhere in the thread (it’s 80 pages long). I ordered my crystal set some time ago, and it included a Dream Stone (which has definitely supercharged my dreams), but this says 8 Dream Crystals for under your pillow. Is this in addition to the stone I already have, and if so can you share the post number (or at least the page number) in the thread that talks about this set?
I’m a bit confused. Is there a post about these Dream Crystal sets buried somewhere in the thread (it’s 80 pages long). I ordered my crystal set some time ago, and it included a Dream Stone (which has definitely supercharged my dreams), but this says 8 Dream Crystals for under your pillow. Is this in addition to the stone I already have, and if so can you share the post number (or at least the page number) in the thread that talks about this set?
That poster is not talking about Cassiopaean crystals. I have no idea what the 8 dream stones are, and I don't think they are related to this forum.
Is this in addition to the stone I already have, and if so can you share the post number (or at least the page number) in the thread that talks about this set?
Merely my method, I use. Effects are exactly as described. Gives multiple solutions, shown on the linked image, where you can see a connected network of dots (closeness in meaning). If you can visualize a scenario, where these closely placed dots [of meaning] emit so much light that they overshine each other, then the meanings become overlapped, like this.

Selective sorting via Gurdjieffs methods recommended, because Ibn al-ʿArabī describes how dangerous the illusionary realm is and (IIRC) Tibetan monks also mention that this ocean [of illusions] is very deep. Therefore sorting the downloaded large blocks of data requires increased mental capacity, which the described semi-sleep state of mind easily supplies. Gurdjieff describes that a cognitive state can be reached via exercises/The Work, where you know everything you have learned so far. Probably G. also meant increased IQ as well, where you can sort / collate / deftly work with the increased amount of data you can hold in you head. That semi-sleep state I described provides this exact memory capacity and 'supercomputation'. In my case. Therefore sorting out complex ideas and creating hypotheses and writing posts in my head for this thread becomes easily doable.

Once the described semi-sleep state passes, I wake up. Brain-waves functions return to normal, automatically switching me back to 'low IQ and poor memory' as usual for my days. Suddenly having lost described capacities both for 'super-memory' and 'super-computing', I forget nearly everything I collated, hypothesized and I lose the posts I wrote in my head.

Castaneda in his books describes profound experiences in special states of mind, which Don Juan helps him get into. Once those states pass, Castaneda forgets everything. Don Juan tells him, that a required time period is needed to digest what happened. Once the wait is over, (IIRC) Castaneda starts to receive bits and pieces of understanding of what happened.
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