Session 27 April 2024

All this talk about replacements and walk-in's makes me think of the various 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' movies, which started with the original sci-fi movie of that name in 1956.. Was that movie the result of some kind of bleed through or another example of Thor's Pantheum (the army of subterranean psychic projectors) at work? See: Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Wikipedia for a synopsis. Great movie by the way, as was its 1978 sequel. Should we start calling these walk-in's the "pod people"?

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Interesting connections! The 1978 remake really made an impression on me when I was younger.

About the replacements and walk-in connection, I also think of the other 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' movie, the 2007 film 'The Invasion.' I remember buying this movie a few months after Covid started, in May 2020 I believe..I bought it at a discount from the only video store in town which was going out of business.

Apparently this movie was intended to be another remake of the 1956 movie but the writer crafted a different story to reflect contemporary times. In the movie, the CDC director is one of the first people infected and uses the CDC to spread the disease further, disguising the spores as flu vaccine.

Following is a clip from the movie:
Yes, but I think we are talking about 2 different subjects here, on one had as you said, there will be the end of one grand cycle which results in graduation for a number of beings to the next density level wherever they are.

However, the change of cosmic environment seems to be a different type of cycle that is measure by the movement of the solar system through the galaxy.
The Cs elude that gravity is somehow different in different sectors of the galaxy and that type of cosmic environment change can have effects on beings in the same density we are living in today, for example; ancient people as you saw in the questions, had genes with the ability to levitate heavy objects, others could even teleport according to one of the sessions, it was an environment easier for giants to live. There was a water canopy surrounding the earth, Lizzie’s could even stay for a long period of time among us, etc.
So they are 2 separated events it seems.
I think I understand your point.
In a certain sense I agree with you.
It is true that your questions were specific, in relation to the environmental conditions that took place here, that depending on the zone of the Galaxy where the solar system is located, as you said, this or that was possible.

The examples you gave, the giants, the lizards interacting directly with humans, etc., speak effectively of those environmental differences.
Although I have my doubts in the case of those who could levitate large stones.
According to the Cas, that activity was truncated due to the loss of technology due to cataclysms, and the genetics required for that became diluted.

Probably then, in this same current environment, where the life of giants is not viable, where lizards have enormous difficulties to be physically, etc., if there were people with the genetics and knowledge of the technique, they could perfectly levitate stones, or do other strange things, in the current environment.

In fact, exceptional examples such as the coral castle suggest that the current environment, which has been commonplace for us up to now, has not been an impediment to exercising those particular abilities.

I agree that talking and inquiring about local environmental differences that characterize an epoch may be different from talking about differences between one "Major Cycle" and another.

But, because the Cas said that this time the change in the environment will be different from the previous changes, it made me think about the possibility that such a difference is due to the added factor of the passage of "The Wave",thing involved in the passage from one major cycle to another.

In that sense, the two themes still seem closely related to me.
I don't know if I'm making my point clearly, I hope I am.

Translated with (free version)
What you’ve said is a great series of complex interrelationships. Like a door opened and you stuck your head through, looked around and saw stuff as through the looking glass. I love it.

Celtic saying: Go Within or Go Without.

Well, both. And at the same time too.
Strange you should mention "the looking glass" in your response to EricLux's comments on 4D since the C's used that same analogy themselves in the session dated 25 July 1998:​

Q: (A) You say knowledge protects. It protects against WHAT?

A: Many things. One example: post transformational trauma and confusion.

Q: So knowledge is going to protect us against post transformational trauma and confusion. You are saying that this transition to 4th density is going to be traumatic and confusing. Do you mean transformation from 3rd to 4th density, or 3rd to 5th density, i.e., death?

A: Both.

Q: So, if one does not have the shock and trauma and the confusion and so forth, one is then able to function better?

A: Yes.

Q: Well if a person transitions directly from 3rd to 5th density via dying, that implies that persons can transition directly from 3rd to 4th density without dying. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: How does that feel? How is that experience …

Alice through the looking glass. [MJF: A reference to Lewis Carroll's famous book 'Through the Looking Glass' which is absolutely replete with occultic meaning and mathematical/scientific references for those who are aware.]

Perhaps you were thinking of this session when you mentioned the looking glass analogy?
Interesting connections! The 1978 remake really made an impression on me when I was younger.

About the replacements and walk-in connection, I also think of the other 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' movie, the 2007 film 'The Invasion.' I remember buying this movie a few months after Covid started, in May 2020 I believe..I bought it at a discount from the only video store in town which was going out of business.

Apparently this movie was intended to be another remake of the 1956 movie but the writer crafted a different story to reflect contemporary times. In the movie, the CDC director is one of the first people infected and uses the CDC to spread the disease further, disguising the spores as flu vaccine.

Following is a clip from the movie:
Your reference to this updated version of the 1956 movie makes me wonder whether the Covid vaccines may, as a further unfortunate side effect, help to facilitate the walk-in process. I hope not :-O.
“A: In reality, there is no time. Perception is what gives the illusion.“

I don’t know why this is bothering me so much…keep thinking about it.
Are we not living in reality?
Does this mean we are in a virtual world?

Can changing our perception, change our experience of time?

Just like in Flatland, the concept of Sphereland is almost impossible to understand, if you are in Flatlands. So understanding a world where time doesn’t exist, sounds so unreal.
The filming was done with a completely normal Ektacolor 160 roll with an 18-a filter adapted to the camera that is sensitive to infrared rays, that is, to heat, and those beings/objects were invisible but gave off heat.

I wonder...

The Wratten 18a filter is for UV light, not for Infrared / IR. Also notice that the 18A filter is opaque in visible daylight - and should therefore also be opaque for daylight sensitized color films. Or in other words; you get nothing on the film, because the three color emulsion layers are blind (or nearly total blind) to UV or IR light.


With a digital camera

Now in 1957 the selection of films were pretty limited, and I only found Kodak Ektacolor as sheet film (for large format cameras). And the question is, how a daylight film was in any way sensitive (?) to Infrared or UV light. It shouldn't be possible...

With a IR filter, a color film would have produced totally red images (if at all !), but to get there- only with extreme long exposure times. And with an UV filter, i assume (if the film at all got exposed) would turn all blue with a daylight color film. On to of using such opaque filters - together with low ISO color film - another effect comes to play with film emulsions; when you shoot images longer than 1 second they loose sensitivity: A so called reciprocity error (Schwarzschild effect) which results into underexposed images, when too little light hits the film. Resulting into abnormal long exposure times... The film in would in essence be empty (or extremely underexposed).

So, from a logical perspective, I really don't how they could make images the way you described... with "normal color film" and a "18A" filter. Something doesn't make sense. Unless in theory, other powers are at play, which I cannot deny nor confirm in terms of "taking images" of "them".

I could at best think of that a Kodak High Speed Infrared film (HIR) together with an Infrared filter perhaps did the trick. Even if the IR filters are deep deep red, almost opaque, or, when a stronger IR filter is used (which are totally "black" for the naked eye if you look through them), but still lets Infrared light though onto films, which are especially sensitized for IR light capture. (IR Color films did not exist to my knowledge - or not that i know of)

However, I want to add that i am moving here into a relatively unknown territory, when it comes to such old film material from the 50s.

In a photo forum, somebody asked the question, what kind of films were available in 1957.

William Kahn

Well, there was Kodacolor (negative film), Kodachrome, Plus-X Pan, and Tri-X. I think there was also an Ansco film line. I don't remember Fuji and Agfa films being available in the U.S., and I'd never heard of Ilford......


There were many more B&W films than today, and relatively few color films.

From Kodak data sheets, dated 1962, the B&W films not mentioned above were Verichrome Pan (~ Plus-X), Royal-X Pan, Royal Pan, RS Pan, Infrared and High-Speed Infrared, High-Contrast Copy film, Fine-grain Positive Film and Direct Positive Pan film. Earlier on (my records are slim prior to 1960) you could get many other emulsions in sheet film, including a couple of ortho films and Kodalith.

I recall using Kodachrome (ASA 10), later Kodachrome II (ASA 25) and Kodachrome-X (ASA 64), Ektachrome (ASA 50) and later Ektachrome-X (64) and high-speed Ektachrome (125). I tried one roll of Ansco Hi-Speed color (400) about 1958 or so - total garbage grain with green shadows. My first Leica (and only) is purchased in 1964, and saw virtually nothing other than Tri-X (160) and Kodachrome (25) for the next twenty years.


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Here are the interviews to look forward to:
Right in the first episode - see video below from 07:24, I set the time for you there to check just for Laura's specific comment - you can get nearly the same functionality Laura mentions via placing dream creativity crystals under your pillow and you sleep at night.

Most active period of this method, that Laura mentions in below video - of "getting radical new information" (apart from your new vivid dreams) is right after when you regain consciousness: I call it my Semi Sleep Office, when & where I re-organize the new information (gained in the dream and the "channeling" / info-download right after that) and in that state of heightened intelligence + improved super-memory I write entire, new posts in my head, - while analyzing the new info received - (this while coming out from semi-sleep, still in the bed) to publish those infos via posts on this forum, here, later.

So this method of sleeping with under-pillow-dream-crystals is probably, because the dream crystals have a strong EM force-field (you can check easily with a dowsing rod), in which power-radiation your head = brain is constantly bathed, while you sleep. So if you want an EDGE at your job, above trick is how to do it!

Dream crystals you can order here:

I recommend using more than one crystal, but that's just because I work in the creative field and my under-pillow-pack of 8 dream crystals placed in a soft cloth pouch helps me enormously!

I had a lot of [multiplied] several dozens such above "Edgar-Cayce-Dream-sessions" since then. Watching the above podcast series, - double-check out the exact statements of Laura there - it happens nearly just like that and I immediately felt, I have to corroborate!

Any problem you cannot solve in life, now you have an enormously increased chance to "sleep on it" this powerful new way!!
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“A: In reality, there is no time. Perception is what gives the illusion.“

I don’t know why this is bothering me so much…keep thinking about it.
Are we not living in reality?
Does this mean we are in a virtual world?

Can changing our perception, change our experience of time?

Just like in Flatland, the concept of Sphereland is almost impossible to understand, if you are in Flatlands. So understanding a world where time doesn’t exist, sounds so unreal.

We can also see it in the following sense, where the answer is in the choice, and more and more so in these times of faith:
A: Life is religion.

Q: (L) What does that mean?

A: Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future."

What follows from this session is also interesting:
Q: (L) In this recent incident with Jeanine, I have a few questions. Apparently, she was "hearing" things differently than I was, and I was reading things that she wrote with a certain perspective that does not seem to have accurately represented what she meant. She had said "you don't pay attention to the confusion, you just do what you came here to do." I understood this in a completely different context. From her perspective, "paying no attention to the confusion all around and doing what you came here to do" essentially amounted to discovering the ways and means to "ascend" by overcoming and ignoring and shutting out the world. To me, "pay no attention to the confusion" means to pay close attention to what is going on, but not to be confused by it, to see the reality in the midst of the confusion.

(Andromeda) Any new knowledge a person comes in contact with can cause confusion until you come to terms with the reality of it.

(L) The important thing seems to be to not dwell on the "confusion" aspect, but to concentrate on learning the knowledge that is buried in the confusion. Trying to understand what it is you need to learn. Jeanine's idea was that if it causes confusion, you are supposed to shut it ALL out, pay no attention to any of it, and just concentrate on feeling peaceful. That's the same thing Whitley Strieber was saying: "The only freedom you will have is inside yourself." I guess, because those are the things I have been mulling over, this may be what is the stimulus for the C's opening remarks. Is that in response to the concerns in my mind?

A: More or less.

Q: (L) The other thing I was thinking about is the teaching that you are supposed to withdraw into some kind of monastic life in order to grow spiritually. What I have observed is that the world is exactly what is needed to learn the lessons of existence. Anybody who thinks that, in order to be spiritual, they have to go off to a monastery, or meditate, or follow this or that so-called "spiritual practice," are turning away the greatest interaction with God and creation imaginable. They are throwing away a great gift.

By living in the world, and striving to see the spirit in things, one can accomplish so much more than if they go off to a monastery where there are no distractions, no real tests of balance or seeing. It's more religious, I think, to be in the world and be able to see and experience "spirit" than most people realize. The real world is where we fit. It is where we are born. And if we try to escape this lesson, we just come back over and over again.

(Andromeda) Maybe that IS their world? Maybe escaping to a monastery or ignoring or shutting out the world IS what is right for them.

(Ark) But, the question is, whether we learn to understand the world around us. Some people don't care about understanding the world. They are effectively saying: "it's holier to not care about the world, it's your business - we just want to ignore it."

(L) And they become the memory of the past - primal matter - they recycle. The very fact that we ARE in this realm means that this is where we fit. And it seems that the only way to move to the next level is to grow. And that means to take full cognizance of the medium of growth, to learn about the realm, learn how to be spiritual in the realm where you are. Grow where you are planted, but always toward the light.

A: Home is where the heart is.

Q: (Andromeda) Is it vital to my physical existence to move to another country in the near future?

A: It is not "vital" to be in the body at all. But for those with missions in this realm, it is quite useful to preserve the physical vehicle. Thus, if one accepts the mantle of responsibility to humanity, it is not a selfish thing to seek preservation until the mission is accomplished. In the present situation, that will be enhanced outside of the USA.
Can changing our perception, change our experience of time?

In this session?
(Joe) How is Pierre doing?

(L) Yeah. How is our Pierre?

A: He is with you now!

Q: (All) Yeah! Oh yeah?

(Andromeda) Does he have a message for us?

A: Ask him, we will step aside.

Q: (L) Pierre, are you there? Pierre?

A: (Pierre) Love you all so much. I see how you loved me now and I am sorry that I was so difficult for so long. I am constantly trying to communicate but it is not so simple. This is a strange state to be in when there were so many things I wanted to get done.

Q: (L) Are you glad to be out of your state of restriction, pain and suffering?

A: (Pierre) Oh yes!!! It is like a freedom you cannot understand. But still there is that desire to communicate that frustrates me. I don't want any of you to suffer or be sad. But I do want you to know that I love all of you.

Q: (Joe): What are you doing every day, Pierre? [laughter]

(Andromeda) What's your schedule like there?

(Joe) Like what are you up to? What do you do?

A: (Pierre) Well, it is like dreaming in a way because there really is no tracking of time. It seems not to exist, but I don't understand that yet.

Q: (L) Do you have periods of time where you're like, not really aware of what's going on?

A: (Pierre) No.

Q: (L) So you are aware all the time of what's going on, at least with yourself?

A: (Pierre) Yes.

Q: (L) Are you aware of us all the time?

A: (Pierre) No.

Q: (L) So, you have to think about us to be aware of us. Is that it?

A: (Pierre) Yes.

Q: (L) And what makes you think about us? Is it because we think about you, or we reference you, or we have you on our mind, or something like that? Is that close?

A: (Pierre) Yes.

Q: (Joe) And can you see us?

A: (Pierre) Yes.

Q: (Joe) And are there any other people around that you're hanging out with, that you spend time with, or you know...?

A: (Pierre) Sometimes.

Q: (L) Have you encountered jar?

A: (Pierre) Not yet but I am going to.

Q: (Joe) What about your grandma? Mamie Bonjour?

(L) Have you encountered grandma?

A: (Pierre) Yes.

Q: (Joe) And is she teaching you something?

A: (Pierre) No. She is enjoying being young.

Q: (Joe) And, okay. Do you feel young?

A: (Pierre) Yes.

Q: (Joe) And when you look around, what's your environment like?

A: (Pierre) Fields and mountains and little houses and castles.

Q: (L) So in other words, what you're seeing in your environment is what you're used to, what you like, what you imagine Heaven to be like. Is that it?

A: (Pierre) Yes.

Q: (L) Have you gone into the light?

A: (Pierre) Yes.

Q: (Joe) Are you happy?

A: (Pierre) Yes.

Q: (Joe) And are you choosing to kind of not see many other people?

A: (Pierre) Yes.

Q: (Joe) Because that's what you like to do? [laughter]

A: (Pierre) Yes. [laughter]

Q: (L) Is there any information you have acquired about any of our particular interests while you were here, that you would have acquired there, that you would be able to tell us now? Like, you know, any future things or any things that we weren't able to perceive or understand?

A: (Pierre) Mostly everything you have learned via Cs is the way it is. What I see now is the great noise surrounding Earth that makes it so difficult to get a clear and true message.

Q: (Joe) So, the great noise is chaos or uncertainty...

(Niall) Disinformation...

(L) All that kind of stuff. Is that what we're talking about? Chaos, disinformation, lies?

A: (Pierre) Yes.

Q: (L) Okay.

(Joe) Has he met any of the Cs?

A: (Pierre) The Cs appear as humanlike shaped light gathered around you as you communicate.

Q: (L) Well obviously we would like to be underwritten for any of our choices that we make in life. But we understand that we have to make choices based on our own thinking, our own assessments, our own understanding, and of course using some clues and guidance, some things that we have learned. But still having said all of that, is there anything you can tell us?

A: (Pierre) Things are going to be fine and I will add my voice and energy to your own endeavors.

Q: (L) Well, maybe you could find jar, and Anam Cara, and liam1310, and Lee.T.

(Joe) One at a time.

(L) Yeah. You know, find them and touch base with all of them and remind them that we're here struggling on this... in this Vale of tears trying to get through the mess that we're in. And I know that you would have been very upset to see what was going on since you passed. Because, I mean, things really are ugly out there.

(Joe) Does Pierre now understand the information field?

A: (Pierre) Yes. [laughter]

Q: (Andromeda) Is your gesture accurate?

A: (Pierre) Yes. [laughter]

Q: (Joe) It's a spiral, a helix?

A: (Pierre) Yes.

Q: (L) Well, see if you can figure out a way to, you know, get some communication things going on. I would like that, that would be kind of interesting. Were you the one that came to Thomas in a dream to tell him about my feet?

A: (Pierre) Yes. Clever!

Q: (L) Yeah, you were very clever! [laughter]

(Chu) Did you open your door yesterday?

A: (Pierre) No.

Q: (L) I think I may have done that.

(Chu) Ah!

(Joe) What do you perceive as your future? What's going to happen? What future changes await?

A: (Pierre) Glory is coming for all. That is all I can perceive.

Q: (Joe) What do you mean by "all"? As in everybody on the planet?

A: (Pierre) Yes.

Q: (Joe) Glory...

(L) The solar system?

A: (Pierre) Yes.

Q: (Joe) So it's a good thing then, glory.

A: (Pierre) Ultimately yes.

Q: (Joe) He's starting to talk like the Cs now. [laughter]

(L) So can you and others in your realm perceive that something strange or unusual is happening on and to Earth, and around Earth?

A: (Pierre) Oh yes indeed!

Q: (Joe) It's just like an impression or a understanding or a feeling.

A: (Pierre) Yes.

Q: (Joe) You know, almost like an anticipation, where you know that something good is going to happen, but you can feel it, but you don't know exactly what it is.

A: (Pierre) Yes.

Q: (L) All right. I'm getting tired. So were there any other things we wanted to cover? Pierre, we let you go. We thank you and we'll talk to you again. This is not over!

(PoB) It will never be over.

(L) Send us the Cs back.

(Niall) You are Saint Pierre now. Our Saint Pierre.

(L) Yes… you're St. Pierre, you've been sanctified. [laughter] I knew you would...

(Niall) Saint Pierr-euh, to distinguish you from the other Peters.

(L) Right.

(Andromeda) Exactly.
Thank you all once again for this session!
Just like in Flatland, the concept of Sphereland is almost impossible to understand, if you are in Flatlands. So understanding a world where time doesn’t exist, sounds so unreal.
Indeed! Just as 3D can be represented by two coordinates + time (xy+xy+xy+xy...), 4d can also be represented as three coordinates + time, or a set of 3D (xyz+xyz+xyz...). So it seems we are truly Flatlanders. So the entire plot of the film is known and available for correction. And all kinds of impossible time travel, overcoming space, predictions and other miracles are possible. So our “curators” are truly like Gods. And we are deprived of the opportunity to influence our lives now and then, while we think in terms of time and perceive reality the way we do now.

It’s not entirely clear to me what kind of potential meditation opens up? C’s once jokingly said, do you really believe that Jesus meditated in a cave for three days and achieved enlightenment? I don’t remember exactly how it was said, but it stuck in my memory, like the examples of other enlightened people who left behind a body. Were they really able to overcome our earthly three-dimensional perception?
“A: In reality, there is no time. Perception is what gives the illusion.“

I don’t know why this is bothering me so much…keep thinking about it.
Are we not living in reality?
Does this mean we are in a virtual world?
I think this refers to St Paul saying we see as though through a glass darkly. Our perception is distorted. We are in some kind of reality but we only see some of it and the part we see is heavily influenced by our perception which is a bit off. Calling reality virtual seems like more a matter of semantics.

And yes, MJF I was referring to the C’s comment you mentioned. The wave alters our perception and we see things differently. For those who are extremely locked into their current and past learned and accepted perceptions, it will probably be more traumatic and disorienting than for those who are already wondering and questioning just what the heck is really going on. For some, a change in perception that is influenced by a change in the environment may actually be a liberating breath of fresh air. Even so, my guess is there will be some trauma for all of us when pieces of our mental constructs are revealed as illusions and we realize it has ever been thus as some of our long and tightly held beliefs evaporate.

By a change in environment I mean physical as well as biophysical, electromagnetic, perhaps gravity, psychic, DNA activation-basically everything. Then our minds will be scrambling to make sense of it all.
Exactly, it seems that 4D, according to the Cs, has this capacity to allow us to take into account the inside and the outside at the same time. This is not the case in purely external 3D. In fact, it's this fact that, for me, translates into the emergence of physical variability from 4D : the fact of being able to simultaneously consider the inside and the outside makes us change our spatial reference point as to what we consider static or not in physical reality. This is what will enable us to go beyond current physics and make it "alive"... on the way to integrating, little by little, the presence of Consciousness within it.

The fact that entry into 4D translates into an awakening of the DNA is, for me, linked to what you call new capacities or abilities. I wouldn't be surprised if the chaos we're seeing in the terrestrial sphere is linked to the awakening of the inner part of humans and humanity. This inner part being something we have to learn to take into account and there's nothing more difficult than apprehending something that's unknown to us or that we no longer know!

As we enter 4D, we become aware that nothing is separate anymore, as in 3D, where everything is individualized. There is the beginning of an awareness that beyond apparent individuality exists a connection at a level other than physical 3D. This is perhaps what physicists are beginning to discover through the notion of entanglement at the quantum level. These are, perhaps, the first beginnings of what we call consciousness and which we find so hard to accept as crucial in the approach to quantum mechanics.

Bearing in mind the presence of this connection, our responsibility becomes more important as we approach a reality where we can no longer say we are not responsable. We all share a common reality as living beings (and therefore conscious on some level), and we can no longer look upon "the other" as something different from ourselves, as in 3D. From 4D onwards, the "other" is revealed as an aspect of ourselves, another facet, a reflection. My feeling is that accepting this reality could help generate less chaos around us or in our environment, because the outside world, the environment, from 4D onwards, is no longer to be considered in isolation. And it's the fact of considering the inside and the outside, at the same time, that makes us perceive what we consider 3D space differently.

We are no longer led to focus on the outside, on what is different from us, but on the relationship, on what links inside and outside, considering them simultaneously... the 4th dimension of space. Then, perhaps, what we think of as the 4th dimension of space, the nature of which we're so keen to know, will turn out to be a frequency characterizing a reality of its own, an individuality linked to the Whole. Then we'll no longer be in a fixed, abstract, external 3D but in a 3D animated by life, a living 3D in which all forms and realities are but an expression, in the moment, of a more living global reality...

I don't know if what I'm saying is clear enough? When my feelings are clearer, I'll come back to this point :)​
Very interesting post. One question comes to mind?

You probably have a strong idea about who "Eric Lux" is. Assume for a second that you don't die in 3D and reincarnate in 4D but you transition.

My question is, is it the Eric Lux that you know yourself to be that will transition through? Assuming that a huge chunk of who you are is 3D based, what will you then be in 4D? Assume you are a father, will you still be a father in 4D, assume you see yourself as quirky, funny etc.. will those still go through? When all these stuff is stripped away, what then will be left to transition through, what piece of your identity?

The people who transition through will have a WILD experience.
Very interesting post. One question comes to mind?

You probably have a strong idea about who "Eric Lux" is. Assume for a second that you don't die in 3D and reincarnate in 4D but you transition.

My question is, is it the Eric Lux that you know yourself to be that will transition through? Assuming that a huge chunk of who you are is 3D based, what will you then be in 4D? Assume you are a father, will you still be a father in 4D, assume you see yourself as quirky, funny etc.. will those still go through? When all these stuff is stripped away, what then will be left to transition through, what piece of your identity?

The people who transition through will have a WILD experience.
Dear @SOTTREADER, honestly, I don't know how the transition will go as it's a total discovery of every moment :)

The only thing I can tell you, at this moment, is that I've been animated for years by the fact that the 4th dimension of space being time never convinced me in college and it has animated all my math and physics research, thoughts and motivation.

What I realize is that until the changes take place, at the level of my consciousness and my DNA, speculations remain abstract and theoretical and that's why I don't post much on the subject even though I would have hundreds of questions to ask Cs on the subject. In fact, I let the realizations take place in my consciousness and when they do, a new look at my environment and my perception of space translates into intuitions that I share through posts.

The biggest surprise was discovering Laura's sessions with the Cs and realizing that what the Cs were saying on the subject was in line with my own feelings. That's how I realized that @Laura 's work, her connection, was really solid because I can confirm that you don't touch Einstein's theories like that.

Morever, I don't have the same approach, as I think it might be easier for us to understand the nature of the 4th dimension of space by looking at the surrounding 3D reality, rather than trying to extend the 3D scientific view that scientists currently have to 4D : in other words, I feel that it will be "easier" to understand the nature of the 4th dimension of space by going back to Maxwell's work than by looking for it through the approach of general relativity and quantum mechanics. After that, there are an infinite number of ways to apprehend it and the one I've mentioned is perhaps the one that suits me personally :)

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to reply and support my feelings. I hope I've answered your questions a little.​
Exactly, it seems that 4D, according to the Cs, has this capacity to allow us to take into account the inside and the outside at the same time. This is not the case in purely external 3D. In fact, it's this fact that, for me, translates into the emergence of physical variability from 4D : the fact of being able to simultaneously consider the inside and the outside makes us change our spatial reference point as to what we consider static or not in physical reality. This is what will enable us to go beyond current physics and make it "alive"... on the way to integrating, little by little, the presence of Consciousness within it.

The fact that entry into 4D translates into an awakening of the DNA is, for me, linked to what you call new capacities or abilities. I wouldn't be surprised if the chaos we're seeing in the terrestrial sphere is linked to the awakening of the inner part of humans and humanity. This inner part being something we have to learn to take into account and there's nothing more difficult than apprehending something that's unknown to us or that we no longer know!

As we enter 4D, we become aware that nothing is separate anymore, as in 3D, where everything is individualized. There is the beginning of an awareness that beyond apparent individuality exists a connection at a level other than physical 3D. This is perhaps what physicists are beginning to discover through the notion of entanglement at the quantum level. These are, perhaps, the first beginnings of what we call consciousness and which we find so hard to accept as crucial in the approach to quantum mechanics.

Bearing in mind the presence of this connection, our responsibility becomes more important as we approach a reality where we can no longer say we are not responsable. We all share a common reality as living beings (and therefore conscious on some level), and we can no longer look upon "the other" as something different from ourselves, as in 3D. From 4D onwards, the "other" is revealed as an aspect of ourselves, another facet, a reflection. My feeling is that accepting this reality could help generate less chaos around us or in our environment, because the outside world, the environment, from 4D onwards, is no longer to be considered in isolation. And it's the fact of considering the inside and the outside, at the same time, that makes us perceive what we consider 3D space differently.

We are no longer led to focus on the outside, on what is different from us, but on the relationship, on what links inside and outside, considering them simultaneously... the 4th dimension of space. Then, perhaps, what we think of as the 4th dimension of space, the nature of which we're so keen to know, will turn out to be a frequency characterizing a reality of its own, an individuality linked to the Whole. Then we'll no longer be in a fixed, abstract, external 3D but in a 3D animated by life, a living 3D in which all forms and realities are but an expression, in the moment, of a more living global reality...

I don't know if what I'm saying is clear enough? When my feelings are clearer, I'll come back to this point :)​
i have read somewhere that the ability to have panoramic vision and to see an object simultaneusly from front and the rear is a characteristic of astral vision.
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