Session 27 February 2016

Ocean said:
(Joe) You want to ask about Ocean on the forum who saw a cylinder-shaped UFO and two Asian-looking men? He saw this UFO about 200 feet above him. He saw two Asian men who were looking at it, and then they disappeared.
A: Craft.
Q: (Joe) What about the "Asian men"?
A: Part of the "away team"


That is mind blowing to have that confirmed. Though I knew it was some sort of other worldly craft. Wonder what they wanted with me.

That is a very pertinent question.

Your close encounter of the 3rd kind -- may not have stopped there. (Especially seeing unusual "beings".) I assume no one else was around. Have you had dreams or other strange signs after this experience? Maybe hypnosis can reveal more.

Like Joe said, I would be kinda spooked ... for sure.

Thank you for sharing this session.

Q: (Pierre) Uh, okay. This cosmic energy coming from the sun and its interaction with its companion powers El Niño. But I guess El Niño is not the only effect of these surges...

A: Remember that the center of a sphere is a window!

Q: (Pierre) Yeah, I remember that.

A: Portal too!

Q: (L) So the energy that powers El Niño could come from within the Earth in a sense as coming through a portal to another dimension?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Or density or something.

(Joe) It's one of the effects of the Wave, right?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is the Wave going to come upon us from within our own planet?

A: Partly already showing signs and symptoms!

I wonder what are the consequences of these multilateral actions:

Session 18 October 1994

Q: (L) Is the solar system sort of a giant atom?

A: No. But similar; remember your atomic knowledge is still mostly theoretical.

Q: (L) Could the orbits of the planets be described as energy 'shells' such as the shells occupied by the various electrons around an atom?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Does the solar system, at different points in time absorb or emit energy and do planets move from one shell to another? And, does the nature of the solar system change what it "is" by adding or taking away bodies?

A: First, if a solar system adds or subtracts bodies then of course it changes. Next, the fundamental changes occur as a result of interaction with outside forces.

Q: (L) What outside forces?

A: Plane convergence.

Q: (L) What is plane convergence?

A: What will happen to earth.

Q: (L) Is this going to happen soon?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is this plane convergence a phenomenon that occurs frequently in the universe, galaxy or solar system?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What is it caused by or manifested by?

A: Passing through realm border.

Q: (L) What is a realm border?

A: Too complex.

from Session 18 March 1995
A: Okay, here we go: Oncoming wave is a transformation from third density to fourth density so, events happening due to the approach of the wave are causing changes across densities and realities! In third density, you will notice changes that will have third density explanations, but they are a manifestation of the approach; you see them as third density because that is your current point of reference! Remember that all reflects in and cross all density levels but also there is a merging upon arrival of the wave, it is realm border crossing!!!!!!

Well, I tried to put it together, but my mind can't even fathom what it would be like: other realities entering and exiting will be impossible to understand and explained away - What I suppose is that our continuity will end.

I wonder what could be the appropriate "training"one can do in order to live through this process? Maybe to choose to participate to as many unusual, unexpected situations as we can find?

What are your ideas?
Shared Joy said:
Well, I tried to put it together, but my mind can't even fathom what it would be like: other realities entering and exiting will be impossible to understand and explained away - What I suppose is that our continuity will end.

Yes, things will change. But, would you like things to continue on as they are at this time?

I wonder what could be the appropriate "training"one can do in order to live through this process? Maybe to choose to participate to as many unusual, unexpected situations as we can find?

What most of us are doing and have done is just continue the Work. The many unusual and unexpected situations will occur all by themselves. What we can do is just understand that they will happen so that when they do we will not be so 'shook up' when things like that do occur because we are mentally prepared for weird stuff. It will be easier to cope with these things for us than for most people who do not know these things are coming.
[quote author= Shared Joy]I wonder what could be the appropriate "training" one can do in order to live through this process? Maybe to choose to participate to as many unusual, unexpected situations as we can find?

What are your ideas?[/quote]

Key is I think to be able to think in limitless terms. Not that easy since we can be rather attached to our ideas (sacred cows) of what we consider ''reality''- Practicing The Work is the antidote.

Also, when dealing with the unknown being vigilant is the right approach. Amazement is fun and opens us to new ideas. Just don’t get sucked in to it. Always stay vigilant. Fear is useful in this manner but blind fear does not serve anyone and blocks out our thinking process.
happyliza said:
Well good news the environment intervenes on WW3 but where and what must be very shortly.

I heard today from my partner they heard the Turkish army is heading for his area 'from all different directions' So that sounds ominous. They do not know the army's intentions yet. He is stuck there until he can get his papers that temporarily absolve him of army conscription. Until they arrive he cannot leave via any port or airport! So keeping fingers crossed!!! I hope whatever environment factors happen soon as Erdogan et al are all so seriously 'losing it' that crazy leaders are going to do even more crazy things sadly.le

I thought something similar. The Cs also once mentioned that a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia in Ukraine might not come to pass due to cosmic or weather events. Now they say the same about the Syria situation, which already looks quite delicate. So, if things were left the way they are, how long would it take for a major confrontation to start? 6 months, a year or two? And if that scenario might be interrupted by Nature, doesn't that mean that Nature will make a big move rather soon?

I hope your partner gets out of harm's way swiftly, happyliza.
Thank you very much for doing and sharing this interesting session from yet another one in the row :flowers:
sitting said:
Ocean said:
(Joe) You want to ask about Ocean on the forum who saw a cylinder-shaped UFO and two Asian-looking men? He saw this UFO about 200 feet above him. He saw two Asian men who were looking at it, and then they disappeared.
A: Craft.
Q: (Joe) What about the "Asian men"?
A: Part of the "away team"


That is mind blowing to have that confirmed. Though I knew it was some sort of other worldly craft. Wonder what they wanted with me.

That is a very pertinent question.

Your close encounter of the 3rd kind -- may not have stopped there. (Especially seeing unusual "beings".) I assume no one else was around. Have you had dreams or other strange signs after this experience? Maybe hypnosis can reveal more.

Like Joe said, I would be kinda spooked ... for sure.


Yes the 'beings' were unusual for sure. My attention was on the first one right away as I was driving towards him. He was very very tall. The other who was just getting up from the ground was normal height, wearing a brown Pakistani style, thigh length tunic and baggy pants.
There was not another human being to be seen anywhere. The road was completely empty.
Only one car - mine. There was no other car to be seen, from the beginning to the time when I decided to quit and carry on to my destination.

I reached my destination on time, so I wasn't even late for my appointment. I have no missing time.

I have not had any dreams or any signs or clues of something amiss since the encounter.

The only incident which stands out was something that happened before the encounter. I checked out a relative from the hospital who had gone in for a simple procedure. It turned out they wanted to whisk the relative straight into surgery.

We even ended up in the surgical ward in the middle of the night - with the relative waiting for the operation.
Sense prevailed and we both decided we should definitely get out of dodge before it was too late.

LAMA - Left Against Medical Advice was the only way they would agree to let us go. Not even allowed a simple Discharge.
Thanks for the session! :flowers: :)

Mrs. Tigersoap's comment about reality truly being stranger then fiction made me laugh so hard! XD

Regarding Uranium, actually here in New Jersey were I live, radon gasses from decaying uranium are actually EXTREMELY common. I'm not sure for which countries this site calculates for, but for those in the states, this site will tell you the level of Radon gasses in your area, which can give you a general idea of how much Uranium you're expose to DAILY (along with some other interesting facts).

Learner said:
Thank you very much for doing and sharing this interesting session from yet another one in the row :flowers:

Dito that - thanks so much for the session everyone. Fascinating and much to ponder.
Thanks to the Château's crew and the C's for this : "a scouting expedition by other dimensional plant based amateurs" :phaser:
This is so far beyond average imagination that it could well be true, like some kind of "passing through realm border"...
Anyway it gave me a good laugh, despite the fact that it was not a joke at all for the hikers !
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