Session 27 February 2016

Shared Joy said:
Well, I tried to put it together, but my mind can't even fathom what it would be like: other realities entering and exiting will be impossible to understand and explained away - What I suppose is that our continuity will end.

I wonder what could be the appropriate "training"one can do in order to live through this process? Maybe to choose to participate to as many unusual, unexpected situations as we can find?

What are your ideas?

I think it's very much the kind of things we're working on anyway. Generally paying attention to and striving to understand reality; learning and exploring possibilites with an open but critical mind, challenging ingrained assumptions and ways of looking at all manner of things; health (diet, detox, iodine, etc.), and in turn brain and mental functioning; Work on the self, to move past false ideas, lies to the self, illusions, and also generally improve self-mastery.

That's extremely general. Some main points would be, to be healthy and aware and capable of remaining level-headed under pressure - and we can expect plenty of plain old 3D turmoil as well (both societal and environmental). Sorting out emotional wounds is important, since such baggage impacts both mind and body, and we have the general idea that whatever is inside us will become more and more amplified over time ("hyperkinetic sensate").

EDIT: Our understanding of the general approach to take is also evolving over time, alongside the circumstances. So, doing our best, networking, remaining part of our collective learning process (and also trusting the individual learning process), we'll figure things out as we go. We cannot know or plan it all in advance, but we don't need to. We just need to stay alive and responsive to reality and one another.
Thanks a lot for sharing this session.
I think it's a little more clear for me, about the Wave, even if lots of questions and ignorance are in my mind.
The idea of the new planet discovered being the companion is interesting.
The importance of iodine incites me to look for iodine supplement.
I have the answear of the meaning of elevator in my dreams. Untill know, I didn't believe in the significance of dreams.
I admit that all I learn here on hyperdimensional, EMF, Wave still seems science-fiction for me. So new, so incredible. Like 2 voices in my head: "open your mind" vs "all that is fiction"
The grays are tools of lizzies, but the beings described in the current session were spoken of as if they were acting on their own accord. And "scouting", mining, and doing transdimensional exploration as if this reality is new to them, does not fit the idea that those beings are 4D (which the greys are). It seems more like what a high-tech 3D civilization might be up to.

It was said in Ra material there are beings that can evolve from plants if I remember correctly, probably involving longer time and non-interrupted progress by other species.

Another possibility might be, perhaps the lizzies made use of DNA from a race of 3D plant-like beings when creating the grays? So that the grays would be some kind of mad 4D-science mixture of those beings, possibly human DNA, and whatever other things and changes are part of it.

Part plant, part "human", part robot? Human and plant DNA would make sense if humans are 3-4D and plants if we take into consideration above 2-3D beings, it would make them more easy to function in 3D.

There might be all kinds of parallel worlds with different forms of 3D STS life, under the heel of the same 4D STS hierarchy (which has been described using an "empire" metaphor).

Maybe plant worlds are not so interesting to some 4D hierarchies because they have not so much energy to offer as humans, and jumping from one dimension to other can be monitored or controlled more or less(or blocked to some degree if technology or consciousness is enough developed) and does not go unnoticed by 4D if some other 3 or 4D group from other reality goes into their turf, and if you are are 3D or 4D STS and the area you choose is under other 4D STS, but probably they can not know it unless they probe it, you never know what will you find on another side - bigger fish?, so it is risky because your discovery could become your doom if they can trace you.
nature said:
Thanks a lot for sharing this session.
I think it's a little more clear for me, about the Wave, even if lots of questions and ignorance are in my mind.
The idea of the new planet discovered being the companion is interesting.
The importance of iodine incites me to look for iodine supplement.
I have the answear of the meaning of elevator in my dreams. Untill know, I didn't believe in the significance of dreams.
I admit that all I learn here on hyperdimensional, EMF, Wave still seems science-fiction for me. So new, so incredible. Like 2 voices in my head: "open your mind" vs "all that is fiction"

Hi Nature,

Congratulations for opening your mind like this. it's not easy when you think about all these mind manipulations we experience for such a long time. About the things that seem to be fiction, you have to know that some of it are simplly "real" for many physicists who work on quantum physic. It's too bad that so few people know about physic quantum. We don't learn basics in School and we don't use to talk a lot about that in TV or other mainstream media except to announce some news from the last CERN discovery but most of us don't understand anything. In fact, the more we advance in quantum physic, the more it appears that everything is possible and that we don't know anything about what is reality. Don't forget that the fiction of today is the science of tomorrow.

Anyway, generally, I don't like the word "believe". As my oldest friend use to say, "it's better to know that to believe". I like to say that I don't believe in anything and I'm open minded to everything, my only limit is my imagination. As C's said at the beginning, "Knowledge protects, ignorance brings danger" or something like that. Let's learn, experiment, share informations and let's have fun doing that even if the world is not at his best and global suffering is all around us.
Hi all, and thanks for the recent session transcript. Very interesting as always. About the toxins, there are so many, but nickel is quite common, people forget that nickel is a major constituent of most coinage, and a lot of jewellery (earrings) so it comes into close contact with our sweaty bodies.
Arsenic may be found in your water supplies, if they are coming from underground, sometimes it leaches out of the glazes in pottery and things like cups and mugs which we drink out of, certain coloured glazes contain arsenides.
Very interesting session! I had a feeling there was going to be another session posted and my goodness is sure made my day when it was there.

I couldn't help but notice that Laura was tired.. I am not assuming anything perhaps she just had a long day, but is anyone else feeling massive fatigue? Its interrupting with my reading time :P

Thanks for all the hard work you put in!!! Greatly appreciated from over here!
Thanks, Chateau crew, for this latest session!

A further distinction between Greys and the plant-based race mentioned by the Cs seems that they are "sentient "(in the same twisted way as we are), but Greys are not, more like remote-comtrolled drones.

Also I think when saying "plant-based" the Cs might have some slightly different notions than we do have here down in 3D. Maybe these "plants" may be able to move like we are, but just do it in a different way. So their "plantness" might relate to a different set of attributes than we are using.
Psalehesost said:
Shared Joy said:
Well, I tried to put it together, but my mind can't even fathom what it would be like: other realities entering and exiting will be impossible to understand and explained away - What I suppose is that our continuity will end.

I wonder what could be the appropriate "training"one can do in order to live through this process? Maybe to choose to participate to as many unusual, unexpected situations as we can find?

What are your ideas?

I think it's very much the kind of things we're working on anyway. Generally paying attention to and striving to understand reality; learning and exploring possibilites with an open but critical mind, challenging ingrained assumptions and ways of looking at all manner of things; health (diet, detox, iodine, etc.), and in turn brain and mental functioning; Work on the self, to move past false ideas, lies to the self, illusions, and also generally improve self-mastery.

That's extremely general. Some main points would be, to be healthy and aware and capable of remaining level-headed under pressure - and we can expect plenty of plain old 3D turmoil as well (both societal and environmental). Sorting out emotional wounds is important, since such baggage impacts both mind and body, and we have the general idea that whatever is inside us will become more and more amplified over time ("hyperkinetic sensate").

EDIT: Our understanding of the general approach to take is also evolving over time, alongside the circumstances. So, doing our best, networking, remaining part of our collective learning process (and also trusting the individual learning process), we'll figure things out as we go. We cannot know or plan it all in advance, but we don't need to. We just need to stay alive and responsive to reality and one another.

Hi Psalehesost ,
thank you for your response. We cannot have all the answers, but we can fallow the path of last resistance.

I also think that changes are going to affect not only the external "reality" but also our ability/inability to interpret them and make a choice. To remain level headed I think is very much linked to not having an overbearing ego and also approaching things without prejudice, assumptions - that is by inspired spontaneity This could be much more easier to attain once the veil will become thinner and we'll be much more in touch with "ether" , the medium between information and manifestation.

from Session 9 June 1996 where there is a topic about sleep, drugs which open this curtain:

Q: (L) This recent 'awakening' or period of seeing things with such clarity, as they really were, and the whole picture of the interactions between people and how truly ugly it can be. I plunged into a terrible depression. I needed to get my balance from seeing so much all at once. Can you explain to me what was going on?

A: Growth.

Q: (L) I tried to share this perception with other people, and almost without exception, when I said to people that I was finally seeing things in their true state and it was NOT a pretty picture, they all said "well, you are obviously seeing this through the eyes of some major spirit possession!" Why would they say this?

A: First of all, it is not correct to perceive "everything in such darkness and gloom, etc." That is merely the result of a cocoon of falsehood being removed. Celebrate the balance. Don't mourn the death of an illusion of an imbalance.

Q: (L) Where do I go from here? Where do we all go?

A: Everywhere.

Q: (L) We were talking earlier about sleeping and dreaming. It seems to me that sleeping cannot be an evolutionary benefit, because sleeping would not evolve as something beneficial, because when you are asleep, you are completely vulnerable to any munching monster that passes by. Therefore, it is not conducive to evolution to sleep. And, I think there is some other reason for this thing we call sleeping. Obviously it is not to rest the brain, because the brain is as active asleep as when awake. And the bodily functions...

A: Bodies may get munched; souls don't, however!

Q: (L) Okay, yes, but still it makes me think that there is something to this sleeping business that does not meet the eye in strictly physical terms. Nobody seems to know why we sleep. You made a remark once that dreams were a prime opportunity for the implanting of negative information and suggestions. This makes me think that we are even more vulnerable during sleep than previously thought. Are we induced to slepp genetically for the purpose of control by other density beings? Could you comment?

A: Ask specifics.

Q: (L) Is it essential, in an evolutionary sense, for the human body to sleep?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Why is it that carnivores need more sleep than herbivores, and on down?

A: Physicality, my dear, physicality.

Q: (L) What is it about physicality that necessitates sleep? What are we doing while we are sleeping?

A: Body recharge.

Q: (L) Where is the body being recharged from or what is it being recharged by?

A: Rest.

Q: (L) What is the soul doing while the body is sleeping?

A: Same, it taxes the soul greatly to be embodied.

Q: (L) Is this why, when people suffer sleep deprivation, they go psychotic?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Why are the results of sleep deprivation, psychosis, delirium tremens, and psychedelic drugs and some mystical states so similar in their expressions and manifestations? What is being seen?

A: Openings.

Q: (L) Well, if doing without sleep provides an opening, what is it an opening to?

A: Density levels 4 and up.

Q: (L) It would seem to me - well, why is this not good?

A: Who said it wasn't?

Q: (L) Well, apparently a lot of people who have psychotic episodes, literally go out of their minds. They can no longer function in this world. They LOCK them up!

A: Yes...

Q: (L) Why does melatonin induce these openings?

A: Gentle hallucinogen.

Q: (L) SV's mother took it and got all discombobulated with it!

A: Perception is key. If you really "dig" 3rd density, it makes you uncomfortable to see into the higher densities.

Q: (L) Can one use something like this and grow accustomed to the higher densities?

A: Ask Timothy Leary.

Q: (S) It's too late now! He's in 5 D! (L) Ask him for us.

A: We did, and he liked it a lot!

Well, I don't advocate taking drugs, as these openings will be easier to access and be used, so I think. We still have some time to take some sane distance from strict 3D thinking, without losing our common sense.

Also, by learning to follow the Spirit's intimations one can enjoy the ride. That's what the ancients meant by following the Tao and not letting the Ego to interfere by fear of losing the 3D grip.

Richard S said:
Shared Joy said:
I wonder what could be the appropriate "training"one can do in order to live through this process? Maybe to choose to participate to as many unusual, unexpected situations as we can find?

What most of us are doing and have done is just continue the Work. The many unusual and unexpected situations will occur all by themselves. What we can do is just understand that they will happen so that when they do we will not be so 'shook up' when things like that do occur because we are mentally prepared for weird stuff. It will be easier to cope with these things for us than for most people who do not know these things are coming.

Hi Richard S,
I definitely agree that having some foreknowledge is most welcome.

One thing I observed that even with "unworldly" events when happened, people also fall into the 3 usual categories: flight, fight, frozen, plus one more: able to go with the flow undisturbed, even if having no foreknowledge in the 3D way of acquiring it. I think this last one depends on the inherent spiritual profile.

Somehow, worldly experiences troubled me more than spontaneous spiritual experiences. They were somehow "natural", though I had no previous knowledge of them. It just happened to be so. Who knows why, and how will be the next one?

bjorn said:
[quote author= Shared Joy]I wonder what could be the appropriate "training" one can do in order to live through this process? Maybe to choose to participate to as many unusual, unexpected situations as we can find?

What are your ideas?

Key is I think to be able to think in limitless terms. Not that easy since we can be rather attached to our ideas (sacred cows) of what we consider ''reality''- Practicing The Work is the antidote.

Also, when dealing with the unknown being vigilant is the right approach. Amazement is fun and opens us to new ideas. Just don’t get sucked in to it. Always stay vigilant. Fear is useful in this manner but blind fear does not serve anyone and blocks out our thinking process.

Hi bjorn,
you are right we can choose to think in limitless therm and be inspired in thought and action. Much hindrance is due to the conditioning processes we were subjected. Hopefully we'll be not scared by the freedom perspective. Step by step...until the big jump.
Ocean said:
That is mind blowing to have that confirmed. Though I knew it was some sort of other worldly craft. Wonder what they wanted with me. Even sending an "away team". I must admit I was a bit nonchalant about it all. It's just that I have seen so much weird stuff in my life. Had so many unexplained experiences.

If I remember correctly, I don't think it's uncommon for people who have this kind of experience to feel nonchalant about it at the time -- it's only later when they review the event that they grasp the strangeness and wonder why they didn't react more when it was happening. I think abduction researchers often attribute this to a purposeful (but temporary) distortion of consciousness of the witness by the 'aliens' -- which is why the witness may not think to take a picture, for example, because it just doesn't occur to them at the time to do so while under this influence.
Windmill knight said:
happyliza said:
Well good news the environment intervenes on WW3 but where and what must be very shortly.

I heard today from my partner they heard the Turkish army is heading for his area 'from all different directions' So that sounds ominous. They do not know the army's intentions yet. He is stuck there until he can get his papers that temporarily absolve him of army conscription. Until they arrive he cannot leave via any port or airport! So keeping fingers crossed!!! I hope whatever environment factors happen soon as Erdogan et al are all so seriously 'losing it' that crazy leaders are going to do even more crazy things sadly.le

I thought something similar. The Cs also once mentioned that a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia in Ukraine might not come to pass due to cosmic or weather events. Now they say the same about the Syria situation, which already looks quite delicate. So, if things were left the way they are, how long would it take for a major confrontation to start? 6 months, a year or two? And if that scenario might be interrupted by Nature, doesn't that mean that Nature will make a big move rather soon?

I had similar thoughts too - as the C's reiterated again that Nature will intervene before the major confrontation. Considering the situation, and how the Empire is itching to blow-up the conflict in Syria - I think we don't have long. I wonder if the 4D controllers of the Empire actually know this; and want it to happen in their own convoluted way - wishfully thinking they can control the outcomes post disasters/cataclysm...not sure at all.
Thanks so much for the session, fascinating info especially about the Dyatlov Pass incident.

Laura said:
Q: (PoB) Were there fireballs that people said they saw in the location?

A: Probing portals obviously!

Q: (L) So in other words, sometimes some of these balls of light or fire could be like openings or portals that are probing around in our reality?

A: Oh indeed!

Maybe it is also then, 'probing portals' that people are seeing with regard to the orange orb phenomenon :shock:
Mr.Cyan said:
I had similar thoughts too - as the C's reiterated again that Nature will intervene before the major confrontation. Considering the situation, and how the Empire is itching to blow-up the conflict in Syria - I think we don't have long. I wonder if the 4D controllers of the Empire actually know this; and want it to happen in their own convoluted way - wishfully thinking they can control the outcomes post disasters/cataclysm...not sure at all.

Anyway it's interesting to see what a lot of people think about this year. 2016 appears to be a special year and it has already begun, environmental problems, refugees crisis, syria conflict issues, ...
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