Session 27 February 2016

Thanks for the fascinating session! And sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well Laura--I hope you're feeling better now :flowers:

The comments on the Dylatov incident were interesting. It reminds me of when I was listening to the audiobook version of Keel's "The Mothman Prophecies" and thinking about "as above, so below"--the thing that occurred to me was that something that happens on 3D planet earth is that teenagers get drunk and go cow-tipping at night, so why not have similar things in 4D? Basically, that if human's have that level of stupidity, boredom, and lack of creativity and concern for other beings, then the same could quite easily be true for 4D and some of Keel's stories about strange things that happened basically made me think of some groups or individuals in 4D coming to earth to "mess with the humans" for entertainment. The C's comment that they were plant-based is certainly interesting though! Reality continues to appear to be far stranger and more interesting than we know.

The heavy metal comments remind me a bit of something I recall reading about the time of the fall of the Roman empire--the thing I read was that Romans were basically all sterile at the time, largely due to lead poisoning since they used lead pipes for water and the women used lead-based makeup. I've often thought about that in considering the huge toxicity of our world today and the impending collapse of the empire--seems like there's certainly a relationship to the two.

The DNA strands comments were also interesting--since they said that the average person has 17, I wonder exactly what they're referring to, since I was under the impression that they had mentioned humans originally having 12 strands and 10 were "burned off" by 4D STS.

Lots to think about! :)
T.C. said:
Thanks for sharing the latest session with us, guys! :flowers:

SeekinTruth said:
Sorry to hear about what you went through, Laura. Sheesh, hope you feel much better as soon as possible.

Ditto that! Thanks for the warning, Laura. Get well soon :hug2:

Thanks for the session! Laura, hope you are feeling much better, and sorry to hear you went through that. :hug2: Thank you for the warning about 5-HTP, had no idea that it could work such havoc in the intestines. :O
Thank you for the interesting session !

It's good to know that the "epic pain" is gone, and instead
you have an epic recovering, Laura. :flowers: :flowers:
:flowers: :flowers:
Thank you guys for an interesting session. I don't think I will be getting plant-based amateurs out of my head for awhile, but at least got to hear what happened with Dyatlov Pass. I hope Laura is doing better with each passing day. Certainly, world events seem super-charged and was wondering what will break first. Just from reading all of the SOTT news articles, it doesn't appear like the world can remain in a long holding pattern. The recent news of another precursor on the West coast with the release of the carbon monoxide in CA made me think of the discussions in the recent sessions. I've enjoyed Pierre's insightful remarks, so thank you Pierre! Thank you for your continuing diligent efforts!
Foxx said:
The DNA strands comments were also interesting--since they said that the average person has 17, I wonder exactly what they're referring to, since I was under the impression that they had mentioned humans originally having 12 strands and 10 were "burned off" by 4D STS.

Maybe at a physical level humans have two strands of DNA and on an intangible/spiritual/energetic they can have more.
Thanks for the session! I'm sorry to hear about your 5-HTP incident Laura. I've actually done the opposite with NAC and Alpha Lipoic Acid, where I didn't drink enough to get the pills totally down and it resulted in heartburn.

I actually had a weird dream last weekend where you were very vulnerable and emotional and saying something like, "I still believe in Jesus." And I think I remembered it later the next day and thought it was really silly / that's not Laura. Could be the iodine.
3D Student said:
I actually had a weird dream last weekend where you were very vulnerable and emotional and saying something like, "I still believe in Jesus." And I think I remembered it later the next day and thought it was really silly / that's not Laura. Could be the iodine.

Definitely must be the iodine. I'm finishing up some bible vs history studies and it never has been so clear that the whole thing is a fraud from start to finish.
Pierre said:
Foxx said:
The DNA strands comments were also interesting--since they said that the average person has 17, I wonder exactly what they're referring to, since I was under the impression that they had mentioned humans originally having 12 strands and 10 were "burned off" by 4D STS.

Maybe at a physical level humans have two strands of DNA and on an intangible/spiritual/energetic they can have more.

I wonder how much more before reaching the 4D. :)

On a side note, this is a second time that C's called you a "kinder". They are starting to speak German? :) I know that Laura was a German woman in past life.

Previous session:,40125.0.html

And speaking about weird dreams while on iodine, I had a dream in which I was lying down and looking at the sky, but I saw not a sky but the Earth. And not only the part of Earth, like what you can see on the pictures from space, but a full live map of Earth. Like when the C's said that in 4D you can see the full surface of the sphere. It was certainly an interesting perspective on things. Looking up and seeing down, looking at the sphere and seeing the whole.
Persej said:
And speaking about weird dreams while on iodine, I had a dream in which I was lying down and looking at the sky, but I saw not a sky but the Earth. And not only the part of Earth, like what you can see on the pictures from space, but a full live map of Earth. Like when the C's said that in 4D you can see the full surface of the sphere. It was certainly an interesting perspective on things. Looking up and seeing down, looking at the sphere and seeing the whole.

Are you sure that you only took Iodine ? :P

Seriously, nice and interesting dream ! Concerning iodine, what is your personal dosage ? It's time for me to start this adventure. i'm going to look study the whole post in the diet section.

By the way Thank you Laura for your warning about the htp dosage. I wish you a good recovering and some deserved rest.
Thank you! Interesting stuff.

It is rather disconcerting that plant-based amateurs would amuse themselves with creating interdimenisonal portals on our planet. How very dare they! One must wonder how often this happens and then gets covered up (for obvious reasons). And it is curious that the mineral layer under the site was necessary for the portal to open. The layer and its shape... what shape are we talking about here, me wonders.

Well done.

MusicMan said:
Arsenic may be found in your water supplies, if they are coming from underground, sometimes it leaches out of the glazes in pottery and things like cups and mugs which we drink out of, certain coloured glazes contain arsenides.

On this topic..recently two glass manufacturing companies have been in the news quite a bit where I use to live due to a study revealing high concentration levels in the area of heavy metals cadmium, arsenic and chromium. Today, there was also an article in the paper with more info about the moss study done by the U.S. Forest Service that detected the high concentration:

Use to work across the street from one of the companies for several months (glad I quit that job) and for a couple years I lived in the area. Thinking a lot more about getting tested for these metals..

Apparently the state is covering the cost of the urine test...but only for people who can't afford it (to test for cadmium specifically, the metal that showed the highest concentration)
Awesome session as always.
Don't trust those greys., I have few friends who think that greys are good guys.. I have one friend who thinks she is one.. Is that dangerous for people around her ?

Thanks a bunch for sharing ❤️
Persej said:
Pierre said:
Foxx said:
The DNA strands comments were also interesting--since they said that the average person has 17, I wonder exactly what they're referring to, since I was under the impression that they had mentioned humans originally having 12 strands and 10 were "burned off" by 4D STS.

Maybe at a physical level humans have two strands of DNA and on an intangible/spiritual/energetic they can have more.

I wonder how much more before reaching the 4D. :)

On a side note, this is a second time that C's called you a "kinder". They are starting to speak German? :) I know that Laura was a German woman in past life.

Previous session:,40125.0.html

And speaking about weird dreams while on iodine, I had a dream in which I was lying down and looking at the sky, but I saw not a sky but the Earth. And not only the part of Earth, like what you can see on the pictures from space, but a full live map of Earth. Like when the C's said that in 4D you can see the full surface of the sphere. It was certainly an interesting perspective on things. Looking up and seeing down, looking at the sphere and seeing the whole.

Session 6 February 2016

A: We once mentioned worldwide simultaneous eruptions. Not just that, but also the cyclic heating within the Earth and release of gases that propel continental drift. When the present period of change terminates, much of your world will be unrecognizable.

To see the unrecognizable world it is necessary to be in height … Just a reflection.

Your dream detail what I meant
To see the world beyond recognition, it is necessary to be in 4D.
Christine said:
To see the unrecognizable world it is necessary to be in height … Just a reflection.

Your dream detail what I meant
To see the world beyond recognition, it is necessary to be in 4D.

Both statements are assumptions and do not follow logically.
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