Thank you all at the chateau for keeping the light house shinning. As thing will get more chaotic and strange (as if it is not already for those with eyes to see) maybe it will convince some to pay more attention to the work and research that as been done here for many years.
A: Now, we would like to say something of interest to all: Soon things in your realm will become very chaotic and strange. It will give chills to many. Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers. Be prepared to give the help that is needed. Be together in love and peace. Goodbye.
As chaotic as this present time is, it asn't got many to pay attention or research the primary cause of it all. Knowledge, isn't present in the mass and I don't think that chaos alone could by itself engage them to question our reality. Our history is fill with chaotic time but as you know, it always repeat itself and humanity do not seem to learn from those time. What give me hope in the above message is the word strange and the stranger it will get, the greater will be the impact it will have on humanity. How many time did I read in this forum about researchers that are doing a great deal to understand our pass, our reality but are missing the key ingredient, the hyperdensity reality of this univers. Talking about chaos in general, be it related to war, climate change etc... as become another babel tower, everyone as, to a degree, an idea of what is the cause but in general most don't really know or are totally in the left feild. But still, you may give them some food for their tought in a discussion but, try mentioning something strange that happened to you or that you have read about and you will enter, with most, a dead end. Like many in this forum, I'm sure, I had my share of experiences with the unseen, encountering along the path denizent from outside our world, ufo, sasquatch and on many occasion crossing the barrier or so I think to other dimension and event density, fighting men in black, grays or demon and by necessity showing familly member to figth them as well. Experience that if mentionned to the wrong ears would have sent me streigth to an asylum. I would even have difficulty writing about them here so let alone to other without any knowledge of this nature.
What I'm trying to say is that humanity need a great shock to awake and maybe the cosmos is about to provide one, force it unto them.