Session 28 May 2013

You should read the Wave series, some psychology books, and Gurdjieff 4th way work.

In the Wave series (which researches what the C's were hinting at through the sessions), you realize that we all are bags of chemicals. Those chemicals can make something look/feel better or worse than it is. That is the nature of this reality, we are by nature subjective. It came from evolution, to help us survive by making "quick" subconscious decisions.
Here's a good part of the wave that might help you get a basis of this problem:

What you may be mistaken about the C's is how they use the terms of love and heart, etc. They are speaking of these things from the perspective of 6th density, where there is no physical outside influence. No amount of believing that you are not influenced by the outside environment (and the chemicals inside- and your past upbringing), will change that. It is all too convinient to push aside the other things that the C's / 4th way/ psychology say are important for us: to WORK on yourself to see as objectively as possible. And yes, that includes seeing negative things too. Hey, we are in a messed up world, and no matter how much we try to make it seem/feel better, it still IS WHAT IT IS. In fact, by choosing to ignore those things- we are choosing to lie to ourselves- to see the world the way we want it, not the way it is. That is STS- wishful thinking.

BTW, when the C's were asked about graduation to 4th density, they explained it like school. We have to learn the lessons of 3rd density first, before graduating. When it comes to kundalini and such, that is like learning 4th and up topics while still in 3rd grade, which will not help you pass the 3rd grade.
The C's also said that the requirements to learn here to pass are "Simple karmic lessons". When I meditated on that, it reminded me of Gurdjieff's Obyvatel:

Gurdjieff said that the work can only start at the level of the Obyvatel, aka the ordinary man. No amount of "enlightenment" can make us excused from the basic requirements of 3rd density. We have to see the rules of reality on this level, and no amount of imagining/theorizing the next levels will help us avoid the "simple karmic lessons" of this level.
Number 1 rule of the Cs: Knowledge Protects.
Number 2 rule of the Cs: Always Expect Attack
Number 3 rule of the Cs: NETWORK.

All of the above precludes "listening to the heart" for guidance. It's not that the heart lies, but that almost nobody has grown or crystallized enough heart for it to be heard above the clamor of the emotional chemicals that run the show.
seiw83 said:
I use soul 'cleasing expresion' in purpose. Those are cs word, writen in some early session in 1994 maybe later I dont rember exactly). In later session they give examples of people in sertain action working with law of karma to cleanse their souls.

Hi seiw83. Please be careful about taking information out of context. No two people can be identical in every aspect and context. What may work for, or apply to one person or group, may not necessarily be generalized to everyone.

seiw83 said:
If you are astrologer or maby familiar with kabbalach or sanskrit you can notice that there is always emotion and mind in bottom. This is world of images not world. Because i belive through my experience that only images works on soul level. There is sound in yoga, but always you use your head to imagine or visualise something. I agree with you that ego and mind trap are great. But there is a gate of ego mind, and once crossed it has no power over stopping any emotional experience. In sanskrit you have desription how souls come int spiritual body, and rise as kundalini. Your physical body is clue.

Heart is middle of cross.

My intention is not to disagree or debate what you say. For all I know, I may get different meanings from your words than you want to convey, but I would offer some suggestion. There are some sick, sick people in this world and some of them are unconscious and in deep denial of reality for various reasons. There are people who live in their ego framework, informed by nothing more than a social sympathy that fools them into thinking they know their own being and can teach you about yours as well. Some of them are esoteric or 'spiritual' teachers from whom we may unknowingly absorb ideas and then think that these ideas are our own.

As well, there are many metaphysical and pseudo-science models of reality and spirituality being promoted these days, and so many of them have so many ideas that somehow "ring true" to our ears that we can fall for them uncritically and perhaps be doomed to repeat sad lives until we get it right.

Personally, I believe that our Work is most important. If it is done and done right, any 'truth' you believe in will stand the test. If there are good sounding lies accidentally mixed in, then we benefit from having them exposed and corrected.

Further, it is my belief that until a person becomes viscerally aware of their own animal nature and a capacity for the most damaging violence and vilest behavior towards others, then that person can stand to improve their appreciation for the kind of Work that goes into having a clear and true knowledge of the 'heart' and 'soul.' But I could be a little off here, somewhat.

But these are just my thoughts that I'm sharing, because like that quote by Alexis Carrel in Carlyle's siggy:

Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.
~Alexis Carrel
Buddy said:
seiw83 said:
I use soul 'cleasing expresion' in purpose. Those are cs word, writen in some early session in 1994 maybe later I dont rember exactly). In later session they give examples of people in sertain action working with law of karma to cleanse their souls.

My intention is not to disagree or debate what you say. For all I know, I may get different meanings from your words than you want to convey, but I would offer some suggestion. There are some sick, sick people in this world and some of them are unconscious and in deep denial of reality for various reasons.

But these are just my thoughts that I'm sharing, because like that quote by Alexis Carrel in Carlyle's siggy:

Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.
~Alexis Carrel

Boy Buddy, ante it the truth.

c.a. said:
Boy Buddy, ante it the truth.


Yep, thanks. If I were female, I'd be in love with Tommy Lee Jones... wait...what's gender got to do with it??? :D
I am told to be carefull. You are all right in your information, but it is past for me. All youw warning are suffered. We have different undertanding of words, because of our experience. I am probably younger tham most of you. I have experienced deluded life, with faith given to me ( catholic church - as many) I belived that what they say it is true, because it is raight to be a good man - always a truthfull one. I was deeply mistakien, young and naive in this kind of believes. I do not seek any gurus because the one is in my heart.

This is Laura;s - and it is so true about soul clansing for me. A working God;s grace in own journey.
He who learns must suffer
And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget
Falls drop by drop upon the heart,
And in our own despair, against our will,
Comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.
Agamemnon, Aeschylus

I have just one plea. Ask C;s about tears and their association to cleansing process of karma and fear.
seiw83 said:
I am told to be carefull. You are all right in your information, but it is past for me. All youw warning are suffered. We have different undertanding of words, because of our experience. I am probably younger tham most of you. I have experienced deluded life, with faith given to me ( catholic church - as many) I belived that what they say it is true, because it is raight to be a good man - always a truthfull one. I was deeply mistakien, young and naive in this kind of believes. I do not seek any gurus because the one is in my heart.

This is Laura;s - and it is so true about soul clansing for me. A working God;s grace in own journey.
He who learns must suffer
And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget
Falls drop by drop upon the heart,
And in our own despair, against our will,
Comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.
Agamemnon, Aeschylus

I have just one plea. Ask C;s about tears and their association to cleansing process of karma and fear.

Well, I wouldn't dare disrespect someone who seems to be speaking from the heart - even if I misunderstand them. I just want to offer a caution and hopefully a helpful word about how objective views from external viewpoints can be connected with one's inner knowledge to grow yourself even further. Many people on here seem to have achieved a level of knowledge and being through this process that I can only aspire to.
I respect your assistance and i am gratefull for it. We are all closed in circle of karma and other laws we merly undestand. I am glad i have found this site and c's information. I hope i can give a little to those who need help.
seiw83 said:
I respect your assistance and i am gratefull for it. We are all closed in circle of karma and other laws we merly undestand. I am glad i have found this site and c's information. I hope i can give a little to those who need help.

So far, based on what you have written, I would say you can't because you don't have the knowledge. That is to say explicitly, you are neither a mod nor an admin authorized to "teach" here.

I have some input in regards to the subject of the Triple Goddess/"sheets of rain" issue.

Last night, I reread this transcription, since, here in North Carolina, there has been an inordinate amount of rainfall since Spring. I scanned the transcription several times, then continued turning it over in my head for the rest of the night, attempting to look at it from different angles and semantics -- as I have learned to do with all of these Cassiopaean mysteries, they being so symbolic, multilayered, and conceptual. But, nothing came of it.

Then, this morning, I drew a tarot card. I've been doing this every day for the past two years, as a single-card reading to sum up the day's lessons. Today, the card was the 3 of Cups (upside-down).


There are two interesting characteristics of this card. First, the three women could be described as "goddesses." Second, they are holding chalices, as was mentioned in relation to the "sheets of rain" phenomenon in the transcription.

As for whether this has some bearing on the meaning behind the transcription, I don't know. I could see the card and its underlying symbolism/archetype having something to do with the Triple Goddess/"sheets of rain"/chalice connection -- perhaps those described in the transcription were not literal but were only the underlying archetype and concepts in this tarot card (or something related)? On the other hand, my drawing this card could, simply, be a synchronicity, with the theme of "triple goddesses" and "chalices" recurring from my reading the transcriptions last night -- a mechanical phenomenon, in other words. Maybe interesting as a synchronicity, but not much else. I will say this: I haven't been able to align my day and its content/lessons with anything related to the traditional meaning of the 3 of Cups tarot card (rightside-up or upside-down, one). I am, admittedly, not familiar with this card, having only drawn it once in the past (which lends a bit of notability to the synchronicity aspect; after hundreds of daily, single-card draws, I drew it the second time only the day after rereading the May 28th transcription and attempting to find insight into the Triple Goddess/chalice part specifically). Being familiar with both synchronicities and the broadness of the Cassiopaean phenomenon, I am unable to draw any sort of objective conclusion from the information at hand.

In any case, I felt compelled to bring this to light on the forums, when I don't normally feel that I should share my insights on the transcriptions.

In love and awareness,


I believe that the "triple cycle veil of consciousness bodies" is in reference to causality, if this hasn't been postulated. As in, our incarnation here into this illusionary, third-density, earthbound experience is one level of a consciousness "veil," in that our learning experiences are "veiled" in our flesh-and-blood bodies, limited perception/frequency, and all illusions associated with them. Hence, a "triple cycle veil" in this manner would be, say, a fifth-density entity being veiled/incarnated as a fourth-density entity who is in turn veiled/incarnated as a third-density one (or perhaps in a nonlinear format, or in partial splits at the same density, as with a "soul group" dividing itself). I could be completely mistaken about this, but, upon reading that description and its attendant subjects, this is what I was struck with.
Laura said:
Session Date: May 28th 2013

Q: (L) Which reminds me... There's another question here. What is the nature and function of the human capacity for belief?

A: Automatic pattern recognition software run amok.

Just wanted to add this quote from 'The Adaptive Unconscious' by Timothy Wilson,


Implicit learning is one of the most important functions of the adaptive unconscious. Again, let us not oversimplify. The precise nature of implicit learning and its relationship to explicit processing is the topic of much debate and research.10 Nonetheless, it is clear that the adaptive unconscious is capable of learning complex information, and indeed, under some circumstances it learns information better and faster than our conscious minds.

A striking demonstration of implicit learning is a study by Pawel Lewicki, Thomas Hill, and Elizabeth Bizot. The participant’s task was to watch a computer screen that was divided into four quadrants. On each trial, the letter X appeared in a quadrant, and the participant pressed one of four buttons to indicate which one. Unbeknownst to the participant, the presentations of the X’s were divided into blocks of twelve that followed a complex rule. For example, the X never appeared in the same square two times in a row; the third location depended on the location of the second; the fourth location depended on the location of the preceding two trials; and an X never “returned” to its original location until it had appeared in at least two of the other squares. Although the exact rules were complicated, participants appeared to learn them. As time went by their performance steadily improved, and they became faster and faster at pressing the correct button when the X appeared on the screen.None of the participants, however, could verbalize what the rules were or even that they had learned anything.

That they learned the complex rules nonconsciously was shown by what happened next in the experiment. The researchers suddenly changed the rules so that the clues predicting where the X would appear were no longer valid, and the participants’ performance deteriorated. They took a very long time to identify the location of the X and made several mistakes. Although participants noticed that they could no longer do the task very well, none of them knew why. They had no awareness that they had learned rules that no longer applied. Instead, they consciously searched for other explanations for their sudden poor performance.

Incidentally, the participants were psychology professors who knew that the study concerned nonconscious learning. Despite this knowledge, they had no idea what they had learned or why their performance suddenly deteriorated. Three of the professors said that their fingers had “suddenly lost the rhythm,” and two were convinced that the experimenters had flashed distracting subliminal pictures on the screen.
Yup. And just about everything we think we know is conditioned by these unconscious patterns that we pick up from our early environment. Our most fundamental beliefs about life come to us this way from our families and society, television, radio, music, and so on.

Notice how the participants blamed the researchers for the break-down in their performance. That was funny and oh, so typical.
Laura said:
Yup. And just about everything we think we know is conditioned by these unconscious patterns that we pick up from our early environment. Our most fundamental beliefs about life come to us this way from our families and society, television, radio, music, and so on.

Notice how the participants blamed the researchers for the break-down in their performance. That was funny and oh, so typical.

So true.

This discovery, of our adaptive unconscious as a more powerful driving force than our conscious self, has to be one of the most profound and life-changing ones for me so far. Because it provides answers to so many issues related to multiple personalities, programs/buffers, brainwashing, hypnosis, dissociation, addictions, our most instinctive drives etc. And how this one simple understanding has the power to speed up the process of identifying all these issues within ourselves if we are willing to observe our own behavior and network with people who understand these issues. One quickly sees the horror and futility of holding on to beliefs programmed into us or acquired from the environment that we happen to live in. So it is always better to stop, question and re-examine yourself before you believe in anything that your brain might be "telling" you.
I think that the concept of Pattern Recognition is very related to the GESTALT concept but with STEROIDS...

"...Gestalt psychology or gestaltism (German: Gestalt – "essence or shape of an entity's complete form") is a theory of mind and brain of the Berlin School; the operational principle of gestalt psychology is that the brain is holistic, parallel, and analog, with self-organizing tendencies. The principle maintains that the human eye sees objects in their entirety before perceiving their individual parts, suggesting the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Gestalt psychology tries to understand the laws of our ability to acquire and maintain stable percepts in a noisy world. Gestalt psychologists stipulate that perception is the product of complex interactions among various stimuli. Contrary to the behaviorist approach to understanding the elements of cognitive processes, gestalt psychologists sought to understand their organization (Carlson and Heth, 2010). The gestalt effect is the form-generating capability of our senses, particularly with respect to the visual recognition of figures and whole forms instead of just a collection of simple lines and curves. In psychology, gestaltism is often opposed to structuralism. The phrase "The whole is greater than the sum of the parts" is often used when explaining gestalt theory,[1] though this is a mistranslation of Kurt Koffka's original phrase, "The whole is other than the sum of the parts".[2] Gestalt theory allows for the breakup of elements from the whole situation into what it really is..."


For it was clear thta what the C's where refering was a meta version of the Gestalt Effects...

Just my two cents.!!! :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
Local News related to the session, I think:
Fire in Almería (Andalusia, Spain), in areas of Turre, Huercal-Overa and Mojacar caused by a violent electrical storm that download more than 2000 lightning.
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