Session 28 November 2009

Hey group:

Thank you for a great & positive session. It made me smile & I had a few chuckles too :P

truth seeker said:
RedFox said:
My understanding is anticipation involves attachment. So expecting an attack and watching for it, is not anticipation if you are not attached to it. By attached I mean invested or fixated on it, or giving it emotional weight or significance.
Technically you could expect and watch for attacks, and if you where feeling quite emotional about this (fearful or paranoid, taking it all personally) you would in essence be anticipating.....because of your emotional attachment (which is your mind usurping emotional energy from the emotional centre) to it.
This seems to be the key difference osit.

Does this make sense? My understanding of this is a work in progress mind you. I'm still trying to factor in the desire to control the outcome into this mind.....anticipation seems to involve a desire to control the outcome at some level. Presumably to try and releave the tension of the emotional attachment? Hmm, hopefully I'm not wondering off into left field here. :lol:

Hi RedFox,

That definitely brought some clarity and AI's explanation further nailed it down. Thanks much!

I wholeheartedly agree. :)

Approaching Infinity said:
negative anticipation of negative event: this would be fear of an event, where that fear constricts perception of reality so that steps aren't taken to prevent a negative future. An example would be maternal impressions. These are where a pregnant woman will see something like a deformed baby and experience a strong fear that their baby will have this deformity, and the baby ends up being born with this very deformity. In this case, the fear seems to MAKE the event happen. The fear constricts the reality to the feared outcome.

This is a very good example. Another example I thought of, and I could be wrong, the topic of cancer. Specifically lung cancer/mouth cancer for smokers who anticipate getting lung cancer/mouth cancer. I've known of smokers who have thought that they were going to get lung cancer and years later they got diagnosed with it. I've always thought that while it is possible that they really did get cancer from all the toxins inside cigarette (not the actual nicotine) It is also very possible that they anticipated the cancer within themselves and their body manifested their anticipation.
There is a simple experiment everybody who drives a car can conduct:
Drive without anticipating any problems, e.g. delays, red lights, etc.
I found while delivering newspapers in the morning and being not concerned
with traffic but listening to CD's then al most every light turns green when I approach.
Leo40 said:
There is a simple experiment everybody who drives a car can conduct:
Drive without anticipating any problems, e.g. delays, red lights, etc.
I found while delivering newspapers in the morning and being not concerned
with traffic but listening to CD's then al most every light turns green when I approach.

I guess you might be something on something here, because i noticed that when i am in a hurry and anxiously drive to get somewhere, i get red on every traffic light on my way! :mad: ;)
Laura said:
Bluestar said:
Another question I have regarding heavy metal detoxing is, if one has silver mercury teeth filling in the mouth, can we start heavy metal detoxing or is it all for not until we rid the fillings?

I've been detoxing for about 15 months now and only last month did I begin the process of having my mercury fillings removed. I knew I needed to feel better all over in general before I took the risk of stirring that mess up. In fact, I had the second one removed this morning and will go in Friday to have the porcelain molded one installed. Next week I'll have two appointments and do another. I've got appointments scheduled into February just to get this job done. At the end, I'll have to detox all the novocaine!

Did you consider to discontinue ALA for a while? I found a website which compiles a lot of information on mercury detox mostly related to Cutler. There it says ALA should be discontinued for at least three months after amalgam removal as it crosses the blood-brain barrier and is too risky after an acute mercury exposure.

That makes some sense to me. I think it is better to detox organs first, then brain.

The link is here: _ (s. bottom of page)
Deedlet said:
Approaching Infinity said:
negative anticipation of negative event: this would be fear of an event, where that fear constricts perception of reality so that steps aren't taken to prevent a negative future. An example would be maternal impressions. These are where a pregnant woman will see something like a deformed baby and experience a strong fear that their baby will have this deformity, and the baby ends up being born with this very deformity. In this case, the fear seems to MAKE the event happen. The fear constricts the reality to the feared outcome.

This is a very good example. Another example I thought of, and I could be wrong, the topic of cancer. Specifically lung cancer/mouth cancer for smokers who anticipate getting lung cancer/mouth cancer. I've known of smokers who have thought that they were going to get lung cancer and years later they got diagnosed with it. I've always thought that while it is possible that they really did get cancer from all the toxins inside cigarette (not the actual nicotine) It is also very possible that they anticipated the cancer within themselves and their body manifested their anticipation.

Sorry, ya'll, but I'm feeling a bit dumb here and might need some help. "negative anticipation of negative event" sounds unnecessarily complicated - like it should reduce to "anticipation of event", but I don't think that was the intended meaning.

I do, however, think a fear strong enough to have this effect would function like a strong feeling (fear) wrapper around a belief that 'X' is going to happen and "X" is a bad consequence".

An example would be a fear that one will fall asleep in High School class and when one awakens, the bell would have rung, and a new class would be seated around you and most everyone would be laughing at you and you would be late to your next class and be punished for that as well. As I understand it, such a fear would be fixated and would not normally be resolved until dramatized. Emotions, being 'motive', (forces of motion) would seek to bring the situation into being even if one was required to 'forget' to go to bed in time the night before.

Laura discusses in the Wave about how our beliefs literally define our reality. In fact, the strength of our beliefs even determine what we physically see (vs. what we block out). So it's not really a stretch to see how fear of this magnitude would take normally flexible energy flows and constrict said flow into a fixed pattern with anticipated results. Anticipated, in this context, meaning 'feared.'

Would this then, imply that we could "fear" being successful in the Work so that we can have the desired outcome of fusing a singular I? Or is it the 'constriction' factor that is the causal element of a feared outcome? I'm not sure, I'm just trying to understand. Thanks for any feedback.
Buddy said:
Would this then, imply that we could "fear" being successful in the Work so that we can have the desired outcome of fusing a singular I? Or is it the 'constriction' factor that is the causal element of a feared outcome? I'm not sure, I'm just trying to understand. Thanks for any feedback.

Hi Buddy, in my understanding, it would be closer to the constriction factor. As you said:

Buddy said:
I do, however, think a fear strong enough to have this effect would function like a strong feeling (fear) wrapper around a belief that 'X' is going to happen and "X" is a bad consequence".

As I see it, anticipation has a manipulative flavour, it works almost as ropes that attach to energy once anticipation is in course, corrupting the final result. That might mean leading to the negative anticipated result, or just generally leading to a skewed result, also hooking us in an increasingly manipulative thinking.
As a result, using fear to do the work would, as I see it, be a way of manipulating things into a desired outcome. As a consequence, leading to skewed energy flow and most likely a corrupted result.

I see anticipation as different from being aware of the possible outcomes. Being aware gives one and the situation freedom to follow its course, something very useful for the work, helping to build conscious awareness; anticipating an outcome however, is embedded in a whole different type of thinking. It is for me vicious and leads to more anticipating.

I'm not sure whether I've understood you correctly, or if my thoughts on this matter are accurate. Maybe others will see it differently or have a few things to add

edit: clarity and grammar
This is a great session and a really interesting thread. The idea that millions of people could have their souls smashed is so disturbing,to say the least.
I'm confused about something though. The path of entropy is a downward path that leads to the death of the soul and return to primal matter,but on the other hand those who are sufficiently polarized STS will graduate to 4D STS. What determines whether the STSer goes "up" or "down"?

Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question.
Viv said:
This is a great session and a really interesting thread. The idea that millions of people could have their souls smashed is so disturbing,to say the least.
I'm confused about something though. The path of entropy is a downward path that leads to the death of the soul and return to primal matter,but on the other hand those who are sufficiently polarized STS will graduate to 4D STS. What determines whether the STSer goes "up" or "down"?

Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question.

That's a good question, and I'm not sure I know the answer! One idea I had was that it's similar to a war. Many die (descend "down") and a few profit (ascend "up"). Perhaps the psychopath at the top of the food chain is able to "bump" him or herself a notch higher on the evolutionary ladder by virtue of the size of his feeding base? That might explain Ra's comment that Rasputin, Goering (a psychopath), and Himmler (probably a schizoid) all ascended to 4D STS.
Approaching Infinity said:
Viv said:
This is a great session and a really interesting thread. The idea that millions of people could have their souls smashed is so disturbing,to say the least.
I'm confused about something though. The path of entropy is a downward path that leads to the death of the soul and return to primal matter,but on the other hand those who are sufficiently polarized STS will graduate to 4D STS. What determines whether the STSer goes "up" or "down"?

Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question.

That's a good question, and I'm not sure I know the answer! One idea I had was that it's similar to a war. Many die (descend "down") and a few profit (ascend "up"). Perhaps the psychopath at the top of the food chain is able to "bump" him or herself a notch higher on the evolutionary ladder by virtue of the size of his feeding base? That might explain Ra's comment that Rasputin, Goering (a psychopath), and Himmler (probably a schizoid) all ascended to 4D STS.

Some time ago I had a conversation on a similar topic with a friend, and this friend shared with me part of the story from the Star Wars series (yeah!) that sounded to me as a good analogy for what *might* happen to those who align themselves with STS. Don't remember all the details, so that's just a general outline.

In this story the character saw huge amount of big spiders that converged at the bottom of some sort of stairs. And these spiders were fighting or killing each other to win the possibility of climbing on the stairs. The problem was (for the spiders who won) that at the moment they were able to do that and climb on the next step, they were becoming food for the bigger spiders who were already on the stairs. After having their dinner and gaining more strength bigger spiders were climbing to the next step just to find their death in the mouths of even more bigger spiders. And so on and on until it gets to the top and to the biggest and nastiest of spiders.

Now, according to the story, there is a door at the top of the stairs and this spider was standing in front of it. And so this big and frighting spider found his sudden death when a human (I think) opened the door and squashed him. Don't know if this last part can be part of the analogy. but you have to appreciate the irony ;)

In any way, seems to me that while STS candidates probably will get (and are already getting) a serious boost to their nastiness, in the end they will be devoured and used as food/energy for even bigger shorts. This is how it works in the hierarchical/dog eat dog dynamic. Some of them may even find themselves in 4d as a result.

But in the grand scheme of things even 4d STS appears as a dead end, and the way out of it is only downwards. Perhaps 4d STS know it and that's why they try to orchestrate this grand smashing event. C's said that they are dying race (races) and they need more and more energy to keep themselves on this level (since it is the last level that has physicality in it) Maybe they think that smashing event will provide them with enough energy to finally fix themselves in 4D once and for all. Also, maybe they know that the only way for their STS orientation is down, so some of them came up with an alternative idea that if the fixing in 4D won't work, they might compromise and engineer FRV compatible 3d bodies to reincarnate into.
Viv said:
This is a great session and a really interesting thread. The idea that millions of people could have their souls smashed is so disturbing,to say the least.
I'm confused about something though. The path of entropy is a downward path that leads to the death of the soul and return to primal matter,but on the other hand those who are sufficiently polarized STS will graduate to 4D STS. What determines whether the STSer goes "up" or "down"?

Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question.

You've received good input on this one and it is an interesting question. My thoughts on it, which might be totally off, are that it has to do with the same process STO candidates engage in, which is fusing a singular I - only 4D STS candidates do so on a wrong foundation and form a 'black center', if you will. The power of their own accumulating STS orientation with this fusion results in them 'progressing' to 4D STS.

I think it might also help to envision that the path of entropy, while it is spoken of as being 'downward' is really contraction (taking and pulling inward) and as one rises in the 'ranks' of STS, or progresses more solidly along the STS path, fusing a 'dark' center, they contract more and more until they collapse upon themselves and start the process all over again as primal matter.

The 'soul smashing' appears (to me at least) to be a completely different process and the result of there being too small (or no) singular I or presence evident, so under the strain and internal stress of the hyper-kinetic sensate of the Wave, nothing 'survives' and one must start the process all over again as well. A cave person with howling winds and a red sky comes to mind.

So - and I could be off - but it appears to me the two processes, while similar, are actually vastly different.

Others might have more relevant input - since this soul smashing business is a relatively new concept to me and I don't have it sussed out yet by any means. And, when you add in the idea that this is all from our perspective where linear time is 'real', and we perceive only one life 'at a time' it gets even more complicated!
Thank you for posting this session, and for all the work you guys n gals do. Your integrity inspires me. Thanks again!
(Ark) I have a question. I need to explain. Two weeks ago, {there was an incident involving] a cosmic probe sent by ESA in Paris - it was sent in 2004 - and it is supposed to reach a comet that is coming to earth. It's supposed to reach this comet in 2014 and accompany this comet to the earth. Now this probe in 2005 and 2007 came in a close approach to earth. First it goes like that {gestures making sweeping motion} and getting speed, and then it will go to reach the comet. Now in 2005 and 2007 when the probe was doing this swing by the earth, they experienced what they called "swingby anomalies". It was observed by some radar station in Arizona. Then it gets observed by another station. It's getting tracked in Australia. And in the meantime something happens to this probe: it gets a kick. This trajectory changes, and no one knows why and no one understands. And it happens twice. The third time and the last it was two weeks ago on the 13th of November that this probe was last time doing the swing-by. So they were now ready to catch the anomaly, to track it continuously. This time, no anomaly happened! It was an anomalous anomaly! (laughter) Similar things happened to American probes Galileo and another one that even I was working on when I was in the US, NEAR, near-earth whatever detecting asteroids - anomalies - gravitational anomalies. And of course there are like twenty different theories how to explain: "Do we need a new theory of gravity? Was Einstein wrong? Is it dark matter? Is it some effect related to macroscopic quantum phenomenon?" Because it was a kick: change of velocity suddenly. So, my question is, can we have a hint what causes similar anomalies that no one understands?

A: Partly gravitational and partly observational in the sense that observation can enhance or cancel gravity. The power of mind and anticipation, take a lesson!

I have been pondering Gloriaea of Cassiopaea’s answer to Ark’s question and the subsequent, for me, confusing discussion of anticipation, which seemed a simple concept.
Anticipation is the expectation of a future event. So what is the lesson, Gloriaea offers.?

It seems clear, observation can enhance or cancel gravity . Anticipation cannot enhance or cancel gravity. The power of the mind is to observe. The universe acts
when the mind objectively reports its observations. The universe fails to respond when the mind anticipates a future event. Does anticipation jam the signal from the
observer mind to the Cosmic Mind? Is the lesson that observation is objective and anticipation is always subjective?

Approaching Infinity said:
positive anticipation of positive event: not really anticipation, but awareness of probabilities without attachment. Things are done for their own sake. Has to do with authenticity. E.g. A "christian" who gives to the poor because they are "supposed to" in order to "go to heaven", and not for any feeling of empathy and assessment of the law of three. The future unfolds naturally.

positive anticipation of negative event: This is detached awareness of negative probabilities. Awareness that they may happen prompts steps to prevent their outcome, if possible, and preparation for if they DO happen.

AI, you say positive anticipation of a positive event isn’t really anticipation. It seems to me that “awareness of probabilities without attachment” is observation and
not anticipation. The confusion appears to originate with a misreading of Gloriaea’s sentence, “The power of the mind and anticipation, take a lesson!” If we do
not make clear, the power of the mind is observation and not anticipation, we are left with the uncomfortable task of explaining why anticipation is not YCYOR.

I could be completely wrong here, but this is what I see after struggling to understand this topic. These concepts seem worth the effort.
I would appreciate observations on my observations about observation.
Viv said:
This is a great session and a really interesting thread. The idea that millions of people could have their souls smashed is so disturbing,to say the least.
I'm confused about something though. The path of entropy is a downward path that leads to the death of the soul and return to primal matter,but on the other hand those who are sufficiently polarized STS will graduate to 4D STS. What determines whether the STSer goes "up" or "down"?

Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question.

The answer is that 4 D is not exactly "UP" it is more "sideways". It is to us as we are to 2nd density. We all co-exist in the same reality. It is the "last density of physical manifestation" so is, essentially, something like an the higher grades of the same school. There are cheaters in any school that make it to the higher grades without the requisite education and then, at the final exam, they are found out. There is sufficient material in the transcripts on this topic to answer the question and reading "The Wave" and "Secret History" etc, give a lot of material to work with.

Those at 4th density who are of the STS orientation are beings that have chosen to firmly lock themselves into service to self and have managed to crystallize in a certain way. That is the "highest" level of density where this is possible. And, since this is the case, since they have not really "risen" and have no real connection to Creative Energy, they must steal their energy from others - negative energy. In a sense, it is not much different than what we do toward 2nd density.

4th Density STS beings apparently "dissipate" if they cannot continue to steal this negative energy and die, i.e. fall into sleeping matter state after critical mass has been achieved at 5 D. But, cosmically speaking, this can take some time. And, for a certain period of "time, they can continue to exist though it is only a desperate attempt to lock things into a certain configuration to serve their STS dystopian vision of reality. They actually sense their approaching critical mass descent and that is why they are working so desperately to stave it off or, failing that, to take as many with them as they can. 4th Density STS is simply an enhanced expression of mechanicalness, machines that still work but need endless fuel, and eventually wear out and break down.

Gurdjieff addressed this issue also. Read and contemplate the following passage for your answer:

On one occasion when speaking of the orderly connectedness of everything in the universe, G. dwelt on "organic life on earth."

"To ordinary knowledge," he said, "organic life is a kind of accidental appendage violating the integrity of a mechanical system. Ordinary knowledge does not connect it with anything and draws no conclusions from the fact of its existence.

But you should already understand that there is nothing accidental or unnecessary in nature and that there can be nothing; everything has a definite function; everything serves a definite purpose.

Thus organic life is an indispensable link in the chain of the worlds which cannot exist without it just as it cannot exist without them.

It has been said before that organic life transmits planetary influences of various kinds to the earth and that it serves to feed the moon and to enable it to grow and strengthen. But the earth also is growing; not in the sense of size but in the sense of greater consciousness, greater receptivity. The planetary influences which were sufficient for her at one period of her existence become insufficient, she needs the reception of finer influences. To receive finer influences a finer, more sensitive receptive apparatus is necessary.

Organic life, therefore, has to evolve, to adapt itself to the needs of the planets and the earth. Likewise also the moon can be satisfied at one period with the food which is given her by organic life of a certain quality, but afterwards the time comes when she ceases to be satisfied with this food, cannot grow on it, and begins to get hungry. Organic life must be able to satisfy this hunger, otherwise it does not fulfill its function, does not answer its purpose. This means that in order to answer its purpose organic life must evolve and stand on the level of the needs of the planets, the earth, and the moon.

"We must remember that the ray of creation, as we have taken it, from the Absolute to the moon, is like a branch of a tree—a growing branch. The end of this branch, the end out of which come new shoots, is the moon. If the moon does not grow, if it neither gives nor promises to give new shoots, it means that either the growth of the whole ray of creation will stop or that it must find another path for its growth, give out some kind of lateral branch. At the same time from what has been said before we see that the growth of the moon depends on organic life on earth. It follows that the growth of the ray of creation depends on organic life on earth. If this organic life disappears or dies the whole branch will immediately wither, in any case all that part of the branch which lies beyond organic life.

The same thing must happen, only more slowly, if organic life is arrested in its development, in its evolution, and fails to respond to the demands made upon it. The branch may wither.

This must be remembered. To the ray of creation, or let us say to its part earth-moon, exactly the same possibility of development and growth has been given as is given to each separate branch of a big tree. But the accomplishment of this growth is not at all guaranteed, it depends upon the harmonious and right action of its own tissues. The development of one tissue stops and all the others stop.

Everything that can be said of the ray of creation or of its part earth-moon equally refers to organic life on earth. Organic life on earth is a complex phenomenon in which the separate parts depend upon one another. General growth is possible only on the condition that the 'end of the branch' grows. Or, speaking more precisely, there are in organic life tissues which are evolving, and there are tissues which serve as food and medium for those which are evolving. Then there are evolving cells within the evolving tissues, and cells which serve as food and medium for those which are evolving. In each separate evolving cell there are evolving parts and there are parts which serve as food for those which are evolving. But always and in everything it must be remembered that evolution is never guaranteed, it is possible only and it can stop at any moment and in any place.

"The evolving part of organic life is humanity. Humanity also has its evolving part but we will speak of this later; in the meantime we will take humanity as a whole. If humanity does not evolve it means that the evolution of organic life will stop and this in its turn will cause the growth of the ray of creation to stop. At the same time if humanity ceases to evolve it becomes useless from the point of view of the aims for which it was created and as such it may be destroyed. In this way the cessation of evolution may mean the destruction of humanity.

"We have no clues from which we are able to tell in what period of planetary evolution we exist and whether the moon and the earth have time to await the corresponding evolution of organic life or not. But people who know may, of course, have exact information about it, that is, they may know at what stage in their possible evolution are the earth, the moon, and humanity. We cannot know this but we should bear in mind that the number of possibilities is never infinite.

"At the same time in examining the life of humanity as we know it historically we are bound to acknowledge that humanity is moving in a circle.

In one century it destroys everything it creates in another and the progress in mechanical things of the past hundred years has proceeded at the cost of losing many other things which perhaps were much more important for it.

Speaking in general there is every reason to think and to assert that humanity is at a standstill and from a standstill there is a straight path to downfall and degeneration.

A standstill means that a process has become balanced. The appearance of any one quality immediately evokes the appearance of another quality opposed to it. The growth of knowledge in one domain evokes the growth of ignorance in another; refinement on the one hand evokes vulgarity on the other; freedom in one connection evokes slavery in another; the disappearance of some superstitions evokes the appearance and the growth of others; and so on.

"Now if we recall the law of octaves we shall see that a balanced process proceeding in a certain way cannot be changed at any moment it is desired.

It can be changed and set on a new path only at certain 'cross-roads.' In between the 'crossroads' nothing can be done. At the same time if a process passes by a 'crossroad' and nothing happens, nothing is done, then nothing can be done afterwards and the process will continue and develop according to mechanical laws; and even if people taking part in this process foresee the inevitable destruction of everything, they will be unable to do anything. I repeat that something can be done only at certain moments which I have just called 'crossroads' and which in octaves we have called the 'intervals' mi-fa and si¬do.

"Of course there are very many people who consider that the life of humanity is not proceeding in the way in which according to their views it ought to go. And they invent various theories which in their opinion ought to change the whole life of humanity. One invents one theory. Another immediately invents a contradictory theory. And both expect everyone to believe them. And many people indeed do believe either one or the other. Life naturally takes its own course but people do not stop believing in their own or other people's theories and they believe that it is possible to do something.

All these theories are certainly quite fantastic, chiefly because they do not take into account the most important thing, namely, the subordinate part which humanity and organic life play in the world process.

Intellectual theories put man in the center of everything; everything exists for him, the sun, the stars, the moon, the earth. They even forget man's relative size, his nothingness, his transient existence, and other things. They assert that a man if he wishes is able to change his whole life, that is, to organize his life on rational principles.

And all the time new theories appear evoking in their turn opposing theories; and all these theories and the struggle between them undoubtedly constitute one of the forces which keep humanity in the state in which it is at present.

Besides, all these theories for general welfare and general equality are not only unrealizable, but they would be fatal if they were realized. Everything in nature has its aim and its purpose, both the inequality of man and his suffering.

To destroy inequality would mean destroying the possibility of evolution. To destroy suffering would mean, first, destroying a whole series of perceptions for which man exists, and second, the destruction of the 'shock,' that is to say, the force which alone can change the situation. And thus it is with all intellectual theories.

"The process of evolution, of that evolution which is possible for humanity as a whole, is completely analogous, to the process of evolution possible for the individual man. And it begins with the same thing, namely, a certain group of cells gradually becomes conscious; then it attracts to itself other cells, subordinates others, and gradually makes the whole organism serve its aims and not merely eat, drink, and sleep. This is evolution and there can be no other kind of evolution.

In humanity as in individual man everything begins with the formation of a conscious nucleus. All the mechanical forces of life fight against the formation of this conscious nucleus in humanity, in just the same way as all mechanical habits, tastes and weaknesses fight against conscious self-remembering in man."

"Can it be said that there is a conscious force which fights against the evolution of humanity?" I asked.

"From a certain point of view it can be said," said G.

I am putting this on record because it would seem to contradict what he said before, namely, that there are only two forces struggling in the world—"consciousness" and "mechanicalness."

"Where can this force come from?" I asked.

"It would take a long time to explain," said G., "and it cannot have a practical significance for us at the present moment.

There are two processes which are sometimes called 'involutionary' and 'evolutionary.' The difference between them is the following:

An involutionary process begins consciously in the Absolute but at the next step it already becomes mechanical—and it becomes more and more mechanical as it develops; an evolutionary process begins half-consciously but it becomes more and more conscious as its develops.

But consciousness and conscious opposition to the evolutionary process can also appear at certain moments in the, involutionary process.

From where does this consciousness come?

From the evolutionary process of course.

The evolutionary process must proceed without interruption. Any stop causes a separation from the fundamental process. Such separate fragments of consciousnesses which have been stopped in their development can also unite and at any rate for a certain time can live by struggling against the evolutionary process. After all it merely makes the evolutionary process more interesting. Instead of struggling against mechanical forces there may, at certain moments, be a struggle against the intentional opposition of fairly powerful forces though they are not of course comparable with those which direct the evolutionary process.

These opposing forces may sometimes even conquer.

The reason for this consists in the fact that the forces guiding evolution have a more limited choice of means; in other words, they can only make use of certain means and certain methods. The opposing forces are not limited in their choice of means and they are able to make use of every means, even those which only give rise to a temporary success, and in the final result they destroy both evolution and involution at the point in question.

"But as I have said already, this question has no practical significance for us. It is only important for us to establish the indications of evolution beginning and the indications of evolution proceeding. And if we remember the full analogy between humanity and man it will not be difficult to establish whether humanity can be regarded as evolving.

"Are we able to say for instance that life is governed by a group of conscious people? Where are they? Who are they? We see exactly the opposite: that life is governed by those who are the least conscious, by those who are most asleep.

"Are we able to say that we observe in life a preponderance of the best, the strongest, and the most courageous elements? Nothing of the sort. On the contrary we see a preponderance of vulgarity and stupidity of all kinds.

"Are we able to say that aspirations towards unity, towards unification, can be observed in life? Nothing of the kind of course. We only see new divisions, new hostility, new misunderstandings.

"So that in the actual situation of humanity there is nothing that points to evolution proceeding. On the contrary when we compare humanity with a man we quite clearly see a growth of personality at the cost of essence, that is, a growth of the artificial, the unreal, and what is foreign, at the cost of the natural, the real, and what is one's own.

"Together with this we see a growth of automatism.

"Contemporary culture requires automatons. And people are undoubtedly losing their acquired habits of independence and turning into automatons, into parts of machines. It is impossible to say where is the end of all this and where the way out— or whether there is an end and a way out. One thing alone is certain, that man's slavery grows and increases. Man is becoming a willing slave. He no longer needs chains. He begins to grow fond of his slavery, to be proud of it. And this is the most terrible thing that can happen to a man.

"Everything I have said till now I have said about the whole of humanity. But as I pointed out before, the evolution of humanity can proceed only through the evolution of a certain group, which, in its turn, will influence and lead the rest of humanity.

"Are we able to say that such a group exists? Perhaps we can on the basis of certain signs, but in any event we have to acknowledge that it is a very small group, quite insufficient, at any rate, to subjugate the rest of humanity. Or, looking at it from another point of view, we can say that humanity is in such a state that it is unable to accept the guidance of a conscious group."

"How many people could there be in this conscious group?" someone asked.

"Only they themselves know this," said G.

"Does it mean that they all know each other?" asked the same person again.

"How could it be otherwise?" asked G. "Imagine that there are two or three people who are awake in the midst of a multitude of sleeping people. They will certainly know each other. But those who are asleep cannot know them. How many are they? We do not know and we cannot know until we become like them. It has been clearly said before that each man can only see on the level of his own being. But two hundred conscious people, if they existed and if they found it necessary and legitimate, could change the whole of life on the earth. But either there are not enough of them, or they do not want to, or perhaps the time has not yet come, or perhaps other people are sleeping too soundly.
Thank you so much for this new session! I have just read it and I want to study it a little more before commenting. It is very rich in contribute.
And many thanks Laura (truly thanks for everything that you make and to inspire) for your answer to Viv. I asked me something similar.
Thanks for the illuminating responses to my question. There is so much food for thought here. I shall read ISOTM again.
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