Session 29 August 2015

tschai said:
llreid1979 said:

Many people believe (there's that word again) the moon landings are a hoax and the ISS does not really exist- however, even if the moon landings are a hoax, people HAVE been in orbit and taken photos of the Earth from space-I grew up during the early years of space exploration and watched ALL of the launches-those were NOT faked.

The problem is the 43 years that have been passed since the last manned space mission to the Moon or anywhere higher than the really low ISS orbit, which is cheap and protects astronauts from space radiation. Technology should have progressed by leaps and bounds since the amazing 23-year tech race from WW2 to 1969. But TV is still showing crappy last century rocket technology and rusty space equipment for astronauts.

By now mankind should be flying significantly faster and heavier manned ships to Mars and back with new, non-rocket technology.

It looks like we truly live in an open-air planetary prison, because someone decided to keep a lid on Earth. Possibly a real space-power party. This stagnation of manned flight technology reeks of power-play and manipulation. Just look at the amount of realtime broadcast footage from space and photos NASA needs to edit, because undeclared shiny objects are racing back and fort effortlessly into Earths atmosphere or speeding out into deep space..
lilies said:
tschai said:
llreid1979 said:

Many people believe (there's that word again) the moon landings are a hoax and the ISS does not really exist- however, even if the moon landings are a hoax, people HAVE been in orbit and taken photos of the Earth from space-I grew up during the early years of space exploration and watched ALL of the launches-those were NOT faked.

The problem is the 43 years that have been passed since the last manned space mission to the Moon or anywhere higher than the really low ISS orbit, which is cheap and protects astronauts from space radiation. Technology should have progressed by leaps and bounds since the amazing 23-year tech race from WW2 to 1969. But TV is still showing crappy last century rocket technology and rusty space equipment for astronauts.

By now mankind should be flying significantly faster and heavier manned ships to Mars and back with new, non-rocket technology.

It looks like we truly live in an open-air planetary prison, because someone decided to keep a lid on Earth. Possibly a real space-power party. This stagnation of manned flight technology reeks of power-play and manipulation. Just look at the amount of realtime broadcast footage from space and photos NASA needs to edit, because undeclared shiny objects are racing back and fort effortlessly into Earths atmosphere or speeding out into deep space..
I could not agree more...I just knew that while I was growing up any day the announcement would come that faster than light travel had been invented and the whole of space would be open to explore, and new worlds ours to colonize-but that did not happen (probably a good thing based on what we have done to this planet) instead of focusing on such things we invent new ways to kill each other as if the stuff we already have isn't enough.
It has been hinted at that certain cabals are already in possession of highly advanced alien derived technology possibly including alien propulsion systems-how much of this is accurate there is no telling but they are not going to share with us, like everything else they want all the marbles for their own
lilies said:
By now mankind should be flying significantly faster and heavier manned ships to Mars and back with new, non-rocket technology.
I think a manned mission to Mars would be much harder than to the moon, particularly if you want to make it a return trip.

Just in terms of the distances, the Moon's orbit is 239,000 miles from Earth.

Mars' average orbital distance from the Sun is 142,000,000 miles.
Earth's average orbital distance from the Sun is 93,000,000 miles.

So when the two planets are lined up next to each other in their orbits, the closest distance from Earth to Mars is still going to be about 49,000,000 miles, or over 200 times the distance from the Earth to the Moon.

Also since the Moon is orbiting the Earth, this makes it easier to leave the Moon and fall back into the pull of Earth's gravity. Mars isn't orbiting the Earth, so getting off Mars and back to Earth would require more hardware and rocket fuel than returning from the Moon.

So I agree, new non-rocket technology might be what is required to make manned trips to Mars.
Mal7 said:
lilies said:
By now mankind should be flying significantly faster and heavier manned ships to Mars and back with new, non-rocket technology.
I think a manned mission to Mars would be much harder than to the moon, particularly if you want to make it a return trip.

Just in terms of the distances, the Moon's orbit is 239,000 miles from Earth.

Mars' average orbital distance from the Sun is 142,000,000 miles.
Earth's average orbital distance from the Sun is 93,000,000 miles.

So when the two planets are lined up next to each other in their orbits, the closest distance from Earth to Mars is still going to be about 49,000,000 miles, or over 200 times the distance from the Earth to the Moon.

Also since the Moon is orbiting the Earth, this makes it easier to leave the Moon and fall back into the pull of Earth's gravity. Mars isn't orbiting the Earth, so getting off Mars and back to Earth would require more hardware and rocket fuel than returning from the Moon.

So I agree, new non-rocket technology might be what is required to make manned trips to Mars.
Quite frankly I don't think it really matters what kind of propulsion system is in the works-given the current state of things and if any of the stuff the C's has hinted at comes to pass man will never set foot on Mars-which is a real shame because it looks to be quite intriguing.
lilies said:
By now mankind should be flying significantly faster and heavier manned ships to Mars and back with new, non-rocket technology.

It looks like we truly live in an open-air planetary prison, because someone decided to keep a lid on Earth. Possibly a real space-power party.

Or possibly it's not a real space-power party, but a real earth-based party: pathologicals ('aliens' on earth). Why invest money for expansion into space with no monetary profits when you can fight wars on ground and generate lots of money and power?

Note that the moon missions happened under the aegis of JFK in a unique political climate. Such conditions may not return soon.

And with more and more people starting to consider that the earth is flat, that the ISS doesn't exist, and that the moon landings were faked, we're not going to go back into space anyway. Humanity is being robbed of inspiration left and right.
mabar said:
Thanks, I will be aware of that next time, it grabbed too much of my attention, now that I realized it. I had been thinking that other situations, like for example be worried (preoccupied) by whatever ... is also a good practice to discipline the mind. One apply effort to go certain way, and keep coming back to what is need at the precisely moment. And, setting an alarm do not do much good either, I think, I need to find whatever it takes "enough time to do it", to be able to do it without limits of time.

If having an alarm is helpful in the case that you can only spend a certain time meditating, I think it's okay to use one. I use one too, and gradually I kind of get to know when the time is almost done. But if you prefer not to use one and meditate until you think it's enough, that's fine as well. :)
mabar said:
[..]I had been thinking that other situations, like for example be worried (preoccupied) by whatever ... is also a good practice to discipline the mind. One apply effort to go certain way, and keep coming back to what is need at the precisely moment. And, setting an alarm do not do much good either, I think, I need to find whatever it takes "enough time to do it", to be able to do it without limits of time.

Apparently meditation improves memory as well. I didn't say Our Father in Latin for possibly four or more years (it always had the strongest effect on me before POTS) and naturally forgot lots of words and phrases from it. During recent meditations, as I tried to recite each phrase from some deep memory, concentrating on the meaning of words, Gurdjieff-style, the whole prayer came back in two nights. Also their meaning. Then I started to remember the additional fitting English "notes" for each phrase, Malachi Martin gave in his writings and shows. He elaborated, expanded and emphasized the meaning of certain lines. He also gave precise instructions what to say, if one thinks being possessed (its sort of an exorcism-mantra). Then with the advent of EE the term possession received a new meaning: how all those low-level spiritual parasites, entities are infesting our bodies and how EE helps get rid of them, one by one.

So to improve the technique somewhat and create another one of G's alarm-clocks, I'm thinking on finding a tape recording on the Lords Prayer, so I can correctly pronounce Latin words. IIRC, Gurdjieff, Malachi Martin and George Carlin emphasized the power of spoken word, how prayers must be spoken aloud, because they carry spiritual power. (Martin)

Strangely, saying the phrases with intent and focusing on the meaning, taking my wandering mind back on to target, it feels that this new practice positively reinforces my aim and work during the day, giving energy, momentum and certainty to my efforts. I hope my subconscious will now be aligned with the conscious, so the two strong parts will want the same thing to be accomplished.
lilies said:
Strangely, saying the phrases with intent and focusing on the meaning, taking my wandering mind back on to target, it feels that this new practice positively reinforces my aim and work during the day, giving energy, momentum and certainty to my efforts. I hope my subconscious will now be aligned with the conscious, so the two strong parts will want the same thing to be accomplished.

Hi lilies,

I admire the elegant (and precise) expression of your thoughts. Your feelings reflect a good deal of my own attitudes on this subject. I like to suggest perhaps one small alteration if I may. And it is this:

"I hope my conscious will now be aligned with the subconscious"

It's an important difference I think.

Woodsman, nice digging into some key questions re: Flat Earth Theory!
There's quite a bit of assumptions in their explanations!

In thinking about Occam's Razor, it also applied to other theories in our past.

There was complicated trig and math to explain the orbits when they thought the earth was the center of the solar system. It was all very logical and intelligent to work out the complex patterns and such to explain why things happened in the sky.
Later on, there was a simpler explanation, one that required less formulas/etc... that the Sun was the center of the solar system.

It's also similar to the way medicine works today. Instead of treating the basics that cause these chemical imbalances in the body, they try to find out how to fix the problem from the top down- believing the more complicated solution is better because it might create "quick results".
Data said:
lilies said:
By now mankind should be flying significantly faster and heavier manned ships to Mars and back with new, non-rocket technology.

It looks like we truly live in an open-air planetary prison, because someone decided to keep a lid on Earth. Possibly a real space-power party.

Or possibly it's not a real space-power party, but a real earth-based party: pathologicals ('aliens' on earth). Why invest money for expansion into space with no monetary profits when you can fight wars on ground and generate lots of money and power?

Note that the moon missions happened under the aegis of JFK in a unique political climate. Such conditions may not return soon.

And with more and more people starting to consider that the earth is flat, that the ISS doesn't exist, and that the moon landings were faked, we're not going to go back into space anyway. Humanity is being robbed of inspiration left and right.
True. Flat earth theory lacks any inspiration, as far as I can see. I remember thinking years ago that it would be interesting to see a flat earth society that would, at it's core, believe the Earth to be round but use the theory as a platform to get people to question their beliefs. A sort of introduction to healthy skepticism (osit).
(L) You can use the Prayer of the Soul, or you can recite a poem. It almost doesn't matter since you're just exercising your focusing power. I always used the Lord's Prayer.

This exercising your focusing power can be done in other ways also, it seems.

Martial Arts warm up exercises where you lay on the ground and raise your heels six inches of the ground. You then try to hold the position for as long as possible. It is possible to hold the position indefinitely!

There comes a point when there are many little I's telling you that you can't do it. You really need to focus on the task at hand. The reward is worth the effort.
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