Session 29 August 2015

Well, since POTS and meditation is still being discussed I will just relate how I have attempted to do it so far (I am trying to learn more from these recent posts).

In the past for some reason I set my goal for the time at 33 minutes. This is the count for "spinning" and that seemed to be a good number to me. I found a widget for a timer and use that with earphones.

I also thought that putting the POTS to music was a useful idea and found that many on the forum have already created many beautiful versions.

If you like this idea here are some forum members creations:

Being a creative group some have even created desktop wallpapers here:

Prayer of the Soul Wallpapers

With the latest posts I now see that for meditation the music may be a little too distracting. From this session it is also suggested that POTS is more of a starting "foundation" and we should maybe expand the meditation to other meaningful words or phrases.

After thinking about this I have tried using one of my short footnote quotes "Change will follow". I noticed that if I don't use a music version that the time seems to go faster and I don't seem as distracted. Using a 3 word phrase made it go well with the 6-3-9 count of the EE meditation portion. I can even repeat "Change will follow." mentally on the hold counts.

I think we may need to experiment and that no one way is best for all of us but I think the more importance we place on all of us doing some method of the meditation will help with our sense of "Unity".

Recently there was a SOTT article on
How covert agents infiltrate the internet to manipulate, deceive, and destroy reputations

One of the charts showing how the intelligence agencies try to fracture "Unity" stood out to me:


Hope this is useful. FWIW :/
I bought in to this Flat Earth thing! I'm not a schizoid or an idiot! I leave my mind open and at least look into things no matter how crazy it might seem. Hell were all sitting around believing channeled info? I wouldn't put it past NASA to fake anything. I have to develop in my own time but name calling etc. I'm not hating on anyone for their beliefs, the way they think, or what level of development they are at. Can't forget where you came from and everyone was not born knowing it all already. I would like to know more info on disproving flat earth or is it just because the C's said so? (Don't Hate, Educate) :lol:
llreid1979 said:
I bought in to this Flat Earth thing! I'm not a schizoid or an idiot! I leave my mind open and at least look into things no matter how crazy it might seem. Hell were all sitting around believing channeled info? I wouldn't put it past NASA to fake anything. I have to develop in my own time but name calling etc. I'm not hating on anyone for their beliefs, the way they think, or what level of development they are at. Can't forget where you came from and everyone was not born knowing it all already. I would like to know more info on disproving flat earth or is it just because the C's said so? (Don't Hate, Educate) :lol:


I hope you don't really "believe" that the forum is full of hate just because many of us probably don't agree with the flat earth theory. I'm sure you a not the only forum member that is not still thinking about the theory and still has questions about it. Hopefully those who are still interested in the theory can add more information.

I can see why you might react to some of us seeing the theory as almost "schizophrenic" or delusional as negative, but I wouldn't say that is hate. Even the schizophrenic label can be open to different interpretations I think.

Anyway, I don't hate you because you might not agree with all my opinions or views.

The Cs don't encourage us to "believe" anything. They do give clues and tell to do the research ourselves. Of course I think after doing some research you build a sense of faith which is based not face value belief or "blind faith".

I don't "believe" everthing NASA says either.

There is a Cs "hit list" you might want check out here.

Feel free to "educate" us too if you have found information that we haven't considered.
llreid1979 said:
I bought in to this Flat Earth thing! I'm not a schizoid or an idiot! I leave my mind open and at least look into things no matter how crazy it might seem. Hell were all sitting around believing channeled info? I wouldn't put it past NASA to fake anything. I have to develop in my own time but name calling etc. I'm not hating on anyone for their beliefs, the way they think, or what level of development they are at. Can't forget where you came from and everyone was not born knowing it all already. I would like to know more info on disproving flat earth or is it just because the C's said so? (Don't Hate, Educate) :lol:

It's totally OK to feel as you do...I was heavily invested in the whole Annunaki / Nibiru / Zecharia Sitchin thing until further research and investigation let me go in a different direction and change my outlook. This Forum is a great resource for such things, there are a LOT of incredibly knowledgeable folk here that help weed out disinformation from actual facts.

You do not have to "believe" anything here-having an open mind, and accepting the "possibility" that something may or may not be, in my opinion is a good approach. I do not remember the C's expressing whether the Earth was flat or no, they did say that the folk who believe it so were part of the group of people who are disintegrating at this point in time (not literally-their term I think for people becoming emotionally and mentally unstable?)

If I may inquire-what makes you think the Flat Earth theory has credence?

Many people believe (there's that word again) the moon landings are a hoax and the ISS does not really exist- however, even if the moon landings are a hoax, people HAVE been in orbit and taken photos of the Earth from space-I grew up during the early years of space exploration and watched ALL of the launches-those were NOT faked.

It would be interesting to hear what you find so compelling about it.
llreid1979 said:
I bought in to this Flat Earth thing! I'm not a schizoid or an idiot! I leave my mind open and at least look into things no matter how crazy it might seem.
Then you are just like me and many others here, as most of us keep a very open mind as to the very real possibility that there is more to learn about our reality, and that sometimes what we think is true is only part of the picture or maybe even not true at all.

I would like to know more info on disproving flat earth or is it just because the C's said so? (Don't Hate, Educate) :lol:
As goyacobol mentioned, there is absolutely no hate I can see myself in any of the posts in this thread. Disagreement with something does not equate to hate of it or anyone who ascribes to it. I am at a loss to understand why you seem to think there is any hate evident in any of the comments here.

There is an abundance of data in this thread which sufficiently disprove any idea that we occupy a flat Earth. If you need more than this, do your own research on the subject so you can determine your own conclusion as to what is true or not. This is because until one determines the truth of any matter on their own it is only a 'belief system' and not Knowledge.
Thank you for the great session! This helped me to realize I need to get back into focusing on my meditative practices through EE and Mindfulness meditation. I have become less focused lately, worried about the future the potentials that come from it as well as the past and how this has shaped me to be the person I am now. Meditation helps tremendously with everything in one's life and grounds you in the present. I just need to develop the discipline to make time and DO it :)
tschai said:
Many people believe (there's that word again) the moon landings are a hoax and the ISS does not really exist- however, even if the moon landings are a hoax, people HAVE been in orbit and taken photos of the Earth from space-I grew up during the early years of space exploration and watched ALL of the launches-those were NOT faked.

This is an important point. The launches are actually the most difficult, dangerous and expensive aspects in space exploration -- basically, a launch is a couple of people sitting on a controlled explosion of a huge magnitude. If you can manage that, you can manage everything else. Compared to this, floating and navigating in space is relatively easy. And launches have been repeatedly witnessed by the populace with their own eyes. My point is: If space flight (including all photographs of a round earth gained from it) should be faked, they are literally burning a LOT of money with it.

Richard S said:
llreid1979 said:
I would like to know more info on disproving flat earth or is it just because the C's said so? (Don't Hate, Educate) :lol:
As goyacobol mentioned, there is absolutely no hate I can see myself in any of the posts in this thread. Disagreement with something does not equate to hate of it or anyone who ascribes to it. I am at a loss to understand why you seem to think there is any hate evident in any of the comments here.

I'm at a loss at this allusion too. You won't find hate here.
IDK I guess I figure that the government lies, the media lies, and what your taught in school is lies. So why should I believe anything? When sailors went off to explore the oceans in the early days people would say, you better not sail over that way you'll fall off the side of the earth! Back then they believed it was flat. I'm still not saying it is flat! A lot of things they knew back then were true. Now I don't think we think about it in the same way that they did then. Maybe we are missing something? Maybe we are not as smart as we think we are? We are now a so called "Advanced Civilization" with computers and communications, but so what, it means nothing? Is it just a distraction so we have no connection with our environment? Could be IDK? Sorry I got so offended! No posting while pissed anymore. I read what the C's said about the 2D thing, the Hit lists, and all the Wave books. Working on Secret History now. Also the majority of the transcripts.
llreid1979 said:
IDK I guess I figure that the government lies, the media lies, and what your taught in school is lies. So why should I believe anything? When sailors went off to explore the oceans in the early days people would say, you better not sail over that way you'll fall off the side of the earth! Back then they believed it was flat. I'm still not saying it is flat! A lot of things they knew back then were true. Now I don't think we think about it in the same way that they did then. Maybe we are missing something? Maybe we are not as smart as we think we are? We are now a so called "Advanced Civilization" with computers and communications, but so what, it means nothing? Is it just a distraction so we have no connection with our environment? Could be IDK? Sorry I got so offended! No posting while pissed anymore. I read what the C's said about the 2D thing, the Hit lists, and all the Wave books. Working on Secret History now. Also the majority of the transcripts.

Yeah, there's a lot of questioning that gets diverted into extreme theories.

The problem is that there are over complicated conspiracy theories that flood out the ones that are obvious.'s_razor has a good way of putting it:
"The principle states that among competing hypotheses that predict equally well, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Other, more complicated solutions may ultimately prove to provide better predictions, but—in the absence of differences in predictive ability—the fewer assumptions that are made, the better."

For example, when it came to 9-11, it was simple and obvious that there were obvious holes in the story that didn't require extreme complications to explain. However, the idea that it was holograms or whatever else got the spotlight. Despite being very hard to explain or possibly prove someday, they got a lot of focus, much like the Flat Earth ideas.

It's most curious why those ideas get focus. One big one is that the ptb want to discredit all ideas that contradict their official stories.
What better way to do this than to pick the ideas that have too many assumptions that are easy to shoot down and make the official story look more solid.
llreid1979 said:
I bought in to this Flat Earth thing! I'm not a schizoid or an idiot! I leave my mind open and at least look into things no matter how crazy it might seem. Hell were all sitting around believing channeled info? I wouldn't put it past NASA to fake anything. I have to develop in my own time but name calling etc. I'm not hating on anyone for their beliefs, the way they think, or what level of development they are at. Can't forget where you came from and everyone was not born knowing it all already. I would like to know more info on disproving flat earth or is it just because the C's said so? (Don't Hate, Educate) :lol:

I went through the Flat Earth Society web page a few days ago out of curiosity. I wanted to see how they structured their belief system.

They had covered most of the common arguments for a round earth with carefully thought-out responses.

For instance, I wondered, "How do they explain the fact that a person in the United States could telephone a person in Australia, and in real time experience the fact that one caller was standing in daylight while the other in darkness?"

Apparently, this is due to the fact that the air is thick. The Sun is always moving around overhead, but the air itself blocks out and refracts the Sun's light rays more or less based on distance, and that's how night time happens.


Okay then. How about the phenomenon of ship bottoms disappearing over the horizon while their flags and mast tops remain visible?

-This question causes the Flat Earth Folks to roll their eyes in harried patience. It's SO obvious, if you'd just be open to their explanation...

You see, it is revealed through a complicated series of axioms and "therefore" statements accompanied by diagrams illustrated by an experimental philosopher 100 years ago who wrote with an assumed and calming tone of authority. -Essentially, one of the axioms was that "significant details" vanish from view as an object recedes in the distance before the entirety of the object vanishes. Since the hull of a ship is more significant than the mast, it is only logical that it should vanish first. Right? (An experiment to test this seemed to me would be fairly simple to arrange. It would involve a telescope. But I didn't see stuff like real-world exercises of this sort addressed among their materials).

-How about the fact that light from the Sun arrives in parallel lines, resulting in non-expanding shadows, versus that from a lightbulb, which creates bigger and smaller shadows depending on how far away you happen to be standing from it? As the Flat Earth folks tell us, the Sun is only 3000 Km (or maybe miles; I can't remember) away, it ought to be experimentally possible to measure whether or not light arrives from it in parallel lines. Results from a real-life experiment compared to their claims ought to provide ample information to validate or repudiate their claim. I didn't see this issue covered at all but noted again that the site wasn't big on experimentation.

Another question which comes to my mind is, "Why?"

What possible reason is there for the Universe to design something so strange and clunky and at odds with our observations of the rest of the solar system? (I've seen Mars in all its rotundity through a telescope at a childhood astronomy club, thanks.) -And further, what reason is there to hide the truth of it all at such incredible expense and labor? Who benefits? Couldn't the elitist powers rule a Flat World just as easily as a Round one? -I realize that these are similar questions as those posed by folks rallied behind the official 9-11 explanation, but in this case the answers simply aren't good answers, unless you have already blacked out whole swaths of measurable, objective reality.

There are lots of similar questions one could ask, many of which are addressed by the Flat Earth folks using the kind of damaged logic which makes you wince. But that's not really here nor there.

The whole point is that there's no real danger in these kinds of ideas. Visiting the Flat Earth Society website and reading their material with genuine curiosity and open-mindedness won't lead you down the rabbit hole to madness unless you are starved for information and your critical thinking faculties aren't working. If the Flat Earth people had something logically sound to offer, I'd be both pleased and excited to adopt their theories into my own knowledge structure. But their thinking, while clever, confident and stubborn, suffers from logical flaws. It just doesn't stand up under scrutiny and the leverage of accumulate knowledge from the rest of the universe.

I actually did all of this work years ago when I first came across their claims. I remember feeling open and excited at the time, looking for the Truth. But there wasn't any to be had, so I subsequently forgot about it. But I did come away with a new brick for my own knowledge structure which said, "The Earth isn't Flat." That brick has served well in my own ever-expanding working theory of reality and I've had no cause to remove it since.

The trouble starts when a person goes in with an agenda designed around what they want to feel and what they are most comfortable believing. If they want the Earth to be flat for some reason, if that makes their anxiety and fear calm down, if their coping strategy is all about lying to themselves rather than working out how to properly metabolize the facts of objective reality, then they'll employ whatever combination of faulty logic and cognitively dissonant techniques to Make It So. And that's fair enough.

It's also fair, however, to expect those who have chosen not to engage in self-deception to put up barriers of one kind or another against what they perceive as deceptive. -Especially the bullying loudmouth Grandpa types. They just drain and exhaust you.

These times seem to be polarizing folks.
dugdeep said:
Renaissance said:
Doing the meditation feels kind of like excising with light weights and doing a lot of repetitions. Initially I found I had to just relax my mind a bit in doing the prayer at a slower pace than I'm used to. At first it feels easy and then I eventually reach a limit where I'm consistently loosing track of the prayer. So far this happens during the 5th, 6th or 7th rounds. Seems it can be different depending on the time of day. This loosing track involves other thoughts coming in, but it also feels like a deeper dissociation. Refocusing attention repeatedly during this point might be where the exercise can be particularly useful.

I've found the same thing and I like the "light weights" analogy. I've noticed that my mind is sometimes able to recite the prayer automatically while other thoughts are still active in the foreground. I think this is likely the first step to losing track of the prayer altogether, so when I notice this, I try to coral in those thoughts and really concentrate on the words of the prayer. It seems to help to put some of that attention on the body, as others have mentioned.

I found that tiredness is a big one - often I can do a few rounds uninterrupted too, but last night I had to work, came home 5am and needed to wind down. So tried the meditation with POTS, but was all over the place. I guess tired but wound up is not a good combination for focussing. So I just did some pipe breathing and eventually fell asleep.
Oxajil said:
mabar said:
I did focus at the meditation tips, though, .. and, tried it on Monday. My experience of ... how I think it was to be done, was ... short. I started with a couple of pipe breathing's and did the first set and non thoughts of whatsoever came in between and it felt ... hmm, for an instant I felt a light brightly sensation? was stop short by my "supposedly conscious thoughts", first thought was "I did it!!".... I did it?? the sensation disappear at the same moment I doubt ... after that, the other sets were accompanied by "traveling thoughts" drifting and coming back, and starting again until the alarm clock rang. Did not felt the time, it was rather fast, I set it for 30 minutes.

Hi mabar, that's an interesting experience. It might be helpful though to not concentrate too much on sensations while meditating. Taking note of it is a good thing, but I'd try to get the focus back on the seed or the phrases of the POTS. You probably will be distracted here and there, which is okay, but I think it will get easier as you practice. It's kind of like a muscle you train, and in a way, it's a good way to practice discipline :)
Thanks, I will be aware of that next time, it grabbed too much of my attention, now that I realized it. I had been thinking that other situations, like for example be worried (preoccupied) by whatever ... is also a good practice to discipline the mind. One apply effort to go certain way, and keep coming back to what is need at the precisely moment. And, setting an alarm do not do much good either, I think, I need to find whatever it takes "enough time to do it", to be able to do it without limits of time.
Laura said:
Well, we don't want to shock anyone but yeah, sometimes we just have to make jokes to ease the terror of the situation. Kind of like whistling past the graveyard. I'll never forget the session where Cs talked about aliens eating people who don't smoke. Right after they said that, everybody in the room looked at each other and then reached for their cigarettes and lit up simultaneously. It turned one of those horror moments into something bearable because we could laugh at our own reaction.

Yep, sometimes ya just got sit back, practice all the Intel shared, (at this session, "many thanks"). And just release what ever negative efforts Psycho-PTB are trying to instill with all this hell and emotional turmoil pivoting around the BBM.

It's sort of like watching a Coen Brothers move in real life.

The POT's does make a difference. And when matched by a properer diet, Eiriu Eolas breathing technique, including some form of daily exercise, it does collimate to a much better mediation experience know doubt.
Equating a much more restful foundation for the soul.

But i believe, it also helps practicing Prayer Of The Soul of what it expresses daily. If and or when the opportunity my arrive. It very well could help facilitate a golden shield of protection, against the 2Dsts, 3Dsts and 4Dsts. FWIW.

Thanks again, and great comments to boot.
About the Flat Earth "theory", do those who give serious consideration to it really put it on the same level as, say, a hoaxed moon landing? Don't you think it's MUCH more plausible that the moon landing could have been faked than we live on a flat Earth? Now, I'm not saying the moon landing WAS faked, but just the probability of how likely that is compared to the whole Flat Earth fuss. I don't have time to waste on either question, because I don't think it's that important. But, I can see someone putting time into the moon landing claims, where I just can't see how anyone can seriously consider the Earth being flat (and, I think they also claim that gravity doesn't exist, right?) - it's so far beyond giving something an open-minded possibility for me in this day and age, that I just can't take it seriously.

It's even more mind boggling than the claims of the psyop "terrorist" attacks being completely fake with actors and fake blood, etc. Why would the PTB make it so much harder to get the manipulated reactions from the populace at large with such a risky and difficult-to-pull-off scenario when they can just kill and maim real people as they usually do? I think enough has been said about the whole flat Earth thing already (AND the actors and fake blood "terrorist" attacks too), but I just wanted to say that doubting EVERYTHING, like anything else has its limits. Critical thinking and life experience must count for something, no? For what it's worth.
Data said:
tschai said:
Many people believe (there's that word again) the moon landings are a hoax and the ISS does not really exist- however, even if the moon landings are a hoax, people HAVE been in orbit and taken photos of the Earth from space-I grew up during the early years of space exploration and watched ALL of the launches-those were NOT faked.

This is an important point. The launches are actually the most difficult, dangerous and expensive aspects in space exploration -- basically, a launch is a couple of people sitting on a controlled explosion of a huge magnitude. If you can manage that, you can manage everything else. Compared to this, floating and navigating in space is relatively easy. And launches have been repeatedly witnessed by the populace with their own eyes. My point is: If space flight (including all photographs of a round earth gained from it) should be faked, they are literally burning a LOT of money with it.

Witnessed by yours truly MANY times, I can add. As I've mentioned, I had two cousins working for NASA at Cape Kennedy and my Aunt and Uncle lived on the Banana River right across from the cape. Many times we had a barbecue there while watching the latest launch. It was totally awesome.
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