Session 29 December 2009

Thank you all for a very enlightening session. It seems that we, (and by we I mean the the earth and humanity), are entering an entirely new phase where institutions, ecosystems, belief systems, and other sacred cows will no longer be relevant.

What brings this home to me are the major changes happening in SOTT's mission:

(L) Yeah, I've thought of some things lately. I have thought that we ought to make a project of the Fellowship - openly. It should begin to incline itself toward reporting the news with an open PC slant.

L) Yeah, open the flood gates on that, and also I was thinking for awhile that we ought to keep the C's completely separate from PC. Now I'm wondering if...

(L) The C's are the inspiration for PC. They're the 10% inspiration. We have to include that 10%. I mean, I was thinking I should write an article and say that okay, I'm the founder, and the group and I came to the idea to found this organization because of this inspiration and this research which led to the study of Christianity. I've always been obsessed with studying it deeply, trying to find out what's the real story. So here it is! This is what we've found.

The quickening of SOTT'S responses to the oncoming events keep taking me by surprise and waking me up to the gravity of what lies before us. I understand more fully now why we must do the breathing exercises and the prayer to gain control over the emotional center.

I have a question about preparedness concerning directions that Gurdjieff gives his students for a particular exercise which he tells them on page 111 of his book Life is Real Only Then, When 'I Am':

Gurdjieff said:
...only this exercise may on the one hand correct your errors of the past, and on the other hand prepare all that is required in the future

Is this something we should be doing? If so, could someone explain exactly what is involved? I can't figure it out.

Gurdieff said:
First, all one's attention must be divided approximately into three equal parts, each of these parts must be concentrated on one of the three fingers of the right or the left hand, for instance the forefinger, the third and the fourth, constating in ond finger- the result proceeding in it of the organic process called "sensing", in another-the result of the process called "feeling", and with the third-making any rhythmical movement and at the same time automatically conducting with the flowing of mental association a sequential or varied manner of counting."

Then, in the next paragraph, Gurdjieff chides his students by saying that they can not tell the difference between the "feeling" and

This seems to be an important distinction for Gurdjieff as he continues by saying:

Since an understanding of this difference between these two impulses is very important for my subsequent indications concerning all the exercises required for you, as well as concerning the real nature of the psyche of man. pages 113-114
Thanks for this Pete02!

Pete02 said:
If I remember correctly, the C's also said that those who can't see will just see destruction and mayhem while those that can see will see something else. osit. And just now they remind us again that "A: The more who see, the more that can see! And didn't we once say that it is not where you are but rather WHO you are and what you SEE!!" I think if we just keep pushing ahead all will work out for us. We just have to stick to it and try not to think about the 'physical' so much as hard as it may be.
Pete02 said:
If I remember correctly, the C's also said that those who can't see will just see destruction and mayhem while those that can see will see something else. osit. And just now they remind us again that "A: The more who see, the more that can see! And didn't we once say that it is not where you are but rather WHO you are and what you SEE!!" I think if we just keep pushing ahead all will work out for us. We just have to stick to it and try not to think about the 'physical' so much as hard as it may be.

Yes, thanks for this response Pete02 -- I think that you are right, and that your thinking is in line with the general information the C's have offered on this topic. The key is probably in non-linearity, which requires a certain amount of faith on our part since we can't predict non-linear outcomes. Pushing ahead is indeed the right thing to do at this point!
Thank you for the session wonderful SOTT Team :love:
Things sure speeding up

Marcus-Aurelius said:
FWIW, it seems to me that PTB are REALLY desperate, the new "terrorist" attack was very transparent in every way.

In our media (Polish) when this material was first aired it was followed by USA president and his family visiting military base and eating some fast food, if i remember correctly. One big picture of propaganda :cool2: But what isn't :(
Nicholas said:
A wonderful and thought provoking session. Greatly appreciated.

"City on a Hill" made me think of the USA and in particular, Washington, D.C. because it is also called Capitol Hill.

Wikipedia said:
Capitol Hill, aside from being a metonym for the United States Congress, is the largest historic residential neighborhood in Washington D.C., stretching easterly in front of the United States Capitol along wide avenues. It is one of the oldest residential communities in Washington, and with roughly 35,000 people in just under two square miles, it is also one of the most densely populated.

Same here. DC came to mind particularly due to its size/influence and due the common reference as "Capital Hill".

Thanks for the session everyone!
Q: (Scottie) I keep telling you we need to get a stone megalith thing so we can teleport!

(L) What about next year? For us, for the group?

A: You are on the way! Keep the faith in your abilities and the reality of higher densities and energies relating to both. You will receive dramatic demonstrations of the efficacy of the approach. The playing field is in the process of being leveled. And... Help is on the way!

Q: (L) You said that before... years ago! (laughter)

A: Build it...

Q: (Joe) ...and they will come!

A: Yes

Q: (L) So it was up to us to take steps to make it possible for help to come. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I see. So there has to be a matching frequency.

A: Yes

Today I had a dream right before waking up that featured the house in France (not exactly the same but similar) and a pool in the back garden, either under construction or renovation, so when I read the fragment above with the words "build it" I wondered if it was not a reference to this session (96-05-25):

Q: (L) Why are we talking about Ionic fluted columns?
A: Because they are a link to previous direct contact between humans and density 4 STO!
Q: (L) Okay, Ionic columns fluted and grooved...
A: Plastic hoses, fluted and grooved.
Q: (L) Well, you are getting more and more obscure. How do we establish this direct link between us and 4th density STO through the concept of fluting, and grooving, and columns?
A: Magnetic telemetry profile.
Q: (L) Are you suggesting that the hose with the water rushing through it can transmit something from 4th density STO to us?
A: Tranceive.
Q: (L) The original Ionic column structure was a hollow tube?
A: Not the point.
Q: (L) It is the fluting, grooving and spiraling that are important?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay, once you mentioned that I ought to move the pool and install a maze, or spiral. Well, I am hoping to get some money from the insurance company soon, and I was thinking about putting in an in-ground pool as part of my improvements. Couldn't I have the spiral inlaid in the bottom of the pool in tile?
A: Good. Suggest that you install a triple Ionic column with top beam and base, as the Romans and Greeks did, near the deep end. [The next part of the discussion involves drawing the plan of said structure and the design of the spiral]
A: Two sided triangle when seen from above, flat top of beam, no gables. 1.3 meters between bases of the three columns. Columns: 1.6 meters tall. Base set at 30 degree angle. Center column placed to the East of the pool. Use pure spiral, counterclockwise, corresponding to Northern hemisphere of the planet.
Q: (L) Okay, once we have set this up, what is it going to do for us?
A: Empower 4th through 6th density STO channel transceiver.
webglider said:
Is this something we should be doing? If so, could someone explain exactly what is involved? I can't figure it out.

Gurdjieff said:
First, all one's attention must be divided approximately into three equal parts, each of these parts must be concentrated on one of the three fingers of the right or the left hand, for instance the forefinger, the third and the fourth, constating in ond finger- the result proceeding in it of the organic process called "sensing", in another-the result of the process called "feeling", and with the third-making any rhythmical movement and at the same time automatically conducting with the flowing of mental association a sequential or varied manner of counting."

Then, in the next paragraph, Gurdjieff chides his students by saying that they can not tell the difference between the "feeling" and "sensing".

Hi Webglider….I have recently considered the separation of feeling and sensation. I think the separation of the feeling and the sensing functions are one of the objectives of EE and POTS work that Laura is giving us students. This is my limited understanding today; others more knowledgeable may provide a more complete answer.

Sensation is awareness by the instinctive-motor function. Touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing would be examples of sensations. Feeling is awareness of positive or negative value by the emotional function or center. It would describe values such as anger, guilt, fear, sorrow, pity, gratitude, joy, empathy, and love.

Mechanical man experiences emotions based on sensations. This welding of the functions of sensation and feeling makes man a slave of the body. The wrong use of the emotional center energy by the motor-instinctive and vice versa, make it impossible to link to the higher centers.

I wonder if this welding of sensation and feeling is the organ Kundabuffer in Beelzebub’s Tales? This phenomenon immobilizes the valuing function of the emotional center, leading to the horror of a technological society without a moral compass, leading to the current, rapid descent into a Dark Age. Hence the Fourth Way emphasis on separating the sensing from the feeling function in its students.
Very interesting.
Open the floodgates is a new song by Thom York, it's on Ytube. Played it frist time in October 09.
This session was really good!

I noticed the C's may be "winking" ;) all the way at this.

"(Ark) By the way, this is probably not so much relevant, but in the Russian news, there was the new Putin Doctrine. They are NOT going to develop anti-missile systems at all. In response to US anti-missile things, they will develop very fast and strong offensive weapons.

(L) No more defensive...

(Ark) No.

(L) Oh, they're just trying to keep us going. That's part of the play.

(Joe) What about the missile test earlier this month that was allegedly by the Russian navy that was seen over Norway. Was it a missile?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) A normal, run of the mill, standard missile?

A: Yes. What was not normal was the atmosphere.

Q: (Anart) That's from dust from incoming rocks or debris.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) What about the triangular UFO over Moscow, was it real?

(Allen) Fake!

A: No"

Take a look at David Wilcock's article here.

I don't know if he is intentionally dis/mis-info, but the article explains there _was_ an ordinary, run-of-the-mill missile launched by Russia and destroyed by the plasma excited spiral spinning out of EISCAT which had started up "TEQUILAsunrise", using over a gigawatt of power on that exact same day. And the C's are right, the atmosphere was NOT "typical" though for this time of year it is.

Edit:Oh geez, I just read the forum threads on David Wilcock, I apologize. Just ignore this post.
go2 said:
Hi Webglider….I have recently considered the separation of feeling and sensation. I think the separation of the feeling and the sensing functions are one of the objectives of EE and POTS work that Laura is giving us students. This is my limited understanding today; others more knowledgeable may provide a more complete answer.

Sensation is awareness by the instinctive-motor function. Touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing would be examples of sensations. Feeling is awareness of positive or negative value by the emotional function or center. It would describe values such as anger, guilt, fear, sorrow, pity, gratitude, joy, empathy, and love.

Mechanical man experiences emotions based on sensations. This welding of the functions of sensation and feeling makes man a slave of the body. The wrong use of the emotional center energy by the motor-instinctive and vice versa, make it impossible to link to the higher centers.

Thank you go2 for pointing out the distinction between sensation and feeling and explaining the connection between the instinctive-motor function and its effect on the emotional body. It seems to follow then that the third finger must then represent the work of the intellectual center even though Gurdjieff doesn't directly state this. One finger is moving rhythmically and these movements are being counted - I imagine by the the intellectual center. Of the two fingers that are stationary, one is the focus of sensation, and the other is the focus of emotion. (If I'm correct).

go2 said:
I wonder if this welding of sensation and feeling is the organ Kundabuffer in Beelzebub’s Tales? This phenomenon immobilizes the valuing function of the emotional center, leading to the horror of a technological society without a moral compass and the current, rapid descent into a Dark Age. Hence the Fourth Way emphasis on separating the
sensing from the feeling function in its students.

Maybe it is the welding of sensation and feeling that is the organ Kundabuffer in Beelzbub's tales! A sensation gives rise to an emotion, and an emotion gives rise to more sensations in the body which can trigger more emotions which can by-pass the intellectual center which is the slowest of the three and thus lead to actions taken by the moving-instinctive governed by the emotional center that are completely unmitigated by thought. If enough instances of this happens, chaos ensues leading to a dark age. Perhaps Gurdjieff gave the exercise of the three fingers to prevent this from happening. He certainly does seem emphatic about itd importance!

Gurdjieff said:
And so, if you really wish to have in yourself that which alone can distinguish a man from an ordinary animal, that is to say, if you wish to be really such a one to whom Great Nature has given the possibility with the desire, that is, with a desire issuing from all the three separate spiritualized parts and with the conscious striving to transform yourself into a so to say "cultivated soil" for the germination and growth upon which lay the hopes and expectations of the CREATOR or EVERYTHING EXISTING, then you must and in everything, struggling with the weaknesses that are in you according to law, attain at any cost. first of all, an all-around understanding, and then the practical realization in your presence, of this exercise just elucidated by me, in order to have the chance for a conscious crystalizing of the data still engendering the three mentioned impulses which must be present obligatorily in the common presence of every man who has the right to call himself a GODLIKE 116.

If one center is observing sensation, another is observing feeling, and a third is counting the rhythmic movements, and if I'm correct in concluding that all three centers are engaged in doing this exercise then what do we call that within us that is observing all three?

Is this the part that stands apart from the three centers that the diet, breathing exercises and the prayer are designed to prepare us for the Wave and the shift to 4th density?
Thank you Laura, Ark, QFG, Sott and FOTCM! :) As it's been said, it's nice to see Anart in a transcript. This session is definately one to get you more motivated to work.

kannas said:
...However, I'll quote what I found for whatever it may be worth...

Thank you kannas for this. Even though you may not have communicated your connecting of dots, I enjoyed reading about the 4th Way overview and think I needed it.

Smallwood said:
I hope that in the end, if my body perishes, I have been able to work on myself enough not to get my soul smashed. It's a high time to stop with self-deceptions to the effect that "I'm going somewhere", when I really may not be.

That's kind of my thoughts too. I want to be prepared for the "worst" case scenario, if it happens.

Pete02 said:
If I remember correctly, the C's also said that those who can't see will just see destruction and mayhem while those that can see will see something else.

Yeah, I remember them saying that too. Maybe it's related to seeing the unseen, of which EE seems to be giving access.
(Joe) What about the missile test earlier this month that was allegedly by the Russian navy that was seen over Norway. Was it a missile?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) A normal, run of the mill, standard missile?

A: Yes. What was not normal was the atmosphere.

Q: (Anart) That's from dust from incoming rocks or debris.

A: Yes

very fascinating explanation and appears worthy to investigate.

There is a change in atmosphere from comets that are a 'central' part of the wave which is approaching. Is that what Anart is inferring?
webglider said:
Thanks for this Pete02!
Shijing said:
Pete02 said:
If I remember correctly, the C's also said that those who can't see will just see destruction and mayhem while those that can see will see something else. osit. And just now they remind us again that "A: The more who see, the more that can see! And didn't we once say that it is not where you are but rather WHO you are and what you SEE!!" I think if we just keep pushing ahead all will work out for us. We just have to stick to it and try not to think about the 'physical' so much as hard as it may be.

Yes, thanks for this response Pete02 -- I think that you are right, and that your thinking is in line with the general information the C's have offered on this topic. The key is probably in non-linearity, which requires a certain amount of faith on our part since we can't predict non-linear outcomes. Pushing ahead is indeed the right thing to do at this point!

Your both very welcome. ;)

As a matter of fact I've been giving the whole non-physicality thing more thought and came up with what I consider an interesting idea. With the thought of the wave on the way, which will help many 'jump to 4D' easier than would be normal and also the fact that those who can't 'see' will only view it as destruction, maybe this upcoming disaster 'is' the wave? We all know that we are where we're all supposed to be in life right? So with the fact, as Shijing points out, that most members live in the 'hot zone' maybe this is gonna be the time for us to 'let go' of the physicality and cross over to 4D as hopefully STO and put a stop to the 'soul smashing'! We know from the C's that we can give our energy from the other side to assist as quoted below:

C's in Session 30 August 2009 said:
Q: (L) Well, so... Where does this leave us with our breathing program?

A: The action taken should tell you how powerful it is! Carry on with awareness and networking! And, as always knowledge protects!! Finally, Victoria and others on that plane are adding their energies to yours in solidarity. This is possible due to the connections established in your realm.

Q: (L) So you're saying that people that have been connected to us who have gone over to the other side can add their energies to ours kind of in a more pure way, but only people who have been connected to us can do that? Is that more or less what you're saying?

A: Yes

As far as I'm concerned, we are all connected as a family with the E/E program and the introduction of the Fellowship! ;)

So the wave comes, the US gets slammed, hopefully most of us have done our homework and transition to 4D and we tip the scales from there to help humanity win. I know it may sound a bit gruesome to us because we're so attached to this physicality that our first instinct is to preserve our lives but we are supposed to be saving our souls, and at the same time if that did happen, all those souls who were blind might be reincarnated from 5D into a 'New World' where they might be truly taught what life is all about and eventually be able to ascend back to unity with the one. So maybe our sacrifice is indeed part of the plan. If it is, we are all playing a huge roll in all of this which makes our work that much more important to me. I'm actually overwhelmed just thinking about how important we all are in saving the future of the human race!

Then again, maybe I'm way off, but for me, just thinking about this is giving me a huge push to take it up to the next level cause we really need to be ready.
Thank you Laura and the crew for the session as a New year Gift. TRUE Optimism is the greatest gift during this time. HAVE A WONDERFUL SOUL FILLING NEW YEAR TO ALL.

Laura said:
Session Date: December 29th 2009

Laura, Ark, Anart, Joe, A***, P*****, Allen, C**, I**, Scottie, G***

Q: {General mayhem as lights are adjusted and 3 Christmas candles are lit}

A: Hello people of the future.
WOW!. Congratulations Guys.

Q: (L) And the unfortunate thing is that the masses of people do not realize that they are the body that is being killed by these germs, and they're really, REALLY, not waking up.

A: Don't lose hope for your groups. They will do well if they will follow the STO way set out for them.
Finally HOPE is on the way
Q: (Allen) So we do it by things that we're publishing, or just by being who we're being and working on things for ourselves?

A: All and more coming down the creativity pipeline.
Latest EE intro video is an example

Q: (L) Could it be said that what we're doing is actually inducing these controlling actions?

A: Yes but that is actually good because it means that their desperation is being driven and they will make more mistakes and turn the masses against them sooner.
It is the 4D STS's miscalculation C's mentioned previously. with lack of time to go back in time to set time loops, they have to shoot themselves .

(L) That was in reference to what I just said, so no it's not a good idea to keep the C's separate.

A: Exactly. All religions that are based on truth have the true shamanic element at the core.

C's answers are so direct, it sounds like as if they are already here.

Q: (Joe) That argument that people who see conspiracies are mentally ill, you can't even back that up. Among the general population, if you cite the recent Iraq war business, it's very clear that those people who a few years ago were anti-Iraq War, now it's out in the public and it's been written in all the newspapers. So people who make that claim, no rational person would accept it.

(Ark) But then there will be new things coming out...

(Joe) You can't take anyone seriously who makes that argument. And I don't think any rational person would take them seriously.

(L) Okay…

(Anart) Is it a specific city that will be a "5D city on a hill"? Can we know?

A: Think big!

Q: (Joe) A big city?

(P*****) Big Apple? New York?

(A***) Capital city?

(Allen) Or more than just a city!

(Joe) Well, the US is the City on the Hill. Are we talking cosmic catastrophe here?

A: Eventually, yes.
This is still a suspense.

(Anart) Are they eventually going to just shut down international travel?

A: Yes

Q: (A***) How soon?

A: 8 months possible.

Q: (Scottie) I keep telling you we need to get a stone megalith thing so we can teleport!

(L) What about next year? For us, for the group?

A: You are on the way! Keep the faith in your abilities and the reality of higher densities and energies relating to both. You will receive dramatic demonstrations of the efficacy of the approach. The playing field is in the process of being leveled. And... Help is on the way!

(Scottie) 5D city on a hill, 8 months until international travel stops... oh, and there's no time!!

A: It will not be total shutdown and it will not be long lasting either.

Q: (L) So in other words, they'll do it. They'll try it, and something will happen and there'll be a reaction.

(P*****) Why they will shut down the airports?

A: Wait and see.

Even EVIL needs muppet soldiers and game theory practicing managers to have some order for it do its destruction. If they shut down all the airports, their evil managers rebel back. Probably that's why it can't last long.
Smaragde said:
Thank you all for the new session! You too C's And i am happy to know that Anart spend the holidays with you guys.

Same here on both counts! Was wondering when Anart would visit in person with Laura, Ark, and the Chateau crew. Very happy to know she is able to spend the Winter Solstice in France.

Thank you, again!!! My heart...and many hearts here...are very grateful for these sessions. Looking forward to the New Year with hope and more determination to do battle against the forces of entropy via detoxing, breathing, meditation, donations, and whatever else I can do to help further the goals of the FOTCM and
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