Session 29 December 2009

NormaRegula said:
Smaragde said:
Thank you all for the new session! You too C's And i am happy to know that Anart spend the holidays with you guys.

Same here on both counts! Was wondering when Anart would visit in person with Laura, Ark, and the Chateau crew. Very happy to know she is able to spend the Winter Solstice in France.

Well, I've been lucky enough to be able to make it over quite a few times over the past years, thanks to Laura.

Nothing like Winter Solstice with family, and I'm very grateful to be able to be here. :)
thanks for this session guys !
I seriously have to get rid of those poor procrastinations of mine and start doing serious work and help out others on forums - if only i had that skill already ahh !
NormaRegula said:
Thank you, again!!! My heart...and many hearts here...are very grateful for these sessions. Looking forward to the New Year with hope and more determination to do battle against the forces of entropy via detoxing, breathing, meditation, donations, and whatever else I can do to help further the goals of the FOTCM and

Yes!!!! So true!

(Anart) Are they eventually going to just shut down international travel?

A: Yes

Q: (A***) How soon?

A: 8 months possible.

Q: (Scottie) I keep telling you we need to get a stone megalith thing so we can teleport!

shutting down the international travel issue is kind of nerve-racking. But at least it's good that it wont be permanent. And Scottie's quote made me laugh out loud!!! :lol2:
Arctodus said:
Take a look at David Wilcock's article here.

I don't know if he is intentionally dis/mis-info, but the article explains there _was_ an ordinary, run-of-the-mill missile launched by Russia and destroyed by the plasma excited spiral spinning out of EISCAT which had started up "TEQUILAsunrise", using over a gigawatt of power on that exact same day. And the C's are right, the atmosphere was NOT "typical" though for this time of year it is.

Thanks for the link, I ended up reading the whole article. Very long, very entertaining. I wish I could share his rosy view of our future. I didn't get the impression that he said that the EISCAT destroyed a missile, maybe I missed it.

Guess what? EISCAT did indeed schedule an event for the morning of December 9, 2009 -- during the exact time the Spiral appeared.

They were zapping the mesosphere with Very High Frequencies (VHF) so they would light up the sky like a "Tequila Sunrise," and they would then record plasma density and temperature in the area.

The timing of the experiment was chosen for when there would a maximum amount of charged particles in the atmosphere, thanks to the 'meteor dust' from the "polar mesosphere winter echoes" (PMWE) -- thereby making the glow even brighter, since these conditions were quite literally ideal for creating any airborne projection.
Deedlet said:
Q: (Scottie) I keep telling you we need to get a stone megalith thing so we can teleport!
[...] And Scottie's quote made me laugh out loud!!! :lol2:

Yep, same here! But when thinking about it, having a stone megalith should open up so many possibilities if you are able to use it as has been done by the ancients. This has been discussed in the session quoted below:

[quote author=Session 04.15.00]Q: (T) [...]So, by going to the stones, they might have increased their frequencies to transit from 3rd to 4th density. (L) Or they used them as a direct machine or device to do it. Archaeologists say that the people who erected the megaliths were barbarians. They are defined as barbarians because they didn't build cities, they didn't have the wheel, they didn't have organized agriculture, and they left no written records. Those are the defined elements of civilization. Yet, this group of people, whoever they were, did things that we cannot duplicate today, and they did it all over the globe. The groups who came along after them who DID have all the hallmarks of what we call civilization, also could not erect these gargantuan stones. I thought about this for a long time. Archaeologists say they must have erected them as monuments to their gods, or heroes or whatever. Some of them think they were calendars to tell them when to plant the corn. Well, I think that is stretching it a bit. If you can't cross off the days on the wall and look outside and see that it is time to plant the corn, you're in pretty sad shape. You hardly need to haul stones as big as buildings across hills and valleys to set them up in special places to tell you to do that! The psychology of the human being cannot have changed all that much over the many thousands of years from then to now, and it is true that people do not do anything without a powerful motivation; what I call the "payoff." What could be the payoff to haul these things around on greased logs as they are depicted? To create a monument or to bury their kings? To get naked and dance in the moonlight? (A) Like they had a lot of time to do this while struggling to live the barbarian existence, too! (L) Yeah. They are supposed to be howling savages who must constantly hunt to get food, yet they are spending all their time, occupying all their strongest men, to push rocks around! Meanwhile, according to the archaeologists and paleontologists, these folks only live to about 40 years at max! (T) They got a lot of mileage out of those 40 years! (L) Exactly! But, we are supposed to be thinking about the things they didn't have: cities, wheels, agriculture, and writing. (F) Maybe they didn't need it. (L) And why would that be? Because the stones did it all! (T) Maybe they were 4th density STO beings who planted all those stones all over the place. (L) Well, if you think about a group of people who are setting up these massive stones like they were pieces of styrofoam. The stones collect energy and information. They then transduce the energy or amplify it. These people know things about movement, dances or spinning or something, that enables them to behave in concert with the stones so that they all become part of a grand machine that does things! All of the legends talk about stylized dances and the oldest things about Stonehenge say that it was the Temple of Apollo and that Apollo danced there all night at certain periods of time. Every 19 years, I believe. When you think about that, and the other places Apollo appeared, the inversions and redactions of the legends, and we come to these magical stones that produce things. Then we come to the head of Bran the Blessed which supposedly produced endless supplies of bread and fish or whatever else was desired. Bran's head was the giver of all good things. But more than that, it was an oracle. It could speak. And here we have the idea of a similar function for Stonehenge: both an oracle as well as a giver of blessings and bounty. Anything you wanted or needed it provided for you. If you wanted to go somewhere, it transported you as in the legends of the flying carpets. It was magic transportation. All of these things are associated, when you track them back far enough, with a stone. The stones did everything. (JM) And it is funny that stones come up. What I have been doing for the past 10 or 15 years is running around the globe collecting stones. I've been to some of the most ancient places on earth, and I go from one to the other. And from each one, I've collected stones. Plus, Apollo: on Crete, there was an oracle of Apollo on Tara... (L) And there was Tara in Ireland... (JM) I wouldn't be surprised if Tara meant stone too! How is all this connected? (L) Exactly. This is what I have always thought about these megaliths. They DID things. All of the things we think are the "signs" of civilization were done by the stones. Maybe TR is right; these people were at some level of density where they could make this work. At some point, something happened, the ability was lost, and then people had to build cities, engage in agriculture, invent the wheel, and develop writing - because they could no longer do it the "easy" way. (JM) In talking about stones, would the mother of all stones be the navel of the earth; is that the same as Ayers rock? It's the largest stone on earth and they call it the navel of the earth. (L) Does Ayers rock have anything to do with this?
A: No. Stones were once utilized to provide for all needs, as the energies transmitted connected directly with the pituitary gland to connect spiritual realities with the material realms of 3rd and 4th densities. So you see, the "stone" was viewed as Matriarchal indeed!

Edited to arrange quotes.
Hello Wanderer-

It is on page two of the e-book. I agree, he has a really rosy view of the future. Though apparently he does nowadays acknowledge the existence of negative beings that feed on us. He was all "love and light" in the past. That was a big sticking point against him, among others (including ragging on Mrs. Knight-Jaczyk and her friend) from the Cass Forum threads I (belatedly) read. From other articles of his, he now advocates "love and compassion and the right to refuse to give anything of yours to negative entities". I think he is getting there, with a long way to go. (Definitely should read up on strategic enclosure and look into giving compassion and understanding of the idea of negativity, not the reality, OSIT.)

I'll give him :flowers: at least. I may not share his views, but I'm not going to try to rob him of it. Events as they unfold may do that well enough.


Might this variety of super-powered 1000-megawatt HAARP spiral also have the added benefit of creating a missile shield -- thereby explaining why the Russian Bulava test was deemed to be a failure, if it did even happen at all?

Did the Russians deliberately shoot their missile into Project Tequila Sunrise, to see if it would indeed blow up and destroy the projectile?

And if so, isn't it interesting to demonstrate such a technology right before President Obama accepts the Nobel Peace Prize -- proving that they now have a working "Tesla Shield" technology that can defeat any threats that the "New World Order" might try to throw at them -- nuclear or otherwise?"
anart said:
It's my understanding that 'cosmic' in this context means incoming bodies from the cosmos - as in cometary impacts of one sort or another. I'm sure if I'm off on that, that Joe will chime in and let us know.

Shar said:
I would think "cosmic" meant something along the lines of natural catastrophe, like a cometary bombardment, perhaps?

Very likely indeed, even if "cosmic" may also point to something multidimentional like the wave for example.
In any case things are evolving rapidly!

BTW, thanks Gonzo for your research, amazing!

Smallwood said:
I hope that in the end, if my body perishes, I have been able to work on myself enough not to get my soul smashed. It's a high time to stop with self-deceptions to the effect that "I'm going somewhere", when I really may not be.

Pete02 said:
I too hope my soul will not be smashed and that maybe I can progress enough to help from the other side if my body doesn't survive.

Yes, but in the same time, we can manage to be physically safe to continue the Work using the knowledge we have at the moment. I am just thinking while writing, nothing conclusive :/

But at the same time I see this:

dannybananny said:
it's going to be bumpy ride for everyone!
and it reminds me of Atlantis. As we see around, the whole world is a part of the global western/american culture/civilisation.
So maybe the "5D city on a hill" refers not only to the US (even though it could be particularly impacted dur to the STS power concentration) but also to the whole world as a part of the actual civilisation with more or less damages?
The Cassiopaeans say :
A: Think big!

I know I am just speculating in the air and the participants know better what it means, but I'm just worried about all these people going to suffer :/

Pete02 said:
As far as I'm concerned, we are all connected as a family with the E/E program and the introduction of the Fellowship! ;)
Yes!! Actually we are isn't it! :)

So we continue to Work and build the STO "future" :flowers:
drygol said:
thanks for this session guys !
I seriously have to get rid of those poor procrastinations of mine and start doing serious work and help out others on forums - if only i had that skill already ahh !

I think that if you just do the Eiriu Eolas program and continue to work on your machine along with posting here on the forum, you will find that your skills in writing and helping others on the forum will increase along with your efforts to work on yourself.
Laura said:
Q: (L) Okay… Ark was saying he was reading some predictions that there's going to be a bloody future for the US and not a very good future for France either. We'll have to find the article.
{Article located at: }

A: Didn't we say "5D city on a hill"?


(Anart) Is it a specific city that will be a "5D city on a hill"? Can we know?

A: Think big!

Q: (Joe) A big city?

(P*****) Big Apple? New York?

(A***) Capital city?

(Allen) Or more than just a city!

(Joe) Well, the US is the City on the Hill. Are we talking cosmic catastrophe here?

A: Eventually, yes.

Thanks Laura and everybody - this transcript is really encouraging.

Thinking about the "city on the hill", I was wondering about the phrase the C's used: "Think big!"

Joe says the US itself is the City on the Hill. If you go back far enough, the background to this is in the Gospel of Matthew, where it crops up in the Sermon on the Mount (5:14). In the Synoptic Gospels this phrase is unique to Matthew, and it doesn't seem to be part of the underlying Q stratum. In a way it is, though, an amplification of something in Q on true enlightenment. And this is where it all got a bit screwy: Q was referring to the true enlightenment of a person:

QS33 (Luke 11:33-36) said:
Jesus said, "No one lights a lamp and puts it under a bushel basket, but on a lampstand. And those in the house see the light. The lamp of the body is the eye. If your eye is good your whole body will be full of light." (Mack, Burton, "The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q & Christian Origins", p.92)

So Q - or at least a possible secondary stratum of Q (Q2) in the textual transmission - sees the light as referring to something that lights up the whole person. Matthew has given the light another reference: as something which shines from the person or group to other people not yet so enlightened. So even by Matthew's time, the reference had been twisted all out of shape. He says:

Matthew 5:14 said:
Jesus said, "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid."

The "city" here immediately makes you think of a community, or even a political set-up. For early Christian bishops, this idea is perhaps much more palatable than ideas of a growing light in the body of an esoteric seeker: it gave the Church a reason for expansion, for missionary activity - and even for its blessing on the military expansion of a Christian State.

And this is the sense in which it was understood by the Puritan founding fathers of the United States. Apparently, in 1630, on board the ship Arbella, en route to New England, John Winthrop had preached about the particular aim of these colonists. This sermon (called the City upon a Hill sermon, or A Model of Christian Charity) is often seen in American mythology as setting out the point of the colony - the raison d'etre of the whole American enterprise. As such it's been referenced numerous times, most famously by JFK, and then by Ronald Reagan. It's perhaps a forerunner of the idea of American exceptionalism: the idea that the US occupies a special niche among the nations of the world in terms of its national credo, historical evolution, political and religious institutions (as the world's first modern democracy) and unique origins as a nation of immigrants.

Of course, the idea of American exceptionalism is itself based on a lie: the US sees itself as the shining city set on a hill, a beacon to the other nations of the world to become like itself. The idea is self-serving and jingoistic - it suggests that the US as a governmental system is already perfect, and that other nations have a lot of catching up to do before they become as wonderful as the US. It also suggests that the US is somehow impregnable, as a city set on a hill is easily defensible. The US can just lob a few missiles at anyone with the temerity to approach it - shoot first, ask questions later. It also, of course, suggests a siege-mentality on the part of the US. The city set on a hill has to have enemies at the gate in order to justify its existence as an isolated city-state, in order to keep it together as a political unity. A pretty sad state of affairs all round, and very similar, imo, to the way of thinking found in the Israeli political-military establishment.

John Winthrop had actually argued that there were dangers in being a city on a hill. He said:

John Winthrop said:
For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken... we shall be made a story and a by-word throughout the world. We shall open the mouths of enemies to speak evil of the ways of God... We shall shame the faces of many of God's worthy servants, and cause their prayers to be turned into curses upon us till we be consumed out of the good land whither we are a-going.

It could be said that Winthrop, right at the outset, made a pretty clear prediction of the transition of the city on a hill from 3D to 5D. Which must be of some credit to him - he could probably see from the outset that the whole thing was going to be a failure right from the start, which it has. Since 1630 there have been plenty of prayers "turned into curses" - from native Americans to indentured servants to African slaves, and so on. The whole affair was founded on the idea of treating other sections of the society as not actually part of the city on the hill, but as hewers of wood and drawers of water, who served without freedom or proper recompense - or whose land and resources were taken and fenced off for the exclusive use of its white Christian citizens. Globalization today only extends that model to encompass the whole world, with the US at the centre.

With the city set on a hill, for all to see, the hypocrisy of the model only becomes more glaringly obvious. But this has been going on for a long time - it's not just confined to the United States. And since the C's are asking us to "think big", perhaps we can go further.

Archaeologically speaking, the very first city on a hill was actually deep down in a valley, 200 metres below sea level. At Jericho, in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA) period, round about 8000-7000 BCE, a vast settlement was built unlike anything ever seen in Western Asia before. The town covered about ten acres (about four hectares), and was surrounded with a deep ditch and massive stone wall. The whole affair was spectacular, and so unusual in the light of everything going on around it at that time, that it was actually quite freakish. Bizarre, you might call it. Although it was deep down in the Jordan valley, it formed a hill because of the successive building levels from about 9250 BCE onwards. When a building reached a point of imminent collapse, it was levelled and a new house built on its remains, and so the whole town rose to form a hill - in Arabic, a "tell" or ruin-mound. In Western Asia there are still thousands of these tells which are pretty obvious to anyone standing in open country and looking around. Dating from much later points in history, they just rise up out of the surrounding plain - but Jericho was the first.

At Jericho round about 8000 BCE the building pattern suddenly shifts, from rather flimsy wattle and daub dwellings, to houses made of bricks on stone foundations. Today we just take bricks as fairly obvious things, but at Jericho they were a new invention. As were the defensive structures: a ditch cut into rock, two metres deep and 8.5 metres wide, within which a stone wall was built, 1.6 metres thick, and preserved to a height of four metres, with a brick superstructure of unknown height. Within the wall was a great stone tower, more than eight metres high - and perhaps there were others dotted around the edges of the town. No one knows why this city was built, but it seems likely that agriculture had something to do with it:

James Mellaart said:
The early developments in Palestine may be the result of the natural occurrence of wild wheat and barley in that country.

Trade too seems to have been crucially important here:

James Mellaart said:
Jericho was well situated for commercial enterprise; it commanded the resources of the Dead Sea, salt, bitumen and sulphur, all useful products in early societies. Obsidian, nephrite and other greenstones from Anatolia, turquoise matrix from Sinai and cowries from the Red Sea have been found in the remains of the town, only a fraction of which was excavated.

Exclusion of others, resources for trade, and the growing and eating of nice gluten-rich wheat and barley. Probably these Jerichoans really thought they were something special. They lasted a lot, lot longer than the US has done. But they went into 5D all the same. The site was deserted round about 7000 BCE before a new lot of people (PPNB) took over the site, with a completely new stone industry. Of course, something of the same old pattern remained. Wheat- and barley-growing was now the norm - the society was based on grubbing a subsistence from the soil. Other Neolithic systems had no use for cities like this - or the other accoutrements of "civilisation". Probably because they were more sophisticated sociologically and technologically.

So maybe what the C's are suggesting when they say, "Think big!", is a complete break with the past. It's the end of a society dominated by cities, from Jericho (the original city on a tell) to the US (with its governmental system based on repression and exploitation, while pretending to some sort of supernatural glory and destiny - the shining city on a hill). Pretty hopeful, really.

At least, so I'm guessing at the moment.
Congratulation's Anart, it's good to here your on this side of the globe ,i can say that with each knew session just when i have grasp the last and another new one comes back mind blowning. What was appearant in the states and the out come has come to rust. Friends and family are not aware of the t beast that lurks in there midst and it got to the point that the louder I talked the deafer the would become and was moving from sto to sts as to getting them to understand..... a violation of there free will big no no . I could not keep from crying as i feel the scene of loss that they are in harms way and can do nothing to awaken them, totally bummed out and sad that they can't or don't see whats right under their nose...... it feels empty and my dreams have at times of late been informative to the struggles i face if should have to return to the states for what ever.
Anart said:
Well, I've been lucky enough to be able to make it over quite a few times over the past years, thanks to Laura.

Great...for some reason I thought you hadn't gotten over there until now.

Anart said:
Nothing like Winter Solstice with family, and I'm very grateful to be able to be here.

And it's a Winter Solstice like no other...with lots of creative things going on and in the works!

Deedlet said:
shutting down the international travel issue is kind of nerve-racking. But at least it's good that it wont be permanent. And Scottie's quote made me laugh out loud!!!

Yeah, Scottie's quote cracked me up. Positive humor is close or spot-on to the truth. Was even thinking of putting that in my sig. Reminds me of Shijing's sig that has the C's quotes about whether the Lizzies have tails. Funny how laughter can give one a dash of courage when a fearful situation is presented in the right light.

As for international travel shutting down, was wondering if it would be because of more blatantly obvious false flag terrorism operations or cometary explosions bringing down a plane or two...or three! Perhaps a bit of both being blamed, of course, on those rascally, out-to-git-us bad guys from AL-CIA-Duh.

What a future!
mkrnhr said:
Yes, but in the same time, we can manage to be physically safe to continue the Work using the knowledge we have at the moment. I am just thinking while writing, nothing conclusive :/

Point well taken mkrnhr. I guess the whole session just got my wheels spinning and I tried to put a couple of things together. My intention was really to point out that either physical or non, we could still help win the battle is all.

mkrnhr said:
So we continue to Work and build the STO "future" :flowers:

Most definitely!! :lol:
Thank You for transcribing this session and making it available to us. Greatly appreciated! :thup:
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