Session 4 April 2015

Mr. Premise said:
goyacobol said:
Miss.K said:
transientP said:
Perhaps it was meant that -even if- it is read as fiction, it's still possible to learn a lot from it ?
That's how I understood that comment, though I might be wrong.

Yes :)

I was trying to make the point that Amazing Grace is a non-fictional story of Laura's life journey. Even if fact is stranger than fiction sometimes, I prefer to not describe Amazing Grace as a novel. To each his own I guess.
I think what was meant was that it reads as easily as a novel. It is pretty common that non-fiction narrative writing uses novelistic techniques to keep the reader's interest. It is a compliment not an insult.

Mr. Premise,

I think this confusion was resolved between Miss.K and myself here:

Miss.K said:
goyacobol said:
Miss.K said:
goyacobol said:
Sorry for being so nit-picky. I shouldn't be that way. I think we all agree they are great reading.

:) no problem, perhaps my comment was not so clear, and not really important, perhaps better just to say that it is a really good intro book to everything here,
and yes I think we can all agree that it is an amazing read, an amazing journey, and that we are so grateful that Laura wrote it all down so we could learn from her (and laugh and cry with her while reading)

I appreciate your additional comment which does make sense to me. I was being too "internally considerate" and touchy seeing "novel" as equivalent to "fictional". I do see that a novelistic technique is an often used approach in writing and can be a quite effective way to engage the reader. I guess my reaction also was leaning towards "black" and "white" thinking as well.

B588 said:
Well, at least you were polite in your answer, sitting.

Yes. And that's a good starting point.

At this moment, I simply wish to acknowledge your post, which is well thought out. It took much effort I'm sure. I see already several basic (but simple) themes embedded--despite its lengthy nature. It will take me a while to sort through it with the proper care that it deserves. I will just say thank you for now.
B588 said:
Well, at least you were polite in your answer, sitting. However, I see that you responded as is usual with forum members trying to "call him out" instead of actually listening to and thinking about "why he does not participate", from his perspective, not yours. At his age, with the length that he has followed here, he's not on the fence. He's just opting out because he's not looking for "help" , probably he's more than capable of offering it, instead.

Our experiences with people "offering help" have been rather negative to date. That help invariably has strings attached, not the least of which are egos.

B588 said:
There have been too many of those folks that y'all have ganged up on and chased away; you can be mean and self centered. (Anart, anybody?

Indeed, there was a tendency to over-protect after many of the experiences just mentioned. Trying to find the right balance isn't easy. However, MOST instances proved out - what we do NOT need is a bunch of egos with messiah complexes.

B588 said:
I am in a similar situation with y'all and the "wannabe" faction, which more than likely includes a lot of younger people who are just too full of themselves and little else, including manners. Yawn. Eye rolling. Uuggh. Please sit down , listen and watch, and learn "kids", anyone under 30. Your time will come , but not just now; now is the time to learn for you younger folks. For those with some grey hair, now is the time to physically act, and to release your need to "fix" at the personal level. It doesnt mean that you let your discernment go, it means now is the time to put into practice all of the things you have learned up to now. Let me explain.

Not just young folks can be full of themselves. But it's not just that. As Lobaczewski documents, any kind of effort to "right wrongs" or do anything for people is attractive to various pathological types and the forum is littered with such encounters. One of the very damaging types is the person who takes what is a benevolent idea and radicalizes is. For example, the problem of psychopaths or OPs... we suggest that care needs to be taken in determining such things, and then even more care in deciding what to do. The radicalizer will start playing "Spot the psychopath/OP and exterminate them." Not very helpful.

So we have that problem: because our minds are open to considering many possibilities and probabilities, we tend to attract a broad spectrum of individuals, many of whom are so damaged or deficient, involving them in our activities can be problematical at best, disastrous at worst. At the same time, because of the marginalization of many of the topics we consider, some of the best and brightest and most normal are repelled by social programming. One of our big problems has been trying to help the mainstream understand that academia and politics have worked long and hard to close the doors against any proper consideration of the phenomena of this world.

All of these types of problems hit US directly in the face repeatedly and learning to navigate them in a hands on way, without losing heart and hope, has been a definite growth/learning experience.

B588 said:
Right now, we are "here", its happening NOW in the US. Those troubled times we have all been anticipating are here NOW. Jade Helm (JH), is a real operation , not a drill. It has many , many layers and many compartmentalized operations within operations that even the most senior officers are unaware of the wider plan. The main issue, an "impactor" to hit the water and pose threats for the east coast , US. Timing is from now to possibly 2017. But my sources indicate that it may be as soon as August 2015, then December 2015 and then again in May 2016. They expect multiple events, and some that cannot be "hidden" from the people any longer. ET saviors , anybody ?

Yes, we are aware of that. But, in case you haven't noticed, any time I write about it, the flame wars start and I am generally the target of egregious threats and attacks. It's a very narrow line we have to walk in order to be able to continue to operate. Many things have to be said between the lines and many more have to be said to people face to face. Thus, FOTCM.

B588 said:
In some previous posts , I have alluded to my association with the Establishment/Enforcement Class. I was literally born into it , sharing DNA, and social connections that go with it, and these are with some of the US's most powerful people; I enriched those who were already rich and helped them get elected and maintain power , until about 1999 when I retired and began to see the "rest of the story". And "they" have done everything you can imagine , including harming me physically, to suppress my voice and ability to act/ to live on , in this time. It has been largely successful in terms of reaching the public; I am indeed a "spy who came in from the old", the old paradigm, that is..and I was never really "one of them" to begin with,just born into that portion of society, hence the great separating of the wheat and the chaff within my own family and former political/economic associates. I am completely off their radar and not in contact with any of them, for my own safety.

Not meaning to take what you say less than seriously, but you ought not to be surprised that we have had several members/close associates over time who have made the same claims. Without putting too fine a point on it, their connections - which were proven to be true by various means - didn't mean much in terms of them being able to actually do anything and in fact, two of them, in particular, did way more harm than good.

B588 said:
Jade Helm is to weaponize, with military firepower, and seal the southern border of the US, while keeping the panicked public placated and passive. Martial Law is , of course, going to be enforced. That is just one goal, the passing of the TPP is another, as is taking the guns away from the private militias first, Mom and Dad on the farm , next. Food scarcity is a planned part of JH, nationwide, just FYI. There is a whole lot more going on, needless to say; America as we know it is "gone" and gone today, not tomorrow...and that's not even addressing the damage an "impactor" would bring.

Yes, as the Cs said, basically a "color revolution" in form, though not necessarily in ideology. I've said several times, it's all over but the crying.

But we've done more than just say it: we have been actively working behind the scenes in many ways. As you might guess, this is mostly NOT publicly promoted because whenever we do that, we get attacked. So, between a rock and a hard place, we work frantically.

B588 said:
So, am reaching out one more time to be the messenger. You have failed to form many physical groups to speak of because you are "too self important" yourselves, as a group.

Here, you don't know what you are talking about. See above. And if you think to bait me into being explicit, forget it.

B588 said:
Here to now, Ok, and I know why. Here forward, a shift has got to occur if you are , FOTCM, to fulfill your mission. And that mission has a very physical component of assisiting each other physically , right now, in the US, not later. If you do nothing more than physically meet and agree to share food and intel, that would be a good start.

And you assume this isn't done? Within the parameters allowed to us?

B588 said:
I know many of you are highly intelligent, and this has been a blessing and a curse, as many times you think too much,and are not at all humble or polite. You don't listen to what very qualified, highly evolved peeps have to offer you because you lack the "learning mode" necessary for RIGHT NOW, not tomorrow. I have been posting "time is of the essence" topics and the need for becoming real , physical friends and family, NOW- not later -since late last year. TODAY is a good day to start, especially if you live in the US.

Again, you make a lot of assumptions and haven't got a clue as to what we do, where, when and why. Not to mention the taking into account of the necessity of ensuring the safety and cohesiveness of groups by weeding out the egotistic whackos - those people who come along declaring they are "very qualified, highly evolved" and who, on numerous occasions, we have taken at their word to our hurt.

B588 said:
After all of these years of hard, hard work at FOTCM, it would be a tragedy that you sit around pontificating about the future troubles and "dissing" people instead of trying to bring this "tribe " together in a very physical way, because the troubled times are HERE, NOW. Right here, right now; this is it, for the peeps in the US. Will you watch as people you could have helped are harmed/hungry because , as one "child" spouted off to me recently here, in saying " you can leave if you dont like it" , and other obnoxious types of comments from the peaNUT gallery, make interacting with y'all feel like an unnecessary root canal, at times. Ugghh... where are his parents and manners,and how about some common sense and "calling him out" for this juvenile drivel, as you all seem so quick to do here? Please don't answer me, answer the question for yourself.

Again, you make a lot of assumptions about what we do or do not do.

B588 said:
It's not about me,and my participation here has never been about me; it's about what is RIGHT NOW at the doorstep of everyone on US soil at this writing, and the fact that there isn't enough real, physical interaction, not enough community, here -as there need be, and certainly not as much as "could have been" because of the oft caustic nature of the interactions here for many , many years. It is a real, physical need, not just messing around with somebody's head in cyberspace, that is NOW called for.

It never occurs to you, does it, that the "caustic nature" is one of the weeding mechanisms that we have learned the hard way actually works?

B588 said:
His comment was just one, including some not-so-nice ones from Laura , that came on the heals of me wanting to meet , physically, some of you in my area to prepare for RIGHT NOW, what is happening RIGHT NOW in the US.

As noted, we've learned about egos and claims of "highly evolved peeps" the hard way and when we authorize and financially support gatherings, we have taken time and trouble to vet those involved even knowing that this process is not perfect and some real lulus have gotten in by pretending to be what they are not. Sincerity, however, shines through by various signs that we watch for, and believe me, we've had some training in doing this and some success in organizing and assisting groups to form and function.

B588 said:
Jade Helm has already started, they will be up and "hot" in July, the Offical "start date". One comment you made,Laura, that is the most telling and perfectly illustrates for all, what I am saying. From memory, you said, "you invited yourself to our house"... Well, no ,my friend,...I was inviting you to mine, and just wanted to see if there was anyone in the vicinity that might be acceptable, to come to my place. Your "self importance" gets in the way folks.

You misread it completely. But that's understandable.

B588 said:

The Wannabes, and children, have run amok oft times, here. A true shame on you grey hairs. FOTCM isn't an excercise in the mind/spirit anymore with these very real and physical threats to many, many people here in the forum who happen to live in the US. This is not a dress rehearsal anymore, and just like JH, you need to be "drilling" at the very least, by meeting and greeting and weeding out that way. Right now, today. Not next week,and not next month. NOW.

FOTCM never was just an exercise in spirit... it's a legal organization that provides certain parameters, if you will, for its members.

B588 said:
Ask yourselves, think for yourselves, about why there is not more actual physical community among the thousands and tens of thousands of folks you have attracted to the forum ? Could it be that you are more like a prickly pear cactus than a cohesive and loving group? Anart comes to mind; how you ever kept anybody "nice" after getting that kind of treatment from her, just as one example, is a wonder, and it attests to the patience and maturity of others, not so much y'alls', that they are still here. Stop this nonsense and start really , really helping folks in the physical world, in the US, right now .And start today. Time is NOW to start helping others in a physical way by coming out of your cyber-sandbox, and actually, physically, helping eachother by forming local groups. You will need eachother in the coming weeks, physically; there won't be any more cyber sandbox.

See above. You haven't got a clue about dealing with the issues we have to deal with both in terms of personalities, pathologies, and practical administration and protection of groups.

B588 said:
Now, among other things, I have been experiencing trouble with electronics and the "web" since Feb. Since I was a "20 something" myself, I have noticed that memes/themes happen in my life, just ahead of when they tend to hit the mainstream. In the last 2 weeks about 8 people I know of, very evolved and internationally placed, have been experiencing same. I think that it is a foreshadowing of NO MORE INTERNET or electronic devices, very shortly, at least within vast portions of the US. Quit messin' around and get together, in real life, not in a cyber sandbox, as the loving people you are. I have used the past 3 months or so to detox from the highly toxic EMF from these devices, and from the compulsion to communicate/interface with them a good portion of my day. It is amazing and palpable , the difference.

Again, you don't know very much about FOTCM - you aren't a member.

B588 said:
As a result my "inner senses" have soared.

I am currently on my 4th device since Feb. And , though new, am having problems with it that limit my interface for long periods of time. Just short and quick tasks, and I must say, you don't know what a huge interference these devices are causing until you get away from them. That will actually be a "good thing" when they no longer are available. For now, let us use it to network , PHYSICALLY, because within weeks, this will no longer be available in the US, at all.


B588 said:
Leadership of FOTCM, I am openly suggesting to you that your mission will fail if you do not change course on this right now. You will leave many , many worthy, loving, highly evolved souls because there is too much "group think" and many are too afraid of the nasty responses that are always present when somebody criticizes someone, disagrees with , or questions what the group has actually accomplished, or not. Well, that is a little in-CULT-cated,don't you think ? And don't be afraid to say so, your silence is part of the problem , not part of the solution. Laura has plenty of "yes men" , groupies, and young, effimanate hangers-on who bash about with largesse undue them . But where are the intelligent questions from really knowledgable, strong, mature people about why communities have not formed ? Moreover, where are the actual results of all these years of work, works that are to culminate in physically coming together in troubled times ? Troubled times are here, friends, where are the many ,many groups that should have formed ?! They must now start to gel in the physical world , not in cyber space, where the kids and the peaNUTS can "pop off" anonymously, ad nauseum. I will say, unequivocably, that these children would not speak to the people they do, in the way they do ,if they were in their physical presence; they would instinctively know to be polite, respectful, and to watch/listen/learn. There ought be many , many more physical interactions and physical friendships having been formed, and they haven't because of your own "stuff", as a group, for the most part.

Thank you for the clear exposition of what you think. It certainly helps me to understand where you are coming from better.

B588 said:
The time is here, it is happening RIGHT NOW in the US, friends. RIGHT NOW, not tomorrow. A few more weeks and it may not be possible to communicate at all. What a shame that at the 11th hour, you are too stuck in your group-mind to actually do the physcial tasks of coming together that are right now required of you as a group, as leaders in this context of FOTCM ,and in your own lives, too.

You make a lot of assumptions that are so far off base that one wonders about your claims to be advanced, enlightened, whatever. An awful lot of projecting going on.

B588 said:

The time to do that is HERE ,NOW if you want to help other folks survive in a body until the "wave" hits fully. I just know that many of you can be more helpful than you are right now, and you gotta "quit yer fussin and get on to gettn 'long , y' hear ?". Smiles and winks.
Every day you waste, pontificating, criticizing, thinking up ways/reasons to prevent yourselves from getting together, in the physical world, is one we can't get back, and maybe will be the day that we lost one we could have helped instead of hurt, or left cold and alone.

What you don't seem to realize is that this "fussin'" is an artefact of the public forum. It is necessary.

B588 said:
And , as a caveat, I simply don't have the access to cyberspace, nor to I have any time or desire, to indulge anymore fussin', or foolish and rude children. Please, don't your waste time on that. Time is of the essence: right here, right NOW. Get together in physicality NOW, especially those of you in the (soon to be ,former) USA.

I will leave it with one last "saying" :
NOW is the place, THIS is the time, and YOU are the one.

Love to all, and with great respect for all of the hard work up to NOW, but its time to pull the tribe together in physical reality; cyberspace has served its purpose and is going offline shortly.

And stay cool, :cool: it's about to get very tough for peeps who are still in the US. My love and my whole heart is with you if you are suffering, as many are. Hang tough, friend. You can do it, if anybody can , you can. Afterall, THIS, is why you came.

Love to All and gratitude a plenty, B588 :cool2:

It seems to be rather sad that you have missed all the main pebbles dropped on the forest floor that is this forum; they could have led you to entirely different understandings.

Further, we'll see about your predicted "events." As the Cs have said:

7 Jan 1996 said:
Q: (P) I would like to know about the apparitions of the Virgin Mary at Conyers, GA, as well as this book "Mary's Message to the World" and all the other messages about the End Times that are coming out all over?

A: The forces at work here are far too clever to be accurately anticipated so easily. You never know what twists and turns will follow, and they are aware of prophetic and philosophical patternings and usually shift course to fool and discourage those who believe in fixed futures.

25 Sept 1999 said:
Q: I would like to address some particular issues. Apparently, there is an awful lot of speculation on the internet in various places about 'disasters' of various sorts. There was Comet Lee back a few months ago; then the Nostradamus issue was brought in creating a general panic; now there are other calls of alarm being raised. The disasters on the planet are being attributed to, among other things, the passage of Comet Lee through the Solar System. There are speculations that asteroids or other cometary type bodies are going to cause imminent disasters because of their electrical interactions with the Sun and other bodies of the Solar System. The Internet has, essentially, become a Grand Forum for Doomsday Prognostications. Site after site is waiting for an imminent strike of the planet by some celestial body. I mean, we just have a few days left according to one site! I know that we have dealt with many of these issues before, but the hysteria among some groups is increasing, being bred, generated, being transmitted and encouraged via the Internet. Could you comment please?

A: Normally, we do not "comment " to a non-inquiry, but let it be said that many cling to "doomsday" prophetic calamaties as a means to absolve personal frustrations with others. I.E. "Just you wait, Henry Higgins, just you wait!!"

23 Mar 2013 said:
Q: (L) Okay, as you know, we had a wonderful little exploding comet fragment out there in Russia that did some serious damage and injured lots of people. I'm not glad that it injured lots of people, but I just think it was pretty interesting that this happened like within three days of our new book Comets and The Horns of Moses being released in hardcopy. So, I guess the first question is: Anything to tell us about the exploding comet fragment, or whatever they wanna call it? It could have an asteroid, or it could have a comet fragment, or whatever?

A: Denatured comet but who's counting?

Q: (L) Okay. Is that all you're gonna say?

A: Just wait for the next one! That one will be a doozie! And it has "friends!"

Q: (L) Can you give us a time estimate on that? [laughter] (Pierre) And location? (L) Location, maybe? (Andromeda) Roughly? Ballpark figures? (Pierre) Plus size?

A: We would have liked to arrange things so that it could have hit [birds start chipping a lot in the background] on the very day of the book release, however things just don't work that way in the STO reality. Thus, the same applies to predictions of future impacts.

Q: (L) That was a nice way of saying, "No dice!" So there is more out there that's coming, but you can't tell us exactly when, and the next one's gonna be a doozie, so we know that much. Are you saying you know that much?

A: Yes. Please put all former clues together for ballpark figure, keeping in mind that the universe is open thus there will always be variables.

21 May 2014 said:
(Data) Well, I read about Gurdjieff that while he had schools and groups in Moscow during the First World War, he undertook travels. It seems he made it difficult for his students to follow him. So, my question would be if he intentionally created these difficulties, or if they were also difficulties created by wars and natural causes?

A: Both factors came into play. Gurdjieff was very flexible and innovative, but many of his followers were not. The conditions that he could adjust to and triumph over, were impassable blocks to some. In a way it amounts to a selection process. The same is true for those who get hung up on date specific predictions. Nature has an abhorrence of being tied to time.
B588, you seem to be so sure about how things should be done and where we have gone wrong, that I'm assuming that you have already got a good structure (way better than FOTCM) going on. If so, I'd be very interested to hear about it. We don't claim to know the truth to everything. We just do as much as we can, with what we know, but there sure could be many improvements. In particular I'd like to know:

- Since when does your group/community exist?
- How many people have you managed to include?
- How did they become self-sufficient, if they did?
- What techniques have you developed to deal with pathological people and keep it healthy?
- What is their ideology or common goal or principles, if any?
- in what way would you say you managed to make it different from other communities our there?
- Anything else you have learned through that experience and are willing to share, of course. :)

I don't know about B588's position, but I engage in a bit of net-WORKING where I am. We have a bake sale at the Farmer's Market coming up next weekend and I'm considering baking another of my pumpkin pies for the community.

Sometimes the work isn't that glamorous, like when I was helping repaint the inside of the men's toilet block before our Spring Fair. Selling raffle tickets or cooking sausages is becoming a familiar job during the Fair.

I've rebuilt two chainsaws for the guys at the mill. I'm fairly well off financially, so when I rebuild them I sneak any new parts into the saws without them knowing. The last saw took me about 30-40 hours to fix up. Ian, a local woodcutter didn't really know how to sharpen a saw chain, so we had a session in my shed where I took him through the physics of saw chain and taught him a few tricks. He also borrowed my wood cant for a couple of weeks as he had never used one. When he brought it back he said he used it as a model to build his (he's a former boilermaker) - and he is now building me a 'log lifter'.

Warren stopped by and dropped off a couple of slices of a cake he baked for a visiting friend from Sydney. He left with a couple bottles of my homemade vodka, one for the weekend and the other for his friend to take back to Sydney.

Pete at the local garage can't read, so I'm going to work with him to install some 'air bags' on the back of my truck. When he finishes he'll know how to do it and can pick up some extra work installing them on other people's trucks.

When I got real sick, Al came over and mowed my lawn. The bloke only has one arm and does twice the work of anybody around here. I get back at him, with only one arm he can't use a 'whipper snipper' to trim his yard - so I do it.

My property is full of permaculture, I won't even begin to list everything I've got. I give away 90% of what I produce to other people, who often have something else to give to me. I've got the only Custard Apple tree on the mountain and that is very popular. My coffee beans will have a bumper crop next year - and I'm the only one growing coffee, so that should also be popular as soon as I get the roasting down right.

I was in the local Fire Brigade, but my health has suffered and I can't do it anymore. Also my wife needs me close around as she has some health issues and I can't be gone long.

If someone needs help, there is always someone to give them a hand. It may be an emergency trip to the hospital or just picking something up at the market.

Networking, at least from my perspective, is not typing replies over the internet as was suggested earlier in this thread. If any of you wants to stop by for a visit we can have a gab fest on the back patio for a couple of hours while we sip my vodka - but I won't consider it 'networking'.

I don't know what the solution is for the members of the forum. I sense Laura is also getting frustrated, and perhaps getting an 'attitude' not unlike mine - if she does, she will also have earned it.

I remember the conversation with Julius Caesar and how he mentioned his frustration with how fickle people are. - Maybe that's just the nature of humans with a low quality of consciousness, maybe that's why they're here - to learn some hard lessons. No problem, Darwin will take care of it and they can have another run on the hamster wheel a bit later.
Mr. Premise said:
I think what was meant was that it reads as easily as a novel. It is pretty common that non-fiction narrative writing uses novelistic techniques to keep the reader's interest. It is a compliment not an insult.

Yes absolutely meant that way, and as a compliment.
I am working on being more clear to avoid misunderstandings (not always succeeding, but hopefully will some day)

Luckily this one was cleared up easily :)
Spur said:
Networking, at least from my perspective, is not typing replies over the internet as was suggested earlier in this thread.

I don't know what the solution is for the members of the forum. I sense Laura is also getting frustrated, and perhaps getting an 'attitude' not unlike mine - if she does, she will also have earned it.

Hi Spur,

Thank you for a thoughtful post.

I gather you're in some rural area, and have contributed much to your local community. I always get a lift when I hear stories like that, neighbor helping neighbor.

But I also think your story is not unique. Many others probably have it as well, in their own way, in their own world. Doing the little things that help others but get no praise. But their kindness IS duely noted, by the one source that counts--when that ultimate judgement comes.

In my own case, and for the past 17 years, I've mentored little children first stepping on the ice--3, 4, 5 year olds typically. Many are fearful, anxious, lost. I lend a helping hand, but more importantly offer encouraging words. It strikes them at the moment when they're most vulnerable--and often the results are astounding. Their anxiety (after a short while) turns to confidence, and fear into joy. It's thrilling to watch that transition. And for me, it's both giving AND receiving. The immense satisfaction I get, seeing the change in their little faces.

Now near the end of your remarks, you basically hinted once more your true feelings. Feelings that were even shared by Laura in your view. I have a BIG problem with that.

I think her view and attitude is the opposite of yours. That these messages through the internet are useful, instructive, and indeed vital. And rather than frustration (and she has them at times), her spirit (at its core) is giving, guiding, leading, mentoring. Without question.

And it could be helpful if you continue to examine your own views & attitude against those attributes--in our future discussions.

Lastly, I do agree with you (and B588) on one thing. We ARE little "children"--when measured against what she has attained in way of knowledge and being. No argument there from me.
Mille mercis à Laura, son équipe et Cassiopéens pour vos transmissions toutes plus enrichissantes les unes que les autres...
Merci à Galatée pour avoir posé des questions pour nos petits animaux de compagnie cela me déchirait le coeur d'avoir à me séparer d'eux si j'étais digne de passer
en 4ème dimension... Je fais confiance que nous passerons ensemble la transition quelle qu'elle soit...
Que pouvons nous "faire" à part pratiquer Eiriu Eolas, respecter le libre arbitre de chacun ?...
Je suis plongée dans la lecture de l'Onde, les 7 tomes et l'Histoire secrète des mondes, 2 tomes dont un premier, énorme, que j'ai du mal à manipuler dans mon lit, ne pouvant plus les lâcher, sans parler de la prière de l'âme que je connais par coeur et récite dès que j'ai un instant...
Mon instinct me dit que tout cela est vrai et me parle si profondément...
Merci pour votre magnifique et laborieux travail et pour vos réponses...

Many thanks to Laura, his team and all C's for your most rewarding transmissions each other ...
Thank you to Galatea for asking questions for our small animals decompagnie it tore my heart to have to separate myself from them if I was worthy to spend
4th dimension ... I trust we will all transition whatsoever ...
What can we 'do' to share practice Éiriú Eolas, respect the free will of each? ...
I am immersed in the reading of the wave, the 7 volumes and the Secret History of the Worlds, 2 volumes, a first, huge, I have trouble handling in bed, unable to let go, not to mention the prayer of the soul that I know by heart and recite whenever I have a moment ...
My instinct tells me that all this is true and speaks to me so deeply ...
Thank you for your beautiful and hard work and for your answers ...
Avebury said:
_ :evil:

Sorry if I missed it, but which point are you trying to make by posting a link without description of it's contents?
Data said:
Avebury said:
_ :evil:

Sorry if I missed it, but which point are you trying to make by posting a link without description of it's contents?

Remnants of an old feud, OSIT. This quote seems relevant:

Laura said:
A typical example of psychopathology here where the accuser is actually doing what he is accusing others of doing:


I think this is one for the attorneys because he's gone way beyond just defaming.
Palinurus said:
Data said:
Avebury said:
_ :evil:

Sorry if I missed it, but which point are you trying to make by posting a link without description of it's contents?

Remnants of an old feud, OSIT. This quote seems relevant:

Laura said:
A typical example of psychopathology here where the accuser is actually doing what he is accusing others of doing:


I think this is one for the attorneys because he's gone way beyond just defaming.

I still don't understand the context and the aim of posting this in this thread... if you could elaborate, please.
Avebury said:
_ :evil:


I think the other's responses are waiting for a response from you. When others have to guess your intention/meaning then it only adds "noise" or confusion to the forum. Maybe you should be a little more "externally considerate" when posting. I know I don't have a clue what your intentions might be with just a link and no comment.

For a definition you could check our glossary here:

External and Internal Considering
Sitting, I was not talking about 'feelings', I was referring to my 'attitude'. It is an attitude that has been developed through many personal 'experiences' - I earned the attitude. I note that Vladimir Putin also has an attitude 'not unlike mine' that he no doubt earned from his many experiences. Here is a quote from a Sputnik article -

"Meanwhile, German Gref, who was the Russian Minister of Economics and Trade from 2000 to 2007 (currently Gref is the head of Sberbank), spoke about Putin’s personal relations with officials he works with.

Gref said that Vladimir Putin is a loyal friend and takes personal betrayal seriously; noting that the Russian leader ends contact with people who he believes had acted dishonorably.

"For him [Putin], the country is probably the most important value, then, perhaps, family and personal relationships, friendship, I guess. And he always shows such devotion to friendship. I know how hard he takes personal betrayal. I know people with whom he had very good relations. And after they did something that contradicted his worldview and that he believed was dishonorable, he just cut [ties with] them and never met with them again."


We all have different paths during each incarnation. Laura has chosen a difficult path this time around, and I understand from some of my experiences some of her frustrations. Being (not talking) STO in a STS environment provides plenty of 'lessons' that taxes your will. Some experiences are difficult to express to those who are not even remotely familiar with a subject. I've often used the expression "trying to tell someone about war is equivalent in difficulty of trying to explain a sexual orgasm to a five year old child" - it can't be done until there is the experience.

I will continue to express my views when I feel it is appropriate. The moderators have already seen fit that if they feel my views are not appropriate for the forum, they will not post my reply.
Spur said:
Sitting, I was not talking about 'feelings', I was referring to my 'attitude'. It is an attitude that has been developed through many personal 'experiences' - I earned the attitude.

Being (not talking) STO in a STS environment provides plenty of 'lessons' that taxes your will.

I've often used the expression "trying to tell someone about war is equivalent in difficulty of trying to explain a sexual orgasm to a five year old child"

I will continue to express my views when I feel it is appropriate.

Hi Spur,

Good to hear from you.

I think if you had said "my attitude towards life" instead of just "attitude", you might have been more clear. I would've gotten a different perception.

But reading further, I sensed perhaps your intention was accurately conveyed after all. For instance, your covert put down of others "talking"--and not being (like yourself?) I would gently suggest to you that their "talking"... is really sharing. And sharing takes courage, plus a good heart. Without knowing more, it's usually not a good idea to be dismissive of others. The deeds behind their words may (in some cases) be far more meritorious than you can imagine. Please consider that thought the next time.

Your graphic example is also revealing. A better analogy is there for the asking. While war IS a horrible business, it's no excuse for off color remarks in a public setting, in my opinion.

Now personally, I have never been in a war. I was in the Navy one time, but as a civilian researcher. Perhaps my past lives have already dealt with that particular trauma lesson. Or maybe it's awaiting me in future incarnations. Whatever the case, I'll take it one step at a time.

In this life, I have great admiration & sympathy for those who have fought. Often sadness too--seeing how they've been tricked into harm's way. For no good reason. By true evil doers. I cringe seeing signs like "Support Our Troops." True support, and love, is to NOT put their lives unnecessarily at risk in the first place. We all need to wake up from this folly.

Lastly, I hope we can continue with our exchanges. I will always strive to give you my honest opinion. And I expect no less from you. I believe we can learn from one other--in the true spirit of this forum.
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