Session 4 March 2012

Megan said:
SeekinTruth said:
...The radical change in diet, lifestyle, and worldview, really, with the move to agricultural society must have opened up SO many opportunities to manipulate people in ways that would not be possible in small hunting communities -- including domination by a small minority of pathological deviants.

Some of the evidence suggests that the "pathology" may have gone back much further. I have read that brutal "no survivors" tribal warfare may have been common prior to the advent of agriculture and the development of "civilization." Some of those really healthy aboriginal peoples today have continued the tradition into modern times. My thought has been that agriculture may have marked the domestication of humans. If so, it would seem in some ways to parallel the way we have domesticated farm animals.

I read the same book you mentioned in another thread and actually, his evidence for paleolithic warfare is pretty slim. But I liked the book a lot anyway.
Review of neutron, binary, pulsars stars...

_ said:
A neutron star is a type of stellar remnant that can result from the gravitational collapse of a massive star during a Type II, Type Ib or Type Ic supernova event.

Binary Neutron stars
_ said:
About 5% of all neutron stars are members of a binary system. The formation and evolution scenario of binary neutron stars is a rather exotic and complicated process.[31] The companion stars may be either ordinary stars, white dwarfs or other neutron stars. According to modern theories of binary evolution it is expected that neutron stars also exist in binary systems with black hole companions. Such binaries are expected to be prime sources for emitting gravitational waves. Neutron stars in binary systems often emit X-rays which is caused by the heating of material (gas) accreted from the companion star. Material from the outer layers of a (bloated) companion star is sucked towards the neutron star as a result of its very strong gravitational field. As a result of this process binary neutron stars may also coalesce into black holes if the accretion of mass takes place under extreme conditions.

_ said:
A pulsar (portmanteau of pulsating star) is a highly magnetized, rotating neutron star that emits a beam of electromagnetic radiation. This radiation can only be observed when the beam of emission is pointing towards the Earth, much the way a lighthouse can only be seen when the light is pointed in the direction of an observer, and is responsible for the pulsed appearance of emission. Neutron stars are very dense, and have short, regular rotational periods. This produces a very precise interval, between pulses that range from roughly milliseconds to seconds for an individual pulsar.

Seems that neutron/binary/pulsars are related?

Where does the EM energy come from in the case of a pulsar?
My guess is from rotation/spinning of mass/gravity: "Unstable gravity waves"?

In regards to the motor concept, we are taught "the right hand rule",
that there is a "force" or "singularity" that exists in the direction of the

All very interesting to ponder on.
Laura said:
I read the same book you mentioned in another thread and actually, his evidence for paleolithic warfare is pretty slim. But I liked the book a lot anyway.

Yes. I have come across several references, none of which makes a strong case, but then this is "pre-history." I just don't think we should assume too much either way, in the absence of evidence, and we should keep searching for more evidence (something I am still doing).
Megan said:
Laura said:
I read the same book you mentioned in another thread and actually, his evidence for paleolithic warfare is pretty slim. But I liked the book a lot anyway.

Yes. I have come across several references, none of which makes a strong case, but then this is "pre-history." I just don't think we should assume too much either way, in the absence of evidence, and we should keep searching for more evidence (something I am still doing).

Agreed. The main thing I've gone by is the absence of defensive structures way, way back. Not much in the way of bones back then.
dant said:
Seems that neutron/binary/pulsars are related?

Where does the EM energy come from in the case of a pulsar?
My guess is from rotation/spinning of mass/gravity: "Unstable gravity waves"?

In regards to the motor concept, we are taught "the right hand rule",
that there is a "force" or "singularity" that exists in the direction of the

All very interesting to ponder on.

Rather than cite standard theory on these entities when, in the session, we are talking about Plasma Cosmos ideas, how about reading a book on it? Start with Thornhill's "The Electric Universe" and things will suddenly begin to make sense, as opposed to that nonsense on wikipedia.
Laura said:
dant said:
Seems that neutron/binary/pulsars are related?

Where does the EM energy come from in the case of a pulsar?
My guess is from rotation/spinning of mass/gravity: "Unstable gravity waves"?

In regards to the motor concept, we are taught "the right hand rule",
that there is a "force" or "singularity" that exists in the direction of the

All very interesting to ponder on.

Rather than cite standard theory on these entities when, in the session, we are talking about Plasma Cosmos ideas, how about reading a book on it? Start with Thornhill's "The Electric Universe" and things will suddenly begin to make sense, as opposed to that nonsense on wikipedia.

I will take up reading the recommend book!
Thank you for the advice!
I was curious about this part:

(Bubbles) Why have I for the past year or two felt so weak and pathetic lately? Where did my energy go?

A: Onset of autoimmune reactions. It should get better with your current regime. Be patient!

Q: (Bubbles) Why did these autoimmune reactions suddenly happen?

A: Reacting to virus.

Q: (L) Probably chicken pox. (Ark) It takes awhile.

I may have it all wrong but does this mean that viruses like chicken pox that we may have caught as kids are still active somehow in our bodies, and that by following the diet and detoxing we have a reaction to these viruses? I remember reading somewhere that the "foreign stuff" from animals that comes in the vaccines could give you e.g. cancer many decades later. Also, I've noticed that the recommended diet has made me more sensitive in noticing if something is physically wrong, like an oncoming flu or something I ate.
Laura said:
Thought I would share a photo of the crew here last night just before the session:

Wow! a lot of people this is great :D

my dream is to be there someday!

Also my condolensces and hugs to Armando and LMJ for your losses.

Thank you, Graalsword.

My deepest condolences to Armando and Arianna’s mother. I hope that what C’s said will help you both. Take care.

Thank you, Serg.
LMJ and Armando, our condolences for your loss.

My partner and I, and our 3 boys give you and Armando a big big family cuddle. We're very sad for you but happy the C's gave some closure on what has happened thereafter.

We give you our love and wish you all the best.
Regarding Arianna, we still have many questions. She was waking up, that is true. She liked to read up on SOTT, particularly the health and wellness section. And she was on this forum also (a bit shy, like her mom!) but she did ask some advice while she was here. Her being gone is sad, scary and confusing to say the least.

Reading through this thread has been very enlightening. You are an amazing group of thinkers.
LMJ and Armando, our condolences for your loss.

My partner and I, and our 3 boys give you and Armando a big big family cuddle. We're very sad for you but happy the C's gave some closure on what has happened thereafter.

We give you our love and wish you all the best.

Thank you, Hashhashin. Very kind of you. Definitely need the hugs!
Well, as I read the mainstream news and the newsreaders' comments on the US elections, doomsday preppers, etc., it just seems to me that something REALLY MASSIVELY HUGE and unspeakable would have to occur within the next 9 months for the average Joe Muggins to even begin to get it.
Hey, I knew that things were starting to hot up, but the Cs saying a revolution would happen so soon, does somewhat send a shiver down my spine.
Thank you all of you guys I appreciate all your comforting words…they helps and gives hope in difficult times…

LMJ…I’m with you, my condolences and lot of warm hugs to you…

My Son Sergio always made some complex questions like why the soul re-incarnate on a world that is enslaved, I said have no idea, and he respond me maybe is for fun…yea son but we aren’t getting any fun at all…the learning process is so painful…

I like to share this video from Sergio few weeks before he died, he and his friends were raising money for the music school they were attending during the week nights...

Thank you Laura and crew…thank you to all members of C's forum....
Armando (Mando)…
Laura said:
I've given up being alarmed and nowadays, I only warn those individuals who can take it onboard. Those who play around in the jungles of Samsara either survive or they don't. I only maintain the right to keep my own space hygienic and that includes this forum.

So, I'll repeat the warning: use of spirit communication in any manner is strongly discouraged unless the individual has acquired all the knowledge possible by normal means that will allow them to discern. That knowledge includes a deep understanding of the human mind so as to be able to distinguish between possible external entities and internal thought loops AND a thorough knowledge of the dark side and all its wiles. The third element is, of course, having worked on the self to achieve at least a minimal level of objectivity so as to be able to overcome one's own wishful thinking.

If a person thinks they are there, be my guest. I would only suggest reading "Amazing Grace" and "The Wave" first, so as to avoid some serious mistakes. I've done exorcisms on people who thought they could communicate with entities of various descriptions because, once they have that "chat", the hook they failed to notice came back to bite them.


I didn't see this comment. I will withhold from any further spirit board use until I have read both of your suggestions. I am aware of the dangers but more knowledge on it will never go astray. I trust your judgement.

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