Session 4 March 2012

Mando said:
I like to share this video from Sergio few weeks before he died, he and his friends were raising money for the music school they were attending during the week nights...

Thank you Laura and crew…thank you to all members of C's forum....
Armando (Mando)…

Thanks for the video Armando! It reminded me of when I first learned to really jam a lead on guitar.

David Topi said:
Hi Patience,
just speaking for myself, I did not say anywhere that I am channeling or contacting anyone. I use it from time to time for subsconcious work, together with dowsing, so to open the communication with my "inner knowledge", whatever you want to call it. As Laura pointed, this is serious, and (at least I) I am not using it to play around. My post was because I thought it was a great idea to use glass to make it slide better, so do not please extrapolate anymore than that.

With all due respect and politeness....can't spirits and/or energies pretend to be your "inner knowledge"? Your intention may be serious and not to play around but even your own knowledge and subconcious can be co-opted. At least that is my rudimentary understanding?

I just remember my friend's mantra of "know your own thoughts" i.e. clean machine and be sure that they are actually your own thoughts.
Mando said:
I like to share this video from Sergio few weeks before he died, he and his friends were raising money for the music school they were attending during the week nights...

Thanks for sharing this, Armando -- it's a good video, and it looks like Sergio and his friends were having fun. My condolences to you, and I can't imagine how both you and Lindy must feel having each lost your kids -- I hope that this session did help to ease both of your pain, if only a little.
Windmill knight said:
And all that made me think of this, interestingly almost exactly 10 years ago:

Session 30 March 2002

A: Viruses make inroads only when there exists gaps
in consciousness. A full field of awareness closes the
gaps. Heal the soul by means of increased knowledge
which leads to DNA modification which closes
...To do it otherwise amounts to self violation of
lesson profiles elected by the self.

I also find interesting how the idea of 'memes' was inspired by 'genes' (hence the name), and they spread like viruses. Things 'go viral' on the web nowadays... If you accept the wrong ideas because of lack of awareness (weak immune system), your soul gets ill. As above, so below!

Also, the idea that at the molecular level, where things turn mysterious at the quantum level, and where the regular laws of physics seem to stop, or work differently, thoughts/information can organize matter into the building blocks of life! It's as if that is the borderline between matter and consciousness. Hmm...

All very stimulating food for thought; makes me wonder. :)

Funny, yesterday I was reading the book, Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme and was thinking about this session and the session you brought up too!
Shijing said:
There was... (Ailen) The whole Elenin thing. (L) Oh, Elenin! (Perceval) That was a bust, though. (L) That depends on what you call a "bust". (Ailen) It depends on what it did in space. (L) Because if there's electrical activity as a result of Elenin, discharging or whatever little-understood phenomenon goes on between bodies in the solar system... (Perceval) Well, they said it disappeared. Which means it could have... (L) They said it disappeared? It could have just gone dark. (Perceval) Their interpretation was that it broke up.

The Thunderbolts folks just released a recent video on this topic here:

Thanks for this, interesting when looked at amongst the many many comets that have acted similarly at greater distances from the sun - like a short circuit.
cassandra said:
Well, as I read the mainstream news and the newsreaders' comments on the US elections, doomsday preppers, etc., it just seems to me that something REALLY MASSIVELY HUGE and unspeakable would have to occur within the next 9 months for the average Joe Muggins to even begin to get it.
Hey, I knew that things were starting to hot up, but the Cs saying a revolution would happen so soon, does somewhat send a shiver down my spine.
It does look like what is about to go down is going to happen at a pretty quick pace which might also be accelerating at the same time. This is why the emphasis has been on preparing ourselves as much as possible physically, mentally and emotionally because when 'stuff' starts to happen we won't have time to do any of that sort of thing, and if not 'prepared' will have a real tough time of it and maybe not even make it through it successfully.
The thought that the PTB won't be getting the reaction they expect is maybe some new level of awakening and /or way of responding other than protests will be occurring. Am trying to imagine some other kind of resistance - or perhaps it will be much wider in scope and from a much broader socio-economic base. Sounds like "and now for something completely different"!!

I just finished watching this video series and was truly ashamed at how much I didn`t know or understand, about how the "law" works, and that there are different forms of law for Sovereign peoples,, and for US citizens ( those tricked into giving up their sovereignty) for example.

Seem`s that millions of folks are waking up to just how badly they have been bamboozled by the government ( which is a separate country by the way, known as the District of Columbia!) and I didn`t even know that!

Many people are reclaiming their "Sovereignty" giving up their US citizenship and getting themselves out of that whole evil monster that we all (thought) had some power over us.

[ If it is true ] that the government has used every Americans birth certificate as collateral on the federal debt it would be outrageous and would mean that you don`t even "own" your children they do.. and they are being used as chattel on a promissory note to repay a foreign debt.

I wonder if a mass movement away from government control were to catch on, and enough people started reclaiming personal sovereignty and removing themselves from the herd (US citizenship) if it might create a turn around in the way things are/were going?
I think this and the previous post is a little off topic so perhaps a moderator should more it to another section?

[ If it is true ] that the government has used every Americans birth certificate as collateral on the federal debt it would be outrageous and would mean that you don`t even "own" your children they do.. and they are being used as chattel on a promissory note to repay a foreign debt.

This is an interpretation based on the fact that money is fiat, it has an agreed upon value but has no value in and of itself. The value of any currency is backed by the "faith and credit" of the nation. In this sense, because the credit of a nation is only as strong as it's people and their productive ability, and because the currency is the property of the government, we can also be said to be "chattel".

At a more basic level, in a "democracy" the people are the government and so own themselves. We seem to have lost sight of that.
Richard said:
This is an interpretation based on the fact that money is fiat, it has an agreed upon value but has no value in and of itself. The value of any currency is backed by the "faith and credit" of the nation. In this sense, because the credit of a nation is only as strong as it's people and their productive ability, and because the currency is the property of the government, we can also be said to be "chattel".

My understanding is that Fed Reserve Notes (FRNs) are property of the Federal Reserve - a private bank/institution. FRNs are declared by the US gov to be legal tender. There is a growing movement of folks in the US to establish themselves as sovereigns under common law as opposed to UCC/maritime law. But in a fascist/pathocratic regime, there is no rule of law or the "law" is whatever they want it to be at the time. Can you imagine the Gestapo at the height of the Nazi regime respecting the common law sovereign rights of a Jew based on his declaration?
I think this and the previous post is a little off topic so perhaps a moderator should more it to another section?

At a more basic level, in a "democracy" the people are the government and so own themselves. We seem to have lost sight of that.

Off topic? It was in reference to this part of a post in this thread. I believe.

Q: (L) In other words, they will try to use 2012 to impose their complete totalitarian controls on the planet, but they won't get the reaction they expect. Is that it?

A: Yes!!!!

I doubt we have "lost sight" of anything when it comes to either
"democracy" or the government.

"The people own themselves".. are you kidding me!

Check out the official reaction to the "Sovereign" movement.
My understanding is that Fed Reserve Notes (FRNs) are property of the Federal Reserve - a private bank/institution.

Yes, however the Fed still falls under the control of the government as the Secretary of Treasury has de facto veto power over all decisions of the Fed board.

But in a fascist/pathocratic regime, there is no rule of law or the "law" is whatever they want it to be at the time. Can you imagine the Gestapo at the height of the Nazi regime respecting the common law sovereign rights of a Jew based on his declaration?

I did mention under a "democracy".

Ultimately money, whether backed my commodities or simply fiat is always open to manipulation by those that control the resources. Greed respects no system or no person.
Richard said:
My understanding is that Fed Reserve Notes (FRNs) are property of the Federal Reserve - a private bank/institution.

Yes, however the Fed still falls under the control of the government as the Secretary of Treasury has de facto veto power over all decisions of the Fed board.

Richard, it sounds like you're legalistically nitpicking here. Do you honestly think it makes one whit of difference whether or not the Secretary of Treasury does or does not have 'veto power'? Do you honestly think this system is functional on even a rudimentary level? If you do, you are dreaming.

r said:
I did mention under a "democracy".

There is no democracy existent currently on the face of this planet.
Off topic? It was in reference to this part of a post in this thread. I believe.

My apologies. It did appear to me though that we were going to get into a discussion of money.

The constitution of the USA was written in such a way that the people would legally be able to overthrow tyrants - hence the right to bear arms. That Americans have allowed tyrants to take over the system is no fault of the "theory" of the constitution, nor of the basic legal premise that the government can in no way own the people. That it does do so is unconstitutional and illegal.

In South African the constitution rules big time. The government have tried to pass a number of laws and were sued in the constitutional court. 6 times in a row the President has been the defendant and 6 times in a row the court has thrown out the legislation. (He's more than slightly miffed). Even with all the power at the government's disposal, they can in no way be seen to own the people, even though in the end, we are all slaves to the economic powers and the system.

In the US more and more laws are being passed to curtail the rights of the population to challenge the government so yes, in that sense the government owns the people. The various states could very well declare Sovereignty at some stage. Now that will be an interesting development. :)
Richard said:
Off topic? It was in reference to this part of a post in this thread. I believe.

My apologies. It did appear to me though that we were going to get into a discussion of money.

The constitution of the USA was written in such a way that the people would legally be able to overthrow tyrants - hence the right to bear arms. That Americans have allowed tyrants to take over the system is no fault of the "theory" of the constitution, nor of the basic legal premise that the government can in no way own the people. That it does do so is unconstitutional and illegal.

In South African the constitution rules big time. The government have tried to pass a number of laws and were sued in the constitutional court. 6 times in a row the President has been the defendant and 6 times in a row the court has thrown out the legislation. (He's more than slightly miffed). Even with all the power at the government's disposal, they can in no way be seen to own the people, even though in the end, we are all slaves to the economic powers and the system.

In the US more and more laws are being passed to curtail the rights of the population to challenge the government so yes, in that sense the government owns the people. The various states could very well declare Sovereignty at some stage. Now that will be an interesting development. :)

Have you read Political Ponerology yet? It might help you clarify your world-view just a little.
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