Session 6 December 2014

Thank you very much for this very enlightening session! Again...

I've just start a new job as estate agent where I live in the "deep" South of France, it's amazing the number of people willing to quit cities and searching for farms, found/erect communities, seeking for self sufficient energy and food, people from very different backgrounds aware of what's really going on currently and/or in the near future. Indeed there are so many abandonned little farms ruined by the system...
Thinking about injuries of the triple cycle veil and consequent leaking since reading it first Monday night, it was super worth to publish this personal info.
"I'm interested in contributing more. I don't enough at all."
"I've also been "sitting on the fence" for way too long. I even joined the FOTCM quite some time ago and I'm still not an active member. And I know why."

When you come to this site and Sott (or the book store) to check, if there is anything new you most interested in, think about that, when you decide to donate even small amounts. What do you value most to read, listen to and have that Laura, Ark and the QFG team publishes? Say those things, list them in your mind, the new sessions, podcasts, books, workshops and try to say something like:
- Thank you for the books, thank you for the sessions, thank you the invaluable info that you and the Team gave me! I really VALUE your important work, because thanks to your efforts and research, my life got a lot better! Thanks to you I have found my aim - that I can help you even from afar. I can strengthen the Fellowship from where I live. Thanks to Your research and sharing your results: Laura, the QFG Team, Ark, I truly VALUE your efforts!

(Pierre) Fully engaged in every way possible...

(L) I think it means what is possible for that person.

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) The previous answer was that there is still a need in these times to prepare to actually receive and aid others in the outer edges of the network. That's us doing the preparation, for example, so that we are effectively acting as proxies for all those others?

(Ark)I think that the main thing is to achieve as much RESULTS as possible, you see? So if you are somewhere and you see that you are not at your optimal strength because something is leaking, you cannot achieve most results. Some other place, you can see the results of what you are doing.

(L) So if you're not seeing results in your life, you need to rethink what's going on.

(Ark) Yeah.

Quote from Session 21 June 2014
Q: (L) Okay. I'm going to start the discussion with what's on my mind. Actually, there are two things. The first thing is that I noticed that after the last session, a lot of people discussing it in the forum thread volunteered information about what they were doing to help to do this, to do that, and the other thing. We had the impression here that when the information came through that a person must put another on the step behind them, that that meant directly in terms of the Work... That it had to be someone on the ladder, or on the stairway, or on the path so to speak. So, could you clarify that? Is that, in fact, what was meant? That you meant somebody who was really asking and engaged in working on themselves, etc?

A: More than that, it means that total engagement in energy exchange with the network. If a person benefits from the efforts of others and there is no return energy, there will be blocks of all sorts in their lives.

Q: (L) Okay, when you say, "There will be blocks of all sorts in their lives"... Blocks of what kind?

A: The blocks will reflect what it is that they are unable to give. If a person cannot be sincere, they will experience people in their personal lives who are not sincere with them. If a person devalues another's efforts, they will find their own efforts devalued. If you need to unblock a certain area of your life, make the effort to give what you want or need yourself.

Q: (L) But are you talking particularly about people engaged in the Work, or just anybody in general?

A: Anybody, but double in the work.
Thank you Laura & all others involved for this enlightening session (as usual).

I was particularly interested in this part about French nuclear plants flight over by drones :
Laura said:
Session Date: December 6th 2014
(Pierre) I have a question about those drones. Many drones have been observed over French nuclear plants. Are these really drones?

A: Yes.

Q: (Pierre) Who is operating them?

A: Wouldn't you and the army like to know?

Q: (Andromeda) So it's not the army...

(Perceval) It's probably just... Okay, so it's not just some locals.

(Pierre) It's over the whole country - for weeks.

A: Who is spying on everyone everywhere?

Q: (Perceval) NSA.

(Pierre) Mossad.

A: Close enough!

Q: (Pierre) Why?

A: Keeping the pressure on France.

Q: (Pierre) Like a threat.

(Perceval) The NSA is trying to scare the French political establishment by flying drones over nuclear power plants.

(Pierre) To not switch to Russia, or...

(Perceval) "accident" is gonna happen.

My thoughts about that affair were :
1/ who is able to plan and realize such an (seemingly military spying) operation ?
I doubt it can be any small group, such as any so-called "Muslim terrorists". Only quite (not even medium) powerful groups : powerful countries' army/secret services. So maybe USA, Russia, China, UK, etc.
2/ who are the world leaders in drone technology ?
To my knowledge, the USA and Israel...
3/ in the current world strategic context, for whom is it useful to try such an operation ? (that is : a threat against nuclear power plants in France, or against France itself, or even Europe according to the expert in nuclear plants in this article/video : )
Certainly not Russia, because it would give an incredible excuse to their enemies to begin a war (if needed !), if recognized.

So, the Cs' answers about the author (NSA, Mossad or CIA etc.) and the aim (keeping the pressure on France - in the context of (c)overt war against Russia) looks quite logical.

And there was a mystery (to my mind) that it solves, too :
4/ who is able to do that (flying drones over the nuclear plants of a technologically/militarily developed country such as France, anonymously) to gather informations they would not be able to obtain with a spy satellite ? Of course the USA for instance would probably not need some drone flying over a French nuclear plant - their spy satellites are probably sufficient. But, as a disguised threat rather than a spying operation, it's a lot more meaningful.

So, thanks again.

PS : planning a false flag (but real) attack on French nuclear plants, and accusing Russia of authoring it, is definitively the American/Israelian (deep government) way to procede ! It's even their own signature (cf. this presumed motto : "by way of deception, you'll do/win the war").

Edit : sentences from the extract put in bold.
While reading what Bastian has posted, a flash came to me of the photo platsering the media outlets from the 'unscheduled' meeting 'required' by François Hollande a week or sa back with President Poutine. The French Presidential plane stopped over 'inadvertantly' in Moscow?! Also, considering the event a week earlier with South Stream when Turkey ie: Erdogan clearly went against NATO diktat.

In the world of such people, if the french secret service had wind of something in the NATO false flag variety being planned in France in order to blame Russia somehow - i mean there are precedents, that by warning Poutine, Hollande was protecting his country it's relationship with Russia because once it is out in the open, the false flag can simply not go on as planned? That would explain President Poutine's glowing smile coming out of the meeting with Hollande? I may be out on a weak limb here? But i also noticed how right-wing political opponents of Hollande, in Marine LePen, and also Marina LePen, have come out to say publicly how much Russia is an ally of France, since this event?! fwiw
Thankyou for the new transcript. I've no idea what I can do from my end. I don't know many ppl (2) who are receptive to all this but in working on them.

Regards all
Inquorate said:
Thankyou for the new transcript. I've no idea what I can do from my end. I don't know many ppl (2) who are receptive to all this but in working on them.

Regards all

Well, don't know if you are on social networks, but you could share SOTT articles and videos there, also Laura's books. Write reviews on Amazon, etc. Basically, anything that may assist with more people knowing about the site and Laura's work. It doesn't have to be pushy or "conspiratorial", just a friendly sharing of stuff you are curious about. fwiw. :flowers:
Thanks for the session and sharing.

Regarding the psychic stuff. I've recently began to take melatonin again, for one reason or another through some of the weirdes dreaming, I have dealt with a lot of bagagge I've been holding the past years.

What is exactly the psychomantum? is just a dark room with a mirror? if that is the case, wouldn't any room with a normal mirror in the night a psychomantum? what could be something similar? what is the mechanism?
Keit said:
Inquorate said:
Thankyou for the new transcript. I've no idea what I can do from my end. I don't know many ppl (2) who are receptive to all this but in working on them.

Regards all

Well, don't know if you are on social networks, but you could share SOTT articles and videos there, also Laura's books. Write reviews on Amazon, etc. Basically, anything that may assist with more people knowing about the site and Laura's work. It doesn't have to be pushy or "conspiratorial", just a friendly sharing of stuff you are curious about. fwiw. :flowers:

I agree. Twittering Sott articles with your thoughts and comments and posting on Facebook really does have a butterfly effect. You network with people who share your views. It's a great medium to support the Aims of our group here. :v:
Prometeo said:
What is exactly the psychomantum? is just a dark room with a mirror? if that is the case, wouldn't any room with a normal mirror in the night a psychomantum? what could be something similar? what is the mechanism?

There are quite a few sessions where building a psychomantium was discussed and it's a bit more complicated than just having any room with a normal mirror:

Session 970117

A: Time to consider construction of
Q: (L) What is a 'psychomantium?'
A: Use Latin knowledge. [Group discusses
possible definitions]
Q: (L) Is that it? Something that's in your
A: No.
Q: (L) Is it something that you use your mind
to direct or control or power?
A: Chamber for viewing other realms,
possible futures and entities residing in other
densities. Need clear depth... such as large
polished mirror on stand, which can be
adjusted as to angle... walls must be
completely covered in black, so as to
eliminate reflection... soft, low, indirect

Session 980502

Q: We have our psychomantium built. I am of
the opinion that the candle must be obscured
completely and you should only be able to
see the black depth of the mirror. If you put
the candle in front, all you see is the candle...
you see the candle light on the walls. You
said very plainly: clear depth, indirect
lighting only, that nothing ought to be seen, no
walls, no reflection, nothing. F**** says that
we should put the candle in front.
A: Must be able to distinguish mirror.
Q: Okay that is gonna be difficult.
A: Try the swivel mirror.
Q: Well, Ark says that it is not wide enough -
it is too narrow. He didn't like it.
A: Try it. If straight on, and tilted upward,
should work.

Session 980808

Q: I thought I was doing everything that had
been suggested.
A: Light must be placed properly so as to
illuminate black depth sufficiently. Also,
chamber must be large enough to stimulate
relaxed meditative state. And no seams or
ripples must be evident in reflection. Lastly,
patience must reign supreme, with as little
anticipation as possible.
Q: So, you are saying that the closet we are
using is not large enough...
A: We never suggested a closet.
Q: How large should the chamber be?
A: 10 by 10 by 8.
Q: (L) Well, that's almost a whole room!
A: Yes. One room idly sits…

Session 0000415

Q: (L) Now, let me demonstrate. When I use
the psychomantium, I arrange things this
way... [demonstrates]. I have tried it with this
little lamp, and with candles on the floor
under the angle of the mirror. I can't see the
light, but the illumination is there. Now,
which of these two light sources is best?
A: Candles. But place properly.
Q: (L) Okay, if I am here, and the mirror is
there, where should I place them and how
A: 5 and behind and above.
Q: (L) So, I need them behind me?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How high above me?
A: Just above.
Q: (L) So, I have to have a stand or a tall
candleabra. What angle should the mirror be
A: 12 degrees.
Q: (L) Five candles are a lot of candles. And
I'm supposed to look up and to the left.
A: The flicker is a key here.

These sessions, plus others discussed its use, also.
romochar said:
While reading what Bastian has posted, a flash came to me of the photo platsering the media outlets from the 'unscheduled' meeting 'required' by François Hollande a week or sa back with President Poutine. The French Presidential plane stopped over 'inadvertantly' in Moscow?! Also, considering the event a week earlier with South Stream when Turkey ie: Erdogan clearly went against NATO diktat.

In the world of such people, if the french secret service had wind of something in the NATO false flag variety being planned in France in order to blame Russia somehow - i mean there are precedents, that by warning Poutine, Hollande was protecting his country it's relationship with Russia because once it is out in the open, the false flag can simply not go on as planned? That would explain President Poutine's glowing smile coming out of the meeting with Hollande? I may be out on a weak limb here? But i also noticed how right-wing political opponents of Hollande, in Marine LePen, and also Marina LePen, have come out to say publicly how much Russia is an ally of France, since this event?! fwiw

Russia reaches out to Europe's far-right parties

Dec 13, 5:24 AM (ET)


VIENNA (AP) — A Russian loan to France's National Front. Invitations to Moscow for leaders of Austria's Freedom Party. Praise for Vladimir Putin from the head of Britain's anti-European Union party.

As the diplomatic chill over Ukraine deepens, the Kremlin seems keener than ever to enlist Europe's far-right parties in its campaign for influence in the West, seeking new relationships based largely on shared concern over the growing clout of the EU.

Russia fears that the EU and NATO could spread to countries it considers part of its sphere of influence. And it has repeatedly served notice that it will not tolerate that scenario, most recently with its Ukraine campaign.

Europe's right-wing and populist parties, meanwhile, see a robust EU as contrary to their vision of Europe as a loose union of strong national states. And some regard the EU as a toady to America.

The fact that many of Moscow's allies are right to far-right reflects the Kremlin's full turn. Under communism, xenophobic nationalist parties were shunned.

Now they are embraced as partners who can help further Russia's interests and who share key views — advocacy of traditional family values, belief in authoritarian leadership, a distrust of the U.S. and support for strong law-and-order measures.

Statements by leading critics of the EU, or euroskeptics, reflect their admiration of the Kremlin.

National Front founder Jean-Marie Le Pen told The Associated Press this month that France and Russia "have a communality of interest." Daughter Marine Le Pen, party president and a strong contender for the French presidency in 2017, envisions a Europe stretching "from the Atlantic to the Urals" — a "pan-European union" that includes Russia and is supported by other right-wing parties.

Nationalist Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban perceives prevailing winds as "blowing from the East" and sees in Russia an ideal political model for his concept of an "illiberal state." The head of Britain's euroskeptic Independence Party, Nigel Farage, has said Putin is the world leader he most admires — "as an operator, but not as a human being."

Russia offers friendship with a world power. Le Pen and other party officials visit Moscow repeatedly, and Russian guests at the party's congress this month included Andrei Isayev, a deputy speaker of the Russian parliament's lower house.

Among other Moscow regulars from euroskeptic parties across Europe are members of Hungary's anti-Semitic Jobbik and Austria's Freedom Party.

Jobbik parliamentarian Bela Kovacs — his detractors call him "KGBela" — is under investigation in Hungary for allegedly spying for Russia. While in Moscow recently, Freedom Party firebrand Johann Gudenus accused the European Union of kowtowing to "NATO and America" and denounced the spreading influence of the "homosexual lobby" in Europe.

Shunned at home by the establishment, many on the political fringes are eager for the chance to hobnob with Russian powerbrokers, gain air time on RT television, Russia's international answer to CNN, or to act as monitors when Moscow seeks a fig leaf to legitimize elections in recently annexed Crimea.

For them, "the benefit is that they can receive diplomatic support from a very high level from a superpower," says Peter Kreko of Hungary's Political Capital research institute.

Financial rewards are also incentives. Orban just signed a nuclear-reactor deal with Moscow. France is abuzz over the National Front's recent 9 million euro loan from a Russian bank owned by a reputed Putin confidant.

Marine Le Pen describes it as "a perfectly legal loan that we will reimburse perfectly legally," saying the party turned to Russia after being rejected by Western banks. But the transaction has galvanized fears among the National Front's opponents of increased Kremlin influence, with the Socialists calling for an inquiry.

Links between Russia and the right predate the Ukraine conflict. A 2005 U.S. diplomatic cable made public by Wikileaks noted close ties between Bulgaria's extreme-right Ataka party and the Russian Embassy in Sofia. And Joerg Haider, the late leader of Austria's Freedom Party, helped powerful Russian businessmen with residency permits more than a decade ago in exchange for what Austrian authorities now suspect were close to 1 million euros worth of bribes.

Nor was Moscow's search for allies in Europe always restricted to anti-EU figures. Shekhovtsov sees Putin's friendships with German ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Italy's former Premier Silvio Berlusconi as useful for the Kremlin before foreign policy differences that culminated in the Ukraine crisis made the Russian leader unwelcome in most European capitals.

Now the diplomatic gloom is settling in, and Moscow may have few alternatives to courting Europe's EU malcontents in hopes that their strong domestic and EU election showings this year will help further its own interests.

Of the 24 right-wing populist parties that took about a quarter of the European Parliament's seats in May elections, Political Capital lists 15 as "committed" to Russia.

Many owe their popularity to voter perceptions that EU-friendly parties in power are to blame for the continent's economic woes — a view that could grow if the downturn persists.

"What Russia is saying is, 'It's fine for you to be the way you are,'" says analyst Melik Kaylan, in a study for the Institute of Modern Russia. "'You're authoritarian. We're authoritarian. Let's work together against the West.'"


Ganley reported from Paris. Associated Press writers John-Thor Dahlburg in Brussels, Veselin Toshkov in Sofia, Bulgaria, and Pablo Gorondi in Budapest, Hungary, also contributed to this report.
As for the Holland surprise visit to visit Senor Putin... the first I heard of that was from the Sorcha Faal site: whatdoesitmean A site that is most interesting in that it openly states that they are getting their information straight from the Kremlin... imagine the media circus here in the West admitting the same? Or Tel Aviv etc? :shock: :shock: :shock: Can you just imagine? :lol:
It's could be disjointed but i'll try to do it as clearly as I can...
The matter is "Personal questions in our lives"

Recently I've speculated about interactions with people who not involved in the Work properly. In our lives we can see many cases of asking by some person. Often such requests have an egoistic nature (no matter weither narcissistic nor OP\psychopatic person). If we decide give a feedback\help we spend our energy. Since the nature of the most people is egoistic, even if their request looks very pure we rarely get our spent energy back. I understand that the edge between egoistic\clear intentions is very thin but what is the key to see a real intentions? Or key is only experience? We have an intentions to put efforts\provide energy in the network, but some of us are puzzling with "help everyone who ask". Thus, we lose our energy, without energy we can't DO.

For example: Someone talk me that he hadn't money and he hunger. I can give him a pie. Another hunger asks me...I give him a pie again and again. Despite of all my kindness an efforts I can't feed them all. But! If a had not been done it and I just have an idea without anticipations is there real opportunity that I'll meet collinear people who have the same idea and we'll open a "kitchen soup", as Laura call it. Thus, we could feed most of them :)

Maybe it's incorrect example, though, it's the only came to my mind)

Total question: how to distinguish intentions for the purpose to save energy for more constructive DOing?

I came across this thought when I was contemplating the links between narcissism and energetic vampirism. The overcome of such ineractions is total lose of own energy an need to get it from others. Serving to self, as we know it.

BTW, maybe here is the keys to understanding G's words (paraphrasing) "To become the altruist it is necessary to become the full egoist at first"
Thank you for putting this latest great session, fantastic crew.
In my opinion, conserving energy and helping others means to read the signs of whether i'm helping an O.P. or a souled thus it's
important 'see' who is who thus limit our interaction with them. Of course need to throw in STS vs STO into the mix as well. All these need
to have good feedback mechanism, awareness & not being subjective. All in all putting our WORK into usage.
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