Session 6 July 2024

Over the past year or two as they've been talking about war with Russia in earnest, I've been putting it down to deliberate fear-mongering, but as they keep going, I start to wonder if they're actually serious, and that at least a part of the 'shock and awe' will be something along those lines.
I have been holding the same outlook regarding war with Russia. Some economic and geopolitical analists hold the view that Europe does not have any capacity to sustain a war industry and neither the Americans. Having said that two interesting situations are at play. On the elections background the dems are desperate to keep the status quo and they are ready to throw in the kitchen sink and her mother to keep Trump from being elected. The second situation is the constant pressure put by the neocons. With support from the labour pm, the french commies and the upcoming leftists from Germany, a cowardly hit and run beligerant move on Russia orchestrated by the american neocons, significant enough to create havoc and damage it is very much possible. If that hit is big enough, will achieve a ‘win’ for the west, prop the dollar, and with the help of the media propaganda, the fabricated retaliatory threats will justify the postponement of elections. Imho, what is going on has nothing to do with Russia but with the American elections and the financial problems of America.
A black panther in Mexico City.

In early December 2023, a strange event occurred in Mexico City. Shopkeepers in the Tacubaya district in the west of the city alerted the authorities that a panther was on the loose. The authorities, police, firemen and the national guard went in search of the feline but did not find it. The matter ended up being forgotten by the population who surely thought the panther was the mascot of a drug cartel or a wealthy and influential personage.

I commented this event among some Latino members of this forum and we concluded that something strange had happened, was that creature a window faller? There is only one photograph of the event which was taken by a witness who, if I remember correctly, could not take the video because he was in his car. The photograph is lousy, but what caught our attention was what appears to be her face, there's something wrong with it, it looks strange.

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Panther on the loose in Tacuba? This is what is known about the feline that mobilized emergency services in CDMX​

A 911 alert call about the sighting of a black panther generated emergency mobilization in the area of Tacuba, in the Miguel Hidalgo district.

Early in the morning, shopkeepers reported the feline that was wandering around the tin roofs in the corridors of the Tacuba market, near the Metro, in the west of the country's capital.

The black feline was photographed by a person and the image immediately went viral on social networks.

It was not me!
Programme change may be related to Biden being forced to step aside. In my mind I'd have liked to think of it as something related to the mechanics of our reality as it relates to the wave but it's more likely to do with politics and human societal affairs.

When I heard of the Quorum, I'm thinking do they even have the power to institute the changes they want e.g. NATO are currently meeting I believe and it's not like they will have the power to do all they want given the rather portent resistance from countries like Russia and China. So I'm not sure if it's an assumption thinking that just because the Quorum are meeting that we will see there wishes manifesting.

Also, randomly, 2 things came to mind
  • Isn't there some group or committee slated to be based on the rings of Saturn? What's this group?
  • Isn't earth under some sort of planet wide frequency fence? Surely someone needs to turn that thing off... Am I making it up or was the frequency fence related to the group off Saturn in some way?
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Over the past year or two as they've been talking about war with Russia in earnest, I've been putting it down to deliberate fear-mongering, but as they keep going, I start to wonder if they're actually serious, and that at least a part of the 'shock and awe' will be something along those lines.
Same. How many times can the PTB pull the 'fear' card? We've had 'the troubles' (all over the world in different local forms), 'the war on terror' in multiple forms, and now COVID.
Only things left are 'shock and awe' on their own population.
Heck, they'd probably bomb us all and say it's the Russians if they could.

So is it going to be 'disease X' that is caused by the Russians (and 'we have to go get them', thus starting an actual war). Or is it going to be something bigger - ala The Shock Doctrine?
NATO et al keep escalating, and Russia keeps responding with (at the moment at least) level headed responses.

I wondered if they'd pull it with COVID, but the PTB want control over everything - and what better way than rationing/state 'money'/state dictated 'work' and 'home' etc
And a 'war effort' means the PTB can do all that and more, including go confiscate anything and everything off everyone.

Whatever it is, multiple factors - most created either through incompetence or malice by the PTB, with the rest being earth changes - are conspiring to bring this to a crunch point. Or maybe a Camel vs eye of the needle moment. osit
On the war with Russia, I don't see how it doesn't end up in nuclear war if NATO launch a full on attack. Whilst Biden may not care given his personal situation I'm not sure the rest of them are happy to essentially commit collective suicide.

When it comes to matters of global nuclear war, I tend to think that this is something that would bring in the true controllers in a very REAL way. At the end of the day, Earth is an asset and I'm not sure humans have the power to destroy it without immediate and drastic intervention.

I think we need to be careful of only looking at the situation from a human centric point of view.
Programme change may be related to Biden being forced to step aside. In my mind I'd have liked to think of it as something related to the mechanics of our reality as it relates to the wave but it's more likely to do with politics and human societal affairs.

When I heard of the Quorum, I'm thinking do they even have the power to institute the changes they want e.g. NATO are currently meeting I believe and it's not like they will have the power to do all they want given the rather portent resistance from countries like Russia and China. So I'm not sure if it's an assumption thinking that just because the Quorum are meeting that we will see there wishes manifesting.

Also, randomly, 2 things came to mind
  • Isn't there some group or committee slated to be based on the rings of Saturn? What's this group?
  • Isn't earth under some sort of planet wide frequency fence? Surely someone needs to turn that thing off... Am I making it up or was the frequency fence related to the group off Saturn in some way?
Enter our Saturn based council

6.7 Questioner: How were you able to make the transition from Venus, and I assume the sixth dimension, which— would that be invisible when you reached here? Did you have to change your dimensions to walk on the Earth?

Ra: You will remember the exercise of the wind. The dissolution into nothingness is the dissolution into unity, for there is no nothingness. From the sixth dimension, we are capable of manipulating, by thought, the intelligent infinity present in each particle of light or distorted light so that we were able to clothe ourselves in a replica visible in the third density of our mind/body/spirit complexes in the sixth density. We were allowed this experiment by the Council which guards this planet.

6.8 Questioner: Where is this Council located?

Ra: This Council is located in the octave, or eight[h] dimension, of the planet Saturn, taking its place in an area which you understand in third-dimensional terms as the rings.

Looks like it's the same council referenced here by the Cs
Q: (L) What is the Zendar Council?

A: Zendar Council is a sixth level density council which spans both physical and ethereal realms and which oversees dramatic development points at various civilizational sector s in lower density levels.
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With covid, people were kept content with online shopping and there were no real food shortages.

If it's some kind of human transmissible bird flu that they brewed up in a lab, it could involve serious food shortages this time. Many cow herds, in the US at least, are fed chicken litter. The below is from April in the LA Times. So they've already been discussing this for a while.

So we would be talking about shortages of chicken, beef, milk and milk products....among others perhaps.

How would people react in the situation where they were being rationed not enough food by the government? Resistance?
I can easy imagine response like: "But they (the government) do what they can to help us, given the situation, you know. We all must listen to them because they're thinking for the best of all of us".

But, with the war its faster. The government can give itself bigger rights to do to people what they want faster. And together with starvation there are fears from being recruited, killed, arrested, etc.
The Cs talked about 94% of the population being used as an ingredient, so I see a situation at the beginning like this.

Then, with only one banana in the supermarket, we would see the battles.

Resistance would be mostly spiritual and among those with a soul.
But that riot, not resistance. Resistance must be directed in some way, not just venting out. At least how I see resistance.
What do you mean? I am asking because what you said is very deep rooted and I can’t grasp it.

I think that when an event more serious than the covid happens and food gradually runs out, people rooted in material things will riot rather than resist. That is what TPTB want, that the people become violent to have the pretext to implement more controls, "for our own good". On the other hand, there will be a minority, driven by the dictates of their soul, who will seek solutions or implement the ones they had planned, such as living in self-sufficient communities.​
I think that when an event more serious than the covid happens and food gradually runs out, people rooted in material things will riot rather than resist. That is what TPTB want, that the people become violent to have the pretext to implement more controls, "for our own good". On the other hand, there will be a minority, driven by the dictates of their soul, who will seek solutions or implement the ones they had planned, such as living in self-sufficient communities.​
It depends how gradually, over what period the shortages occur. My lived experience with lack of food in a communist regime showed me that people would network and procure stuff without becoming violent. The ‘revolution’ was a planned event but was presented by the media as the will of the people bla, bla, bla.
Riots and violence are sparked and proliferated by paid agents following political agendas. If shops are empty but food and goods depots are kept full there will be mob looting without the riot.
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