Session 7 May 2016

Learning said:
Hello everybody! A warm thank you for the new session and all the work the team does for us.
I would appreciate if somebody would ask the Cassiopeians the next session what is the meaning of the name Hieroklepsius.
All I could find is: Hiero - "sacred" (hieroglyphs - sacred writings) and klepsia - greek for "theft", kleptes - an embezzler, pilferer
the name is transferred to false teachers, who do not care to instruct men, but abuse their confidence for their own gain (here is link for reference - I am not a "bible thumper", rather I look at it as a useful reference.
I apologize for the form and look forward to any input, suggestions, answers on this matter.
Light and peace to all

If the name provided by the Cs was indeed a reference to a "sacred thief", then it can be interpreted in another, more positive way. The myth of Prometheus comes to mind. He felt compassion for humanity, so he stole the fire from Mount Olympus and brought it down to Earth. That's a transparent metaphor for sharing knowledge from higher realms as an act of Grace, which is sort of what the Cs via Laura and her daughters are doing.

In the myth, Prometheus was punished by the Gods, but I always thought that was unfair and fatalistic as his was essentially a good deed. As with all stories, they get twisted with time, so perhaps the original one of 'Prometheus the sacred thief' had a happier connotation.
Yes Archaea, I had the same thoughts... maybe we need to proceed with a little more caution...
Thanks Windmill Knight, the myth of Prometheus makes for a happier connotation... Still, I have a hard time imagining the Cassiopeans that we came to know, as a sad and tragic hero/martyr and I would not call theft that which they have been doing through Laura and the Team for all these years. The name is clearly a message. Wee need to figure it out, together as a network.
Light and peace to all
Archaea said:
I've been thinking about a snippet from the 6 February 2016 session for a little while, here it is:

Q: (Galatea) I have a question that'll sound crazy. Is water similar to space?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) I knew it! [laughter]

(Pierre) Similar in what sense?

(L) It's like etheric.

(Galatea) Space is water?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) I knew it!

My thinking regarding this is that the C's might be saying that the ether is a viscous incompressible fluid, or can be treated as such. However, Space isn't water by definition (not that I've ever been to space.) So, perhaps the C's were giving a clue or a message that there is a block in the channel which is affecting the accuracy of the information. Another possibility is the C's were getting a message through letting those who could figure it out know that 4D STS are corrupting the information somehow. There might be other possibilities as well.

So, if any of the above is true then good job.

I think the answer here was made in response to the question "Is space similar to water".

As for the name given, there is this:

Session Date: August 30th 2009

Q: (L) Hello.

A: Hello!

Q: (L) And who do we have with us?

A: Groilla of Cassiopaea unified thought.

Q: (L) What did you add the extra to the introduction?

A: You sometimes forget that a "name" is just a convention for your convenience. We thought a reminder was in order.
I was thinking about the fact that C's suggested using crystals in 2007, but that we are doing it only now. But then, a thought occurred to me that perhaps our crystal project wouldn't be as effective then as it can be now, because C's also said that in order to get a contact with higher realities we also need to have a clean chakras/endocrine glands. So perhaps this crystal project came just at the right time, right after we started the iodine protocol. Plus we also got EE in the meantime, which is also good for cleaning our psychological/energetical systems. Some people react strongly to just one of these things, but for others a combinations of things would be needed to remove the blockages to their higher selves. So who knows how all three of these things will work together.

Well, I can say that both EE and iodine helped me, so there is no reason to not hope that this crystal project will also have some positive effects. Thank you for starting this project, it sounds very interesting.
Chu said:
Mariama said:
Tristan said:
For those of us who have not made yet a request of Crystals I would like to ask whether we are in time or there is a deadline.

I second that Tristan, that was my question as well. I hope I won't inconvenience the crew with my late response.

It's not too late, but do check the previous session thread for instructions, at least starting from here.

Thanks a lot, Chu.
Laura said:
EvilBoringPerson said:
A: F
Q: [laughter] (Pierre) You can ask for the second letter...
A: I
Q: (Chu) Third?
A: No

It may be that there was no 3rd letter.
Maybe They just meant Phi?

s-kur said:
Thanks for amazing session!
A: F
Q: [laughter] (Pierre) You can ask for the second letter...
A: I
Q: (Chu) Third?
A: No

What about FIbonacci and "golden ratio" among patterns?

Actually, I was thinking along the same lines myself.

Was reflecting on the fibonnaci sequence and an interesting analogy to life in its format - where the present (number) connects (adds) with the past (number) determines the future (number). Was interesting because phi describes natural growth patterns, so it might describe our growth too like that, not just physical but how we mature "spiritually", and how when that happens perhaps our influence scales / evolves exponentially too. I'm picturing the phi spiral going outwards here. I can't think of any relationship that has to Ark's question though, probably little, but in case someone finds this interesting fwif.
Thank you Laura and Chateaux Crew and C future selves for this amazing session.

And thank you to the Members for your thoughtful replies as well.

As a few others here have already stated, The Crystal Network Link Up seems to me somewhat similar to what a Stonehenge connection accomplished for the tribe . . . as in unifying the members so we are all on the same page.

This reminds me of ‘toning’ together with people. I’m sensing that Laura is getting the stones tuned-up. Not only does Laura sing to the Stones, the Stones sing to us . . . and we become a choir harmonizing and grounding a frequency here on earth. Singing to our cells . . . singing our souls into being. We’re tuning up our reading instruments in order to each play our part within the full orchestra. Wow! What an awesome performance this shall be. There will be applause in the spheres I’m sure. :)

And, although I have no scientific basis to base this on, it seems to me that sound could be the audio oral version of light . . . which corresponds to the visual aura. Maybe not only words and images contain information, but sound itself (without any words) may also contain and transmit knowledge and information. Maybe the crystals represent another aspect of the Light House?

If sound can indeed lift stones (as in Coral Castle or the pyramids) and if it does indeed lift our spirits when we make/sing sounds/music, & there’s a saying — ‘lift up our voices to heaven’ -- could it be possible we can indeed affect the so-called frequency fence surrounding our big blue marble? Some notes can shatter glass. Maybe some songs can shatter fences too?

Anyway, just some thoughts this project has evoked for me.

ninas said:

Ninas . . . Those are truly beautiful lyrics . . . and I very rarely like lyrics . . . which is why I prefer music without them myself.

As for the song, In the Garden . . . I found 2 instrumental versions on YouTube which make it easier to sing along. I copied and pasted our lyrics into a word document and have that document open on top of the YouTube instrumental so I can sing the words while listening to the music. I found it distracting to listen to the official version lyrics while attempting to sing our version.

I also found a version by . . . of all people . . . Meryl Streep & Garrison Keillor. I love Meryl Streep’s voice. I had no idea she could sing so beautifully.

So, if any of you are interested, here are links to all 3 of those YouTube versions. First 2 are instrumentals . . . last 1 is Meryl & Garrison.

Cheers everyone! :)
Q: (Ark) I will use this opportunity to ask this question because we are talking about this information and morphogenetic fields. The concept of information, there are many approaches and definitions. Usually it all starts with Mr. Shannon who invented the concept of information just for coding letters and transmitting through the telegraph. I don't think it's the right kind of information for description of life. And then there is quantum information nowadays which is used for building quantum computers, which is probably also away from the phenomenon of life. So, I would like to have some HINT of which kind of information - philosophically speaking, or mathematically speaking, or generally - that I should look at so that I don't spend unnecessary time learning things that are not useful for life. I want to understand life and organization.

(L) So what are the options? What's your question?

(Ark) Hints? Where to look for the literature because there was Mr. Shannon, there was these people linking information to probability, people linking information to entropy, and so on. What would be the first letter of the name of the author that I should search?

A: F

Q: [laughter] (Pierre) You can ask for the second letter...

A: I

Q: (Chu) Third?

A: No

Q: (Andromeda,) You only get 2! [laughter]

:lol: what a terrible situation ! I can imagine Ark "What ?! Seriously ? pleeasse... one more at least :O

Thank you very much all the crew for this session
13 Twirling Triskeles said:
And, although I have no scientific basis to base this on, it seems to me that sound could be the audio oral version of light . . . which corresponds to the visual aura. Maybe not only words and images contain information, but sound itself (without any words) may also contain and transmit knowledge and information. Maybe the crystals represent another aspect of the Light House?

If sound can indeed lift stones (as in Coral Castle or the pyramids) and if it does indeed lift our spirits when we make/sing sounds/music, & there’s a saying — ‘lift up our voices to heaven’ -- could it be possible we can indeed affect the so-called frequency fence surrounding our big blue marble? Some notes can shatter glass. Maybe some songs can shatter fences too?

Related to that, today while having a morning smoke I was wondering about the reference that space is like water. And I was thinking something like, can we program space like we program and infuse intent into our water? I mean, everything resides in space, the Earth, and ourselves. Is space a universal vehicle for information?

I've been singing In the Garden of the Universe along with the music in my car. And today while driving to work the sky had very interesting ripples of clouds that produced a lot of "God rays". So it was a delight to sing the song. Especially, "The sun sets (dawns in this case) to highlight its glory, And the light it brings, dancing with those beams." And I was watching those beams for about 5 minutes. At the end of the first run of the song I saw three herons flying overhead. I actually like Mondays (moondays), maybe because my astrological sign is Cancer.
13 Twirling Triskeles said:
As a few others here have already stated, The Crystal Network Link Up seems to me somewhat similar to what a Stonehenge connection accomplished for the tribe . . . as in unifying the members so we are all on the same page.

This reminds me of ‘toning’ together with people. I’m sensing that Laura is getting the stones tuned-up. Not only does Laura sing to the Stones, the Stones sing to us . . . and we become a choir harmonizing and grounding a frequency here on earth. Singing to our cells . . . singing our souls into being. We’re tuning up our reading instruments in order to each play our part within the full orchestra. Wow! What an awesome performance this shall be. There will be applause in the spheres I’m sure. :)

If sound can indeed lift stones (as in Coral Castle or the pyramids) and if it does indeed lift our spirits when we make/sing sounds/music, & there’s a saying — ‘lift up our voices to heaven’ -- could it be possible we can indeed affect the so-called frequency fence surrounding our big blue marble? Some notes can shatter glass. Maybe some songs can shatter fences too?

When we get the Songbook and CD, then we can sing song together, that is, if Laura set time and maybe set to one day of every weekend.
Imagine! As time goes on, our singing voice get stronger and finer....
Eventually our joining voice/heart/hope/faith will reverberates to the whole universe...
Ultimately will reaches to the Divine Cosmic Mind.
Kay Kim said:
13 Twirling Triskeles said:
As a few others here have already stated, The Crystal Network Link Up seems to me somewhat similar to what a Stonehenge connection accomplished for the tribe . . . as in unifying the members so we are all on the same page.

This reminds me of ‘toning’ together with people. I’m sensing that Laura is getting the stones tuned-up. Not only does Laura sing to the Stones, the Stones sing to us . . . and we become a choir harmonizing and grounding a frequency here on earth. Singing to our cells . . . singing our souls into being. We’re tuning up our reading instruments in order to each play our part within the full orchestra. Wow! What an awesome performance this shall be. There will be applause in the spheres I’m sure. :)

If sound can indeed lift stones (as in Coral Castle or the pyramids) and if it does indeed lift our spirits when we make/sing sounds/music, & there’s a saying — ‘lift up our voices to heaven’ -- could it be possible we can indeed affect the so-called frequency fence surrounding our big blue marble? Some notes can shatter glass. Maybe some songs can shatter fences too?
When we get the Songbook and CD, then we can sing song together, that is, if Laura set time and maybe set to one day of every weekend.
Imagine! As time goes on, our singing voice get stronger and finer....
Eventually our joining voice/heart/hope/faith will reverberates to the whole universe...
Ultimately will reaches to the Divine Cosmic Mind.
EXACTLY, Kay Kim. Similarly to how we link up when we do EE on the same days of the week. We shall no doubt each be performing as an acupuncture energy needle upon the Earth. I'm sure our aligned voices and hearts' intent will most definitely alert and please the DCM. Another wonderful way to practice the Work.

Again, thank you all for all the Work you do . . . which makes the Work we all do easier for all to do. :)
shellycheval said:
It appears more clearer with every session recently that EVERYTHING we do, take in, and give out in our daily lives needs to happen much more consciously
and on a deeper level than was sufficient when we were first learning to connect and live at a higher level. I have known this intellectually/mentally for a long time
but lately I am realizing it on a deeper feeling level. The intensity has increased, positive as well as negative, and there can be "no more turning away."

I concur. I've been meeting life with a stronger attitude of 'I will' and it is making a positive difference as well as allowing me to improve when I don't do something just right. I remember to pay attention. I'm mindful of trying to do my best no matter what. I knew all this long ago but it's so easy to be lead astray. With the sessions and news, the forum and life experiences, it all starts to come together and make sense and have deeper meaning.
13 Twirling Triskeles, un grand merci pour vos liens, j'aime tout particulièrement celui de Meryl Streep...

13 Twirling Triskeles, thank you for your links, I especially like that of Meryl Streep. . .
Kai KIM : When we get the Songbook and CD, then we can sing song together, that is, if Laura set time and maybe set to one day of every weekend.
Imagine! As time goes on, our singing voice get stronger and finer....
Eventually our joining voice/heart/hope/faith will reverberates to the whole universe...
Ultimately will reaches to the Divine Cosmic Mind.

Kai KIM : Lorsque nous obtenons le Songbook et CD, alors nous pouvons chanter chanson ensemble,
qui est, si Laura régler l'heure et peut-être fixé à un jour de chaque week-end.
Imaginer! Comme le temps passe, notre voix chantante devenir plus fort et plus fine. . . .
Finalement, notre adhésion à la voix / cœur / espoir / foi se réverbère à l'univers entier. . .
En fin de compte sera atteint vers le Divin Esprit Cosmique.

En parfait accord avec Kai KIM...
In perfect harmony with Kai KIM. . .
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