Session 7 May 2016

I loved that music posted by ninas and reposted by 13 Twirling Triskeles:

And I also was impressed with the version of "In the Garden" sung by Meryl Streep in the duet. (Ms Streep was quite good in the MamaMia movie also)

I had a go at singing along with the music from 13's karaoke versions, and I found the first version the easiest to accompany:

It is really an easy tune to hold and to harmonise and it's really nice and inspiring music.
Can't wait for 'Les Chateaux' to produce the CD version with Andromeda's lyrics.
Just imagine singing to the crystals while spinning the Celtic dance.
dugdeep said:
3D Student said:
I think there may have been a little mind melding, because within the past week I had thought about that song "In the Garden." And the Jesus footsteps along the beach meme. I used to sing (mumble) that song in church years ago. Although being carried sounds like leading by the hand, someone to walk alongside or lean on is a nice idea.

Here's a karaoke version if you want to sing along. I will sing the modified song during my commute. And maybe sing along to this karaoke version:

You and I were thinking along similar lines, 3D Student. I was finding the original lyrics in the video too distracting so I looked up an instrumental version to sing along to. Here's a sample with just piano accompaniment:

Thank you for posting it.

I stumbled upon a version of this song (Joey+Rory) which I particularly like a lot:
Exactly Joe! The "name" is just a convention for our convenience... It can be anything, even a message...
A message about a strong distraction, maybe... and possibly a breach in the channel. I am sure this will help everyone in their journey.
I sincerely wish Light and peace to all
Merci pour tous vos liens de cette belle chanson tous plus beaux les uns que les autres...
Je garde en fond sonore Merryl Streep mais j'ai mis en favori le premier lien de Musicman car ne parlant pas anglais je peux lire les paroles sur la musique... Merci...

Thank you for all your links all of this beautiful song more beautiful than the other. . .
I keep in the background Merryl Streep but I put in the first favorite link Musicman for not speaking English I can read the words on the music. . . Thank you. . .
https: // www. Youtube. com / watch? v = ya7Bn7kPkLo
alkhemst said:
Laura said:
EvilBoringPerson said:
A: F
Q: [laughter] (Pierre) You can ask for the second letter...
A: I
Q: (Chu) Third?
A: No

It may be that there was no 3rd letter.
Maybe They just meant Phi?

s-kur said:
Thanks for amazing session!
A: F
Q: [laughter] (Pierre) You can ask for the second letter...
A: I
Q: (Chu) Third?
A: No

What about Fibonacci and "golden ratio" among patterns?

Actually, I was thinking along the same lines myself.

Was reflecting on the Fibonacci sequence and an interesting analogy to life in its format - where the present (number) connects (adds) with the past (number) determines the future (number). Was interesting because phi describes natural growth patterns, so it might describe our growth too like that, not just physical but how we mature "spiritually", and how when that happens perhaps our influence scales / evolves exponentially too. I'm picturing the phi spiral going outwards here. I can't think of any relationship that has to Ark's question though, probably little, but in case someone finds this interesting fwif.

Lately, I've been experiencing an urgency to sing and to do it well without the voice cracking and to really Bellow out the songs I'm singing, I usually sing when I feel like it and sometimes that may not happen several months at a time. I would even go as far as to record my singing, cause you can't trust what you think you hear, it may or may not sound as good as you thought it sounded, but when its recorded, you realize just how bad you really sound, (a blow to the ego for sure lol), kinda like a wake up call for me. I would than stop singing, thinking it's all related to my ego wanting attention anyways. But for some reason I just couldn't shake this urgency to continue to practice singing and to sing well.

So coming to found out that WE have a SONG and that there's a songbook in the making, it all made sense to me why I needed to sing well. :) Also on another note: The EEE exercise has improved my ability to hold notes longer, even for a smoker like myself and I have more control over the tones transiting from low to high and visa versa,

So what does this have to do with Fibonacci and the golden ratio? I'm not sure if it does, but there's an idea mulling in my head that may or may not relate, but I wish to run by you and see what you all think.
This afternoon while sitting at the kitchen table doing some reading on my laptop, I heard a loud bang on the kitchen window, I looked to see what could have caused the noise. Apparently a bird had crashed into the window and was now laying on the ground, just below the window sill. I thought for sure that the bird had broken it's neck and it's now dying. I felt sad for the poor thing. I just stood there at the window staring at it, watching it trying to hold it's head, while his whole body was wobbling trying not to lay on it's side.

Now, not knowing the reasoning behind the why , I envisioned the poor bird covered in the COLOR blue, I held that vision while staring at it. Few minutes passes by and than, within the Blue mist appears spot of red around it's neck and head. By than, I can see something was happening, the bird was no longer breathing with it's beak open and it was perched on the ground with it's eyes closed. By that time the colors had disappeared from my minds eye. I than returned to my reading not thinking twice about what just happened. Short while later, I checked on the poor bird and it seems nothing has changed, until I opened the window than suddenly the bird took off flying to the nearest tree. I was surprised. I thought for sure that the bird had broken it's neck and I would find it dead.

Because the bird did not die it got me thinking about colors. Why did I chose those particular colors? Did those color effect the bird in a certain way? Did I subconsciously applied my intention and it express itself through colors? If I did, how did I know to use those particular colors? Do colors have it's own mathematical sequences of number equation to identify them?? or is that a stupid question to begin with? Is it possible for one's intention to express itself through colors, instead of using conscious words/sentences to formulate your intention? Can singing itself formulate intention and generate or attract certain colors to come to them?? Does any of this make any sense?
SeekinTruth said:
Thanks for the update on the crystals, Psalm modification, and singing decisions, Laura. Hopefully you and the ladies helping will have some fun in the process and the workload can be lightened thereby somewhat. Just wanted to state the huge gratitude, once more, for all you all are doing. :)

I suspect that working with the crystals will offer another learning experience as well being energizing to tha crew to accomplish the many ongoing projects you have on your plate. I look forward to being more connected to the group. Thank you for all your generous time and efforts that are being devoted to this enterprise.
Regarding the songs, a few days ago when I went to sleep, I chose my little damburite to put under the pillow. I was washing the stone and, suddenly, caught myself humming a song: "I have a dream" (Abba). I think it was an input of my subcosnciente, because I did not remember having heard it before. And if I did it would be among many others on the radio. Not even know what the lyrics said (I am Spanish speaker), I had to search song subtitle in my native tongue. :D
Ariadna said:
Regarding the songs, a few days ago when I went to sleep, I chose my little damburite to put under the pillow. I was washing the stone and, suddenly, caught myself humming a song: "I have a dream" (Abba). I think it was an input of my subcosnciente, because I did not remember having heard it before. And if I did it would be among many others on the radio. Not even know what the lyrics said (I am Spanish speaker), I had to search song subtitle in my native tongue. :D said:
Danburite, is a relatively new gemstone discovered in 1839 in Danbury, Connecticut. The original deposit is now buried under the city of Danbury. With a hardness of 7, danburite is quite hard and suitable for any kind of jewelry. Because of its high refractive index, well cut danburites are remarkably bright and can look something like diamonds. Today, most of colorless danburite comes from Mexico. S

It is normally colorless to very light pink in color but some deposits may produce gemstones which can be shades of yellow or brown. Danburite handles easily and ordinarily offers no problems for lapidaries. It makes an especially brilliant gem because of its extreme clarity. The danburite is a by product of the metal ore production.


Why not have a dream?

May we all share the same dreams! :)
I'm not sure about the songs chosen but I thought I would add this one too for contemplation. It is based on psalm 91 and has the loveliest melody in the refrain and I don't think it would be too hard to change the lyrics a bit so it's not so religiousy; it's called On Eagle's Wings:

Also, what the heck does that last comment mean? They kinda just through that in last minute..

A: Mind melding is possible for those who love. Goodbye

Any ideas Laura??
Rx said:
Also, what the heck does that last comment mean? They kinda just through that in last minute..

A: Mind melding is possible for those who love. Goodbye

Any ideas Laura??

"Mind meld" is a Star Trek reference: said:
A mind meld, first depicted in the Star Trek episode "Dagger of the Mind", is a technique for sharing thoughts, experiences, memories, and knowledge with another individual, essentially a limited form of telepathy.

It may be related to Laura's dream about me being exposed to a "risk factor", and then the branch almost falling on me a few days later. Such dreams plus subsequent networking plus being aware can serve as protection. The C's seem to be saying that such 'telepathy' is possible in general, for all who "love".
OKIRON, merci pour ce témoignage avec l'oiseau qui a retrouvé sa conscience, voici un lien d'une autre belle histoire d'un oiseau qui fait un massage à son copain et lui redonne vie :

OKIRON, thank you for this testimony with the bird regained his consciousness, here is a link to another beautiful story of a bird that makes a massage to her boyfriend and gives him life:
PERLOU said:
OKIRON, merci pour ce témoignage avec l'oiseau qui a retrouvé sa conscience, voici un lien d'une autre belle histoire d'un oiseau qui fait un massage à son copain et lui redonne vie :

OKIRON, thank you for this testimony with the bird regained his consciousness, here is a link to another beautiful story of a bird that makes a massage to her boyfriend and gives him life:

That is a good story, PERLOU, and the female bird did a good job of it, not giving up until she got him back.
They're not so bird-brained, after all.
MusicMan, oui c'est une belle histoire je l'avais mise hier sur ma page Facebook :

MusicMan, yes it's a great story I had put it yesterday on my Facebook page: https: // www. Facebook. com / PERLOU55
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