Session 8 August 2015

Laura said:
solarmind said:
Regrading this answer about Putin awareness of the hyperdimensional reality, it will be quite strange for person like Putin, not to know more about it. And this brought to me a question, do you know is there on forum and within FOTCM members, any one who is on a world scale influential, like some well known and respected musician, composer, artist, film director, educator, actor, writer etc ... ?

If I did, I would not be at liberty to reveal that information.

I am not thinking on names or profession, but just simple yes or no, but i do understand your point, if you can't reveal even that information.

For me it is difficult to think that there is no any one like that, as among those are individuals who search for answers and knowledge whole their life, and i am sure if they cross this resources, and if they are STO oriented, this will change responsibility they feel, and probably they will search for a symbolic ways, to spread this ideas as much as possible to the everyday reality. Once you cut through the reality fence, if you living from your creative work, or in other words if your life is your work, it is impossible to get back to the same programmed routine assigned for creative workers and thinkers. For some it will be even absurd to hide their identity ... as artists ( like Leonardo, Michelangelo, Mozart, Bach .. etc ) they are the once who are visioanry bridges towards future ... if i can comapre that to something like you do with contacting Cs, but they "use" different "contacting and communication tools" ...

But on the other side, i am not expecting that there will be on global scene more than 10 of them, as we see recently, many of the "stars" are getting exposed as psychopaths, who actually abused their talents to get into star system, what gives them power to abuse those who are not in their range.
Laura said:
Chu said:
solarmind said:
What i understood, You manage to build something like that in France, but yes it takes a lot of things to get together, and in "normal" world it is becoming more and more impossible to get people together to collaborate on a more creative and cooperative level, what gives to the system better opportunity to build more mess on earth. But do you think is it worth to think in that direction at all, to try to build real comunity, like a small earthly clusters or satelites of your base, not just in virtual world, but also in real, will that make any sense from your perspective?

If you have been reading the sessions from last year and this one, you can answer those questions by yourself. But see Laura's reply to you here. The same applies.

I'll add a bit more to what Chu has written here: you know very well that we have a number of communities. What you don't know are the requirements to become part of one nor the very hard work that goes into a person working on themselves so as to be ready and able to participate in same. We have a few models, we are accumulating a lot of information on what works and what doesn't. So if you want to start some sort of community on your own, that's fine. But if you want to interact with FOTCM members, then you will simply have to follow the process as everyone else has/does. There are very good reasons for our caution which are well explicated in the sessions and on the forum.

Okay yes i get better picture of FOTCM membership and all included with that ... no I don't want to set up a new comunity, i would like to be more useful for this one, so ok, I'll follow the steps, thank you! :)
solarmind said:
But on the other side, i am not expecting that there will be on global scene more than 10 of them, as we see recently, many of the "stars" are getting exposed as psychopaths, who actually abused their talents to get into star system, what gives them power to abuse those who are not in their range.

Gurdjieff's take on this topic:

Beelzebubs Tales said:
"Here it will do no harm to point out that, owing to the abnormal conditions of ordinary existence there, the only beings of that strange planet, especially during recent centuries, who become notable and are therefore honored by the rest, are those who manifest themselves somehow or other more absurdly than the majority. And the more absurd their manifestations, the more stupid, mean, and insolent the tricks they play, the more celebrated they become, and the greater is the number of beings on their own continent, or even on other continents, who know them personally, or at least by name.

"On the other hand, an honest being who does not behave absurdly has no chance at all of becoming famous, or even of being noticed, however kind and sensible he may be.
Data said:
"On the other hand, an honest being who does not behave absurdly has no chance at all of becoming famous, or even of being noticed, however kind and sensible he may be.

Other than Putin? ;)
Data said:
solarmind said:
But on the other side, i am not expecting that there will be on global scene more than 10 of them, as we see recently, many of the "stars" are getting exposed as psychopaths, who actually abused their talents to get into star system, what gives them power to abuse those who are not in their range.

Gurdjieff's take on this topic:

Beelzebubs Tales said:
"Here it will do no harm to point out that, owing to the abnormal conditions of ordinary existence there, the only beings of that strange planet, especially during recent centuries, who become notable and are therefore honored by the rest, are those who manifest themselves somehow or other more absurdly than the majority. And the more absurd their manifestations, the more stupid, mean, and insolent the tricks they play, the more celebrated they become, and the greater is the number of beings on their own continent, or even on other continents, who know them personally, or at least by name.

"On the other hand, an honest being who does not behave absurdly has no chance at all of becoming famous, or even of being noticed, however kind and sensible he may be.

:D thank you Data for the quote, but hey we have to think about what we consider as "famous". As we see, you guys are also sort of "famous" or well known globally for your great work, okay not like Rihana, but you are not targeting same people any way ;) ... so there is plenty of creatives that are good in there work on a bit bigger scale, and that usually goes with fans and audience, as without them the work is dead ...

on the other side, G is right, as on a global scale, yep it is today completely impossible for real artist to be globally exposed through mainstream media, but real one don't even tend to be in that pool, and don't mind about that at all, even if that will put in question their existence ...

Also on the other side i recently found out information that Kazimir Malevich ( _ was one of G. students, and quite involved in esoteric work G. teaches. That is all i found so far, but i will search more.

But what i wanted to say is that it is good to know that there are humans who can be talented to do exactly that - to spread those ideas and teachings through other media, and probably they already do so, but as Cs said for Putin, it is probably for them also on some other way ...
U2 --1981


And the trees are stripped bare
Of all they wear
What do I care

And kingdoms rise
And kingdoms fall

But you go on...and on...

Thanks for the session
Chu said:
casper said:
MariuszJ said:
I do agree that we have got new dates from Cs a couple of times and it is like in the play "Waiting for Godot", that is, nothing significant happens. What is more,
Cs for some unknown to me reason, criticise those who express their doubts about the seriousness of the forthcoming events with the given dates.[
I am not criticizing anything, I just wrote that C's have said for a particular month "wait for October", but did not mention the year. I just wanted to suggest that we should not focus on events that could or not happen this year, more to pay attention to the events of the next years that month.

I think you misunderstood Mariusz, casper. His comment was not about you or anybody in particular, but about the Cs. Bolded above.
Thank you Chu for explained :) :) :)
solarmind said:
Also on the other side i recently found out information that Kazimir Malevich ( _ was one of G. students, and quite involved in esoteric work G. teaches. That is all i found so far, but i will search more.

I'm afraid I don't understand why would you mention that? :huh:
Not only that it doesn't seem to have much to do with the topic, the link you provided doesn't support your claim, but even with this little info from Wiki it seems rather unlikely that he was. Do you know what was Gurdjieff's take on art?
October - It is the first month of the fiscal year here in the states. Always a threat of a government shutdown if a budget isn't/can't be set, or something about the economy could be brought to the attention of the masses. I'll wait and see.
Des choses dramatiques, il y en a, notre Mer Méditerranée est devenue un CIMETIERE avec tous ses Enfants, Femmes et Hommes morts, désespérés fuyant la guerre, les persécutions, la famine...
Daesh qui prend de l'ampleur et détruit tout sur son passage, tuent, volent et violent, décapitent, vendent les enfants et prostituent les femmes qu'ils vendent également...
La Syrie, la Lybie, toutes ces guerres partout qui font des immigrés en foule... Tous ces attentats partout... Tous ces sans emplois en France...
Oui, le chaos est déjà là... Oui, les familles sont détruites... Oui, c'est navrant, c'est désolant mais les signes sont bien là, il faut être aveugle pour ne pas les voir...

Dramatic things there, our Mediterranean Sea has become a CIMETIERE with all its children, women and men died, desperate fleeing war, persecution, famine ...
Daesh which grows and destroys everything in its path, kill, steal and rape, behead, selling children and prostitutes the women they also sell ...
Syria, Libya, all these wars that are all immigrants in crowd ... All these bombings everywhere ... All these unemployed in France ...
Yes, chaos is already there ... Yes, families are destroyed ... Yes, it's sad, it's sad but the signs are there, you have to be blind not to see ...
Possibility of Being said:
solarmind said:
Also on the other side i recently found out information that Kazimir Malevich ( _ was one of G. students, and quite involved in esoteric work G. teaches. That is all i found so far, but i will search more.

I'm afraid I don't understand why would you mention that? :huh:
Not only that it doesn't seem to have much to do with the topic, the link you provided doesn't support your claim, but even with this little info from Wiki it seems rather unlikely that he was. Do you know what was Gurdjieff's take on art?

1. Yep, we went off the topic, so I'll just answer to your questions shortly

2. Mention that as one replay to Data quote from G.

3. Link is there just for those who don't know who Malevich is. Recently i heard about that relation preparing one exam from art theory, and i'll do more research on that, and if i found anything relevant to share on Forum, i'll do so.

4. Yes i know G. thoughts on Art. If you don't mind just posting a quote for some who don't ( _ )
In a speech about art delivered to a group of students in Moscow in 1916, Gurdjieff broached an explanation of his aesthetic terminology and of his division of art into categories. The speech was delivered in Russian and translated into English by Ouspensky:

"I do not call art all that you call art, which is simply mechanical reproduction, imitation of nature or of other people, or simply fantasy or an attempt to be original. Real art is something quite different.... In your art everything is subjective—the artist’s perception of this or that sensation, the forms in which he tries to express his sensation and the perception of these forms by other people.... In real art there is nothing accidental.... The artist knows and understands what he wants to convey, and his work cannot produce one impression on one man and one impression on another, presuming, or course, people on one level."

5. G. thoughts on Art are also something what attracted me to learn from here.
(Perceval) Can I ask if the plane parts found recently on Réunion, were they from MH370?

A: No!

Another Hit for the Cs?
Laura said:
Q: (L) What does that mean? Magnetizing who or what?

(Galatea) Where? When? Why?

(Heimdallr) How?

A: Fulfilling the function of the lighthouse! If it isn't broke, don't fix it!

Q: (Heimdallr) So, I guess we just continue doing what we're already doing? Man the posts?

A: More and better! You will see that united efforts send a signal of which you are not fully aware with ramifications as yet unseen. The important element is the colinearity.

I have started the translation of the session into French and I wonder what means "Man the posts?".

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