I'd like to share some thoughts on the little discussion that took place between
scifiscriptwriter and others. I hope, ssw, that you'll be around to see this and I hope that this might help you or others in some way. For what it's worth:
I have read your posts and on a certain level I understand you and I also understand the comment about the one-liners. You come across as a nice lady who thinks she has found good material and good people, I couldn’t agree more. If there is one thing we all gotta learn, it's learning how to communicate. We're all being misunderstood every day (without us even knowing it), we all have our own definitions of terms (what means 'love' to you can be different than what it means to me f.e.), and we all have our own way of speaking, and for some of us English is not our first language etc. and so, it's quite a challenge to figure out how to communicate with one another as clearly as possible, because we want others to understand us correctly, right? But you see, we can't do this if we all
wait for the right moment before we start making the effort to figure out how to communicate. The best way to learn is to practice it or to atleast try. Would you not agree?
Personally, when someone misunderstands me, I learned to try to look at how
I can improve my communication skill, instead of telling the other to do their best in understanding me (don't take this personal please, just explaining my own lesson here). And I try again, and again, until there is atleast a mutual understanding going on. Because the other way around (needing the other to read my posts correctly without putting effort in it myself) just didn't work for me, so maybe approaching it this way, might help you too? We can always take small breaks when there is a lot of misunderstanding going on, so we can take the time to look at ourselves and figure out the why's and how's.
Misunderstanding is going to be part of discussions. But that's okay, you see? 'Cause that's a lesson in itself. It's all about sincerity and wanting to put effort in working on ourselves, learning how to communicate, for the benefit of all.
Now, from observing your posts I can see certain traits that you might have developed due to a certain upbringing. This is why I think that it would be best if you start reading the Psychology books, and put the Mouravjieff book down for some time.
Try to let me explain why there is confusion on you not willing to open up. Try to picture this forum as a large room where all kinds of like-minded people are and talk about all kinds of things (the different threads): people share about their lives, their experiences, their shortcomings, their successes, and they give advice to other people. They say that one could read this book, or that book, or watch this documentary or that. So there is a lot of taking and giving, right?
Now let’s picture you at a table with six other people. They all one by one tell about how they have learned certain lessons, and then one of them asks you “Ssw, could you perhaps share something about yourself, maybe lessons you have learned? Perhaps something we may learn from?”
How would you respond?
Now, I don’t wish to hurt your feelings, but as I have read your posts, you do seem to be doing a lot of taking in this room of people. You walk around and thank people for their advices (which is nice!) but we all do not know who this curious person is, what her story is, what we could perhaps learn from her. So we all wonder. And we care, because we know that networking is also important. This is also why one of those people asked if you could open up a little.
And remember what the C’s said in this session, that the Universe is about balance. To only take causes disbalance, so at some point one must give to restore balance.
As important reading is, so is networking. There is no better way to learn how to practice what we have read in books by discussing about it in a trusted network. Remember also that you will never know whether what you share can help others or yourself, if you never try. And you definitely don't need to have read all the books, in order to be able to network here. But that's for you to discover.
Sometimes we have to make changes in order to grow. Without personal feedback from a network, your reading might turn into mechanical reading and you could absorb little and time would have been wasted. And surely you must know that time is especially precious in these times.
But if you insist on reading, that’s okay. My advice would be for you to keep a Journal and write as you read, whatever thoughts or feelings come above water and to do
EE occassionally.
Maybe at some point you will be ready to make the change and let us know a little bit more who you are, or maybe not. But if that moment comes, and the uncertain future circumstances allow, the door is open for you, of that I am sure.
Here's something what Ark once wrote, which might help you too:
Ark said:
YOU, the Reader, can choose to live in a universe with a "no" answer, but you can also choose to live in a "yes" universe.
I am not saying the choice is going to be easy, or possible at all. Every choice needs an effort. The more important the choice, the more effort it needs. Without making this effort we are simply machines, and then the choices are being made for us - either by pure chance or by others.