Show #2, Jan. 27th 2013: 'Gun Control USA: Do Guns Protect Civil Liberties?'

Guardian said:
My point is that everyone is already talking about these issues, and they have been since before I was born, and the thinking still stays the same.

I understand what Laura said though...and that does make sense to me. Might work? Worth a shot.

Yes but at the speed we are travelling at now it may never be discussed again. There is a difference in the Radio events as the people who are sending out the signal have a better grip of what really is underlying "our" real problems and so can communicate in a very different way than a normal run of the mill radio station. If you see what I mean. Communicating on many levels.
Lisa Guliani said:
I also really liked the part of the show when they were discussing goodness, virtue, honor and community - and how these things relate to and need to be the building blocks, the foundation, of any potential 'revolution'. When do you ever hear revolution being discussed in those terms? I think these shows are important because they provide a great opportunity for learning - and learning is a good thing. If they accomplish nothing else but that, they are worth the listen.
I'm all for provoking people to question their own thoughts and ideas and to think. My two cents.

Somebody needs to be reminding people of goodness, virtue honor and community because it seems like those things are what people are yearning for and few people who aren't complete peaceniks/prey/doormats seem to be pointing this out. You CAN have those things AND stand up to psychopaths. In fact, if you think you have them and do NOT know about psychopathy or stand up to it, then you are just blowing hot air.
Away With The Fairys said:
Guardian said:
My point is that everyone is already talking about these issues, and they have been since before I was born, and the thinking still stays the same.

I understand what Laura said though...and that does make sense to me. Might work? Worth a shot.

Yes but at the speed we are travelling at now it may never be discussed again. There is a difference in the Radio events as the people who are sending out the signal have a better grip of what really is underlying "our" real problems and so can communicate in a very different way than a normal run of the mill radio station. If you see what I mean. Communicating on many levels.

Yes, that's what I was going to say. What Joe, Niall and company are doing is telling the truth of the matter, rather than lying for those who are financing them to say whatever it is they want said. Maybe getting the truth out there will help someone start actually thinking.

And, Guardian, if there is no reason for the radio show, the same would follow for as they talk about political things, too. I think that both are needed. Getting the truth out there to anyone willing to see it is important, or so I think.

I really liked this show. Good conversations with the guys and the callers.

Thanks to all.
Away With The Fairys said:
Yes but at the speed we are travelling at now it may never be discussed again.

In the US? Are you kidding? There could be a meteor the size of Jupiter on a direct collision course with Earth, predicted to make impact in less than 24 hours, and the last Talk Radio Show ever beamed into space from the Southern United States will be about Gun Control, Abortion, or Gay Marriage. :rolleyes:
Keit said:
Guardian said:
OK, I'm going to ask a question, and I REALLY hope it's not taken the wrong way...but what's the point of these shows?

The people who would really benefit from this kind of information have already made up their way or the other? I will support whatever yawl are trying to do...but I really don't understand what you're trying to do? What is the goal?

Not trying to answer for the SOTT guys, just giving my own take on this. I think it's all the reasons Lisa mentioned, but personally for me, as one of the listeners, the major thing is "support" and the connection, and knowing that we are not alone. It's another method of broadcasting the signal, similar to a resistance broadcasting it's messages to anyone seeking and willing to listen. Perhaps it won't change other people's minds, probably it won't and it's too late, but it's still worthwhile doing it, just because the message should be heard, and also because it gives those who do listen an opportunity to maintain their hope and inner resolve. And who knows, maybe there are people who are still looking, and radio could be just the medium for them.

Thank you for doing it!
I'd just like to second this idea. I am very grateful for the work the crew et al. put into keeping the fire lit.
Guardian said:
Lisa Guliani said:
Guardian, I look at it like this: You never really know what someone will take away from a discussion. If nobody talks about these issues, then the thinking pretty much stays the same.

My point is that everyone is already talking about these issues, and they have been since before I was born, and the thinking still stays the same.

I understand what Laura said though...and that does make sense to me. Might work? Worth a shot.

Guardian, do you remember back a ways when Laura proposed changing the direction and orientation of SOTT, because the evidence indicated that pretty much every person who could be brought 'into the light' had mostly already been reached. The change was resisted by some here who felt that things should just continue as they had. Nevertheless, the shift was made to essentially cease trying to 'convert' those who seemed to be already completely programmed and conditioned and to focus more on keeping those who were awake or in the process of awakening going down the correct path with continued learning and assistance in their progress.

I think the radio shows are somewhat of the same intention because the situation has not greatly changed in most respects, but there have been recent developments that might make some of what is said more palatable to a wider audience than before. It is becoming glaringly obvious to many these days that there is definitely something wrong - even if they have been trying for some time to avoid noticing the signs around them!

Perhaps this is one of the opening wedges that might allow for at least some of what we have learned here to penetrate into the thick skulls of those who still have some semblance of awareness and logicality about them. Perhaps not. Still, it doesn't hurt to try, and maybe it will be of help to some.

I like the shows, and Jason's article was great too! Keep em commin!!!
Nienna Eluch said:
And, Guardian, if there is no reason for the radio show, the same would follow for as they talk about political things, too.

Noooo, I wasn't questioning the concept of having a Radio Show, I think that's a great idea. I was questioning the reason for choosing a topic that's been beaten into horseburgers...with no appreciable results.
Decisive victories are a fantasy. Opponents are eroded over time. Over millenia. The fight for goodness, and truth is eternal, it never ends and you never win, you can't win because that would destroy the universe. It's a delicate balance between being and non-being, and all the permutations that expand from that. In a sense, this is the abyss, the endless chasm. You don't do it because you'll win, you do it because it is the thing to do.

Aeneid said:
moriamur et in media arma ruamus.
una salus uictis nullam sperare salutem.

let us die even as we rush into the midst of battle, for the hope of the doomed is not victory.

* I modified the translation, it might better be salvation or safety, but I have interpreted it to what I think he meant.
Guardian said:
The people who would really benefit from this kind of information have already made up their way or the other? I will support whatever yawl are trying to do...but I really don't understand what you're trying to do? What is the goal?

Well, the important thing is the objectivity that's in the show. You can't predict the results
of how this information will affect people when it gets out there. Everyday working people feel this subtle "violence" daily that comes from the psychopathic nature of those at the top of the food chain when they go to work each day but it's all so covert, so masked, that as a result people can't process it. So internally there's all this anger and helplessness which, for a certain percentage of the population, is the precursor to actual physical violence and all the gun violence that goes with it. Getting to the root of the problem, as this show did, may help people process what they are feeling at a deeper level even though they are unconscious of it.
Nienna Eluch said:
And, Guardian, if there is no reason for the radio show, the same would follow for as they talk about political things, too.

Noooo, I wasn't questioning the concept of having a Radio Show, I think that's a great idea. I was questioning the reason for choosing a topic that's been beaten into horseburgers...with no appreciable results.

When you said:

gardian said:
OK, I'm going to ask a question, and I REALLY hope it's not taken the wrong way...but what's the point of these shows?

Was wondering if you actually meant a plural connotation or the Gun Control discussion singularly. Seems you are saying the latter, that has been, as you say, "beaten into horseburgers". I was kind of thinking that this would be a difficult rehashed issue too, yet you yourself added valuable insights, as did others along with Joe, Jason and Nail steering the conversation. So in this respect the show came off well and people (not of the forum) could Segway to other thinking.

[quote author=kenlee ]

Well, the important thing is the objectivity that's in the show. You can't predict the results
of how this information will affect people when it gets out there. Everyday working people feel this subtle "violence" daily that comes from the psychopathic nature of those at the top of the food chain when they go to work each day but it's all so covert, so masked, that as a result people can't process it. So internally there's all this anger and helplessness which, for a certain percentage of the population, is the precursor to actual physical violence and all the gun violence that goes with it. Getting to the root of the problem, as this show did, may help people process what they are feeling at a deeper level even though they are unconscious of it.

Good points.
Guardian said:
Lisa Guliani said:
My guess is: to increase public awareness, to widen the circle, and to provoke people to think and question their existing beliefs, opinions and ideas.

How? The gun control issue, as well as abortion, gay rights, etc. ALL the divide and conquer topics, have been around for decades....even centuries. The exact same points that were brought up in this lovely radio show have been pointed out over, and over, and over again. Nothing changes? The anti-gun people are still anti-gun, and the pro gun people are still pro-gun.

Usually SOTT is about informing people about stuff they don't know about... happenings that aren't reported in the mainstream media.

Why are we now tackling well established political memes? I'm sure there's a good reason, I just don't get it?

What we were trying to do was to address the fact that the "for or against" argument is bogus and no one should pay any attention to it and instead focus on the real problem: corrupt government. Sure, people have said that many times before, but the problem seems to be that people keep forgetting and getting sucked back in to the mire. There's also the more nebulous theory that just stating a truth publicly (by whatever medium) is valuable in some kind of non-linear way. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it! Also, we're just getting started, finding our feet, practicing etc. for more important topics.
Guardian said:
Initially, I just called in to support the show, however, if the hot button topics are just the 2 x 4 to get the mule's attention ...that might just work?

We appreciated your call Guardian. You come across as level-headed and intelligent. Just the kind of caller that is very useful for helping to create 'social proof'. That doesn't mean you have to agree with us, calling in and setting us straight is good too.
Laura said:
By the way, we were talking just the other day about the possibility (and historical observation) that it is always some general who separates the army from the government to lead a revolution. It is just possible - and has occasionally happened - that such do it for the right reasons: because they believe in the republic. So it was great that you brought that aspect up and put it on the table.

Yes, and to take the same to a more local level, suppose a sheriff of some county decides to stop some fed op of some kind (in the future). He needs the support of his community (or part of it) to stand with him. Some will be armed and willing to enforce a demand. The community level of this resistance is important because this kind of fire travels fast. In a situation like this, it seems likely that the bully feds will back off. If they decide to retaliate and take out the sheriff and a good part of the community with hellfire missiles (or whatever), then they risk an all out armed revolution. I think they must know that getting most of the military to mass-kill the population is not realistic.
Richard S said:
I think the radio shows are somewhat of the same intention because the situation has not greatly changed in most respects, but there have been recent developments that might make some of what is said more palatable to a wider audience than before. It is becoming glaringly obvious to many these days that there is definitely something wrong - even if they have been trying for some time to avoid noticing the signs around them!

We have had a lot of recent new SOTT account signups where the people were clearly of the "Yay Jesus" variety. In the past, this would have meant them telling us we were all going to hell. That's not happening this time (well, not usually).

Somehow, I wonder if people really are putting aside some differences because maybe they are desperate to stand with others who are fed up like they are.

As for the show's topic, I am of 2 minds:

1. It's good to talk about things that are on people's minds, because if you try to talk about something else, they will find someone else who is talking about the "hot topic" that they want to hear about. This way, maybe they get a different perspective.

2. It would be better to talk about certain other "key topics". But then, you have the problem of #1.

In some ways, I think our show topics should be dictated by what people want, because that means they are more likely to listen. Other times, we can have shows on other topics.

At the end of the day, I think the important part here is the "Talk" in SOTT Talk Radio. We've never tried to engage with people in this way; we're always just reporting the facts to them. So far, the experiment has proven to be pretty darn interesting, IMO.
voyageur said:
Was wondering if you actually meant a plural connotation or the Gun Control discussion singularly. Seems you are saying the latter, that has been, as you say, "beaten into horseburgers".

You're right, I should have said "these types of shows" 'cause that's what I was thinking.

I was VERY impressed with the Sandy Hook show....but then it was like "Gun Control?" Really? You can't turn on a Talk Radio Show without hearing about "Gun Control" these days...but now I think I'm getting the picture.
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