Show #2, Jan. 27th 2013: 'Gun Control USA: Do Guns Protect Civil Liberties?'

Hesper said:
Approaching Infinity said:
Jason (ocean59) said:
I finished listening the show last night - excellent job done by all. Jason's commentary was priceless, and I really think helped to open up the topic of conversation to a wider audience. Betsy's call was great also, and really contributed to the show. It was nice to hear other callers as well, who mostly appeared to be 'first time listeners' and also did not seem to be trolls. :)

I agree. And I vote for more Jason in future episodes. :cool2:

I just got a chance to catch the latest episode and I definitely agree in the above! Jason's unique perspective was very refreshing. The three of you have great chemistry, and I think the audience really picked up on that. Thanks for the great work and forge on courageously!!

Couldn't have said it better. Imo, should definitely bring in a wider and more diverse listening audience.
You guys have really lit a fire.
Keep it burning! :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
Been thinking about the last show, and I think there are a couple of elements that made it super-awesome.

With podcasts, we basically sit down and "tell it like it is". Well, that's okay, and we do that on the site as well, but it's more of a "take it or leave it" kind of thing. That works, but maybe to a more limited extent.

As I mentioned before, we are even getting a lot of readers on the site who we might not have gotten before, perhaps due to the increase in the Level of Interestingness of the current times. IOW, things are heating up, and if your normal sources of info/leadership aren't "getting it", you go with somebody else who you may not totally agree with about everything, but you DO agree with them on some key points that really concern you. Well, that works for me!

This is what I shall call: The Jason Factor.

Jason said he is a conservative republican, which was interesting. Technically, IMO he is not a conservative republican in the modern sense of the term, just as communism in the Soviet Union was not really true communism. This kind of thing will make everyone think. For example:

a) Those who know him go, "What?! Oh..."
b) Those who don't know him and are modern conservative republicans go, "Oh... What?! [Oh...]" (text in [ ] is optional)
c) Those who don't know him and are NOT modern conservative republicans go, "What?! Oh..."

Instead of "divide and conquer", it's "unite and accept". In all 3 cases above, everyone is forced to stop and listen and think, regardless of their views.

Included in "The Jason Factor" would also be Joe's method of taking calls. As the hosts, they all said what they thought, provided data, blah blah blah, but when it came to taking calls, it was always, "What do you think about XYZ?" Unlike podcasts, these are discussions. Suddenly, the people who think in "The World for People who Think" are the listeners/callers. By that I mean that with talk radio, listeners do not have to be (and hopefully won't be) passive. The more people who engage, the more interesting the show becomes, and the more people will hopefully also want to engage.

Sure, we have Reader Comments on SOTT, but that's nowhere near the same as a live discussion. It's not just words on a screen; it's a live talk with real human beings with real voices, complete with emotional undertones and cues and all that jazz. It's more real.

Also, I think Niall sounded far more natural in the 2nd show. I don't know how to describe this exactly, but for example his closing of the show was very "radio smooth". Yeah, I don't know what that means either, but he was just "on" somehow.

Well, anyway, that's just what I've been thinking. Seems to me we may have a real winner of an idea/team on our hands here...

We'll see what happens next.
I particularly enjoyed the show, and it actually changed a few of my pre-conceived ideas about guns. Having lived in the UK my entire life, looking at the US (through the media) I grew up thinking 'guns' where the problem. That changed as I learnt about psychopathy....but hadn't crystallised until the show.
Betsy, your points about self defence actually got me to change my mind about guns in a fundamental way - that is I never saw them as an option until them. Having had close friends who had been raped, I could look back and see what a difference it could have made.
Given the state of the world and it's 'culture' it gave me a completely new perspective on things regarding the gun issue. I also thought the gun issue had been done to death - apparently not!

Mr. Scott said:
Also, I think Niall sounded far more natural in the 2nd show. I don't know how to describe this exactly, but for example his closing of the show was very "radio smooth". Yeah, I don't know what that means either, but he was just "on" somehow.

Agreed :)
It's possible having a third person took the pressure off each person a little? It may be worth trying shows with two or three people to see what works best.
I'm inclined to think that having three people will help cover more perspectives and make things flow more smoothly, even if it's not the same three people.

*edit to add*
Have you thought of posting these to the youtube channel?
More so, have you thought about perhaps videoing them for the youtube channel? I visit a few websites that have pod casts that are also videoed and put on youtube. Body language and a different network would help spread things further I think.
RedFox said:
Have you thought of posting these to the youtube channel?

Looks like they are doing that, at least they did with the first one:
I just finished listening to this last show, and you guys did great, thanks all three of you! I was not expecting to be so captivated with a discussion about gun control, I already read and heard about it a lot and kind of made up my mind about this a while ago, and it's pretty much along the lines of what you ended with, that we need a revolution of the mind, of speaking up and sharing. But I did learn a LOT from the ensuing discussion, and my awareness on the subject has increased for sure. One of the things I learned and really touched me in a good way from the callers, is that there are people out there who actually care about what is going on around them and they are concerned about where their government is heading and taking them along. These people seem to be looking for a fresh way of thinking, a new perspective on the matter and I am glad that they were able to tune in and listen to your talk. I am very much looking forward for the future audios, I know I need them and a LOT of people need them too, so keep them coming and thank you for doing them.

I also read Jason's article with my 17 yo step-son, who also found it fascinating, he didn't stop talking about it the rest of the day and we had a long discussion about the subject. Now, there's not many subjects that can fascinate both of us at the same time, he is very into pop-culture and I am a bit behind in that department, so I am thinking that if someone can write a piece who can touch the same way two people generations apart, that someone has a talent and must use it more often methinks :whistle:
Heimdallr said:
RedFox said:
Have you thought of posting these to the youtube channel?

Looks like they are doing that, at least they did with the first one:

Ah, didn't realise there was a new youtube channel - had just checked the old ones.
Finally had the time to finish listening to this episode. I enjoyed the show enormously. And I think that Jason really energized the whole thing with his quick and sharp mind, and balanced views. He also had an impressing skill to relate with each different caller, making them feel comfortable. I hope he will join future episodes too, I think soon everyone will want to hear what he has to say on any given subject!

A few times it was unclear what was said, because everyone kept talking over each other. But I guess that's normal, especially with people being enthusiastic and so knowledgeable. :)
I am currently listening to this -- currently on part 4. Props to all :thup: Jason, Kniall, Joe...GREAT job. An actual inter-view occurred :) Also, Betsy, very nice to put a voice with the text I have enjoyed reading here on the forum. Can't wait for the next episode!!

Finally managed to listen to both shows. Fantastic. I really agree that the real human voice carries that emotive element that is impossbile to properly convey in text and that this could help sott reach people that might be curious but for whatever reason not committed to researching the nature of disinformation.
I listened to this early this morning, and it was really great. I totally agree that having Jason on was of super value. I think Jason adds a quality to the discourse that can reach so many more people with a wide variety of backgrounds. I'm glad he will be on again in the next show (and Harrison, too!)

I haven't been able to listen to the first show yet, only part 1. My internet has been acting kinda wonky lately, but now seems to be fine, so after trying to listen to the first show several times, I'll try again tomorrow morning. Keep up the great work guys!
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