Smoking is... good?

IceT said:
I wasn't even aware that there was a difference, thanks for the heads up.
There are a couple of differences. One is in marketing and merchandising. Pipe smoking is a niche market, especially for premium brands like Mac Baren. So you have to go to a good tobacconist to find this type, and typically they will have tons of cigars and only a few of the many Mac Baren varieties. There has been some blurring in the US between pipe and cigarette roll your own tobacco because pipe tobacco is taxed at a much lower rate. So some vendors came up with "dual purpose" tobacco that is cut thicker like pipe tobacco but which tastes like a cigarette and can be rolled in papers.

I should take back what I said before. I did a search and it looks like Mac Baren makes Original Choice both as a cigarette cut (maybe outside the US) and also pipe cut. But I wasn't able to find the additive free with an internet seach just the regular Original Choice which is an aromatic. Anyway, "additive free," if it's not organic would have the same problem that started this discussion. The use of phosphate fertilizers not approved for organic farming has more radioactive stuff in it that can be taken up by the tobacco.
Just passing along a shift made for storing tobacco after cutting at home. There are a number of ways to try and keep tobacco from drying out, including adding moisture when needed from different methods.

For long term storage, some people use vacuum type bags, yet this is not great for continuous access. I've used just a glass container with a pop off lid, yet there is always air working against the tobacco. The other day came across a canister used for tea, coffee etc. (they don't mention tobacco), and it seemed to me that this system would be a really good fit for tobacco, and it seems to be working very well. The canister has an inner plunger that drives out air as it is depressed onto the tobacco, and then a lid covers the canister.

Here is the product: _
I know this was mentioned earlier in this thread but I came across some tips to moisten tobacco and thought I would share it again.
Separate out into smaller packets and refrigerate.
Add a piece of apple or orange peel to the pack.
Remember to replace every other day to avoid mould.

After reading about the "organic" A.S. I'm going to try out the Yuma brand.

Some good info on this thread, thanks guys!

I currently use Raw hemp rolling papers and Mascotte organic filters.
It's April Fools today and this little piece of satire is quite remarkable: _
SMOKERS are nearly five times more likely to be eaten by dragons than non-smokers, a new study suggests.

The results are the latest blow to tobacco after a series of recent studies which showed smokers faced a higher risk of being hit by a comet, falling into a hole and being mobbed by bees.

Don't know if it's something in the air that the author picked up unconsciously, but the reference to comets, dragons (think 4D predators), sink holes (window falling?) and bees (from the X-files?) all together is funny. And since it's a stire, one can replace smokers by anti-smoking nazis and get quite an accurate situation :cool2:
mkrnhr said:
It's April Fools today and this little piece of satire is quite remarkable: _
SMOKERS are nearly five times more likely to be eaten by dragons than non-smokers, a new study suggests.

The results are the latest blow to tobacco after a series of recent studies which showed smokers faced a higher risk of being hit by a comet, falling into a hole and being mobbed by bees.

Don't know if it's something in the air that the author picked up unconsciously, but the reference to comets, dragons (think 4D predators), sink holes (window falling?) and bees (from the X-files?) all together is funny. And since it's a stire, one can replace smokers by anti-smoking nazis and get quite an accurate situation :cool2:

Professor Henry Brubaker, research director at the Institute for Studies, said the causal link was as yet unclear, but suggested it was probably to do with flavour.

He said: “Just a few years of smoking 20 a day can add real depth, giving them that oaky richness that dragons find so morish.”

Thank goodness we know that dragons (Lizzies) don't like the taste of smokers! :cool2: :clap:
goyacobol said:
mkrnhr said:
It's April Fools today and this little piece of satire is quite remarkable: _
SMOKERS are nearly five times more likely to be eaten by dragons than non-smokers, a new study suggests.

The results are the latest blow to tobacco after a series of recent studies which showed smokers faced a higher risk of being hit by a comet, falling into a hole and being mobbed by bees.

Don't know if it's something in the air that the author picked up unconsciously, but the reference to comets, dragons (think 4D predators), sink holes (window falling?) and bees (from the X-files?) all together is funny. And since it's a stire, one can replace smokers by anti-smoking nazis and get quite an accurate situation :cool2:

Professor Henry Brubaker, research director at the Institute for Studies, said the causal link was as yet unclear, but suggested it was probably to do with flavour.

He said: “Just a few years of smoking 20 a day can add real depth, giving them that oaky richness that dragons find so morish.”

Thank goodness we know that dragons (Lizzies) don't like the taste of smokers! :cool2: :clap:

So appropriate a satire for April Fool's Day! :lol: :cool2:
A few weeks ago we ordered a years worth of tobacco to stock up. It was 8LB's of raw leaf tobacco and a tobacco shredder from the US. a letter in the post today that customs want to charge me £750 ($1150) tax!

I am unsure what to do as of yet, the current legislation states that raw leaf tobacco is not liable until it has been processed into smokeable form. Kinda freaking out at the minute, really don't have that money to spend. Anyone got any suggestions?
You can appeal the judgement, people have had success doing that. Which US vendor did you order from. Whole Leaf Tobacco will tag the shipment with the proper code for unprocessed tobacco. You also have the option of not accepting the shipment of nothing else works. I can see if I can find anything out on the forum I've frequented because I think it's a hit or miss proposition with UK customs. I also know that people advise not ordering more than 3 pounds at a time. The UK and Canada are concerned about people processing whole leaf and selling it on the black market so large quantities raise a flag.
Mr. Premise said:
You can appeal the judgement, people have had success doing that. Which US vendor did you order from. Whole Leaf Tobacco will tag the shipment with the proper code for unprocessed tobacco. You also have the option of not accepting the shipment of nothing else works. I can see if I can find anything out on the forum I've frequented because I think it's a hit or miss proposition with UK customs. I also know that people advise not ordering more than 3 pounds at a time. The UK and Canada are concerned about people processing whole leaf and selling it on the black market so large quantities raise a flag.
Thanks Mr. Premise.
We ordered from "". I sent an email to them earlier asking what they would advise, they also said to try and appeal. I am unsure of exactly how to do that and how long it will take so I am going to ring up and ask to speak to a supervisor tomorrow at HMRC. Apparently it may be able to get sorted out like that.

It cost $80 to ship one way, so I guess it will cost the same to ship it back. The problem is, the box also contained a tobacco shredder, so I am unsure of whether this can be dealt with :huh: They probably think I am going to sell it.
Mr. Premise said:
Here you go! _

This happened to me, too, Keyhole (different country), and I had to find the correct Tariff's and sure enough they were falsifying their description and had to recant. It can take a bit of time though.

From the link above, hopefully the "Tariff Classification Helpline" will help to sort this out.
Mr. Premise said:
Here you go! _
Cheers for the link Mr. Premise, I have been looking around for advice on various forums but couldn't come up with anything solid. Have just joined and am going to ask the guy about some of the details.
voyageur said:
This happened to me, too, Keyhole (different country), and I had to find the correct Tariff's and sure enough they were falsifying their description and had to recant. It can take a bit of time though.

From the link above, hopefully the "Tariff Classification Helpline" will help to sort this out.

Damn, atleast you sorted out your tobacco in the end. Which country were you importing from? From reading some of the forums, apparently ordering from the US to anywhere other than the US is a bad idea because import tax is applicable. In my case it is an extra £150 + a customs charge of £110 :mad:
Keyhole said:
Damn, atleast you sorted out your tobacco in the end. Which country were you importing from? From reading some of the forums, apparently ordering from the US to anywhere other than the US is a bad idea because import tax is applicable. In my case it is an extra £150 + a customs charge of £110 :mad:

Same as you, the US. Generally, every country (where one resides) has a Tariff import schedule, so with manufactured tobacco it will be at x,y or z import value for quantity and for non-manufactured leaf, it is another value. Perhaps that number listed above may direct you to this alternate schedule and then you can present that and resolve the issue. Maybe sometimes it just comes down to the custom agent themselves doing the inspection, either they don't know and assign a false Tariff value or they are just anti-smoking and messing with you. The UK may have other import laws that are outside the basic Tariff, don't know.

Best of luck.
Does anyone know enough about the facts of smoking to debunk this 'fact sheet' a friend sent me who disproves of my smoking?
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