Smoking is... good?

mugatea said:
Does anyone know enough about the facts of smoking to debunk this 'fact sheet' a friend sent me who disproves of my smoking?
If your friend is not interested in learning, then maybe you can just say thank you for sharing the information or don't respond at all.
Xico said:
Thaigrr said:
It could be the FSC, or possibly the paper or a combination of the two that is affecting you.

I smoke AS cigarette tobacco from a pipe thus avoiding both. Just a pinch in the bowl for a couple of draws is extremely economical.

Imagine a pipe here if you will! :cool2: ;D

yeah I think that could be it, I'm going to stay away from it for a few weeks to see if any changes may appear, after that I will try to smoke with a pipe.

thanks. :cool2:

hello Everyone:

as I mentioned on this post, I had to stop smoking for a bit, well actually did not fully stopped, but I just cut the amount that I used to, from 10 a day to 3 and my symptoms have diminished, I guess it was too much for me... :cool2:
mugatea said:
Does anyone know enough about the facts of smoking to debunk this 'fact sheet' a friend sent me who disproves of my smoking?


I doubt that the energy required to debunk will be of great effect but I will try to give you what I have.

Here is an "older" article on the "The Scientific Scandal of Antismoking" at this site: _

Here is one from 2007 "Researchers Light Up for Nicotine, the Wonder Drug" : _

Another one "How can nicotine be good for me?" _

One on SOTT "5 Health Benefits of Smoking" _

Another SOTT article "Freedom of Association, Smoking and Psychopathy" _

Another SOTT article "Health Benefits of Smoking Tobacco" _

Another SOTT article "New Light on the Black Death: The Viral and Cosmic Connection" _

Another SOTT article "Nicotine - The Zombie Antidote" _

Another SOTT article "Pestilence, the Great Plague and the Tobacco Cure" _

One from Joe Quinn "Comets, plagues, tobacco and the origin of life on earth" _

Here are a quote from the Cs about trusting the "mainstream" medical system:

Session 14 March 1998
A: It IS true that one is wise not to trust bold proclamations from
your "mainstream" medical system
, as these are motivated by
intense STS energy. Also, they have proven to be wrong far more
often than right. It is perhaps wise for one to reserve visits and
consortations with the above mentioned "establishment" to the
instances of physical trauma, and life threatening emergencies, as
this is the "place" for said entities. Chronic conditions and wellness,
prevention, etc., these are the realms of the homeopaths and
Naturopaths, all paths inspired by 4th density STO.

While forum members may be more open to the idea of the benefits of smoking it is not likely many who are not familiar with the bigger picture will "trust" such ideas I think. :( :cool2:
That was a good list you provided, goyacobol, and then there is the book by McFadden 'Dissecting Antismokers' Brains'

goyacobol said:
Here are a quote from the Cs about trusting the "mainstream" medical system:

Session 14 March 1998
A: It IS true that one is wise not to trust bold proclamations from
your "mainstream" medical system
, as these are motivated by
intense STS energy. Also, they have proven to be wrong far more
often than right. It is perhaps wise for one to reserve visits and
consortations with the above mentioned "establishment" to the
instances of physical trauma, and life threatening emergencies, as
this is the "place" for said entities. Chronic conditions and wellness,
prevention, etc., these are the realms of the homeopaths and
Naturopaths, all paths inspired by 4th density STO.

While forum members may be more open to the idea of the benefits of smoking it is not likely many who are not familiar with the bigger picture will "trust" such ideas I think. :( :cool2:

What the C's said concerning "bold proclamations" fits a great many categories. I had not forgotten this above quote, yet it is a good reminder, so thanks for catching it again.
voyageur said:
That was a good list you provided, goyacobol, and then there is the book by McFadden 'Dissecting Antismokers' Brains'

goyacobol said:
Here are a quote from the Cs about trusting the "mainstream" medical system:

Session 14 March 1998
A: It IS true that one is wise not to trust bold proclamations from
your "mainstream" medical system
, as these are motivated by
intense STS energy. Also, they have proven to be wrong far more
often than right. It is perhaps wise for one to reserve visits and
consortations with the above mentioned "establishment" to the
instances of physical trauma, and life threatening emergencies, as
this is the "place" for said entities. Chronic conditions and wellness,
prevention, etc., these are the realms of the homeopaths and
Naturopaths, all paths inspired by 4th density STO.

While forum members may be more open to the idea of the benefits of smoking it is not likely many who are not familiar with the bigger picture will "trust" such ideas I think. :( :cool2:

What the C's said concerning "bold proclamations" fits a great many categories. I had not forgotten this above quote, yet it is a good reminder, so thanks for catching it again.


Thanks for the link I am adding this to my reference collection. I tend to be an information junkie for some strange reason (may Laura, Ark and the Cs?). :huh: :cool2:
Great thanks guys, I am searching on the web too, I'm interested with how stats are collected and what defines a death from smoking and gonna try to find that out, but there are a lot of sites out there which from the search look objective but there not.
goyacobol said:
voyageur said:
That was a good list you provided, goyacobol, and then there is the book by McFadden 'Dissecting Antismokers' Brains'

goyacobol said:
Here are a quote from the Cs about trusting the "mainstream" medical system:

Session 14 March 1998
A: It IS true that one is wise not to trust bold proclamations from
your "mainstream" medical system
, as these are motivated by
intense STS energy. Also, they have proven to be wrong far more
often than right. It is perhaps wise for one to reserve visits and
consortations with the above mentioned "establishment" to the
instances of physical trauma, and life threatening emergencies, as
this is the "place" for said entities. Chronic conditions and wellness,
prevention, etc., these are the realms of the homeopaths and
Naturopaths, all paths inspired by 4th density STO.

While forum members may be more open to the idea of the benefits of smoking it is not likely many who are not familiar with the bigger picture will "trust" such ideas I think. :( :cool2:

What the C's said concerning "bold proclamations" fits a great many categories. I had not forgotten this above quote, yet it is a good reminder, so thanks for catching it again.


Thanks for the link I am adding this to my reference collection. I tend to be an information junkie for some strange reason (may Laura, Ark and the Cs?). :huh: :cool2:
Also here is another one
lainey said:
goyacobol said:
voyageur said:
That was a good list you provided, goyacobol, and then there is the book by McFadden 'Dissecting Antismokers' Brains'

goyacobol said:
Here are a quote from the Cs about trusting the "mainstream" medical system:

Session 14 March 1998
A: It IS true that one is wise not to trust bold proclamations from
your "mainstream" medical system
, as these are motivated by
intense STS energy. Also, they have proven to be wrong far more
often than right. It is perhaps wise for one to reserve visits and
consortations with the above mentioned "establishment" to the
instances of physical trauma, and life threatening emergencies, as
this is the "place" for said entities. Chronic conditions and wellness,
prevention, etc., these are the realms of the homeopaths and
Naturopaths, all paths inspired by 4th density STO.

While forum members may be more open to the idea of the benefits of smoking it is not likely many who are not familiar with the bigger picture will "trust" such ideas I think. :( :cool2:

What the C's said concerning "bold proclamations" fits a great many categories. I had not forgotten this above quote, yet it is a good reminder, so thanks for catching it again.


Thanks for the link I am adding this to my reference collection. I tend to be an information junkie for some strange reason (may Laura, Ark and the Cs?). :huh: :cool2:
Also here is another one


Thanks for that SOTT article! It's a treasure trove of information. And yes, I added it to my collection. I have been aware of the WHO campaign against smokers and this adds even more history and great information. :cool: :cool2:
mugatea said:
Great thanks guys, I am searching on the web too, I'm interested with how stats are collected and what defines a death from smoking and gonna try to find that out, but there are a lot of sites out there which from the search look objective but there not.

And that great video:
SeekinTruth said:
Wow, that's an outrageous customs charge! WHAT a racket! Good luck, Keyhole.

Managed to get in contact and they are cancelling the charge :D all that needs to be paid is £30 which makes me very happy indeed!

Rhiannon said:
loreta said:
Thank you Keyhole!!! I will order next month in Virgin vapors. I wanted organic liquids, absolutely. Even if I continue to be lost in this subject because if they lie with tobacco they also lie with e-cigarettes. That's for sure.


Hi Loreta,

I had ordered a lot from Virgin Vapors and really liked them. I would just say, if at any point you feel any weirdness, like front teeth feeling numb, stop vaping. Just say'n!

I have a confession to make which I have been putting off the last few weeks. Smoking the liquid e-cigarettes has actually been making my throat extremely sore, making my tongue feel numb and has caused me breathing difficulties (wheezing and coughing). I was reluctant to post this here because I think I have been in denial and try to block out whatever negative symptoms I was experiencing mainly because of how much I enjoyd the vaping.

I came across this article my Mercola a few weeks ago and thought it would be important for anyone who vapes to be aware of this :

Electronic Cigarettes Contain Toxic Metal Nanoparticles

After testing the aerosol from a leading manufacturer of electronic cigarettes, it was found to contain metals including tin, copper, nickel and silver, silicate beads and nanoparticles. In some cases, such as in the case of tin particles, the amounts were greater than you might be exposed to from smoking a conventional cigarette. The researchers concluded:3

“Cartomizer aerosol from a leading manufacturer of EC [electronic cigarette] contained metals, silicate beads, and nanoparticles. Poor solder joints appear to have contributed to the presence of tin in the aerosol. In cytotoxicity tests, cartomizer fluid containing tin particles inhibited attachment and survival of hPF [human pulmonary fibroblasts].

Other metals likely came from the wires (copper, nickel, silver) and other metal components used in the cartomizers, while silicate particles appeared to come from the fiberglass wicks.

While the outer fibers filtered out many of the tin particles, significant amounts of tin, other metals, and silicate beads escaped into the aerosol and would result in human exposure, in some cases probably greater than a conventional cigarette user would experience.” [emphasis added]

The effects of toxic metal exposures can range from subtle symptoms to serious diseases. Since metals build up in your body over time, symptoms are often attributed to other causes and people often don't realize that they have been affected by metals until it's too late. Further, once metals build up in your body they can cause irreversible damage.

Why Breathing in Metal Nanoparticles May be Dangerous

Adding to the potential risks are nanoparticles, which, due to their ultramicroscopic size, can easily enter your bloodstream, blood vessels and other body tissues, causing unknown consequences. As written by Sayer Ji, founder of

“One of the unintended, adverse consequences of nanotechnology in general is that by making a substance substantially smaller in size than would occur naturally, or though pre-nanotech production processes, the substance may exhibit significantly higher toxicity when in nanoparticle form.

Contrary to older toxicological risk models, less is more: by reducing a particle's size the technology has now made that substance capable of evading the body's natural defenses more easily, i.e. passing through pores in the skin or mucous membranes, evading immune and detoxification mechanisms that evolved millions of years before the nanotech era.

For example, when nickel particles are reduced in size to the nanometer range (one billionth of a meter wide) they may actually become more toxic to the endocrine system as now they are capable of direct molecular interaction with estrogen receptors in the body, disrupting their normal structure and function. Moreover, breathing these particles into the lungs, along with other metals, ethylene glycol and nicotine produces a chemical concoction exhibiting synergistic toxicity, i.e. the toxicity of the whole is higher than the sum of their parts.”

Article can be found here:_
Great to hear you got that outrageous charge dropped, Keyhole.

I was thinking of getting an e-cig for the rare long air travel occasions, but something kept me suspicious about it, and I never happened to get the time to look into acquiring it. I can handle about 5 or 6 hours of not smoking, as annoying as it can be, as long as I can run out of the airport and smoke one or two ASAP. :cool2:
Psalehesost said:
Perhaps worth mentioning again, there's another alternative for situations where one can't smoke: snus.
I think they have also banned ecigs from planes or are about too and even if it is not banned my friend who frequently flies sayspople assume they are not allowed and are told not to use them.
davey72 said:
Psalehesost said:
Perhaps worth mentioning again, there's another alternative for situations where one can't smoke: snus.
I think they have also banned ecigs from planes or are about too and even if it is not banned my friend who frequently flies sayspople assume they are not allowed and are told not to use them.
It's so ridiculous, just another way to make us utterly miserable on long haul.
Thanks for the post Keyhole, glad you didn't have to pay the outrageous charge. I'm going to share that great info on vaporisers right now, good share!
davey72 said:
Psalehesost said:
Perhaps worth mentioning again, there's another alternative for situations where one can't smoke: snus.
I think they have also banned ecigs from planes or are about too and even if it is not banned my friend who frequently flies sayspople assume they are not allowed and are told not to use them.
They have, but since they don't emit smoke you can use them in the bathrooms. But I like patches for air travel. Put them on and forget about them.
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