I used swedish snus for a while and it worked pretty well. Actually I think I've still got a couple tins in the drawer from the last batch ordered... I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to try snus, as far as I've found it's just tobacco leaves in a little pouch, with some flavoring added depending on what type you get. I think there are types that are unflavored as well. -- swedishsnus.com
Don't try the Camel snus though... those things are nasty, imo, and for the taste of them you might as well shove a cigarette and a peppermint in your mouth together...
Also a word of caution, the "spitless" thing is a bit of a misnomer. You can swallow the juice but for me it made me nauseous if i hadn't eaten anything directly beforehand, so I usually ended up using it just like chew and spitting when I needed to. Outdoors, of course, carrying around a bottle of tobacco spit inside is just gross, imo.