Smoking is... good?


First time caller, I was trying to wade through all the comments but couldn't seem to catch up and decided to jump in. Fascinating discussion, thank you all.

Re: smoking...

I highly recommend if you're going to smoke, roll your own. I smoke a 100-percent additive-free natural tobacco made by American Spirit. For one thing, no additives means a healthier smoke. Having made the switch, I'm convinced I was more "addicted" to the additives than to the tobacco. Just a hunch. All I can is, the "cravings" are much gentler, almost -- but not quite -- a take it or leave it sort of thing.

A $10 pouch (1.41 oz/40g, includes 50 chlorine-free, 100-percent natural flax rolling papers) lasts me 7-8 days (I use more than 50 papers per pouch). And pretty much smoke whenever I want.

I'm smoking LESS. Instead of going through a pack of cigarettes like a bag of potato chips, I roll a smoke, take a few hits, set it down, and it goes out. Fifteen or 30 minutes later, there it is, right where I left it. No more wasted cigarettes.

Less (in fact, hardly any) second-hand smoke (which even as a smoker I find damn annoying).

It SMELLS better. Even non-smokers have said so.

I save and strip the butts. Yes, the tobacco's a little drier, but the taste and satisfaction remains. I can smoke for two days on a film canister of "butt"-tobacco. That's when I feel like I'm really sticking it to the man.

I'm still smoking, but rolling my own has virtually eliminated the urge others may have to bum a cigarette. More money saved.

I'm enjoying it more. Instead of smoking like a mindless drone, I can take a moment and ask myself if I REALLY want another cigarette. Smokers know they smoke a lot of cigarettes they don't really want. It's just a little "too easy" to reach for the pack, shake out a stick, and light up. Now I have to REALLY want a cigarette to take the time to roll one from scratch. Maybe by the end of the day I've stalled on smoking two or three extra cigarettes.

Fact is, I have a lot more respect for tobacco and take a lot of satisfaction from the ritual of rolling my own. Plucking the tobacco to a nice rolling consistency, sprinkling it over the paper just right, making the turn and touching it off with a quick touch of the tongue, trimming and packing the ends. I know, it sounds like a giant pain in the ass (can I say ass?), but you learn to treat the time it takes as part of the sacrament (and pleasure) of smoking. If I'm going out, I'll roll a few in advance. Or not. It's not that big a deal, honestly, the cravings aren't that bad. I won't even bum a manufactured cigarette. That's how inferior they are. I'd rather quit than smoke "store bought."

Bottom line, apropos to the discussion, I've been married 32 years and my wife can't remember the last time I was sick. Personally, I think the 'phlegm' smokers hack up from time to time is filtering out a lot of stuff we don't want in our lungs, like toxic dust particles and chemtrail fall-out.

But, that's just me.
Re: Smoking

Hi Jiggs,

Since there is already a smoking topic, I'll merge yours with it. In the meantime, welcome to the forum. :) We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, and how they found their way here. You can read through the many newbie introductions to get a feel for how others have done it. Thanks.
Re: Smoking... SOS

Dang it. Meant for this to be in the Feb 13 C Session thread. I'm not even sure where this is. Never should have left the bird in charge.
Jiggs said:
Dang it. Meant for this to be in the Feb 13 C Session thread. I'm not even sure where this is. Never should have left the bird in charge.

Well you hadn't posted in that thread. Instead you had created a new topic hence the reason for the merge. If you want to know "where this is" scroll to the top of the page and you can see which category and board this topic belongs, In this example, you will see "Cassiopaea Forum » The Real World » Diet and Health » Post reply ( Re: Smoking is... good? )", which means that this is in the "Real World" category under the "Diet and Health" board in a topic called "Smoking is... good? :)
Divide By Zero said:
I am quite confused why the researchers are focusing on bacteria in tobacco. Hot smoke doesn't seem to be the optimal environment for bacteria to survive into the lungs, maybe Psyche can comment on this. Also, why is it new now... why would the DNA assay test find this now and no mention of it in the past when the article mentions they were using dishes with samples? I'm no doctor or biologist, but my blink of this article makes me feel doubtful.

The majority of bacteria which comprises the human microbiome do not culture, including the L-form (Cell Wall Deficient) types which live and grow within phagocytes and which are suspected to be the root cause of most chronic inflammatory disease:

And bacteria are capable of surviving quite extreme environments:

"In vitro based methods for culturing bacteria have drastically underrepresented the size and diversity of bacterial populations. One environmental sample of human hands found 100 times more species than had previously been detected using purely culture-based methods. Another study which also employed high throughput genomic sequencing discovered high numbers of hydrothermal vent eubacteria on prosthetic hip joints, a species once thought only to persist in the depths of the ocean."
Smoking is not for everyone.
Personally, I love smoking, It tastes great with coffee, and it tastes awful to some who I prefer not to associate with.
And at the end, it gives me the few minutes I require to be alone and regroup without people thinking I am antisocial.
My worst moment was when the law was put in place to not smoke in coffee shops.
Al Today said:
The only thing worse that having no smoke is having NO fire.!.!.!
Man I hate when that happens...

:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:

OMG your totally right! It sucks when that happens! It's always good to have a spare lighter. ;)
EGVG said:
Al Today said:
The only thing worse that having no smoke is having NO fire.!.!.!
Man I hate when that happens...

:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:

OMG your totally right! It sucks when that happens! It's always good to have a spare lighter. ;)
Lighter? a bong fire, darling! :wow:
I'm living in germany and smoke common brands :(
I'm searching for cigarettes with no additives (pure tobacco) and without the bad cigarette paper.

what cigarettes can you recommend and where/how can I get them ?
What do you mean with "bad paper"?

The following brands (and others) offer additive free cigarettes in germany: American Spirit, Pueblo, Manitou, Pepe, Lucky Strike and Yuma. You can get them in every tobacco shop or via internet.

I can recommend the Pueblo or American Spirit cigarettes with burley tobacco, if you like stronger tobacco.
Stranger said:
What do you mean with "bad paper"?

Laura said:
I can get cigs in white paper here. What I'm really interested in is anybody who can find and get the REAL deal: More International with the brown paper. The second choice would be the regular Mores that they sell in the U.S. also in brown paper. The paper is everything.
Pashalis said:
Stranger said:
What do you mean with "bad paper"?

Laura said:
I can get cigs in white paper here. What I'm really interested in is anybody who can find and get the REAL deal: More International with the brown paper. The second choice would be the regular Mores that they sell in the U.S. also in brown paper. The paper is everything.

I never saw cigs with brown paper besides cigars. What material are the made from?

I role my own and use bright brown papers made from hemp without chemical glue but only gum arabicum. Don't you think this would be a good thing?
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