Smoking is... good?

Pete said:
cdh4r said:
Pete said:
I hear ya.. I too just recently found a place online called 'Custom Blends' that grows their own natural organic tobacco and I've started to buy pipe tobacco from them. I had some American Spirits left over so I ordered a couple of flavored pouches and mixed them together and wow is it much better! I think once its gone I'll be giving up on the American Spirits stuff for good although it was probably my fault for buying rolling tobacco for my pipe.

it says that they only ship to folk who live in PA which is a bummer... i live in TN :(

edit: i just read that this only affects ryo and cigarettes. so i'm assuming that they can ship pipe tobacco out of state?
what's your fav pipe tobacco that never leaves you disappointed?

Oops! :-[ Sorry about that cdh4r. I never noticed that. They do seem to be somewhat restricted to only certain states. As far as pipe tobacco goes I've tried their 'Blend A Vanilla Black' and their 'Blend D Chocolate' so far. They come in small pouches so I mixed it up with the AS rolling tobacco I had left in the can. I keep one can at work and one can at home so I ended up using both flavors. I really like em both to be honest. It gives the AS a much smoother taste and even a better smell so I'm not even annoying anyone around me anymore either. Once I finish the AS cans off I have their 'Blend 16' that I'm gonna try.

Custom Blends said:
6 oz bag. An All Natural Additive Free HALFZWARE Shag with nothing to interfere with flavors! Unlike some Halfzware tobaccos that use artificial flavors and chemical preservatives, this is an All Natural blend that relies on the quality of the tobacco for it's unique taste. A Dark Fired leaf combined with select Golden Ripe Virginia tobacco provides a premium European flavor. And unlike most European tobacco this blend works great in your machine, or hand rolled. Like a Bali Shag Halfzware. TOBACCO PRODUCTS FOR PA CUSTOMERS ONLY
I'm not sure what a Bali Shag Halfzware is but for the $23 I'll give it a shot. Worse case I end up mixing it with Vanilla or something! :P

been a while my friend! just to let you know, i've tried around 6 different kinds of pipe tobacco blends on custom blends: Blend U Vanilla, Blend A Vanilla Black, Blend B Danish Pastry, Blend D Chocolate, Blend J, and Blend R Buttered Rum.
my personal favorites would have to be blend J along with the Blend R Buttered Rum as they both had just the right amt of sweetness without being too dominant or too dense. Blend B Danish Pastry was in 3rd and Blend U Vanilla was 4th. they were good but i still preferred Bend J & R. the others were "dark" tobacco and i found that they were rather tooo dense and too dominant for their tastes. but everyone has their preferences :)

happy smoking!


Any smokers here from Oz?

I tried to find "organic" tobacco in Oz, but apart from Cuban cigars there's not much around - and I found these to be expensive and strong flavoured.
Also tried to find tobacco to roll that is additive-free - no luck.
Tried to find imported brands like "American Spirit" in the shops, but no luck there either.
Also Dannemann Moods don't seem to be available - the only website that I found having these are sold out at the moment?

So ... what do you smoke in Oz?
nicklebleu said:

Any smokers here from Oz?

I tried to find "organic" tobacco in Oz, but apart from Cuban cigars there's not much around - and I found these to be expensive and strong flavoured.
Also tried to find tobacco to roll that is additive-free - no luck.
Tried to find imported brands like "American Spirit" in the shops, but no luck there either.
Also Dannemann Moods don't seem to be available - the only website that I found having these are sold out at the moment?

So ... what do you smoke in Oz?

You can now source Manitou Organic cigarettes in Australia. My tobacconist gets them for me. Made in Germany.
cdh4r said:
been a while my friend! just to let you know, i've tried around 6 different kinds of pipe tobacco blends on custom blends: Blend U Vanilla, Blend A Vanilla Black, Blend B Danish Pastry, Blend D Chocolate, Blend J, and Blend R Buttered Rum.
my personal favorites would have to be blend J along with the Blend R Buttered Rum as they both had just the right amt of sweetness without being too dominant or too dense. Blend B Danish Pastry was in 3rd and Blend U Vanilla was 4th. they were good but i still preferred Bend J & R. the others were "dark" tobacco and i found that they were rather tooo dense and too dominant for their tastes. but everyone has their preferences :)

happy smoking!


Wow! You've really been puffin away eh? :P I haven't tried too many of those flavors yet but that Blend #16 (halfzware shag) turned out to be too strong for me so I tried the Blend #35 which is a blend of pure Virginia tobaccos with a dark Brazilian Arapiraca tobacco grown and produced in the north eastern state of Alagoas in Brazil and that turned out to be much better. Even though this one still has the dark Brazilian in it its not that strong but I agree with you and think I'll be trying some lighter blends next time. Either way its still nice to have the added flavor and aroma to the tobacco though so I'll have to try the J and R blends on my next order. Thanks for the tip! ;)
EGVG said:
I've just started to smoke last week, the More cigarettes I bought for Laura, and I'm feeling really good.

I'm trying to lose weight, and smoking actually has helped to lose a few pounds just in one week, combined with exercises and cautious eating. Only thing I hope is that it won't bring me wrinkles, coz I would just drop dead if that happend, still I'm young so I can prevent, right? :D :D

Also it has help me deal with my stress, that was just outta control! Now I'm more calm less reactive and with a good spirit.
And when exercising it has had no effect or make me less strong or affect my physical performance.
So smoking its really good for me, oh I was forgetting, I smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes a day :).


other than smoking, if you give up all cereals and milk you'll be astonished at the amount of weight you can lose - you won't be emaciated, but you will return to your original figure based on your genetic profile (personal experience here) :)

hope that helps
moksha said:
EGVG said:
I've just started to smoke last week, the More cigarettes I bought for Laura, and I'm feeling really good.

I'm trying to lose weight, and smoking actually has helped to lose a few pounds just in one week, combined with exercises and cautious eating. Only thing I hope is that it won't bring me wrinkles, coz I would just drop dead if that happend, still I'm young so I can prevent, right? :D :D

Also it has help me deal with my stress, that was just outta control! Now I'm more calm less reactive and with a good spirit.
And when exercising it has had no effect or make me less strong or affect my physical performance.
So smoking its really good for me, oh I was forgetting, I smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes a day :).


other than smoking, if you give up all cereals and milk you'll be astonished at the amount of weight you can lose - you won't be emaciated, but you will return to your original figure based on your genetic profile (personal experience here) :)

hope that helps

Thanks for responding, I am following the gluten, dairy free diet, but from time to time I fall under the influence and you'll caught me eating yogurt or wheat bread especially when I'm in a hurry and I can't make the bread myself. Since this post I have lost 6 more pounds and I'm feeling great! How you doing?

I gave up cereals & sugar about 6-9 months ago and I've lost almost 8-9 kilos (17-19 pounds)! I still have milk rarely in the form of milk tea or a cheese cake, or cheese sometimes, but just giving up the cereals & sugar has made a tremendous difference. I do still take legumes though, and rice maybe once a week (its hard to change your diet 100% - there are always situations where u just gotta eat whatever or starve)
I had been always struggling with my weight earlier and never could figure out what I was doing wrong, but since this change now I'm a trim 155pounds vs. my earlier weight of nearly 175 (5ft 7in).
In terms of diet my food usually consist of grilled or fried meat, steamed veggies (potatoes sometimes), and at dinner there is usually quinoa and daal (legumes soup) with fried fish - quite yummy for what is supposed to be diet food :lol:

Oh n forgot to mention, started smoking 9months ago as well, so I guess that has helped :) Now at about 6-10 Golden Virginia rollies a day :cool2:
I posted this in another thread but definitely is better in here

I tried a venezuelan chewing snuff called "chimó" which is made of cooked tobacco leaves with molasses and with a natural salt found in a lagoon (sodium carbonate), is not really a chewing tobacco is more as a tobacco paste to lick as liquirizia) to difference to another person who said that you don't need to spit, I disagree, it is necessary to do it because you can get an overdose at least you have a lot of time consuming tobacco and you are accustomed. The fact is that I felt a little bit strange ( I think is normal) but what I don't know whether it is normal or not was that I got some itchy hand. On the other hand I read a study made in my country about the effects of this kind of chewing tobacco in the gums and it shows after 20 weeks gums alterations in mice and now I have fear to continue using it. Here I put the study (spanish)

I don't know if it is due to this kind of tobacco, but the fact is that I am avoiding the smoked way because chimo is very cheap and practical (no odors).



Chimó is a tobacco derivative used in Venezuela containing nicotine. Its harmlessness has been questionated due to potential damages on periodontal tissues. Aim of present research was to study histological alterations that chimó could causes on periodontal tissues in Wistar rats. Twelve male Wistar rats were selected, 12 were the control group and 12 the experimental one. Control group received physiologic solution and the experimental one received chimó in a dosage of 18g/5cc (chimó/physiologic solution) to both groups by topical via (rubbing). Application frequency: three days/week during 20 weeks. In control group there was not changes. Experimental group showed Orthokeratosis (54 %), slight epithelial dysplasia (45 %), granulocytes, hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, fibrosis, and stroma collagen disease and chronic inflammation (19 %), and a moderate dysplasia (10 %). We conclude that histological changes seen are directly related to chimó exposure time.
well I don't know about.chimo but from what I've seen of my dad chewing tobacco, it definitely has a bad effect in the gums and teeth. after about 30 years taking that stuff his gums are practically black and teethin very had shape. just thought I'd mention this. Cheers
Hello, I recently came across this article. It's both interesting and outraging. Now, I am not sure if it can be downloaded...


Here's the abstract:

This study examined perceptions of male and female models depicted smoking or not smoking cigarettes. Undergraduate students viewed photographs of smoking or nonsmoking models and then rated the models' credibility, homophily, attractiveness, likeability, considerateness, cleanliness, and healthiness. Analysis indicated that being viewed as a cigarette smoker damaged people's images. With the exception of two dimensions of credibility, smokers, compared to nonsmokers, were rated less favorably on every variable examined in this study. These results are discussed.

Personally, I've started smoking about 5 years ago, and since two years I am a full time smoker. Right now, I smoke Natural American Spirit. Sometimes it's hard to get it in Glasgow.
I want to consult you about this: few days ago a friend that smoking cigarettes had a surgery and he nearly drowns on waking up from anesthesia, first because he had a reduced lung capacity, despite doing special exercises a special few days before the surgery, and the other was that he had too much phlegm and they had to aspirate it in order to he could breathe normally. This mucus was not evident. He have as one year taken NAC, ALA, vitamin C, but I thought that NAC (1200 mg/day) would have prevented the large accumulation of phlegm but it seems it was not. How do you do to prevent this accumulation of phlegm and have a good lung capacity? I guess the EE breathing program helps a lot, but there is something further that can be done?
I'm still deciding whether or not to smoke and have tried a kind of snuff chew and without swallowing even a little bit I feel that my stomach burns, it is immediate! I think that makes me produce hyperacidity, any of you feel that?
I start to make rollies with Mullingar's Golden Virginia tobacco. Taste smooth and mild, having no coughing problems or headaches with it, no need for the filter usage.

What do you think about this brand?
I just found something scary: UK; Tobacco displays to be banned from shops by 2012

Instead, cigarettes and other products will have to be kept under-the-counter from 2012 for large stores and 2015 for small shops, ministers have announced.

A consultation will also be launched on whether manufacturers should be forced to put cigarettes into plain packets.
End Quote

more on:

Is this serious step to the: "smoking tobacco=criminal=drug abuse" public madness. I'm not a criminal, I'm smoker :cry:
Galaxia2002 said:
I want to consult you about this: few days ago a friend that smoking cigarettes had a surgery and he nearly drowns on waking up from anesthesia, first because he had a reduced lung capacity, despite doing special exercises a special few days before the surgery, and the other was that he had too much phlegm and they had to aspirate it in order to he could breathe normally. This mucus was not evident. He have as one year taken NAC, ALA, vitamin C, but I thought that NAC (1200 mg/day) would have prevented the large accumulation of phlegm but it seems it was not. How do you do to prevent this accumulation of phlegm and have a good lung capacity? I guess the EE breathing program helps a lot, but there is something further that can be done?
I'm still deciding whether or not to smoke and have tried a kind of snuff chew and without swallowing even a little bit I feel that my stomach burns, it is immediate! I think that makes me produce hyperacidity, any of you feel that?

hi galaxia, to decide whether or not to smoke, the best way is to listen to your body, if you have adverse reactions then it should be pretty clear I think. as the Cs said, its not good for everyone, only those with a genetic tendency will have the urge for it.
or as Laura said, another way to check is to see if you can stop smoking. I know i cant, its just too good, but that's just me :)
hope that helps
I was a smoker for 25 years, stopped for some years and restarted after reading what the C.´s and Laura said about smoking. I really enjoy smoking again. It nourishes me. Thinking goes better with it. I smoke pipe and selfroled American Spirit tobacco. But lately I noticed that my tongue started burning, even with different tobaccos. Not only burning but tiny little "cracks" appeared on my tongue that feel unpleasant. Does anybody know what that means and what to do with it? I don't want to stop smoking.
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