Something is OFF...

Just wanted to add another observation here. I am subscribed to Dr. Andy Roark. He is a veterinarian. And it isn't the first time he is talking about a hard situation vets finds themselves in during the corona time. They are swamped and under a serious stress. But in this video he talks about a rise in people's nastiness, which is very apparent. You can also see that some of the nastiness comes from the fact that people need to wear masks. But it appears to be only one part of the picture. Basically, it's a good example that there is a real rise of unstable behavior.

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Two weeks ago, one day I was angry for no reason. I am 53 not really been angry since I was a child til then. It was really a bizarre experience. Last night I couldn't sleep from anxiety. Again no reason for it.

I don't know if anyone else it experiencing this, but other than those two times the past couple of months I am just been blissful. I am constantly humming and just been happy and content as a clam. I see all this stuff going on in the news, but it just seems like it is silly. Occasionally something in the news will bother me a bit, but doesn't upset me for long before I just running around happy again. Sometimes I think I am losing my mind being happy and content while everyone around me is running around in fear. Anyone else having the same experience?
I've seen professional engineers need to be reiterated three or four times on what they need to do because they turn in something that is incomplete or not related to what the original request was. In one case we asked an engineer to put his stamp on an unstamped document he approved and he made a special trip out to stamp the document only to discover he never brought the stamp. Then there was the time we had to get some parts to fix some equipment and the mechanic showed up without all of the parts. Then the second mechanic "fixed" the wrong part. The third mechanic fixed the part that was supposed to be fixed the first time and then broke the part the the second mechanic supposedly fixed. Ultimately, the first mechanic showed up again with all of the parts and resolved the issue. In another instance, a truck was sitting at a shop for a couple of weeks waiting for a part. The shop manager had to be reminded twice before he ordered the part. Then after the part came in they refused to work on it because there was a lingering smell of garbage in the cab which they believed constituted a covid risk. We picked up the truck and scrubbed it down with ammonia, after which point they finally worked on it. Finance people seem to be looking for reasons to decline purchase requests based on very legalistic interpretations of bureaucratic regulations that never mattered before, increasing the amount of redundant paperwork which needs to be done. There also seems to have been some type of push to diversify the HR department because everyone working there was white, which led to the hiring on of a couple minorities and some kind of kerfuffle resulted, however I'm not privy to the details of that one.
I'm wondering if these mistakes aren't an effect of oxygen deprivation caused by mask wearing? People are obviously not at their best and not thinking as clearly as they should under those circumstances. The rest is caused by fear.
Yes, agreed too. Today I really struggled to do the meditation and was a bit wired where usually I feel quite relaxed. I went for a walk at the beach instead. Stay safe everyone and lets keep doing the work. I'm very grateful for this group.
I don't know if anyone else it experiencing this, but other than those two times the past couple of months I am just been blissful. I am constantly humming and just been happy and content as a clam. I see all this stuff going on in the news, but it just seems like it is silly. Occasionally something in the news will bother me a bit, but doesn't upset me for long before I just running around happy again. Sometimes I think I am losing my mind being happy and content while everyone around me is running around in fear. Anyone else having the same experience?

Yes, in between the dark periods where it has gotten bad, there are periods of contentment. I suppose it helps to not let it get you too down, while still noting that it's happening. I guess there is an adjustment to it. I mean, it's been a long time now and we've made new memories in this reality: doing our normal routines, celebrating birthdays, etc. But I'm thinking that for whatever normality remains, it's guaranteed to change in the near future. So it seems a matter of adjusting one's rudder out on the stormy seas.
I seem to recall the C's recently advising we deal with our stuff pronto, talking about the things which are bothering us. Confronting people and airing out grievances and such.

My guess is that a Hyper Kinetic Sensate simply doesn't allow for the burying of resentment and hiding from uncomfortable truths as viable coping mechanisms anymore; the world is bursting to express and respond to your emotional and subconscious state!

I'm guessing that introverts will have to explore some interesting ways to deal; I have a hard time believing that a whole swath of folks are doomed to missing out on the change parade simply because of their need for alone time, but rather they'll discover new ways of moving through life. (Notwithstanding all those people who are simply going to continue melting down!)
I seem to recall the C's recently advising we deal with our stuff pronto, talking about the things which are bothering us. Confronting people and airing out grievances and such.

My guess is that a Hyper Kinetic Sensate simply doesn't allow for the burying of resentment and hiding from uncomfortable truths as viable coping mechanisms anymore; the world is bursting to express and respond to your emotional and subconscious state!

I'm guessing that introverts will have to explore some interesting ways to deal; I have a hard time believing that a whole swath of folks are doomed to missing out on the change parade simply because of their need for alone time, but rather they'll discover new ways of moving through life. (Notwithstanding all those people who are simply going to continue melting down!)

Well as an introvert my experience has been that it is normal life but turned all the way up to eleven. I rarely get angry but became utterly enraged at the imposition of draconian measures against the so-called pandemic at one point. I was frightened that I was going to have a stroke or aneurism and had to consciously disengage from following it all for a few days to calm down. Now, I am pretty much living as I usually do without any real dramas but then I am very much a homebody anyway. I am fortunate, however, in that I had worked through a lot of my own issues before I even became aware of this forum and 'the work'. Although I have to say that since encountering Laura's work I have managed to work through a lot more especially since I started doing E.E. regularly. At the moment I am going through some changes which I am still trying to understand which may be due to recently receiving my C crystals. We are certainly living in interesting times! Everyone's response to Hyper Kinetic Sensate is likely to be individual I would imagine but I wonder if introverts may have an easier time of it than extroverts because they are more comfortable with self-reflection and their 'inner life'. That may just be projection on my part though. Ultimately I can only speak for myself.
There is a scene in one of the starwars movies, which may be helpful.

It is a laser sword fight between two Jedi and a sid.

Later, one of the Jedi and the Sid are caught in a force field.

The Jedi tries to calm down and prepare for the fight.

The sid fuels his fury and impatient does not stop hitting the force field, wanting to resume the fight.

One is STO, the other STS.

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.

Yep, but one is a movie, and by the way sci fi movie and another is reality that tends to ground you a "bit" more.
Since we obviously at one point in no-time decided with our free will to be here in a body to learn why not deciding in such a situation to leave that body?
I wonder where on a scale between STS and STO such an act would be and if it would be beneficial for the soul.
Would it be beneficial for the soul if the intention is to avoid soul smashing?
Or is it like sulling at the universe for believing that your free will isn't worth much?
Is there a great opportunity for growth by learning to not have the soul smashed but even nutured under difficult circumstances?

I do not think it works like that, everything is benificial for the soul when you look at it in the end if you learned something, if someone made the choice he made it. Could someone have learned more? there is always possibility to learn more, nobody is the same so there is a lot of different choices, not all had or have same experiences-some had it enough, there is always possibility for different choice and to learn more, there is no right or wrong choice in this manner, what I got an impression is that what if I made a choice there is going to be some punishment or judgment but on that level I do not think it works like that but is a result of that 3D programming.
I seem to recall the C's recently advising we deal with our stuff pronto, talking about the things which are bothering us. Confronting people and airing out grievances and such.

My guess is that a Hyper Kinetic Sensate simply doesn't allow for the burying of resentment and hiding from uncomfortable truths as viable coping mechanisms anymore; the world is bursting to express and respond to your emotional and subconscious state!

I'm guessing that introverts will have to explore some interesting ways to deal; I have a hard time believing that a whole swath of folks are doomed to missing out on the change parade simply because of their need for alone time, but rather they'll discover new ways of moving through life. (Notwithstanding all those people who are simply going to continue melting down!)

I agree that taking care of our issues and working on ourselves is of utmost importance right now. However, I think that introverts have already figured out ways to deal with things, if they are self aware. Likewise for self aware extroverts. Being an introvert does not mean being a hermit and hiding from the world.

There are quiet extroverts and outgoing introverts and the whole thing just confused me. I was in therapy at the time for dealing with CPTSD and asked my therapist what it meant to be an extrovert or an introvert. She broke it down very simply to extroverts recharge their "batteries" by being around people and introverts recharge their "batteries" by quiet and solitude. Now, how introverts or extroverts deal with their issues is a completely different matter.

The lockdowns didn't effect me too terribly because I am a home body and fortunately continued working. A very good friend and a huge extrovert, just panicked. I felt for her because I know she needs to be around people and wasn't working so I encouraged her to have zoom meetings with her friends. She's doing better now that the lockdown has lifted somewhat in California, but the meetings did help.
In some other post of another thread I have commented that I call them "accelerations".

It usually lasts a minute or two, sometimes several times, but in short periods.

This morning I have noticed "acceleration" (feeling nauseous from dizziness) for almost three hours.

Also I was working and it was not a quiet morning at all ...
My son (10 yrs old) often experiences something he calls fast forwards. I wonder if they are similar?
I remember when I was a child I also used to get them and then I seemed to grow out of them.
It was where everything was going fast for just a minute or so. Is that what you mean?
I have another strange feeling to report in the last few days.
It happened to me the other day when we were water skiing and it was as if I was inside a movie reel or something (hard to explain).
I was skiing behind the boat and having fun whilst at the same time wondering how I was actually doing it because I was in this fast forward experience and felt like I was flying.
I asked my husband afterwards if we were going faster than usual but apparently not.
It was like everything was really crisp and I couldn’t actually feel the movement of the water beneath me but was capable of doing things super fast.
Then today we were driving through Bush land (we live remote) and I had the same feeling, like I was driving on the road normally but the trees and sky were pulsating and super green. I asked my son if he noticed the same but he didn’t although he did remind me that he often sees things in fast forwards but not in that moment.
I’m not sure if it’s in my imagination or if things are actually happening so I’ll just go along for the ride.
I al
Ear ringing and tones

I've been getting them in great intensity since 2016 when I started spinning. I get them on both sides, I get it on one side or the other, they don't stop. I can get one shot at me when I'm relaxing and not engaging with anything. I can get one when I'm about to get blind sided by a bird, or when I'm taking a corner and someone is there. I get them when something happens / when nothing happens.

Recently, they are relentless, and I feel the more intense they become, the more mindful I should be of my posture, my heart rate, my surroundings, and in a serene way as I breathe, not in some twitchy paranoid darting around, clutching my pendant and whispering prayers, but in a way of folding oneself if that makes sense, so you don't unravel and get knotted up. A methodical check list of being prepared to act in a way that is in accordance with your best interest and the interests of your loved ones, etc.

Also, as you do this... ignore the damn ear ringing. It's kinda mindless and you won't make sense of it yet. I'm sure we will or might be beginning to, but it just sounds like someone's holding a cell phone in my inner ear, or an antennae. It doesn't seem useful.
i also get the ear ringing and more so lately. It happened last night when I was trying to go to sleep following a power outage so I put a silk scarf over my head and wallah - no more ear ringing. Today I purchased silk bedding and will from now carry around my silk scarf. I remember the C’s saying in a few conversations that silk protects and now, having bought silk in the past but not really felt the benefits, maybe it’s time to bring it out
My son (10 yrs old) often experiences something he calls fast forwards. I wonder if they are similar?
I remember when I was a child I also used to get them and then I seemed to grow out of them.
It was where everything was going fast for just a minute or so. Is that what you mean?
Actually, the one who goes a little faster is me.

That is, the world or time is slowing down.

Perhaps it is an increase in perception or awareness.

The first time I stepped on it was in the presence of two "peculiar" people that I perceived as "good". In fact it seemed to me that they were trying to help me.

So I don't worry when it happens to me.

I try to learn...

Like all of us.;-)
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