SOTT worthy articles in French

I added the "The article published by Sott does not say that fetal tissues used in vaccines are dangerous. The article raises the ethical question of this use." sentence ahead at the level of the FB Sott publication of the article. We'll see if that changes anything...


J'ai ajouté la phrase "L'article publié par Sott ne dit pas que les tissus foetaux utilisés par les vaccins sont dangereux. L'article pose la question éthique de cet usage." au niveau de la publication de l'article sur la page FB de Sott. Nous verrons si cela change quelque chose...
Je ne sais où le mettre mais ça peut-être intéressant... A vous de juger...
Syrie : La découverte fortuite de lignes gravées dans les rochers d'une ancienne tombe dans ce qui est maintenant le plateau du Golan occupé par Israël pourrait offrir un nouvel aperçu d'une culture énigmatique qui a prospéré il y a des milliers d'années.

I don't know where to put it, but it might be interesting... It's up to you to judge ...
Syria: The chance discovery of lines carved into the rocks of an ancient tomb in what is now the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights may offer new insights into an enigmatic culture that flourished thousands of years ago.

A series of video interview with a genetician, about the French bioethics project of law :

A mainstream journal article about it :
An interview with Alexandra Caude-Henrion, geneticist about the new bioethics law in the process of being passed.

In this third, it's still about this bioethics law, but with an intermede about covid, and it's good to hear another doctor talking about the "insanity" of wearing a mask in all-time et circumstances.
[QUOTE = "Maat, message: 884259, membre: 4383"]
Entretien avec Alexandra Caude-Henrion, généticienne sur la nouvelle loi de bioéthique en cours d'adoption.

[MEDIA = youtube] tH6qwnxk2lE [/ MEDIA]

[MEDIA = youtube] QB1to2QPgU4 [/ MEDIA]

[MEDIA = youtube] cNkjxThU4lg [/ MEDIA]

Dans ce troisième, il s'agit toujours de cette loi de bioéthique, mais avec un intermède sur le covid, et il est bon d'entendre un autre médecin parler de la "folie" de porter un masque dans tous les temps et circonstances.

merci pour l'information, c'est vraiment fou ...

SOTT Fr republished an article about explosions in Beirut (Beyrouth) harbor.

About this event with some strange facts, here is a small article by Voltaire network :

And about the disastrous economic situation in Lebanon, here is an article by Thierry Meyssan :
About this event with some strange facts, here is a small article by Voltaire network :
On the subject of the AZF explosion in Toulouse, the C's declared the following in the session of September 7, 2013 :
(Kniall) My question goes back to the topic of chemical plants: The AZF chemical plant that exploded in Toulouse, was that the result of an overhead explosion?

A: No.

Q: (Ailen) Was it a warning to Chirac?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval)Was it a bomb planted by someone?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval)Like Mossad or someone?

A: Yes.

Q: (Belibaste)Dropped from a helicopter? {laughter}

A: Who knows!?

Q: (L) I mean, is it important how a bomb got put in there? (Belibaste)Well, there were people seeing two helicopters in the sky just before the explosion. (L) Oh. (Belibaste)Some assumed that they dropped the bomb. (L) I would think it would be more like somebody getting close and pushing a button on a detonator. (Belibaste)But there is this expert who analyzed the shockwaves and deduced that of the two explosions, one was on the ground but the first explosion occurred 3.5 kilometers above the ground. (L) That's bizarre.
Surprising, isn't it!?

Another article about Beirut explosion, written by Thierry Meyssan (who lives in Syria and knows well Lebanon) :
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