Speculations about the Comet 17P/Holmes

Is the implication that comets are electrically attracted to substances within earth or planet core? Positive/negative? Is humanity part of an electrical conductive system? If comet core is metal, is it being attracted to common alloy within the planet? The 7.7 earthquake epicenter today was located in a copper mine in northern Chile. As above, so below?
Looking up cobalt and nickel, I found:

_http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nickel (Look at Isotopes section)

See also: Nickel Cobalt Magnet (google)

"AlNiCo Aluminum-Nickel-Cobalt Magnet is high-energy permanent magnet,
which posses high flux density, high coercive, high energy product and
extreme stability for temperature changes.It exhibits good resistance to
demagnetization, stability in high temperatures and excellent conduction,
as well as allow unique design with following characteristics: [...]

There are many alloys that are used as Samarium, Boron, and others as the list shows
but the fundamental two elements are Cobalt and Nickel.

So the combination of both maybe with other "stuff" makes it highly magnetic material
such that it can draw energy or alter the magnetosphere of Earth and/or the planets?

So, perhaps Cobalt and molten Nickel with "other stuff" may interact with the
energy from the Sun, the vacuum of space and the surrounding planets? Will
there be an "explosive" radioactive burst of gamma rays? Isn't that what might
be happening with the comet currently or will happen, soon to come? Note that
radioactive half-life of 60Co is 5.27 years so that means an underground bunker
with stockpiles to last at least that long for the 6% living there? It also says:
"After fifteen to twenty years, the 60Co radiation would decrease by a factor of
eight to sixteen, presumably making the area habitable again. The 60Co would
have decayed to stable, and thus harmless, 60Ni." Ah, there is that
60Ni = radioactive Nickel...

I wonder if anyone had measured any gamma rays from the comet "expansion"?

Anyway, what about neutron bombardment of Co and/or Ni in space? Isn't there a LOT of
neutrons flying around in (vacuum of) space and would that "set off the radioactive "bomb"?

I also tried to find information about neutron sources generated in space:
_http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/ApJ/journal/issues/ApJL/v464n1/5538/5538.html (Solar Flares?)

We also know that neutrons (Cosmic Rays) causes havoc with non-RAD hardened electronic chips:
(I recall several SOTT postings (I think) with cars "mysteriously" shutting down or computers suddenly
die... and I have read about military "weapons" to do the same. It was proposed once by a representative
of the house to make these devices available to law enforcement as well. But this is off topic I think.)

If so, maybe this is the time to "get out the lawn chairs and watch the fireworks"?

soulsurvivor said:
Is the implication that comets are electrically attracted to substances within earth or planet core? Positive/negative? Is humanity part of an electrical conductive system? If comet core is metal, is it being attracted to common alloy within the planet? The 7.7 earthquake epicenter today was located in a copper mine in northern Chile. As above, so below?
The hypothesis is that if not all comets are dirty snowballs ( some comet cores may be electrically conductive and/or magnetic ), then it is possible for them to interact electromagnetically when coming into contact with some magnetic fields ( Solar CME's, plasmasphere, ionosphere, magnetosphere of planets). The result could be the electrically charging or discharging of one or other of the objects. What the implications of that are is not entirely known. An increased electrical charge on the comet, generating its own plasma field? A snapback discharge from a comet to a planet?? Other energetic effects, static charge, gravitational??? Perhaps energetic effects that are of some other form.

It doesn't necessarily mean 'electrically attracted to substances within earth or planet core'. A satellite flying through the Earth's plasma field or magnetoshpere can build up a charge of 30 volts on its outer shell. The magnetosphere is however due to the electromagnetic field of the planet/planet's core. Now imagine if a comet such as this one came within just a couple million miles of the earth and a large CME event took place extending the Earth's magnetotail several million miles into space. If the comet passed through the magnetotail there could very well be an electrical interaction from the comet back to earth (magnetotail already has this anyway), but know we have a little generator feeding it. The results could be very interesting. Maybe we could get huge auroral activity planet wide. It could possibly feed charge into the ionosphere.

You seem to be kind of out in left field with the projective statements. ie. there are hundreds of copper mines, iron mines, gold mines, ... Your vague cause and effect projections are just that.
Comet Holmes' spectral sampling:

christx11 said:
Well this sounds pretty plausible to me. Especially with the planets having their magnetosphere distorted by Solar Storms CMEs. It would seem that a planet's ionosphere/magnetosphere could come into contact with a comet's core rather easily and if the comet is itself magnetic then there could very well be some kind of electrical charging going on.
This might be a bit of a reach, but it brings to mind the possibility that, if this has happened in the past, some sort of electric interaction could even explain the 'ruts' in Malta? http://www.cassiopaea.com/cassiopaea/adventures247.htm

Laura in Adventure Series said:
As noted, archaeologists explain the cart ruts by saying that they are evidence of the transporting of the blocks used to build the "temples." But, we see from our descriptions of the cart ruts above, that the idea that these grooves in the ground are really cart ruts runs into serious problems. Any effort to explain them in this way falls apart if an engineer instead of an archaeologist looks at them. In fact, in my humble opinion, archaeologists ought to be required to have a degree in engineering before they are allowed to say a single word about anything. In the end, no one seems to have a single rational explanation for these "cart ruts." One of the great mysteries on the planet, and nobody seems to care. What a waste.

Do I have an idea to propose? Of course I do. I wouldn't be writing about it if I didn't. I would like to suggest that these "ruts" look an awful lot like places where lightning has struck, and the electricity has blasted away the dirt and rock as it shoots along some sort of natural earth power grid conductor. The only difference is that the cart ruts are not random. That suggests that there was something present in the ground laid out in a definite grid, which acted as a conductor. Were the cart ruts some sort of networked energy conduction system? Could some sort of element have been placed in the ground by an ancient civilization; something that that conducted power to their homes the way our vulgar power poles and lines criss-cross the landscape? And then, at some point in time, was the earth hit by such a surge of energy from some unknown source that these power "lines" melted the rock in which they were "strung?" Perhaps a surge of some kind of cosmic energy source? Maybe even the Electromagnetic pulse of a nuclear explosion? Maybe it was neither of these, but merely a massive overheating of the surface of the earth so that the conduction element and its insulating covering melted and was swept away?
I discovered some other sites through _http://www.thunderbolts.info which I think are highly interesting, so thank you Laura for posting that link. I found out that it was posted before but I missed it. Also, I think I have actually found your nickel, but let me start with what the C's said about space, then post some interesting information from other sources, and save the best for last.

A piece of transcript you posted in post #1, note the parts I emphasized:

19 June 1999 said:
A: Bolts charge between positive and negative ions. What is the sun's
atomic structure vis a vis its "children?"

Q: (L) I guess the sun is positive and its children are negative, right?

A: We have a physicist present, yes?

Q: (L to A) Is the sun positive or negative? In an atom, what is the
charge of the nucleus? (A to L) The question is: what is plasma coming from
the sun? Electrons. Then what remains is positive. (L) So the sun is
positive, and, since the electrons flow out toward the planets, then the
planets must be negative, right? (A) That's a possibility.

A: Research this for definitive answers to your question. What about the
positive/negative ratio between earth's ionosphere and possible passing

Q: (L) Well, that's what I was asking. These fellows claim that there
will be discharges either between the sun and the comet, or the comet and
the planets, or the planets and the planets, or the sun and the planets...
all the bases are covered!

A: No they have not. What about the "vacuum" of space?

Q: (L) Are you saying that this electrical discharge can't create visible
bolts of lightning because of the vacuum conditions of space?

A: No we are not. We are posing a question in order to stimulate
intellectual debate and inquiry. Learning is fun, after all!

Q: (A) I want to ask about the 'plasma theory of comets' which the
Millennium Group are promoting.

A: The plasma theory is correct, when certain factors are present. Could
it have something to do with the composition of the object in question?

Q: (A) This is exactly the question. The object in question is the comet,
and the question is: what is its composition, is it a dirty snowball, or is
it a charged object that collects particles on its way like the 'vacuum
cleaner' model?

A: Nickel?

Q: (L) So the composition of this particular comet is nickel? A: No, we
are almost desparately trying to "jump start" your intellectual capacities.
Remember, this is a group effort here. Not a series of questions from the
meek and helpless to the Lord High Commander!!

Q: It seems that they are desperately trying to tell us something without
violating free will, but we have to participate in order to receive it.

A: Yes.

Q: (A) I just want to know about this particular comet?

A: Nickel?

Q: (L) What do we know about nickel? (A) There are all kinds of things
about nickel. It is a metal. The question is whether nickel has anything
to do with this particular comet.

A: If it does, it could be vital.

Q: (A) What is the composition of this comet?

A: Most comets are indeed "dirty snowballs," composed largely of water ice
and particulate matter. But, some are more like fast moving asteroids
caught up in an orbital plane. Your "Millennium Group" is maybe just a bit
too one-side-or-the-otherish at this point. Thus, a spectral analysis of
this object is in order before one assumes it to be a cosmic vacuum cleaner.

Q: (A) I guess from this that, even if these guys can be in some cases
correct, this comet, after analyzing, will prove to be just an ordinary
dirty snowball. That is my guess.

A: No guessing allowed!

Q: (L) These guys say that they have repeatedly ask to get some data on
this comet from the various government sources who have the capacity to do
such analyses, simply have not been forthcoming with this information as
though they have something to hide.

A: They are not the only ones who can analyze.

Q: (L) Then, I guess we need to find somebody who has done a spectral
analysis. Find out who can do this. (A) It requires special equipment...
(L) Is there something about this comet business that you want to convey to
us so that we need to keep on it until we get to the right question?

A: You need to "keep on" a lot of things.

Q: (L) That's what I mean. If there is nothing crucial about this at the
moment, if spectral analysis is what we need to find and you are not going
to tell us what it is composed of... ARE you going to tell us? What is it
composed of? Or do we have to do a spectral analysis and find out on our

A: Have we not already indicated? Knowledge is power. If we give it to
you like Halloween candy, it is diffused.

Q: (L) You said that the primary composition of this comet is nickel?

A: No, we said "nickel?"

Q: (L) What does 'nickel' mean? (A) It's a shiny metal. (L) A coin, a
five cent piece...

A: What does molten nickel look like against the backdrop of space?

Q: (A) It would look like silver... (L) Would it have a color? (A) I
don't think so.

A: Does it conduct electricity? Is it magnetic?

Q: (A) Yes, it can conduct, but its not magnetic. Why 'molten?'

A: What about the "tail" of such an object coming into contact with the

Q: (L) Oh. I think I get it. The Nostradamus thing about a great
comet's tail or something... let me look it up:

After great trouble for humanity, a greater one is prepared
The Great Mover renews the ages:
Rain, blood, milk, famine, steel and plague,
In the heavens fire seen, a long spark running.

[This sounds kinda like this current comet.]

This one is supposed to refer to something that occurs at the turn of the
Millennium... is this what we are getting at here? Something that will
look like a 'long spark running' which then comes in contact with the
ionosphere which may exchage potentials with the earth by virtue of this
conducting, molten nickel tail? Yes????? Is that good?

A: Ask Arkadiusz.

Q: (L) Well, honey... am I on to something here? (A) The point is that this
comet is in space. Space is rather cold, so the question is: what would
make nickel molten? (L) Well, it will be close to the sun! That will heat
it up! (A) This particular comet is not going to come close enough to the
sun to melt it! (L) Well then, how can the nickel be molten???

A: What about flares?

Q: (L) That's it! A bodacious solar flare! And, combined with the
bodacious solar flare is a change of trajectory because of its accumulation
of matter... so that it is closer to the sun ... (A) But it is not coming
close enough to the sun to be caught in a solar flare!

A: Is nickel magnetic?

Q: (L) No. What does it mean to this subject that a nickel is not magnetic?

A: Does nickel have a companion?

Q: A) Well, when we say a 'companion,' it means another metal in the same
family in the Mendeleev Table. I believe that cobalt and Nickel are in the
same family, but I will have to check...

A: And cobalt is invisible in the good old vacuum of space, but not

Q: L) Does that mean it will attract cobalt?

A: No, cobalt will attract.

Q: L) The cobalt will attract flares... electromagnetic phenomena...

A: Et al.

Q: (L) I see.
This guys view on the "good old vacuum of space" is startlingly interesting:
From _http://www.plasmacosmology.net/

Plasma Cosmology

This web site aims to provide an introduction to the emerging Plasma Universe paradigm, and to explore some of the many profound implications.

Mainstream science, for the most part, looks on the universe as electrically neutral and purely mechanical; a place where the weak force of gravity holds fort. Plasma Cosmology, by contrast, acknowledges the electrodynamic nature of the universe. Gravity and inertia are NOT the only forces at work.

The history of science, of course, is fraught with controversy, and it is important to bear in mind that the situation today is little different.

"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." Max Planck

What is Plasma?

Plasma is the fourth state of matter. It differs from solids, liquids and gases in so far as it's atoms are divided into free-floating 'negative' electrons and 'positive' ions (an atom which has lost its electron/s). It is sometimes referred to as an ionized gas.

Students are generally taught about only three states of matter, and when Plasma does get a mention, little importance is assigned. Not only should plasma be added to the list, but the order should be reversed to put it in first place. The reasons for this will become clear.

The term Plasma was borrowed from blood plasma in order to describe its almost like-like and self-organising properties.

Plasma sometimes emits light when under the excitation of electrical and magnetic fields. Polar auroras bear witness to this fact.
Polar aurora

Where is it?

Plasma is almost everywhere. At least ninety-nine percent of the known universe is, in fact, matter in its plasma state! The Sun is a giant ball of plasma.

Plasma in space consists entirely of ions and electrons, and is thus very energetic or 'hot'. Only when cooled does it form the matter to which we are familiar here on Earth: solids, liquids, and gases.

Because plasma remains electrically charged in space, it is influenced more by electromagnetic forces than gravity. In fact space, once considered mostly empty, has been found to be alive with plasma. Vast flows of charged particles have been discovered spanning hundreds-of-thousands of light years across interstellar space.

The most familiar examples of electrical plasmas here on earth are neon signs and lighting, television screens, and electrical arc welding machines. Fire and Lightning are also forms of Plasma.
The Sun

Some behaviours and properties of Plasma

Plasma is an excellent conductor of electricity. Because of its free-flowing electrons its conductive properties far surpass those of copper and gold.

Due to its interaction with electromagnetism, plasmas display a complexity in structure far exceeding that of matter in gaseous, liquid, or solid states. It has a tendency to form into cellular and filamentary structures.

These structures derive from the fact that a charged particle flow (or current) produces a ring of magnetic fields around itself, 'pinching' plasma into multi-filamentary strands, as can be seen on both cosmic and more localised scales. Pictured right is a novelty plasma-lamp typical of those available on the high street.
Plasma lamp

Mainstream misconceptions

While conventional astronomy maps magnetism, electric currents are excluded on the mistaken basis that they are of no significance in space.

Working from the inertia of this prior belief, astrophysicists have a tendency to talk in euphemisms. 'Electron rains' and 'clouds of ionized gas' are just two examples. From a conservative perspective these terms might seem easier to grasp than the behaviour of more ethereal plasma, but they are, nonetheless, obfuscations. In reality we are talking about electrodynamic phenomena.
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and carry on as if nothing ever happened." Winston Churchill

It is important to understand that gravity based models were codified before space travel and high powered telescopes. Back then our galaxy, The Milky Way, was considered the entirety of the universe ... and electrically sterile! Instead of trying to shoehorn what we now see into old models, Plasma Cosmology respects the progress of the past, but is not constrained by it. Scientific theories, by definition, are vulnerable to being falsified. Science moves on. "It is an embarrassment that the dominant forms of matter in the universe remain hypothetical!" Jim Peebles

The role of Plasma in The Universe

Plasma cosmology has gone beyond hypothesis and analysis. There are problems with part three, of course, experimentation on universal scales, but the fact is that plasmas are highly scalable, and super-computing capabilities have enabled us to model plasma behaviours on galactic scales ... utilising only a few simple formulae.

These models are consistent with reality. Big Bang cosmology, by contrast, fails to adequately account for the 'clumpiness' and filamentary structures that we see.

Plasma cosmology does NOT rely on abstract mathematical modelling or an increasing array of exotic hypotheticals like Dark Matter and Dark Energy!

The filamentary universe

Were Sherlock Holmes a Cosmologist, he might have said 'It's Filamentary my Dear Watson.'
_www.thunderbolts.info is updated with fascinating plasma related news on a daily basis.
Another person I found via thunderbolts, Donald E. Scott, wrote here: _http://members.cox.net/dascott3/Chapter%201.htm
(it's the first chapter of his book "Electric Sky", more info here: _http://members.cox.net/dascott3/index.htm )

Chapter 1

A revolution is beginning in astronomy and cosmology that will rival the one set off by Copernicus and Galileo. The stream of increasingly bizarre pronouncements coming from astronomers and cosmologists has recently encountered a serious challenge. This challenge is led by a cadre of scientists and engineers, several of whom were Nobel Prize winning pioneers. They are offering simpler, verifiable explanations about the makeup and functioning of the cosmos. Their new ideas, in more ways than one, are electrifying the discourse in astrophysics.

The defenders of the present cosmological realm are resisting this intrusion into their once exclusive domain. But on-going discoveries about how electric plasma behaves in space are relentlessly forcing dramatic changes in the way we view the universe. The discipline of electric plasma physics – which until lately has been outside the realm of astronomy – is quickly displacing many of the outmoded theories of traditional cosmology and astrophysics. We now know that cosmic space is full of electricity (electric plasma) and over the last several decades the study of this form of matter has developed into an established body of scientific knowledge.
Questions and Answers

When we were children, most of us looked up in awe at the night sky at one time or another and asked, “What are stars, Daddy? What lights them up?” He might have answered, “They’re little Suns – just like our Sun, but far, far away.”

None of us was told that the stars worked electrically. Everyone knew the stars were not electric lights.

As we grew up, we may have read science books in which astrophysicists declared that stars are continuously burning hydrogen bombs – and that they condensed from spinning clouds of gas and dust. Today they tell us that stars even more massive than our Sun are rotating faster than dentists’ drills. They say that in the cores of galaxies, monstrous invisible Black Holes suck in everything around them, even light – but that “little black holes” spit jets of matter back out. And they claim that 96% of the material in the entire universe is invisible. Are these responses any more believable or satisfying than those that Daddy offered us?

Can you make sense out of press releases and TV programs that attempt to explain the newest astronomical “discoveries” – things like invisible dark energy, warped 11-dimensional spaces, and black holes that spit out matter? If not, you have lots of company.

The time to search for some realistic, intelligent, scientific answers has arrived. And those sensible answers are out there for those who are ready to listen.

Plasma physicists know that 96% of the universe is not made up of “invisible matter” but rather of matter in the plasma state. Electromagnetic forces between electrical charges are many orders of magnitude stronger than Newton’s gravitational force, and we are finding that deep space is filled with electrical charges and magnetic energy. In fact, using the accepted estimated value of the magnetic field strength in the volume between our Sun and its nearest stellar neighbor, this field stores an amount of energy that would keep the Sun radiating for about 200 years.

Astrophysicists do not study experimental plasma research in graduate school. They rarely take any courses that discuss Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic field theory. Thus they attempt to explain each new discovery using what they do study – gravity, magnetism, and fluid dynamics – the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century tools of their forefathers, Kepler and Newton. Consequently their methods have not kept up with the science of the Nineteenth Century, let alone the Twenty-First. No wonder they do not understand that many cosmic phenomena are due to forces other than gravity, fluid flow, and the magnetism of lodestones. When questions arise about the failure of their incomplete models, cosmologists often invoke “new properties” of magnetic fields – properties that magnetism simply does not have, or they propose the existence of unobservable entities and forces. They almost never reexamine their basic assumptions or rethink their hypotheses.

The cosmos in fact does not contain the mysteriously undetectable entities that present astrophysical theories require. Modern, straightforward explanations of all the phenomena astronomers find so enigmatic are now available to us. Anyone interested in astrophysics needs to become aware of the properties of the electric plasma that fills more than 99% of the universe. Ours really is an Electric Sky.

Alfvén’s Warning

In February 1981, eleven years after Swedish electrical engineer Hannes Alfvén won the Nobel Prize in Physics, he published yet another book. This one was called Cosmic Plasma. By disregarding Alfvén’s new text, as they had his earlier works, the astrophysics community did not heed his warnings that they were working their way down a dead-end path strewn with errors of understanding. The complicated maze that astrophysics has become in the last few years is a direct result of years of ignoring Alfvén’s work and his advice. Hannes Alfvén is the central figure in the emerging electric plasma cosmology.

All our space probes that have been equipped to detect separated electrical charges – electric plasma – have found it, lots of it. The behavior of these plasma clouds is scalable, that is to say, giant cosmic plasmas behave in much the same way (obey the same physical laws) that small laboratory plasmas do here on Earth. Therefore we are able to create accurate models of cosmic-scale phenomena in the lab and study them.


It’s Time to Decide

The main thrust of this book is that the time is ripe for informed people from outside astrophysics to demand reasonable answers to reasonable questions and to evaluate what the astrophysical theoreticians have been telling us.

If, as we will claim, the causes of most of the observed phenomena of modern astronomy are electrical in nature, do you need a degree in electrical engineering before you can understand them? Indeed not. The average informed person can understand and make rational judgments about these ideas. All it requires is the time and patience to read and to think logically and critically about the issues. Some basic facts and a few new concepts will suffice. So the main goal of this work is to convince you, the reader, that you really do have both the capability and responsibility to make informed, critical judgments about the pronouncements of established scientists. A careful reading of these pages will enable you to make an informed assessment of this new plasma-based alternative cosmology.

Interested plasma scientists and electrical engineers have been thrashing out the various hypotheses of Plasma Cosmology in their conferences and publications. So far, most astrophysicists have completely ignored them. Instead of engaging in further futile attempts to persuade the astrophysical community to seriously consider these new ideas, a growing band of plasma scientists, engineers, and a few brave cosmologists and astronomers are simply bypassing them. A paradigm based on electric plasma, which does not find new discoveries to be enigmatic and puzzling but instead to be predictable and consistent, is slowly but surely gaining ground. But it may well be that general acceptance of these new ideas will have to wait until the present occupants of the astrophysics power structure have retired from the scene.

Right now what is needed most is the public’s realization that astrophysics, led by insular theoreticians and not by well-informed, broadly educated scientists, has stumbled far down that erroneous path predicted by Alfvén.

A cadre of plasma scientists and engineers, who are presently employed in industry, government labs, and universities – but not in most astronomy departments – is quietly working to modernize cosmology. Will this new breed of scientists and engineers, who are waiting in the wings, be called upon to clean things up? Or will the incomprehensible fog of black holes, dark energy, magically unobservable matter, and other fanciful fictions be allowed to continue to shroud our true understanding of the cosmos?

Of course, the stars are not electric lights – at least not in the sense that we know electric lights. But they are basically electrical in nature, and their observed properties can truly be understood only from an electrical viewpoint. Let us see how.
and in this article (_http://www.electric-cosmos.org/Rejoinder.htm), which is great by the way, he wrote

Where do we stand?

We stand at a time in scientific history that will be embarrassing to look back on from the vantage point of the next century. An entire subgroup of science consisting of a majority of astrophysicists and cosmologists is now – and has been – smugly ignoring the fruits of 150 or so years of electrical science. This subgroup feels perfectly confident in postulating the existence of processes and entities that cannot be verified experimentally in earthbound labs. “But that doesn’t mean those processes can’t happen in space,” they say. When there are perfectly valid electrical explanations for certain phenomena, it is irresponsible to ignore those explanations and invent ‘new science’ to avoid using them. People will ask, years from now, “How could they have ignored electricity in space when it was staring them in the face?”

Classic astronomy (and its offshoots: helioseismology, astrophysics, cosmology, etc.) have never made any real predictions that turned out to be true – although they are past-masters at inventing ‘dynamos’ and invisible entities to explain things retroactively. After-the-fact explanations are easy, especially if you can get away with saying “The hidden ‘dynamo’ did it.” Before they were forced into it, classical astronomers were wrong about how the auroras are powered, about the temperature of Venus, about the rocky nature of comets, about x-rays coming from comets and other objects, about the existence of natural radio emissions from the planets. And I claim they are wrong about many things they are now saying about the Sun.

Of course the Electric Sun model is speculative. But these speculations are reasonable extrapolations of the solid, experimentally verified properties of plasma. We are not positive that everything included in the ES hypothesis is 100% correct. We do not claim omnipotence or perfection for our early models.

The ‘standard’ astrophysical models are far more speculative. They are built up of speculation cantilevered onto speculation that is ever farther removed from any empirical basis. And a tremendous amount of doubt is piling up about them. They do not explain (without ad hoc and a posteriori adjustments) many of the observations that are being made – as the Electric Sun model does. (The fusion model doesn’t even explain why the solar corona exists in the first place, let alone its three million Kelvin temperature inversion.) Each time new data comes in from space probes, astronomers typically announce their surprise and rush ‘back to the drawing board’. They then busy themselves modifying (adding complexity to) their models – reminiscent of Ptolemaic epicycles – and emerge confidently claiming they knew this all along. In the one case where they deigned to make reference to anything electrical (the release of magnetic energy) they got it wrong and had to ‘discover’ new properties of magnetic fields that do not exist.

Call it what you will, Plasma Cosmology, the Electric Universe or the Electric Sky – the thrust of what was started by Kristian Birkeland (when he discovered the true electrical nature of the auroras), Hannes Alfvén, and Irving Langmuir (each of whom were awarded Nobel Prizes for their work) continues. And it will take more than the confrontational, parochial, pompous smoke screens of pseudoskeptics such as Tim Thompson to stop it.

Donald E. Scott – Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering)
So, according to this "Call it what you will, Plasma Cosmology, the Electric Universe or the Electric Sky" theory, the observable universe is a not the cold empty space popular science tells us it is, but filled mostly with plasma. Notice that cassiopedia.org also mentions plasma as "fourth state of matter", where technically it would be the first state, as it is a state like gas but where the bonds between protons, neutrons and their electrons are "loosened" further so there are no atoms left. Pardon me the simplistic interpretation, but I have only high school education in this scientific field. If plasma is the first state of matter, that makes it hot, not cold, and if 99% of the observable universe is this plasma, than space is hot, not cold. Perhaps the C's were trying to point to this during the above session.

Temperature drops when you go up into space from earth, so that seems a bit paradoxical but is due to the fact that the density of the atmosphere decreases when you go up, so solids just lose their warmth faster, because there's less gas around to keep them insulated and warm.

I kinda like this idea, it seems to explain a lot. 99% or so of all matter is this plasma and all other matter in the universe would be just this plasma condensed to gas, liquids and solids.

Plasma made me think of plasma balls which are sold in stores as kind of toys.


It's a glass or plastic hollow sphere in which plasma is easily formed due to lower density inside and/or use of specific gasses. In the middle is a ball which generates a current that flows through the plasma to the outside. You can see the electric current flow through the plasma because some of the electrons collide with gas molecules which then send out a photon. Looks a bit like lightning, which is also a form of current through plasma.

On a bigger scale, if electric currents propagate through space through this plasma that is everywhere, perhaps it could be that the planets can act as conductors (by having charged particles around them), conducting electricity better than the plasma, and that the "explosion" of Holmes was its electric discharge to Mars? Or through Mars and the other planets to the sun? Or a discharge of the Sun to the comet? Such a discharge through plasma could perhaps create friction of some sort inside the comet with some significant heat generation, making it explode like it did.

I went searching youtube on "plasma ball" and I found a video of a guy with such a ball, who found out that he could do a trick with it. He shows you can actually burn a hole in a card with the plasma ball using a paperclip and a quarter. Which is made of nickel (and copper). And is a nickel, well, sort of...

Something occured to me the other night while at my sister's place. (Incidentally, we were outside smoking a cig). " "...wonders shall be seen in the heavens..." Could this have anything to do with an as yet unseen Supernova? "(this was inner dialogue) I have a gut feeling that statements made - to the effect - that this event is a harbinger of things to come might be putting it lightly. It will be highly interesting to observe the "fireworks" display once the expelled dust reaches us :)

I'm still hung up on this concept that metals attract, as in comet/asteroid to earth elements. I read "The Field" this weekend, and found this on pg 26/27:

"Another instance was discovered in the 1940s, when a Dutch physicist named Hendrik Casimir demonstrated that two metal plates placed close together will actually form an attraction that appears to pull them closer together. This is because when two plates are placed near each other, the zero-point waves between the plates are restricted to those that essentially span the gap. Since some wavelengths of the field are excluded, this leads to a disturbance in the equilibrium of the field and the result is an imbalance of energy, with less energy in the gap between the plates than in the ouside empty space. This greater energy density pushes the two metal plates together."

It's important for me to understand this. Any help appreciated.
SS: It is called the Casimir effect and the pulling
of the two neutral objects together, the Casimir force.

_http://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/research/warp/possible.html#vac (See: Vacuum Fluctuations of Quantum Physics)

An oscillator application:

Cool picture:
A: And cobalt is invisible in the good old vacuum of space, but not

Q: L) Does that mean it will attract cobalt?

A: No, cobalt will attract.

Q: L) The cobalt will attract flares... electromagnetic phenomena...

A: Et al.
if a dark asteroid (Cobalt) (not observed in the space plasma) was attracted toward another predominantly composed of Nickel, Which could be the result?. A visible explosion? The C's have said that the asteroids coming to the earth are not visible (As if they were made up of cobalt) so, Could it be what happened to this comet 17P/Holmes indicative of the nearness of the asteroids that would come to the earth?
A: And cobalt is invisible in the good old vacuum of space, but not nickel!

Q: L) Does that mean it will attract cobalt?

A: No, cobalt will attract.

Q: L) The cobalt will attract flares... electromagnetic phenomena...

A: Et al.
Galaxia2002 said:
if a dark asteroid (Cobalt) (not observed in the space plasma) was attracted toward another predominantly composed of Nickel, Which could be the result?. An visible explosion?
Uh, I don't think this was implied anywhere. I think the idea is more that comets (not all comets - some) are not just dirty snowballs. That some comets have more solid cores (insides) and that they MAY be composed of iron, nickel, cobalt, iridium, .... Then to get us to think of the possible electromagnetic interactions that might occur if these objects with such cores (that may be magnetic and or electrically conductive) were grounded (interacted with electromagnetic fields in the solar system).

Also I don't think this was ever implied - "a dark asteroid (Cobalt) (not observed in the space plasma)".

If a cometary core had an electrically conductive component and a magnetically conductive component it might be possible that it could be grounded, heat up, lighten up, and maybe the materials released by the heating up (maybe a vaporess, charged plasma like material itself with a large cobalt component [itself having electro/magnetic properties], that this would be invisible in the background of space. So what might happen if an area of space with this huge invisible charged field was drifting around and it came into contact with a planetary magnetic field?

Galaxia2002 said:
The C's have said that the asteroids coming to the earth are not visible (As if they were made up of cobalt) so,
I do not recall the C's saying this anywhere. "asteroids coming to the earth are not visible (As if they were made up of cobalt)".

I think you are thinking of the C's talking at different times about the comet cluster. And I think the sessions said that the cluster would appear as a single solid body at first (visible). And then it would become apparent as it progressed that it was not a single body but many objects and that they would be coming in from all kinds of orbits like a spirograph.

I think you are taking a little bit of information and confusing it here and adding your own projections on to it. It is a comet cluster, not asteroids. C's did not say they were invisible and this does not lead to any implied conclusion "As if they were made up of cobalt". Wow. Did you ever wonder how a piece of information gets passed from one person to another and gets corrupted and in the end has nothing to do with what was originally said?

Galaxia2002 said:
Could it be what happened to this comet 17P/Holmes indicative of the nearness of the asteroids that would come to the earth?
It could be a sign of the nearness of the cometary cluster, but so could weather and wars and the absolute clamp down and control of people, and ..... The signs are everywhere.

Thanks for your observations. I checked again the transcriptions and it's as you said. I don´t know why had thought that they would be invisible until they were very close. (Wishful thinking) I Misinterpreted some things.
I need to control my imagination! 8|

If a cometary core had an electrically conductive component and a magnetically conductive component it might be possible that it could be grounded, heat up, lighten up, and maybe the materials released by the heating up (maybe a vaporess, charged plasma like material itself with a large cobalt component [itself having electro/magnetic properties], that this would be invisible in the background of space. So what might happen if an area of space with this huge invisible charged field was drifting around and it came into contact with a planetary magnetic field?
The hypothesis that you raise is very much plausible.
Quite a bit late, and still not quite finished with reading everything. The other morning I had a couple thoughts that I shared elsewhere about Holmes and was directed here.

First before getting to that thought there was post 34 by Irini. COMPLETELY speculating but if Holmes got as big/bigger than Jupiter wouldn't it seem to appear as a twin of the sun? http://www.nineplanets.org/jupiter.html Jupiter is larger than all the other planets in the Solar system combined (not including the Sun).

A thought was: I was thinking of a flashlight and fog. If a person was walking around with a flashlight but not pointing it on the ground or on a wall and they are a pretty good distance away you would generally only see the point of light where the light is protruding from. If the person walked into a wall of fog (space debris, chunks of ice.. water vapor in this case) you would get a kind of aura in a circular diameter.

"MAYBE" Holmes did/is doing(?) something of that nature and that is why it looked like it was growing. Just something that came to mind and I don't believe I read anything theoretical that was implied as to why it did what it did/is doing(?).

Furthering the above thought(s). There are small bits of debris out there, for example small bits of dust from a planet just outside of the orbit of Mars (name is not coming to mind ?kentekian? - (potentially/factually implied by the C's). There are certain boulders in space that are of 'generally' non-reflective (metal/rock) material. Of course if the surface is smooth and a light source is nearby, it can be reflective. Just before you hit the wall of fog your lights beam out.. like the moon at night. There are those nights however that the moon can have a large ring around it, for example, on those nights that there is a mist or fog in the air.

So I'm saying Homles, traveling at a certain speed/velocity 'maybe' passed/is passing through an area that the solar system itself is/has been moving into and lit up the debris that we're (as a solar system/planet) soon moving into. This is speculation of course but seems to me to confirm a whole bunch of aspects, (for myself) partially denied, partially realized which Laura's/the signs team been touching on more directly for years. Hope that (series of) thought(s)/imaginings was conveyed clearly.
Hello all. I am new here (thank you for having me) and this is my first post. This topic has intrigued me because of the puzzle regarding nickel. So I started to wonder and speculate about the properties of nickel in relation to the atmosphere, which led me to speculate of the supposed metals being put into the air via "chemtrails" (aluminum being one). I am not a scientist so I can't make heads or tails of the scientific data regarding this, but is it possible there is some kind of connection? Would nickel dust from these comet bodies be entering our atmosphere?

Just thinking out loud here and throwing it out to you guys......
This thread has interested me very much over the past month or so. I would like to share some observations I have made over the past few weeks on this whole subject of this comet and/or ones closely following. Now I’m not married to these ideas or anything, so it’s not like I’ll be offended by anyone systematically dismantling them and showing evidence along the lines of, “Hey dude, you’re clueless because of blah blah blah, this or that”. I want to know as much as possible about this whole deal and would be interested in any observations on my observations for networking, stimulation, and growth as the C’s would say.

Well, there are 4 sessions here given in a little over one year‘s time: 07-04-98, 06-19-99, 08-28-99, and 09-25-99. Much of the same and more is given in _http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/earth2.htm. The C’s are trying throughout, from what I see, to convey to Laura and the group, and here I’m assuming everyone with whom it is to be shared, one primary concept over and over again. And that is: A: Stop thinking 3rd density!

I would like to offer brief comments on several parts of these sessions. It seems to me at least, and again, correct me if I’m off here, that as the questions drift or lead to 3rd density “matters”, the C’s keep cultivating the “flow” towards 4th density thinking patterns. Most, if not all of the exceprts below are taken from The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, which I have cut and pasted from in this thread.

Stop thinking 3rd density - such as:

Q: (L) Is there going to be massive disruption on the planet and maybe a lot of people transitioning out of the body simultaneously because of the interaction of this cluster of comets and the earth.

A: Close.
One could argue that “disruption” and “a lot of people transitioning out of the body simultaneously” are referring to a third density series of events, yet they are answered “Close” in what could be discerned not only from within a 3rd density context, but from a fourth density contextual perspective as well [referring to the wave, perhaps?].

Next, this:

Q: (T) Can we ask one more quick question? NASA has announced that the space telescope, Hubble, has detected clusters of comets, is this, in effect, the beginning of the government's of the world preparing the people for what is to come?

A: It certainly is a possibility, but, again, you are accessing a very touchy area. Too much knowledge for you to gather in this particular area would not be beneficial to you.

Q: There is a rumor going around that a large object is coming our way, that is a gigantic, intelligently controlled space craft, loaded with Lizzies. Could you comment on this please?

A: Comet cluster. Sitchen believes it is a "planet."

Q: In terms of this comet cluster, how many bodies are in this cluster as a discrete unit?

A: Variable.

Q: What is the ETA?

A: Open.

Q: Why is it open? Why can't we look at it and determine the factors, the direction, trajectory, velocity...

A: If you could, you would be interrupted in your learning cycle.

Q: What exactly does THAT mean? (F) Because you would never do anything else because all you would think about is the day the comet is coming!
And here it seems that Frank [good ol’ Frank] nails it squarely on the head. Too much 3rd density knowledge in specific in this area “would not be beneficial to you” because, well.... just think about it. Say you’ve got your star charts, and telescopes, ETA’s, calculations - whatever - you’ve got your fancy computers and calculators. Flipping pages, culling through results from trials, entering in all the latest technical data you at some point hit the “equals” button and there it is - how many days [or weeks, months or even hours?] that you have left to live! And then, just maybe, depending on who you are, you may just stop ALL lessons because “you would never do anything else because all you would think about is the day the comet is coming!”

I've got to credit Frank for that one. Good point there!

More redirections from 3rd density thinking:

A: Now would be a good "time" for you folks to begin to reexamine some of the extremely popular "Earth Changes" prophecies. Why, you ask. Because, remember, you are third density beings, so real prophecies are being presented to you in terms you will understand, I.E. physical realm, I.E. Earth changes. This "may" be symbolism. Would most students of the subject understand if prophecies were told directly in fourth density terms?

Q: (L) Well, let's not denigrate literal translations or at least attempts to get things into literal terms. I like realistic art work. I am a realist in my art preferences. I want trees to look like trees and people to have only two arms and legs. Therefore, I also like some literalness in my prognostications.

A: Some is okay, but, beware or else "California falls into the ocean" will always be interpreted as California falling into the ocean.

Q: Are you telling us that there is more involved here as far as the way we are hearing what these predictions say?

A: Yes


Q: (T) So, when we are talking: "California will fall into the ocean, which is just the analogy we are using, we are talking about, as far as earth changes, is the possibility that several seismic events along the fault line, which no one really knows the extent of...

A: Or it all may be symbolic of something else.

Q: (L) You have told us through this source, that there is a cluster of comets connected in some interactive way with our solar system, and that this cluster of comets comes into the plane of the ecliptic every 3600 years. Is this correct?

A: Yes. But, this time it is riding realm border wave to 4th level, where all realities are different.

Q: (L) Okay, so the cluster of comets is riding the realm border wave. Does this mean that when it comes into the solar system, that its effect on the solar system, or the planets within the solar system, (Jan or us), may or may not be mitigated by the fact of this transition? Is this a mitigating factor?

A: Will be mitigated.

Q: (L) Does any of this mean that the earth changes that have been predicted, may not, in fact, occur in physical reality as we understand it?

A: You betcha

Q: (L) Does this mean that all of this running around and hopping and jumping to go here and go there and do this and do that is...

A: That is strictly 3rd level thinking.
Now, the following one is just maddening to me. Are the C's only hinting here at the precursor effects of the wave before it arrives, i.e. global warming? Again, I’m tossing this idea out there because it just bugs me to no end. Or are the C’s intimating that the ”90 per cent” IS to which they are referring in their comment, “Whoa! You are getting 'warm.'"? Could “94 per cent” be “warmer” than “90 per cent” in this “game” of I Spy? Wouldn’t that mean that only psychopaths and other genetic deviants would be to whom the C’s are referring directly below? Lord knows, they are certaintly "hell-bent" on saving their own "skins" and may do just that - temporarily:

A: Or another possibility is that the physical cataclysms will occur only for those "left behind" on the remaining 3rd level density earth.
But, that would surely not line up with where at one point Ra said that the majority of 3rd density beings will be repeating the “Grand Cycle”. I have no clear answers on these questions and any comments are welcome to help me “see the light” to this excerpt:

Q: (T) Okay, when the people are talking about the earth changes, when they talk in literal terms about the survivors, and those who are not going to survive, and the destruction and so forth and so on, in 3rd, 4th, 5th level reality we are not talking about the destruction of the planet on 3rd level physical terms, or the loss of 90 per cent of the population on the 3rd level because they died, but because they are going to move to 4th level?

A: Whoa! You are getting "warm."

Q: (T) Okay. So, when they talk about 90 per cent of the population not surviving, it is not that they are going to die, but that they are going to transform. We are going to go up a level. This is what the whole light thing is all about?

A: Or another possibility is that the physical cataclysms will occur only for those "left behind" on the remaining 3rd level density earth.

Q: (L) Let me get this straight. When we move through this conduit, are the other...

A: You will be on the 4th level earth as opposed to 3rd level earth.
More teaching about “Stop thinking 3rd density!”:

Q: (L) Frank had a dream about this the other night, too. (T) About the mantle slowing? Okay, if the mantle slows and the crust doesn't... (L) It's like walking around the room, carrying a bowl of soup, and then stopping... (T) It sloshes over because the crust keeps moving... water in all of the oceans is going to slosh...

A: No sloshing.
A: Now, for the remainder of this session, we wish to address the so called earth changes for your benefit, as you are stuck here. Those present need to be equipped to stop buying into popular deceptions once and for all! Reread Bramley.

Q: (L) Funny I took him off the shelf today... Ok, address the subject.

A: All such changes are caused by three things and three things only! 1) Human endeavors. 2) Cosmic objects falling upon or too near earth. 3) Planetary orbital aberrations.
Q: (L) All right, carry on.

A: Don't believe any of the nonsense you hear from other sources. It is designed to facilitate mass programming and deception. [to think, say and do things from a strictly 3rd density perspective?]
A: Just as your bible says; "You will know not the day, nor the hour." This means there is no warning. None. No clue. No prophecy. And these events are of the "past" as well.
As Frank said earlier in the session, if you knew the day and the hour one would (at least quite likely for some) stop “Working” toward 4th density ideas, thought constructs and behaviors and entrench oneself in thoughts of “the end”, or 3rd density thought patterns, lowering one's FRV.

Q: (L) Is this something that's going to impact our particular immediate location, and appear suddenly, as this comet that has flown overhead just did? Nobody saw it until a very short time ago, and all of a sudden everybody sees it?

A: The cluster is a symptom, not the focus.

Q: (V) What is the focus?

A: Wave, remember, is "realm border" crossing... what does this imply?
Consult your knowledge base for Latin roots and proceed.
Q: (L) So, can I infer from what has been said, that we are going to move into this comet cluster, as into a realm?

A: Border changes rules.

Q: (L) But if we run into the comet cluster before we cross the border, then, I mean, I would understand if we were going into the realm border first...

A: Part in part out.
Apparently once again, here are more hints that we shouldn’t be focusing too much on the 3rd density aspect of the coming comet cluster and the 3rd density thinking so easily associated with it, but rather the 4th density aspect of it - the Wave associated with it. Here is a post in the recent past which again, to me, seems to be indicative of the more "4th density" attitude to these coming extraordinary events:

Index - The Work - What Do You Do To Wake Up

#16 2007-05-25 18:41:38
Jedi Master
From: Ireland
Registered: 2006-02-22
Posts: 300 Re: What do you do to "wake up"?I set my alarm clock


I remember the Wave and think, 'My goodness, what a fantastic opportunity!' The inner voice quickly follows up
with, 'Yes, and comets are coming' ... my pace immediately quickens
That’s more like it, starsailor! Seems to be the very attitude that the C’s are “cultivating“. After all, they have stated more than once that ”It [the wave] is an opportunity.”

So then, I’m just not so sure whether or not a view expressed like the one below isn’t pretty close to the type of “3rd level thinking” that the C’s are working to divert us from. Surely, if one is to repeat the Grand Cycle then one most probably will be “reliving it”. But if one transitions to 4th density….

Index - Political Ponerology - Is History Repeating Itself
#3 Yesterday 19:48:32
The Force is strong with this one
Registered: 2008-02-13
Posts: 27
E-mail Re: IS HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF ?History always repeats itself, and here we go again. Oh and this time it's personal.
(That just means you won't be reading about it, you will be living it.)
Here below, again the subject under discussion is not coming comet clusters and things of that nature, but “waking up” (how apropos), but the last comment is the one to which I am questioning. I can’t speak for anyone else, but as for me, I don’t want “if not in this life time then hopefully the others to come”, because that would mean that I’m repeating another damn 300,000 year Grand Cycle! Please God, spare me this!

Index - The Work - What Do You Do To “wake Up”?
#9 2007-05-24 01:36:21
Jedi Knight

From: "Middle Earth"
Registered: 2006-01-18
Posts: 277 Re: What do you do to "wake up"? Well I read too but I have come to the realization that all the reading in the world
is not going to do any good unless once commences the "work" and that is easier said than done. So many programs to get through and
constantly finding new ones. And then not to mention all the distractions of living daily life. Wife, the children, going to work etc, etc.
With no one at home or at work to discuss the topics we discuss here, it makes it a bit harder. I mean reading is one thing and writing out
your thoughts and feelings is not entirely adequate. Often, there are things that I cannot just find the right words to pen it down.
Perhaps the inadequacy I feel with writing is probably a lack of complete or clear understanding of the matter. So many variables and so
many view points plus not to mention so many unknowables. Nevertheless, a step at a time and if not in this life time then hopefully the others to come OSIT.
Anyway, finally a "toast to the idiots", as Gurdjieff would say - and I may be among the biggest of them all!
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