Speculations about the Comet 17P/Holmes

KC Kelly quoting the C's above:
A: Now, for the remainder of this session, we wish to address the so called earth changes for your benefit, as you are stuck here. Those present need to be equipped to stop buying into popular deceptions once and for all! Reread Bramley.
Is the work the C's are referring to "The Gods of Eden" which is located at http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/godseden/godseden.htm#English_Version_?
Petey of Lone Tree said:
Is the work the C's are referring to "The Gods of Eden" which is located at http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_ … _Version_?
After a quick look at the Table of Contents in the link you provided, it appears to be an online version of the paperback version that I own. So I would say yep, that looks like it. Interesting read.
I did a search of the film THUNGERBOLTS OF THE GODS and was directed to the above ongoing discussion though I could not find anything directly linked to the 1 hr and 3 min film. Perhaps I missed it when scanning. If its already been posted my apologies, but just in case here it is.


I found many of the points to correlate with ongoing research being done by members of this site.
Hello :)
It's my first message here. Usually I participate on the french forum (I’m french) because I don’t think I'm a « beast » in English (I surely slept too much during my english courses when I was in secondary school ;) ) but I will try to write a message because I would like to express some remarks concerning this comet. Please tell me if you don't understand something; in this case I will try to express my idea differently

Laura said:
Cyre said:
If we had a spectral analysis of the comet we could determine it's composition and thus determine if it's a candidate for the solar-flare ZAP described above. I'm also having trouble buying that a
flare could erupt from the sun and nail the comet given that it's outside the orbit of mars. That seems a bit far, but then again, everything happens sooner or later I suppose.
I don't think that the point is that a flare would "nail the comet," but rather that the comet might act as a "ground". A solar flare that would erupt as EM energy flowing toward a "ground" wouldn't have to nail the comet to cause US problems.

The other thing that interests me is the reference to nickel and cobalt. Let me go through this and make some comments in brackets:

Group are saying that it is going to discharge the solar capacitor and that
there is a possibility that great bolts of electricity will pass between planets and the comet or between planets and other planets, or between the sun and the comet, or something. Is this, in fact, likely to occur?

A: Bolts charge between positive and negative ions. What is the sun's atomic structure
vis a vis its "children?"

[Keep in mind that a "bolt" does not have to be visible ... but it may have been made visible by the Comet as evidenced in its sudden brightening, after the "bolt" passed through the lined up planets... And we have NO idea what this kind of energy passing through the planets can do. The C's made a remark about the ionosphere:]

A: Research this for definitive answers to your question. What about the
positive/negative ratio between earth's ionosphere and possible passing "objects?"

[Now, let's come back to the session in order:]

Q: (A) Yes, it can conduct, but its not magnetic. Why 'molten?'
A: What about the "tail" of such an object coming into contact with the ionosphere?

Q: (L) Oh. I think I get it. The Nostradamus thing about a great comet's tail or
something... let me look it up:

After great trouble for humanity, a greater one is prepared
The Great Mover renews the ages:
Rain, blood, milk, famine, steel and plague,
Is the heavens fire seen, a long spark running.

[And this is, I think, the major clue: that the comet is a harbinger. This comet, itself, may not be an agent of change, but merely shows up at the same time that something else is happening - that MAY NOT BE VISIBLE. Also, the comet and the agent of change may be unrelated in direct terms, and only related in the sense of "harbinger and event." That's why I included the other session which said:]

Q: (A) Okay, that's it. I have some idea about this. Now, I
understand that, either by chance or by accident, two
things are going to happen at essentially the same time.
That is the passing of this brown star, and this comet
cluster. These are two different things?

A: Yes. Different, but related.


Q: (L) And in addition to that comet cluster, there are also
additional comets that are going to get whacked into the
solar system by the passing of this brown star?
A: Yes.


A: Disasters involve cycles in the human experiential cycle
which corresponds to the passage of comet cluster.


Q: (L) Okay, all of these freaky weather patterns and bizarre
things going on on the planet, how does it relate to the
comet cluster and the brown star? Is it related?

A: Human experiential cycle intersects.


A: Did you catch the significance of the answer regarding
time table of cluster and brown star? Human cycle mirrors
cycle of catastrophe.
Earth benefits in form of periodic
cleansing. Time to start paying attention to the signs.
They are escalating. They can even be "felt" by you and
others, if you pay attention.

[FELT - - i.e. Global "warming", etc.]


A: Approach of wave stimulates precursor activity which in
turn causes effects which in turn stimulates further
"heating up" of activity...


A: Global warming, a part of the human experiential cycle.


Q: (L) Okay, is there anyway we could graph this ourselves,
and if so, what types of events would we include to create
the background data?

A: "El Nino, La Nina," etc...

[Just the other day I was writing about La Nina... ]

Q: This one is supposed to refer to something that occurs at the turn of the Millennium... is
this what we are getting at here? Something that will look like a 'long spark running'
which then comes in contact with the ionosphere which may exchage potentials with the
earth by virtue of this conducting, molten nickel tail? Yes????? Is that good?

A: Ask Arkadiusz.

[Notice that they refer to Ark to answer the question. ]

Q: (L) Well, honey... am I on to something here? (A) The point is that this comet is in
space. Space is rather cold, so the question is: what would make nickel molten?
Well, it will be close to the sun! That will heat it up! (A) This particular comet is not
going to come close enough to the sun to melt it!
(L) Well then, how can the nickel be

A: What about flares?

[The Cs are trying to make us think in a particular way here, they are not saying that a "flare" is the answer.]

Q: (L) That's it! A bodacious solar flare! And, combined with the bodacious solar flare
is a change of trajectory because of its accumulation of matter... so that it is closer to the
sun ... (A) But it is not coming close enough to the sun to be caught in a solar flare!

A: Is nickel magnetic?

Q: (L) No. What does it mean to this subject that a nickel is not magnetic?

A: Does nickel have a companion?

Q: A) Well, when we say a 'companion,' it means another metal in the same family in the
Mendeleev Table. I believe that cobalt and Nickel are in the same family, but I will have
to check...

A: And cobalt is invisible in the good old vacuum of space, but not nickel!

Q: L) Does that mean it will attract cobalt?

A: No, cobalt will attract.

Q: L) The cobalt will attract flares... electromagnetic phenomena...
A: Et al.

[This is what makes me wonder if there is stuff out there composed of cobalt that we do not see? Is there a a cloud of cobalt around this comet that is way bigger than anything we notice? Is this cobalt accompanied by nickel? Is something else unusual going to happen with this comet as it gets closer? ]

Q: (L) I see.
A: Now, you need to know the composition of this comet... And any other closely
following same. We have alluded to the increased cometary activity before. Oort, and
that which cyclically disturbs it.

[This final remark was about the comet under discussion at the time. We could say that the current comet is one that "closely follows" the comet of 1999. ]

In short, this is a puzzle, the Cs have given some clues, all of these clues are connecting in my head and what concerns me most is:

After great trouble for humanity, a greater one is prepared
The Great Mover renews the ages:
Rain, blood, milk, famine, steel and plague,
Is the heavens fire seen, a long spark running.

We have certainly had great trouble in the form of 911 and the subsequent wars and anti-human activity disguised as "The War Against Terror."

Now, what if this quatrain does not necessarily refer to a celestial phenomenon, but rather something like a new 911?

This takes us back to the other Nostradamus quatrain that I think referred to 911. So, let's look at that, again, with comments in brackets:

[session excerpt]
Apparently there is a newly discovered comet that some people are suggesting fits the
prophecies of Nostradamus where he says in quatrain 10.72:

L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur:
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur.

which translates into English:

The year 1999, seventh month,

[notice the combination of numbers - only three 9s and a 1. Can we think that the code is to reverse the arrangement: 9111? In that case, we only have to figure out why we must drop one of the 1s. Even without dropping one of the 1s, it's damn synchronistic if you ask me! The "seventh month" is simple - "Sept" - not July.]

From the sky will come a great King of Terror:

[The word is quite appropriate... "terror," as in "terrorist." But we know that it wasn't an ordinary terrorist, but rather an "official act of terrorism by a nation state."]

To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,

In my "Mongols series, I am going in the direction of showing that the Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of the Khazars, and it was the Khazars who were the "mongols." ]

Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.

[Mars can be taken to mean War, but we also notice that the war on Iraq was begun in March... Perhaps we should now be looking for something else to happen in March? I'm not attached to that idea, just tossing it out there.]

[back to the session]

The reason for the comparison is because it is thought that Nostradamus was referring to
September and NOT July, and, in point of fact, this comet will have made its circuit
around the by September, and some folks are theorizing that it could be 'vacuuming' and
picking up a lot of matter which could slow it down, change its direction, and cause it to
interact with the Earth in a detrimental way. Is this, in fact, going to happen?

A: Nostradamus had a specific date tied to a vague prediction.

Q: You are right. Yes, that's true. Are you suggesting that there is some other event
besides a cometary one that he is referring to in this prediction?

A: If he was, let it not be known. The question is: is "1999" a number, or is it more?

[This is interesting, isn't it, in retrospect. The Cs almost definitely confirm that this quatrain has nothing to doe with a comet, but rather something that "let it not be known." That is, a conspiracy, something covert. In the terms that I have used above, reversing the number to 9111 seems to make a clear connection (to me, anyway).]

Q: You mean that 1999 could imply a code of some sort?

A: Perhaps it is best for you to see events in this subject unfold, then analyze later.
Maybe it is a beginning of a cycle...

[And it sure was! When was the election held that put Bush in power? And the use of the word "cycle": we come back to: ]

Disasters involve cycles in the human experiential cycle
which corresponds to the passage of comet cluster.


I hope I have been clear on this, if not, fire away.
1. The discovery of the comet

I recapitule:

The 24th of october 2007, 17P/Holmes brightened suddenly near the Perseus constellation. This evenement arrived whereas the comet turned around the constellation.



"Comet 17P/Holmes was discovered by Edwin Holmes on November 6, 1892 while he was conducting regular observations of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31). Its discovery in 1892 was made because of and during magnitude changes similar to the 2007 outburst"

"1892 November 10, near the Andromeda galaxy"

Interesting don't you think? (everybody here know the Perseus story, isn't it?)

Maybe an andromedan cycle begun in november 1892 and a Perseus cycle has begun in october 2007. This is just a hypothesis obviously.

When we examine the date of the discovery of 17p/Holmes (11/6/1892) we can find an important detail:
11/6/9(1+8)11 (9+2)= 11/6/911= 911116.

2. Nostradamus and 911

In my point of view we can see two meanings to the Propheties of Nostradamus (maybe more).

L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois
The year 1999, seventh month,

[notice the combination of numbers - only three 9s and a 1. Can we think that the code is to reverse the arrangement: 9111? In that case, we only have to figure out why we must drop one of the 1s. Even without dropping one of the 1s, it's damn synchronistic if you ask me! The "seventh month" is simple - "Sept" - not July.]
If my memory is good, until 1564, the first month of the year in France was April. If I'm right Nostradamus wrote his centuries just before 1564. It’s why I think, the seventh month seems to be November (11th month).

Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:

[The word is quite appropriate... "terror," as in "terrorist." But we know that it wasn't an ordinary terrorist, but rather an "official act of terrorism by a nation state."]
July 03, 1999
Q: (L) Regarding this prophecy of Nostradamus and Comet Lee, we discovered that a fellow named
Peter Lemesurier went back to the original editions of the seer's work and found that a misplaced
apostrophe changed the word 'appeaser' to 'terror' so that it is NOT the 'Great King of Terror' but the
'Appeaser King' that is connected to the 'seventh month' of 1999
. Of course, the standard
interpretations say that whatever it is, it is going to 'bring back' the 'Great King of the Mongols,'
which they are identifying as Kublai Khan or Genghis Khan. Could you comment on this?
A: Comment? How so?
Q: What could an 'appeaser king' imply? What could it mean?
A: You have the power to define these terms.
Q: (L) Yeah, but there are only so many hours in the day! But, an 'appeaser' is one who brings peaceor 'pacifies' or 'quiets' by giving into demands. It can also mean to 'satisfy' or 'relieve.' The only thing that fits in these terms with 'king' - the only person I can think of who NEEDS to 'satisfy' or 'relieve' is Prince Charles, and he has a sort of 'debt' to pay the British public for the death of Princess Diana, or so it is perceived. But, the only way he could be king would be if Queen Elizabeth dies. So, is this a prediction of the death of Queen Elizabeth and the ascension of Charles as king and his repudiation of Camilla? Am I onto something here?
A: Maybe.
Q: (F) But how would he bring back the 'king of the Mongols?' (L) I don't know. The 'king of the
Mongols' could be related to having a harem or something... give us a clue here on this!
A: No.
As you noted it "appeaser" could be linked to "appease".

Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois
o bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,

In my "Mongols series, I am going in the direction of showing that the Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of the Khazars, and it was the Khazars who were the "mongols." ]
In french the translation of "Mongol" is "Mongol", but I'm maybe wrong because Nostradamus use an old french.

"Angoumois" was an old Region of France (today it would be approximately the department of Charente).
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angoumois (in french)

Maybe Nostradamus mixed the two terms because he wants to explain two ideas (two ways ?). « Angolmois »= « Angoumois »+ « Mongol » ( ?)

Francis 1er (House of Valois/ Valois-Angoulême branch) was a count of Angoumois.

[The Secret History of the World p704]
Was Leonardo da Vinci indicating Cassiopeia in his painting of The Last
Supper? Were Marguerite of Navarre, Rabelais, Nostradamus, Francis I, Anne
Boleyn, and others, part of a group in contact with “Us in the Future”?
In conclusion, Nostradamus seems to show us a (second) date:
A: Nostradamus had a specific date tied to a vague prediction.
We have November (11/the seventh month) and 9111= 9111+11 or 911111.

A date linked to a bloodline ? (Percy?)… I don’t know but one thing appear to be certain, the number eleven is a clue.

My 2 cents :).
Petey of Lone Tree said:
KC Kelly quoting the C's above:
A: Now, for the remainder of this session, we wish to address the so called earth changes for your benefit, as you are stuck here. Those present need to be equipped to stop buying into popular deceptions once and for all! Reread Bramley.
Is the work the C's are referring to "The Gods of Eden" which is located at http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/godseden/godseden.htm#English_Version_?
From the "Gods and Aryans" part:
Bramley said:
For example, the Hymn to Vata, God of wind, describes a “chariot” in which the God travels. This “chariot” has a remarkable similarity to Old Testament descriptions of Jehovah.

The first four lines of the Hymn declare:

Now Vata’s chariot’s greatness!
Breaking goes it,
And thunderous is its noise.
To heaven it touches,
Makes light lurid [a red fiery glare], and whirls dust
upon the earth.’

The rest of the Hymn describes wind in a very literal and recognizable manner. The four lines quoted above, however, seem to describe a vehicle which travels rapidly into the sky, makes a thunderous noise, emits a fiery light and causes dust to whirl on the ground, i.e., a rocket or jet airplane.

Other remarkable translations of the Vedas have been published by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKC), a worldwide Hindu sect founded in1965 by a retired Indian businessman and devoted to the Hindu deity, Krishna. ISKC translations depict ancient Hindu “Gods” and their human servant kings traveling in spaceships, engaging in interplanetary warfare, and firing weapons which emit powerful beams of light.

For example, in the Srimad Bhagavatam, Sixth Canto, Part 3, we read:

One time while King Citraketu was travelling in outer space on a brilliantly effulgent [shining] airplane given to him by Lord Vishnu [the chief Hindu God], he saw Lord Siva [another Hindu God].. ..

The Srimad Bhagavatam tells of a “demon” race which had invaded three planetary systems. Opposing the demons was the Hindu God Siva, who possessed a powerful weapon that he fired at enemy airships from his own:

The arrows released by Lord Siva appeared like fiery beams emanating from the sun globe and covered the three residential airplanes, which could then no longer be seen.2
Sounds a bit like comets and meteors and 'starwars' weapons to me. Its almost like they saw into the future!
Thought I'd bring this thread back to life since Jay Weidner has seen fit to rip off some of the ideas about the work of Nostradamus that were explicated in this thread (see page 2 - the stuff about 9-11)

Jay Weidner said:
Are the Olympic Games
the Beginning of the End?
By Jay Weidner

"The age of iron has no other seal than that of Death. Its hieroglyph is the skeleton, bearing the
attributes of Saturn: the empty hourglass, symbol of time run out …"

- Fulcanelli

Since the publication of my book, Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye: Alchemy at the End of
Time, I have received many emails from around the world. Most of them are well intentioned and
thoughtful, but very few of those writing have mentioned the many - and obvious - other clues
embedded in the Cross that I have never mentioned.

For those uninitiated into the knowledge of this extraordinary and mysterious relic, here is a quick

The Cross of Hendaye is a bizarre monument that sits in a church yard in Hendaye...a small village
in the south west corner of France on the border with Spain.The world first learned of the Cross
from the book Mystery Of The Cathedrals by an anonoymous alchemist who called himself 'Fulcanelli.'

In his book, Fulcanelli tells us that the Cross of Hendaye is the most important monument that he
has ever seen. He writes that the Cross cross shows us the exact moment when the end of the age -
the end of Time - will occur.

Wanting to know everything that I could about this odd monument, I've now spent over twenty years
investigating and researching it.The overt conclusions I've come to are in my above-mentioned book
but can all essentially be boiled down to this: The end of this Age - the end of this Time Period -
will be one where the human race will be put through a terrible trial by fire. The time period for
this massive event in human history stretches between the years 1992 and 2012.

About two weeks ago, I received an anonymous email from someone who calls himself 'Syphon.' This
unknown writer is no ordinary emailer. He is obviously a learned man who knows his Latin and Greek,
as well as French and English. He was well versed in the lexicon of alchemy and quite familiar with
many prophetic traditions...running the gamut from Nostradamus to Li Chunfeng.

Without getting too deep into the details, Syphon had prepared another interpretation of the Latin
inscription on the Hendaye cross that seemed to have a great deal of credibility.

The Latin inscription of the cross of Hendaye reads like this:



Syphon, using Greek and Latin broke down the inscription in a truly unusual and ingenious pattern.
Without boring you with the details or betraying Syphon as a source, the Latin inscription on the
cross ends up saying this:

When hundreds die at the Hecatomb
And the dead overcome their graves (death)
This is the sign and symbol to all
That the Autumn (hour) draws near
(When all will) perish and be destroyed.

“ Hecatomb” is a Greek word for sacrifice or slaughter.

What is interesting about this interpretation of the Latin inscription on the Hendaye Cross is how
close this wording is to one of Nostradamus' famous quatrains...quatrain 10/74...

10 74
Au reuolu du grand nombre septiesme,
Apparoistra au temps ieux d'Hecatombe,
(He/or She will appear at the time of the games of the hecatomb)
Non esloigné du grand eage milliesme,
Que les entrez sortiront de leur tombe.

The year of the great seventh number accomplished,
It will appear at the time of the games of slaughter (Hecatombe):
Not far from the great millennial age,
When the buried will go out from their tombs.

Now we have two separate prophecies, both from the southern France region, both written within fifty
to a hundred years of each other and both making very similar predictions. Hendaye Cross:

When hundreds die at the Hecatomb
And the dead overcome their graves (death)
This is the sign and symbol to all
That the Autumn (hour) draws near
(When all will) perish and be destroyed.


The year of the great seventh number accomplished,
It will appear at the time of the games of slaughter (Hecatombe):
Not far from the great millennial age,
When the buried will go out from their tombs.

They are too close to each other for comfort.

Hopefully, none of this will come to pass any time soon, but just in case we are onto something,
here is my interpetation.

Hendaye Cross:

When hundreds die at the Hecatomb
And the dead overcome their graves (death)
This is the sign and symbol to all
That the Autumn (hour) draws near
(When all will) perish and be destroyed.

There is going to be a sacrifice, near the time of Autumn. Many will be slaughtered.

Nostradamus 10/74:

The year of the great seventh number accomplished,
It will appear at the time of the games of slaughter (Hecatombe):
Not far from the great millennial age,
When the buried will go out from their tombs.

“The year of the seventh number” could be 2007. “The games of slaughter” could be the
Olympics now going on in Beijing. “Not far from the great millennial age” can only mean the year

What is also interesting about quatrain 10/74 is that it is only two quatrains away from quatrain
10/72 - Nostradamus' famous quatrain about the 'King of Terror' coming from the skies in September
of 1999.

We now know that this did not come about in 1999, leaving many Nostradamus fans in a quandary.
However, world-renowned Nostradamus scholar John Hogue has come up with an explanation about
quatrain 10/72 that makes perfect sense, and shows that, once again, Nostradamus was right.

Here is quatrain 10/72:

"In the year 1999
in the seventh month
from the sky will come the great King of Terror
bringing back to life the great King of the Mongols.
Before and after Mars to reign by good fortune."

Nostradamus never puts a date as exact as this in any of his other quatrains. Many experts believe
that because he placed an exact date on this prophecy that this was an indication of the importance
of this quatrain. But when 1999 came and went everyone wondered how Nostradamus could be so wrong.

But things are not so easy when it comes to Nostradamus. One thing that all experts agree upon is
that Nostradamus did not want anyone to know about an event he predicted before that event occurred.
Nostradamus apparently wants you to see that he was right only *after* the event occurred. This same
line of logic applies to quatrain 10/72.

Nostradamus was not wrong in quatrain 10/72. He was only misinterpreted. Again, holding true to the
logical pattern in Nostradamus’ work, no one would get the right interpretation, until after the
event occurred. This holds for quatrain 10/72 also.

John Hogue has now shown that Nostradamus was right once again. But one can only get the date right
by inverting the numbers of 1999. When one inverts the number 1999 it comes out to 9111...or
September 11th, 2001.

Even the number of the quatrain,10/72, gets into the act. Remove the seven (which is Sept) and you
are left with the three numbers 201. The year that the quatrain took place was 2001 so even the
quatrain’s number is making you aware of Sept 2001.

Is this current interpretation of the Latin Inscription on the cross of Hendaye correct? Is
Nostradamus’ quatrain 10/74 about to occur? We probably won’t really know until after the event
has happened.

Soon, there will be four US Navy Aircraft Carrier task forces in the Persian Gulf, presumably to
stop Iran from blocking the Straights of Hormuz should it be attacked by the US or Israel. However,
it's hard to see why Iran would block the only tanker route it uses to deliver its oil and gas to
foreign customers.

We appear to be on the brink of yet another major War and no one seems too interested in attempting
to stop it. The New York Times recently published an editorial by Benny Morris of Israel, calmly
telling us that Israel had the *right* to use nuclear weapons to incinerate Iran and kill its 70
million inhabitants.

As with all prophecy, we won’t know if these terrible predictions are true until after the events
occur...if they do. There is one thing we can all agree upon, however: the situation in the world is
looking increasingly precarious as the Olympic games continue.

Let’s hope the prophecies quoted above are just tricks of words and of the mind. Otherwise, we may
be heading into a War where untold millions could perish.
Laura said:
Thought I'd bring this thread back to life since Jay Weidner has seen fit to rip off some of the ideas about the work of Nostradamus that were explicated in this thread (see page 2 - the stuff about 9-11)

Well, in Jay's defense, it is the easiest way to get ideas if one can't figure things out himself......... :evil:

And, to his 'article' - why is it always 'an anonymous' email, phone call, conversation, letter.... sheesh - it just makes it all so much more mysterious and marketable, doesn't it? :rolleyes:
Laura & The C's

A: Does nickel have a companion?

Q: A) Well, when we say a 'companion,' it means another metal in the same family in the
Mendeleev Table. I believe that cobalt and Nickel are in the same family, but I will have
to check...

A: And cobalt is invisible in the good old vacuum of space, but not nickel!

Q: L) Does that mean it will attract cobalt?

A: No, cobalt will attract.

Q: L) The cobalt will attract flares... electromagnetic phenomena...
A: Et al.

[This is what makes me wonder if there is stuff out there composed of cobalt that we do not see? Is there a a cloud of cobalt around this comet that is way bigger than anything we notice? Is this cobalt accompanied by nickel? Is something else unusual going to happen with this comet as it gets closer? ]

Keep in mind that a "bolt" does not have to be visible ... but it may have been made visible by the Comet as evidenced in its sudden brightening, after the "bolt" passed through the lined up planets... And we have NO idea what this kind of energy passing through the planets can do. The C's made a remark about the ionosphere:]

A: Research this for definitive answers to your question. What about the
positive/negative ratio between earth's ionosphere and possible passing "objects?"

Q: (A) Yes, it can conduct, but its not magnetic. Why 'molten?'
A: What about the "tail" of such an object coming into contact with the ionosphere?

if nickel is shiny and it has a invisible companion , isn´t that a metaphoric way to say "the sun" and "the dark companion of the sun" as cobalt? if the cobalt attracts then it must be a ground. I put this idea here best explained http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=9333.msg67457#msg67457
In the same order of ideas of my last post I still thinking about the hypotesis I had proposed above about that the sun's dark companion could have something to do with the suddenly bright explosion of the comet. At least for me fits, I would like to know your ideas:

(L) Now, one question that we were discussing earlier
is: how can the close approach of the companion star cause an
increase in the Sun's gravity when there is no reason why it should
change anything since gravity is a function of mass?
A: But do you really know all there is to know about gravity?
Q: (A) No, we don't know. But, does this mean that this will be an
effect that does not follow from the theory of gravity that we know
A: Gravity is the life force that binds all realities as one.
Q: (L) What are the mechanics of the increase in the Sun's gravity?
What is going to cause this?
A: In order to understand this, you would need a reworking of the
Q: (L) Can you help us in this reworking of the theorem?
A: Waves.
Q: (A) What I want to ask is: we have Einstein's theory of gravity,
and the question is whether the effect of increasing the Sun's gravity
is something that goes beyond Einstein's equations or not?
A: You must see the wave.
Q: (A) What wave, a gravitational wave, or an electromagnetic wave,
or some other wave? What wave?
A: Arkadiusz, how do these intersect?
Q: (A) Gravity and electromagnetic?
A: Yes. And others.
Q: (A) How they are described within a theory, or how they intersect
in space when they come together?
A: Both.
Q: (A) Okay, why does this increase in the Sun's gravity have
anything to do with electromagnetism? We were told that the Brown
star will not radiate any radiation, so, in particular, no
electromagnetic radiation. So, where does electromagnetics come
in? I do not understand...
A: Gravitational pull incites electromagnetic impulse.
Q: (A) Okay that means we go beyond gravitational theory, and this
is part of Unified Field Theory?
A: Yes, exactly!! The complete UFT was withheld from you!

the phrase in black it´s what I really had imagined when I thought in the dark dwarf as an "ground" or "atractor" of electromagnetic energy (or another type of energy) from the sun using the planets aligned as a "wire"
Please Ark or another scientist here , might you consider the feasibility of this idea? Please see the scheme I made here:
Please forgive me if this is pure speculation or coincidence on
my part, and may have nothing at all to with this posting on
Holmes, but since the subject is about cobalt/nickel, the following
caught my eye and I can only wonder, and for some reason
made me question what really is going on with cobalt/nickel.

From: The Oregonian, 11/23/08:
Section: Business
Title: "The Race to Zero"

Personal Summary:
This article is about batteries that are being used
in Hybrid/Electric cars. There is a picture showing
a man holding what appears to be a compact battery
(visually deduced) approximately 25"x12"x3-5", appears
to be lightweight compared to Lead/Acid battery. It is
not clear exactly, from the article, what the chemical
formula is for this particular battery. But apparently,
the claim is that the industry is really going "gaga" over
this "new" battery that competitors are buying it.

But from the article, there is discussions about various
manufacturers using the following chemicals: Lithium ion,
Nickel, Cobalt, Manganese, and who knows what other
chemicals are being used.

So, we see: Nickel, Cobalt - which I added above but I
am getting ahead of myself, I mean, you say: "So?" and
I did not at first think anything of it until I read this:

From: The Oregonian: 11/23, 2008
Akihiko Nakaoka, project manager for Toyota oversees
department No. 1, is sceptical of Lithium.

"Sony has a long history of Lithium batteries, but their
PC batteries blow up," Nakaoka says. "For a car, we are
not sure it's safe enough."

Otsuka -- the father of three boys who commutes more
than an hour to 15-hour work-days outside Tokyo --
remains confident.

Nissan has a track record with Lithium, Otsuka says,
having studied it since 1992 and tested it in cars since

He says his battery differs from Sony's and is entirely
safe. It incorporates manganese instead of cobalt,
he says, in a stable crystalline structure patented by NEC.

So, is it the interaction with Nickel, Cobalt, Lithium, and
a magnetic field that causes the Sony batteries to blow
up? Is it a mystery as to why it does and are there any
scientific reports explaining that mystery? The last I heard
was that batteries "overheat" leading to an explosion, but
they never actually says what is it's causes and by the way,
"Lithium Ion" batteries blowing up in PCs and in cell-phones.

Is there any connections to what the C's are pointing out
about cobalt and nickel... or am I "wishful thinking" here?

Just wanted to revive this topic with something from McCanney's page on Comet Holmes:

November 02, 2007 posting #2 ... Tropical Storm Noel has become Hurricane Noel contrary to the predictions of the National Hurricane Prediction center and NOAA computer modeling as it passes north into cold atlantic waters in november (after the end of the official hurricane season) ... it is clear that the sun is responding electrically to the planetary and comet electrical alignments talked about below ... also tonight when i was outside i felt what i have come to call the "electric winds" that are different than normal winds ... the "electric winds" result from stronger than average electrical conditions in earth's environment and in this case the electrical alignment that just resulted from the planets mercury - venus and mars with comet holmes ... this is also what caused comet holmes to ignite and maintain that excited status ... the "electrical winds" are steady and harsh and feel different from the variable winds we are used to on planet earth ... "electrical winds" are foreboding and harsh and unkind and just feel different ... once again standard science falls flat on its face ... once again the explanations from my theoretical work explain the results of everything we are seeing today ... jim mccanney

I thought it was interesting that he mentioned "feeling" the weather effects, similar to the "global warming" comment from the C's and Laura's commentary above. Also, McCanney noticed the alignment, as well as offered an explanation for the shape of the comet:

October 30, 2007 posting ... more on Comet Holmes ... as you see the pictures coming in from amateurs around the world you see the same nearly circular bright comet coma WITH NO TAIL ... now once again go to my Planet X, Comets and Earth Changes book in the appendix (Chapter XV - Appendix 2 - page 27 of part I of the 3 part comet paper i published in the late 1970's and reprinted in the early 1980's) regarding what i called the "circle of equal force" ... it clearly shows with equations how a highly charged comet would show a near circular or round-ish coma shape with the short side facing the sun ... this occurs rather than the object forming a traditional "tail" which is actually characteristic of lesser charged comets that are discharging the solar capacitor


He also mentions that the size figure of "2 miles" was determined by measuring the brightness of the comet, but that this assumed a "white, snowy" object. If it were dark (like most comets), the size would be much greater to reflect the same amount of light. And the fact that it was observed by Hubble, which had one pixel = 33 miles at that distance, means that the nucleus was actually at least that, 33 miles.
Approaching Infinity said:
Just wanted to revive this topic with something from McCanney's page on Comet Holmes:

November 02, 2007 posting #2 ... Tropical Storm Noel has become Hurricane Noel contrary to the predictions of the National Hurricane Prediction center and NOAA computer modeling as it passes north into cold atlantic waters in november (after the end of the official hurricane season) ... it is clear that the sun is responding electrically to the planetary and comet electrical alignments talked about below ... also tonight when i was outside i felt what i have come to call the "electric winds" that are different than normal winds ... the "electric winds" result from stronger than average electrical conditions in earth's environment and in this case the electrical alignment that just resulted from the planets mercury - venus and mars with comet holmes ... this is also what caused comet holmes to ignite and maintain that excited status ... the "electrical winds" are steady and harsh and feel different from the variable winds we are used to on planet earth ... "electrical winds" are foreboding and harsh and unkind and just feel different ... once again standard science falls flat on its face ... once again the explanations from my theoretical work explain the results of everything we are seeing today ... jim mccanney

I thought it was interesting that he mentioned "feeling" the weather effects, similar to the "global warming" comment from the C's and Laura's commentary above. Also, McCanney noticed the alignment, as well as offered an explanation for the shape of the comet:

Well, it's rather off topic, but we had insane winds again here yesterday. I love strong wind, but this was just ridiculous and it did cross my mind that this was a 'harsh wind' - a foreboding, thrashing and crashing wind - not a usual wind of strength. Spring time is wind time here, but considering my entire work building was shaking, it was not usual.

I think this sort of thing is going to increase, but we'll see.
ughm , same here , and its still blowing , funny thing is that it starts everyday in the evening :huh:
Moons influence maybe ?
Here in south central Colorado the wind has been different. Sometimes it's just really windy. (Wind farm plans are everywhere) But this year the wind has been at times outright malicious. Blowing in every direction, changing directions quickly, tearing tarps like toilet paper, lifting heavy objects and breaking them. Last month the wind lifted a heavy glass door from the bed of my truck and sailed it across a field. It feels like an attack!
Blowing in a weird way here, too - the wind from Africa which is odd this time of year I hear. It was quite warm today, too.
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