Spirit Releasement Therapy

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I was working with myself with the question of attachments too in the last weeks through prayer, POTS, bodywork and thinking about the subject. What I have noticed so far is that many of my inner unresolved issues came up: E.g. how I deal with my beliefs on fear. I realized that I was unaware about a constant background "noise" of fear and belief of powerlessness. I also noticed how I deal with what I don´t know that I don´t know, like avoiding to face it or how I used the subject of attachment to give up responsibility for who I am in projecting it onto nebulous concepts.

Doing EÉ and POTS was the guideline, that showed me how often I would dissociate, skipping a line or breath. And I could clearly feel the protection or guidance coming from the prayer. As has been mentioned before in the thread, my body would release energy through little jumps and the vibration changed from heavier to lighter. After a long meditation some days ago, I felt a significant change as my whole intestines relaxed deeper than ever before. Since then the background noise of fear is lower than ever before and a pain in the hip that I know for many years is nearly gone.

After this experience I can relate to what Bud and Stellar have said and it helps me a lot to understand how to deal with attacks and many other subjects.

stellar said:
Bud said:
Why don't you just use the script but do it in such a conscious way that you don't really need the script? IOW, the Feynman principle: understand it so well that you could communicate the same information in several different ways. Just an idea, but I tend to think the important thing is to not allow the script to replace your conscious mind, but I could be wrong.

I agree also.

IMO, it would be more practical and effective to be constantly aware and conscious of one's thoughts, words and deeds at all times so that as they occur one can question immediately who is doing it - us or the machine programmes or something else.It takes practice but, I think, helps one to develop the ability to See, Hear and Know what is transpiring moment by moment.

Also, I think it helps one to be rid of self importance in thinking we can fix anything and don't need to learn/Do any more in that area.It drives us to constantly 'pay it forward' with our Work because we just don't know where or from whom the next attack will come.The awareness then just becomes something we always Do, without expectations, just learning and Working at life.

I hope that makes sense. :)
Breo said:
I was working with myself with the question of attachments too in the last weeks through prayer, POTS, bodywork and thinking about the subject.
I want to share what happened last night. Before going to bed I was reading Wave 2 where Laura recounts an exorcism of a young man (for reference it's here). Right after I finished reading I felt a sudden very strong pressure on my chest and at the back of my head. Something clicked in my head and I realized that I had an attachment and had to get rid of it. Right there I sort of internally talked to it in the sense that it's been spotted and I'm going to get rid of it.

After I got in bed I listened to the Prayer of the Soul as always while visualizing an entity that I was surrounding with light and heat, repeating that it better get lost because I'm determined to get rid of it etc. So I fall asleep only to wake up a couple of hours later covered in sweat and feeling extremely nauseous and sick. I was in quite a nasty state, shaking, feeling that I was going to throw up. I went to the bathroom, leaned over the sink and for no more than couple of minutes observed the rising feeling that I was about to vomit. At this point I was pale and quite distressed, shaking and thinking I might even collapse and that I probably need to go to the hospital. I was thinking it might be some kind of food allergy reaction but was unsure where that would come from as I'm basically eating the same food. So I'm in this state and can feel the sickness rising upwards, rising rising and then all of a sudden I felt relief and it was all over. This whole episode lasted at most several minutes from the time I woke up. And as suddenly as it started it was over. I realized that I just got rid of something quite nasty that's been inside me. This explains why I've been feeling like crap for the past weeks, more than I should despite what's going on in my life at the moment, see this thread. For the past few weeks I've been literally scraping the bottom, dissociative with obsessive thoughts unable to think clearly and generally feeling very negative. Probably what I've been going through has left me open to nastier attachments, or it was something that's been inside for quite some time. Not sure.

In the past when it came to spirit release I would put my faith in others to get rid of attachments but, also through this thread and Laura's writings on the subject, realized that we have the power to do this ourselves to get rid of these nasties from within. And again this shows the power of EE in helping us protected ourselves. This was quite a powerful experience.
Rylek.. I've been searching far and wide for how to do this myself (SRT) and all I ever get referenced to the William Baldwin book which I own. What self help are you referring to? I'm very interested in doing this myself and not relying on others. I've actually been "cleared" by a few folks that have websites up and have noticed a difference, but residually, I can now sense these "beings" around me, maybe an awakening of sorts? But I can also tell like you experienced when something is trying to attach. I don't think i've been as successful at this as you have and still feel I have these parasites within me.
Hi edwoodjr,

Welcome to the forum. :) We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, and how they found their way here. Have a read through that section to get an idea of how others have done it. Thanks.
You need to first eliminate other causes/explanations for your symptoms the main ones being dietary. And often, when diet changes (an act of discipline) are undertaken, if there are any attachments that might be considered "real", they leave too.
Ok.. Im new to the forum and the Cassiopaea website/theories. I'm currently a vegetarian and think I eat pretty healthy. I tried to look at the website but honestly didn't know where to start. Where is a good starting point for all this info. I do want to do the work myself just need to get pointed in the right direction. I'm in the discovery phase of my journey and see that I have some natural intuition that I want to develop. I don't know exactly what it is though my mother knows but refuses to talk about it. My goal is to discover what abilities i may have and to help others.. Thank you all for your help. :)
edwoodjr said:
Ok.. Im new to the forum and the Cassiopaea website/theories. I'm currently a vegetarian and think I eat pretty healthy. I tried to look at the website but honestly didn't know where to start. Where is a good starting point for all this info. I do want to do the work myself just need to get pointed in the right direction. I'm in the discovery phase of my journey and see that I have some natural intuition that I want to develop. I don't know exactly what it is though my mother knows but refuses to talk about it. My goal is to discover what abilities i may have and to help others.. Thank you all for your help. :)

I think a good start would be this thread for you:

The Vegetarian Myth: http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,20771.0.html
and the book the vegetarian myth by lierre keith.

if you wish you can also read this thread and the books mentioned in it:
Life Without Bread: http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,22916.0.html
Mechanics of Spirit Release Tecniques

Some time ago i read the book of Spirit release tecnique about which laura has so much experience, and other stuff related to entith attachments, stalking, possessions, encounters with astral entities, etc. Everytime i read about the techniques to get rid of them (besides leaving by themselves because you are no longer good a "host") i have the same question popping up, how those techniques REALLY work?
I mean, imagine a 2d being invoking some violation of its free will, higher forces, or giving the order to a 3d being to get rid of him, if this for sure it is not going to work at all, why does it when a 3d being tries to do the same with an astral entity or a 4d being?

i admit that it sounds naive, but it really puzzles me that a higher density sts entity will be forced to leave its human prey just because we use some 3D tecniques with it (and still, i see that it works!) that probably will produce nothing but a good laugh in the 4d realms.
So, in conclussion, there must be something in SRT and related that make it work, any thoughts about what could be the real mechanism behind?
Re: Mechanics of Spirit Release Tecniques

David Topi said:
Some time ago i read the book of Spirit release tecnique about which laura has so much experience, and other stuff related to entith attachments, stalking, possessions, encounters with astral entities, etc. Everytime i read about the techniques to get rid of them (besides leaving by themselves because you are no longer good a "host") i have the same question popping up, how those techniques REALLY work?
I mean, imagine a 2d being invoking some violation of its free will, higher forces, or giving the order to a 3d being to get rid of him, if this for sure it is not going to work at all, why does it when a 3d being tries to do the same with an astral entity or a 4d being?

i admit that it sounds naive, but it really puzzles me that a higher density sts entity will be forced to leave its human prey just because we use some 3D tecniques with it (and still, i see that it works!) that probably will produce nothing but a good laugh in the 4d realms.
So, in conclussion, there must be something in SRT and related that make it work, any thoughts about what could be the real mechanism behind?

Well I think the most obvious answer is that the entities involved in such cases are not 4D beings. How did you come to the conclusion that they were?
Re: Mechanics of Spirit Release Tecniques

From my understanding, spirit attachments involves 3D entities aka "dead dudes"
Re: Mechanics of Spirit Release Tecniques

Hi Ben, Polonel
Thanks for your answers, not really coming to that conclussion as much as just depicting the different scenarios in my head, thought of astral entities, dead dudes, 4d entities, etc, as part of the pack you could find when working with those techniques.
So, would you say that the kind of techniques mentioned in srt and related are only efective in dead people? (just asking, looking to understand how they really work)
My experience has been that spirit release is pretty efficient with just "garden variety" dead dudes who "attached" due to some odd circumstance like a momentary FRV match.

Then there are the dead dude attachments that are there for a reason, such as that they were emotionally attached to the individual in life (which can be love or hate!) - that classification is a bit more difficult because you have to do some "dead dude counseling." It may work, or not. The real trick is to be more clever than the attachment and give them a really good reason to leave that attracts them. It seems that the instant they feel that "attraction" to whatever you have proposed, the FRV changes and they "lose their grip" and then you can rather quickly move in for the final disconnect.

Some others of this variety are really determined and you have to figure out what it is they are there for, what influence they have on the individual, and then the individual has to work on removing those elements from their lives so that the attached entity no longer gets its "food." Say, for example, the attached entity wants to induce its victim to drink for the express purpose of destroying his life out of revenge. The victim then must take charge and NOT do any of the things identified as the "life destroying thoughts" that are not part of his original life plan. This can be problematical, at best, impossible in some cases.

Also, suppose an attached entity has influenced the choice of life partner and it is a miserable marriage, but children are now involved... that's a pretty sad situation.

Next level is that of the entities that have never had bodies of their own for any of a number of reasons. Many of them just flee right away because they don't have a lot of energy or intelligence. Others are more difficult, and this classification can go right up to heavy duty demonic types of incredible strength and cunning. It's pretty iffy when dealing with this sort and it's often useless if the individual isn't fully aware of their own participation in the activities that permit and perpetuate the dynamic. Like it says in the Bible, you can clean the house, but if you don't put something else in there, the one you send away will go and find a dozen more and come back. Putting something else in there means knowledge and awareness.

That's just a quick run-down. Bottom line is this: if you change your FRV, whatever attached to a former FRV can't hang around. Things that can do that include acquiring knowledge, awareness, changing your habitual ways of thinking and reacting, changing elements in your life including diet, etc.
Thank you Laura! That sounds great and I think i understand the mechanics up to this level as per the FRV of the person with dead people and all variety of astral entities. But then i think to understand that if somebody was to be found attached to a 4d sts entity (supposing we could know it is such), do you feel this "trick" would work the same way?
Had the feeling that their level of development, even if sts mode and only seeing what they want to see, would render useless our SRT.

In fact, what i also wonder, would really a 4d entity attach to anybody? They may simply absorb the energy via other means and not "bother" with this kind of attachment as dead guys do.
Why a 4D STS entity would attach itself to a 3D entity ? Would you attach yourself to your food or your pets ? In some ways, I don't think that the proper word is "attachment" if a 4D STS entity is messing with a 3D person : I imagine that it would require, from the 3D entity, at least a little part of "agreement" (but it's probably the same thing with strictly 3D attachments, at least on a subconscious level).
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