Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Met one of my son's school mates a couple of weeks ago. Said he was coerced into taking the P jab 3 times to keep his job. The first time his needle arm swelled massively. The second, he was ill and off work for 2 weeks but they still mandated a third which put him in hospital with liver failure. He's recovered and looked well enough as any 22 year old should but God knows how much damage remains. What was his job that required him to take 3 jabs? He clears scrub and maintains corridors underneath high tension power cables and pylons, one of the more remote jobs you can do!

Last January my fire brigade death and disability fund reduced it's payouts by 8%, yesterday they....
Superannuation Fund (the D&D Fund), is advising its members of a reduction of approximately 25% to the off duty benefit multiples for retained firefighters who are full members of the D&D Fund. This will mean a reduction in the lump sum off duty benefit payable in the event of Total and Permanent Incapacity or Death by approximately 25%.
Lovely! Every firefighter must take an annual physical aptitude test which is pretty strenuous. I'd say many are experiencing 'coincidences', failing the test and become unfit for duty.

Also, 8+25=33 and this new reduction comes 9 lunar months (29.5 days) after the previous one. Maybe I'm reading too much into it here, but the fire brigade is infested with Masons and they just love their numbers!
What i find fascinating

with the video of Jennifer Gibson, is the duality that rises from and though her. The resonance coming form her is like having "two people stuck" in one. There is this sad, upset, crying part in her which tries to push though - while her mouth goes automatically along with all the bs, without - seemingly - to reflect about depth in the nonsense she was saying.

So yes, the thought of mind-control really comes to mind - as if a part of her is aware about; what just happened, is based on evil. Her mouth in the mean while, just goes on and on... repeating the infamous lines of lies and stereotypes we have been hearing by far too many people, by far too many times in the past 2.5 years.

She may actually pull though - and come to her senses. After all, this video freezes only "a moment of her time". It does not necessarily, hopefully, mean or reflect that she will stay in this opinion, even if she said "I would do it again". She actually never fully answered that question. Instead it was just hanging in the air... after she had said "that's what we have to do... (to see people)". But - I had the sensation that it was not her heart who was speaking. Yet - it was present !

Fascinating, weird, awkward and again... a fascinating video.

The power of it lies "in the nuances that seep out in between". At first i thought she was just plain stupid. But then, the more i watch this video, i feel her struggle between "two parts within one person"; The automatic mind vs her true heart. And that makes it fascinating (and of course, sad as well).
Canadian actress Jennifer Gibson will do it again

I've listened to this and I think she's being retrospective. I think she is saying she can't see herself having not done it given the coercion or pressure that led her to take it. In thinking back, she's wondering if she could have been any wiser and her conclusion is no, she wouldn't have been. She then questions herself making the video because in the end she realises she just has herself to blame so doesn't actually know what she's trying to achieve by making the video. You'll note she's trying not to feel sorry for herself by keeping a somewhat positive and cheerful demeanor despite the clear tragedy she's experiencing. This could be a coping strategy she has developed in life.

Ps, the above could be projection 😂
I find your analysis of the two videos, XPan quite remarkable.
Jennifer Gibson symbolizes the inability of people to accept that they have been manipulated and poisoned. Just as it shows the little needle of their conscience that whispers in their ear: "...and yet!"
The state manipulation of Covid (I am talking about France) has been facilitated by the recent history of the country.
Following World War II, the state became, with the help of the National Council of the Resistance, a welfare state. Social security was created and several social measures were taken. Health care became free and accessible to all. This feeling of a welfare and benevolent state still persists in the collective consciousness of the French. The progress of medicine allowed people to push back, until recently, their life expectancy.
This same feeling has favored the large-scale vaccination of people, who were kept in media fear of the pseudo-pandemic. Many people have resigned themselves to being injected with this experimental product because of intellectual, social or professional necessity.
When I watched the videos from Jennifer Gibson, I had the thought that she wanted to get her story out there, but knew she had to 'follow the rules' to do so. There was a similar story done on the local news channel in Toronto. Which of course brought on some 'expert' explaining some, (made up) numbers that show that this is not caused by the vaccine.

But I think she knew that just seeing her tell her story she would be reaching people. But that you just can't do it now directly. IMO.
I find your analysis of the two videos, XPan quite remarkable.
Jennifer Gibson symbolizes the inability of people to accept that they have been manipulated and poisoned. Just as it shows the little needle of their conscience that whispers in their ear: "...and yet!"

Slow Bullet

Perhaps the video also marks the point in her current life situation - like that of a slow bullet. Taking time for her (heart) to come true. The video just caught her "in the beginning" of that process. To accept / come to the conclusion that, yes, she has indeed been manipulated and poisoned.

Such things can take time to digest and accept...

Speaking of accepting and (perhaps) taking (somewhat) distance to the jabs: I have noticed at my work (Stockholm subway) among my colleagues, that some of them didn't receive any further injections beyond the second jab ! People who have been fiercely rejecting all criticism, even the slightest mentioning of damages after injections. Yet it now shows, that several of them stopped taking more than two jabs. That's interesting...

A couple days ago, when there was (light) discussion, they all were a bit quieter, without engaging in aggressive rejections. Usually its been me who brought up things to discussion, and apparently I have a "reputation" at my work *LOL* despite i have taken on a low profile during the past half year (after all restrictions were eliminated in Sweden).
:cool2: That is so interesting reading many interpretations of the message re Jennifer Gibson, regarding her vax situation.

I was trying (again) to comprehend why people are so incapable of SEEING what is going on, why they are so conditioned to believing this garbage, even when they must be aware on some level that others are seeing - and openly speaking about - a completely different experience / awareness. I don't feel it is as simple as people being afraid of 'standing up', choosing instead to 'run with the herd', it feels much more subversive than that... like a form of programming/something in their DNA which makes them open/vulnerable to a certain 'frequency', perhaps. I posted a couple of things about this in another thread here... I probably should have posted it in this thread.
(Tired brain and all that). :flowers:
I want to add something here based on the conversations with many people where I live. Almost all of them are regretting their decision to take the jabs. Almost all of them are suffering for some king of a health issue that they didn't have before the jabs. All of the feel very tired and have no energy to function normaly.A lot of them develop a heavy symptoms after a simple cold.
For example, since the weather now is with a very sudden changes, from a summer like temperatures in the evening to a winter temperatures and heavy rains next morning, people usually get cold or some other cold like viruses. For most of the people it is not a big deal. It will pass in a few days.
Most of the vaccinated are in a bad condition where they must visit a hospital and get some serious treatment for their condition. Also lot of young vaccinated people suddenly died.
Some of them are realizing what have they done, but I think that majority of them will jet another dose if they tall that on TV or if they make another round of brainwashing.
Yeah. Sicker than normal

And here at my work, at the Stockholm subway, we are still in chronically understaffed situations, albeit summer is long gone (where the company often f***s up with vacations leading to understaffing). But people should have returned by now - at least since end of August !

For many, many months (at least a half year), you could/can get overtime as much as you like - which is mind boggling. I just got an sms minutes ago - again - asking if i wanted to work in the afternoon (nope, nix. I do not ;-)) There have been days at the Green Line alone, during the most extreme days, 40 jobs where "hanging" (staff needed to fill in for those that were sick during a single day/24 hrs) We are around 250 drivers in total (at the Green Line), while a larger number of people are off duty any given day, therefore the active drivers during 24 hours, are fewer than 250 of course.

Train cancellations have happened more frequently during 2022 (which is extremely expensive for the company because they have to pay lot of money to the SL authority, compared to just let somebody work overtime on their free day, or letting them work longer which is even cheaper).

I do understand that several others factors also play in when it comes to understaffing; At my work many people are quitting - it's been like that for at least 15-18 years, since private companies took over with all their shady restrictions and games, eliminated all advantages and extras, while keeping salaries down and maximizing working hours down to the minute of what the laws permit maximally. And - it takes a while to educate new subway drivers, which can lead to understaffing in shorter periods - but not this extreme...

Summer time is also a traditional factor for lacking staff - we know this. BUT - now, there is this quiet presence of higher illness present (even after all restrictions nad been lifted in Sweden back in spring). I personally suspect, that a lot has to do with the high uptake of injections among the staff; and people have become sicker.

We have had two strange deaths at work

which I am aware of ; very sudden, in relatively young people, and one sudden cancer case which led to hysterectomy in a young woman. Since I am not a gossip boy extracting information, I am not very well informed of what more goes on behind the curtains. I never ask people.


One death hit me hard

An ex boyfriend died very sudden, back in May 2021, which I accidentally stumbled across just the other day. The strangest thing is, that I spoke with my husband Sal about him around 5-6 months ago - that I had the strangest feeling of that something might have happened to him.

Healthy, handsome, strong body even at the age of 59 - still looking pretty much the same. How is that even possible ? Since I had no contact to him, it is speculation from my side that he likely died from the jab(s). But... it just felt like that in my stomach. He was employed by the woke Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm - which means most staff had to take the jabs in order to continue their jobs... plus that i suspect his personality also would give in, choosing to take those jabs. He was a healthy city-country boy - and those do not simply die out of the blue (even if that can happen of course in rare cases).

The irony is, that I have still around 70 analog film rolls with him from the 90s, which need to get digitalized/scanned... (which i have been already working during 2022) Then suddenly, there he is... while at the same time, he is not.

When you are a photographer... digitalizing all the analog work from the past... many people come to life, in such a brilliant way, that you can almost touch them... So, many emotions cross though one's mind and soul - and the experience is... indescribable.

The opposite

Then while at it, I "stumbled" across another ex husband, who now works as a high ranked boss, at the second biggest (Israeli) company fixing large congresses around the world for doctors and health care conventions... smiling in images from all around the world during dinners etc, stating "We at our company embrace vaccines" together with a red blood filled syringe as emoji. That's when I want to throw a bottle of cheap wine against his nuts... or something like that. (My mistake was, that i looked into his facebook page, for first time since many, many years - only digging shallow in it - but with the mistake, that I did this only an hour after i read about Olof's death).

So, there is this other, strikingly remarkably handsome, albeit slick man (the one who strongly resembled John F Kennedy Jr). A guy who always served well his masters, disciplined yet with the appearance of a genuinely wonderful, mild demure; With strings attached to embassies, the health care world, global aviation, and government/authorities as well the Israeli military (!)... So, i highly doubt, that he ever took a real jab - knowing pretty well, that what's in it, ain't anything good for human beings - while at the same time - in the position as a high ranking boss in a health care conference company, parroting to the world "we embrace vaccines".

It really ticked me off, mildly spoken ! (Which also revealed to me, that I still have some unpleasant strings attached in my psyche, which I need to face anew)

Who is the real criminal ?

The 'funny' thing is, that the same guy once called me a criminal; that I committed a "crime" - because I refused to sign a paper at the Migration authorities in Stockholm, which relied upon that we officially lived together at the same address - but we where "temporarily" separated due to a time-out. In reality (and still unaware at that time) he filed already other plans, while pretending that we would fix our marriage together; he was already out to hunt for a new boyfriend/husband, so that he could stay in Sweden.

While at the Migration Center, I was supposed to sign that paper stating that we lived together at the same address (which we didn't for the time being) - and if untrue, it could give me 6 months in prison. When reading that - it kind of hit me, so i said slowly... "I am sorry Perry, I can't sign this paper, because if I would, it would be a lie". It wasn't that I wished to hurt him - I truly didn't (i wanted us to fix our marriage and get back). But literally signing a lie, also felt impossible to do - so, I said it straight out in front of him and the staff, like it was.

Now, I wonder; who is the real criminal, supporting Crimes against Humanity, in a position of power, parroting to embrace lethal jabs - as long those are taken by others.

Please; forgive me for my lengthy rant. :-[ I really had to get this off my chest.

The uncountable, extreme violations which have been committed in the name of "Covid, Vaccination, health and protection", are for me personally nearly unforgivable. A part of me still can't accept that most people at all levels support(ed) this crap, when I think of the deep and wide spread suffering it all has caused... (without much official consequences). So easily forgotten among daily life folks already. I know, it is a bit like "dwelling in 3D". But at the same time, I also can't pretend not to feel it.
I want to add something here based on the conversations with many people where I live. Almost all of them are regretting their decision to take the jabs. Almost all of them are suffering for some king of a health issue that they didn't have before the jabs. All of the feel very tired and have no energy to function normaly.A lot of them develop a heavy symptoms after a simple cold.
For example, since the weather now is with a very sudden changes, from a summer like temperatures in the evening to a winter temperatures and heavy rains next morning, people usually get cold or some other cold like viruses. For most of the people it is not a big deal. It will pass in a few days.
Most of the vaccinated are in a bad condition where they must visit a hospital and get some serious treatment for their condition. Also lot of young vaccinated people suddenly died.
Some of them are realizing what have they done, but I think that majority of them will jet another dose if they tall that on TV or if they make another round of brainwashing.

Same here, many regrets if not made explicitly made, they are said under the surface in their words and emotions. And it is starting to get to the point, where someone in any family spoken with, has either lost a family member or there is sudden illness in the family after being jabbed. My paramedic friend is busy, o' very busy, with his own family illnesses too (mother/sister).

My partners client just lost her father after his last dose; sudden heart complications (he was very healthy). Her brother was the same, now gone. Her brothers son, fathers grandchild, committed suicide. They had one family funeral for all.

The nurse taking care of my uncle (long term care 4,000 km. away from me - and he can't speak for himself) phoned to ask me for permission about this round of vaccinations; flu, pneumonia (is there a vax for that?) and covid booster... she does not have my permission. The original doses were provided after someone in his old church group rallied the covid-congregation (while telling him he needs Pfizer, getting him upset while telling him they are being withheld by certain family members), who then pointed fingers 4,000 kilometers away to his other family members. An impossible situation, standing against a united covid vaccination church-house choir.

As for my uncles first care home, for near two years, he and his fellow elders-in-care were treated diabolically (all stop).

One death hit me hard
Very sorry, XPan.
I was sad to learn recently that my uncle, who from the very beginning seemed pretty awake when it came to the shots, and sent articles to one of my aunts to try to convince her not to get jabbed, has finally capitulated after having a bad case of covid.

He has some serious health problems, the main one being bad osteoporosis. My wife contacted him recently regarding something else, and asked how he was getting over the covid, to which he replied that he still had a bad cough, wasn’t fully recovered, but that, “I’ve had a booster anyway, lol”.

So we don’t know when he had the first jab, and we were both a bit stunned. At a time when so many are waking up to the scam, and regretting having their jabs, it’s sad that my uncle went the other way.
Yeah. Sicker than normal

And here at my work, at the Stockholm subway, we are still in chronically understaffed situations, albeit summer is long gone (where the company often f***s up with vacations leading to understaffing). But people should have returned by now - at least since end of August !

For many, many months (at least a half year), you could/can get overtime as much as you like - which is mind boggling. I just got an sms minutes ago - again - asking if i wanted to work in the afternoon (nope, nix. I do not ;-)) There have been days at the Green Line alone, during the most extreme days, 40 jobs where "hanging" (staff needed to fill in for those that were sick during a single day/24 hrs) We are around 250 drivers in total (at the Green Line), while a larger number of people are off duty any given day, therefore the active drivers during 24 hours, are fewer than 250 of course.

Train cancellations have happened more frequently during 2022 (which is extremely expensive for the company because they have to pay lot of money to the SL authority, compared to just let somebody work overtime on their free day, or letting them work longer which is even cheaper).

I do understand that several others factors also play in when it comes to understaffing; At my work many people are quitting - it's been like that for at least 15-18 years, since private companies took over with all their shady restrictions and games, eliminated all advantages and extras, while keeping salaries down and maximizing working hours down to the minute of what the laws permit maximally. And - it takes a while to educate new subway drivers, which can lead to understaffing in shorter periods - but not this extreme...

Summer time is also a traditional factor for lacking staff - we know this. BUT - now, there is this quiet presence of higher illness present (even after all restrictions nad been lifted in Sweden back in spring). I personally suspect, that a lot has to do with the high uptake of injections among the staff; and people have become sicker.

We have had two strange deaths at work

which I am aware of ; very sudden, in relatively young people, and one sudden cancer case which led to hysterectomy in a young woman. Since I am not a gossip boy extracting information, I am not very well informed of what more goes on behind the curtains. I never ask people.

View attachment 64744

One death hit me hard

An ex boyfriend died very sudden, back in May 2021, which I accidentally stumbled across just the other day. The strangest thing is, that I spoke with my husband Sal about him around 5-6 months ago - that I had the strangest feeling of that something might have happened to him.

Healthy, handsome, strong body even at the age of 59 - still looking pretty much the same. How is that even possible ? Since I had no contact to him, it is speculation from my side that he likely died from the jab(s). But... it just felt like that in my stomach. He was employed by the woke Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm - which means most staff had to take the jabs in order to continue their jobs... plus that i suspect his personality also would give in, choosing to take those jabs. He was a healthy city-country boy - and those do not simply die out of the blue (even if that can happen of course in rare cases).

The irony is, that I have still around 70 analog film rolls with him from the 90s, which need to get digitalized/scanned... (which i have been already working during 2022) Then suddenly, there he is... while at the same time, he is not.

When you are a photographer... digitalizing all the analog work from the past... many people come to life, in such a brilliant way, that you can almost touch them... So, many emotions cross though one's mind and soul - and the experience is... indescribable.

The opposite

Then while at it, I "stumbled" across another ex husband, who now works as a high ranked boss, at the second biggest (Israeli) company fixing large congresses around the world for doctors and health care conventions... smiling in images from all around the world during dinners etc, stating "We at our company embrace vaccines" together with a red blood filled syringe as emoji. That's when I want to throw a bottle of cheap wine against his nuts... or something like that. (My mistake was, that i looked into his facebook page, for first time since many, many years - only digging shallow in it - but with the mistake, that I did this only an hour after i read about Olof's death).

So, there is this other, strikingly remarkably handsome, albeit slick man (the one who strongly resembled John F Kennedy Jr). A guy who always served well his masters, disciplined yet with the appearance of a genuinely wonderful, mild demure; With strings attached to embassies, the health care world, global aviation, and government/authorities as well the Israeli military (!)... So, i highly doubt, that he ever took a real jab - knowing pretty well, that what's in it, ain't anything good for human beings - while at the same time - in the position as a high ranking boss in a health care conference company, parroting to the world "we embrace vaccines".

It really ticked me off, mildly spoken ! (Which also revealed to me, that I still have some unpleasant strings attached in my psyche, which I need to face anew)

Who is the real criminal ?

The 'funny' thing is, that the same guy once called me a criminal; that I committed a "crime" - because I refused to sign a paper at the Migration authorities in Stockholm, which relied upon that we officially lived together at the same address - but we where "temporarily" separated due to a time-out. In reality (and still unaware at that time) he filed already other plans, while pretending that we would fix our marriage together; he was already out to hunt for a new boyfriend/husband, so that he could stay in Sweden.

While at the Migration Center, I was supposed to sign that paper stating that we lived together at the same address (which we didn't for the time being) - and if untrue, it could give me 6 months in prison. When reading that - it kind of hit me, so i said slowly... "I am sorry Perry, I can't sign this paper, because if I would, it would be a lie". It wasn't that I wished to hurt him - I truly didn't (i wanted us to fix our marriage and get back). But literally signing a lie, also felt impossible to do - so, I said it straight out in front of him and the staff, like it was.

Now, I wonder; who is the real criminal, supporting Crimes against Humanity, in a position of power, parroting to embrace lethal jabs - as long those are taken by others.

Please; forgive me for my lengthy rant. :-[ I really had to get this off my chest.

The uncountable, extreme violations which have been committed in the name of "Covid, Vaccination, health and protection", are for me personally nearly unforgivable. A part of me still can't accept that most people at all levels support(ed) this crap, when I think of the deep and wide spread suffering it all has caused... (without much official consequences). So easily forgotten among daily life folks already. I know, it is a bit like "dwelling in 3D". But at the same time, I also can't pretend not to feel it.
I'm sorry for your loss @XPan. It's normal to grieve and feel angry. Our world was shattered 2 and half year ago by a bunch of sickos for no good reason. We in the West had it good until then, but we had to open our eyes if we wanted to remain "free" and that's a choice most people weren't ready to make it seems😔. The last straw for me was when they got to the kids and nearly no shield went up to protect them. So many parents didn't had it in them to fight for their kids. Even some animals are braver than that.

As for you ex-husband, I would delete all contact with him, including FB. You two have clearly nothing in common and he's seem to be a manipulative, opportunistic man who took the Koolaid. We can deduce which side he would have picked 70 years ago.

You seem to have landed youself a good man with Sal and from what you share with us, it looks like you have a happy life, worth living. Don't bother with toxic people who take the opposite path.


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