The Living Force
So I had an interesting conversation with the guy and he confirmed the two Strange Sounds videos are his own recordings. The one from 2016 is filmed around Nove Zamky town and the new one (March 2019) between cities Trnava a Nitra. He was very reluctant to reveal more exact location because as he says he lives in the area and does not want to have visitors to his house. The videos will be allegedly broadcasted in Mexican TV tonight and he mentioned that in Mexico his YT channel is very popular and the TV stations come to him on regular basis. Most of the published videos, including UFOs, are his own (95%). The rest sent by others with permission to be published.I am trying to get to the guy because he did not publish the exact location and it is not clear if this one is not just a copy of some previous stuff with new video.
That's where the talk started to go weird. The guy claims he is in touch with extraterrestrials for over 50 years and runs several websites. He is quiet afraid of popularity, his accounts on FB and websites have tens of thousands followers and on many occasions they were taken down. He runs the websites just by himself under direct command from 'brothers from 5D'. Two examples here: (UFO, crop circles and other mysteries)
VIDEO: An interesting cloud phenomenon in the sky and mysterious Apocalyptic sound. CONTINUES!
Extraterrestrials and UFOs are according to him two kinds. One hyperdimensional with ships made of light energy and second is physical, nuts and bolts. The first kind being allegedly on a very high level of development, the others on a few different lower levels, still higher than humans.
So as to the strange sounds videos I think it is safe to say they are authentic. The locations can be added to the articles. About other materials it has to be judged case by case. The guy sounds reasonable but at the same time he doesn't seem to be protected very well from external, i.e. 4D STS, influence I would guess and the result is than a sort of mish-mash. FWIW.
Sorry if it was too much off topic