For me
- Good night sleeps. The feeling whilst falling asleep and being asleep is quite embracive and a feeling of safeness.
- Getting up earlier though but I put this down to early sunrises.
- Dreams have not necessarily been weird other than the whole subject matter and feeling of dreaming has changed. Sometimes I start to dream before actually falling asleep or after just getting up and its the weirdest thing, being awake and dreaming. However also, this dreaming and sleeping business has been occurring in a bubble (feeling of 'embraciveness' and safeness plus almost intoxication sort of feeling i.e. not grounded in what is real and what is not). I've now observed that in waking up and shaking off that feeling, everything gets forgotten other than random images.
Uhmm, weirdest experience over the last 2 weeks.
- Slight possibility of a visitation whilst sleeping though unclear. Was in the process of dreaming, can only remember the final bit. I got into an elevator, one side seemed slightly obscured by darkness. Took a look, a creature of sorts jumped out and gave me quite the fright. At this same point, got literally jolted from one side of my bed to the other, my whole body turning which also gave me the fright. The jolt wasn't painful but felt like a charge of sorts. Got up immediately obviously thinking what the hell is going on, on looking up saw some shimmering in the dark or like a thing that appeared cloaked. In focussing more on this thing it basically dissolved so that there was no longer a contrast between it and the surrounding environment. Ran the scenarios in my head, figured if it were a 'real' thing it's probably gone now so went back to sleep when my heart rate settled from the 'jolt'.
- Also, last Thursday, i got up and seems my brain was still in dream mode... So I decided to not get out of bed immediately and in closing my eyes and looking into the darkness. Lo and behold, images as clear as photographs started to appear. The most mundane of things but so clear and so real as to be quite cool. Images that were there, a whole bunch of windows with different designs, parked cars, stood in a courtyard of some building like a city hall or something like that looking around, sat at a reception area staring at a pot of plants... Lol! I would see an image, stare at it for a bit, then like a presentation it would disappear and another would appear. I was like, holy bajeebus, this is kinda cool but weird (and totally useless/pointless).
Other than the above which mostly seem sleep related, things have been a-ok. No weirdness to report. :)