The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

Split update:

Snow on ground is frozen and temperature is below 0° C, and weather forecast is that the worst is jet to come in next 24 hours. Local authorities have proclaimed the state of emergency - it seems like Ice age has already started in Dalmatia; C's said that one year is time needed for IA to build up - so is it 363 days to go :huh:
Gawan said:
...FWIW the book is also available online:

A.K.A. -- easier to remember :)
Polonel said:
Oh, by the way, there's a funny thing in the french media. A brand new expression was born yesterday, it's "le froid ressenti" (felt cold, in english ?). They are basically saying that it's not THAT cold, but because of the wind and the dry air, it FELT cold. That's brilliant.

Hi Polonel,

Here where it is cold, humid and windy, we have been using that expression "le froid ressenti" since years. :lol:
Polonel said:
A brand new expression was born yesterday, it's "le froid ressenti" (felt cold, in english ?).

In English it is called Wind chill. See: _ .
Published on 4 February 2012

Today's temperatures in the Netherlands reached their lowest point in 27 years on Saturday. The lowest temperature was recorded in Lelystad in the Flevopolder, a region of reclaimed land, at -21.8 degrees Celsius.

A spokesperson for meteorological agency says temperatures reached -20 degrees in many parts of the country. The spokesperson called them “bizarre temperatures.”

here in the middle of Mediterranean we have warm and nice sunny day today, but overall this has got to be the coldest winter I experienced here.
In Alforja, Tarragona (Catalonia) has started snowing in earnest. We are at - 3 C. Let's see how it evolves.
Well, the snow arrived in the UK last night for the first time this winter where I live (actually it snowed briefly at the end of last year but did not settle). Just when I thought that we might have gotten away with an exceptionally mild winter with long periods of weather dominated by atlantic weather systems, siberia pays us a visit just like last year. Right now it feels like winter was delayed and has finally arrived, but temperatures are still nothing like as low as the previous two years.
It was minus 5C this morning (at least, might have been lower a bit earlier) and started snowing about 8 a.m. or so. It has now stopped snowing, light covering everywhere, and about -2.
Here in central Ohio we've had an unusually mild winter so far. The daytime temps have mostly been in the forties (F) with some days of it reaching up to 60. There have been a few days in the 20's. To my memory it's only snowed a couple of times and not very heavily -- at least not compared to last year. I'm not complaining and don't mind at all paying lower heating bills. The calm before the storm..
Odyssey said:
The calm before the storm..

That's exactly what I've been thinking. Here in SE lower Michigan, 40's and sunny. Our area has been fairly lucky, with many storms either going north or south of us. I've got my fingers crossed that this trend continues until spring.

The question is, will next winter be like it is in Europe now? Or will it happen sooner? I'm not ready for an Ice Age.
Gosh! After snowing non-stop for 5 days in a row, now the sky is still filled with thick clouds but no precipitations. It snowed even at -5 Celsius, day and night, and I've never seen anything like that before here in Italy. Bad thing is that the weather forecasts set more snow to come from Monday's afternoon till next Saturday...

Fortunately the temperature isn't so bad, and it could rise a bit in the coming days, from -5 to -2 / 0 degrees C.
Real snow came to Copenhagen last night with -10. The 7 day forecast says we will move towards 0 degrees by the end of next week, but that the freeze will likely last untill end of february.
This is the 4th night I think with less then -10 in Belgrade.
State of emergency declared tonight. Could not move my car for 2 days , I have to start digging early morning in order to arrive in office in time.
Fresh report: A lots of snow has fallen today, about 30 cm total
in couple of these days, still falling. Current temperature is about -13 C. Don't like winter, indeed! :O

Well zemo (countryman) i hope that you have enough Slavonian pork products in stock to fight with that cold menace
A couple of days ago I had some bacon snack during my long way walk to home, just for a protection! :cool:
Dalmatian smoked ham would be also great choice! ;)
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