The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

jovichmk said:
Well it depends of the direction of the magnetic field i think. If the outer magnetic field is the same direction as the
stator fields it should increase total outer magnetic field and also increase rotation. If the outer magnetic field( i mean from the brown dwarf) is with oposite direction then it should decrease total outer magnetic field and also slow the

Well, the rotation is slowing for both Earth and Venus; Venus's day is 6.5 mins longer than it was 16 years ago, and Earth has gained a second of its year in seven years. And this other article says that the Earth's magnetic field is fading:


Might be related: Earth's mantle flows faster than previously thought:

Our neighbors are having quite the cold winter as well!

Belgium in longest cold wave since 1941

Belgium is being confronted with the longest cold wave in more than 70 years
, the Met Office reports. Saturday was the 13th consecutive day with maximum temperatures during the day staying below zero degrees Celsius (32 Fahrenheit) in Ukkel (Brussels). Sunday should add another day, but after that it's the end of the blistering cold.

The previous cold wave, in January 1997, continued for 12 days. This was also the case for January 1987.

However, this cold period just beats the eighties and nineties. David Dehenauw, the weather presenter of the commercial TV station VTM, explains that the last time we had temperatures below zero degrees Celsius for such a long time, was in January 1941. "It is quite exceptional that temperatures cannot climb above zero degrees Celsius for 13 and possibly 14 consecutive days", he says.
Laura said:
Ronan said:
Basicially though the change in rotation rate of earth would be difficult to detect without precision instruments.

So that means that whatever is shockingly affecting Venus could be having the exact same effect on Earth, though we would hardly notice it though, certainly, the planet might notice it very well.

Some other Potential reasons/data to consider for Venus slow down.
A. Venus is a fairly new member to the inner solar system. Approx 3000 years in current orbit.
B. Venus contra rotates.
Mercury and the moon don't rotate. Maybe Venus is naturally being dragged to a standstill. Might contribute to all that heat on Venus.
C. Venus has a very weak magnetic field. About 10^-5 that of Earth from what I can find on the web.
D. J McCanney mentioned in his Weather book that 2 separate mappings of Venus showed significant changes in it topology. Mass redistribution due to volcancoism might be having an affect on rotational inertia. (the spinning ice skater)
E. In" Lost star of myth and time" mention is made of the Sirius Research Group in Canada (pages 169-171) of change in the Earth's rotation of +/-1 second per day that appears to be coupled to Sirius A & B rotation about each other. This group has a telescope permanently fixed in place to carry out this long term observation. They would be the ideal people to try and get data from on any changes in Earths rotation.
Regarding the cold spell, I have two (subjective?) observations. The first is how fast the temperature can drop. Today as I was leaving my job in the evening it was 0 degrees. Two hours later it was -4, and now it's -8! The second is how wrong the forecast can be. For the last four or five days they have predicted one more day of cold and then back to mild - and they have been wrong all week extending the cold one more day each time!
Laura said:

That is a picture of what's called a 'sun dog' and is caused by the interaction of light and ice crystals. If the photograph was wide enough a third 'sun' would have also been captured out to the right.
MikeJoseph82 said:
Laura said:

That is a picture of what's called a 'sun dog' and is caused by the interaction of light and ice crystals. If the photograph was wide enough a third 'sun' would have also been captured out to the right.

May be or May be not. Just wondering of Why can't this be the sun's companion star ?. Of course I don't have proof for either way. Looks like a question for C's.
It's not the the Sun's companion, otherwise it would be seen by all all over the world. But given the actual events, and regarding the timing, a particular display can be speculatively seen through its possible symbolic value.
mkrnhr said:
It's not the the Sun's companion, otherwise it would be seen by all all over the world. But given the actual events, and regarding the timing, a particular display can be speculatively seen through its possible symbolic value.

FWIW here is what some Sott editors wrote in the flash-backed article from last year:

We've heard some suggest that it's a kind of 'sundog' which forms when sunlight refracts through ice crystals and produces striking halo effects, but since it is not an isolated or exclusively winter phenomenon, we propose that "two suns" and other similar anomalous phenomena are a 'mirage' effect of some sort whereby the sun is being refracted by the changed atmosphere. That is, a combination of possible comet dust loading and changes in the layers of the atmosphere.

Besides, when was the last time you heard about "two suns" being reported or observed? This is very strong evidence for major changes in the atmosphere and the question you've got to be asking yourself is, why?
Gawan said:
FWIW here is what some Sott editors wrote in the flash-backed article from last year:

We've heard some suggest that it's a kind of 'sundog' which forms when sunlight refracts through ice crystals and produces striking halo effects, but since it is not an isolated or exclusively winter phenomenon, we propose that "two suns" and other similar anomalous phenomena are a 'mirage' effect of some sort whereby the sun is being refracted by the changed atmosphere. That is, a combination of possible comet dust loading and changes in the layers of the atmosphere.

Besides, when was the last time you heard about "two suns" being reported or observed? This is very strong evidence for major changes in the atmosphere and the question you've got to be asking yourself is, why?

SOTT's article was updated with the above explanation.
Exactly. I included the "two suns" in the list simply because it was indicative of atmospheric stuff which, I assumed, peeps here would understand. Believe me, if a second "sun" actually shows up, it will look nothing like Sol, it would probably appear as a rather dim star a very long way away. People just don't think about that sort of thing with any knowledge. They don't realize that if a significant body approaches, it can have all sorts of effects and still be so far away that it appears to be just a dim star. Geeze, look at Jupiter! It appears to be just a star in the sky! And it's HUGE. Also, relative to any companion star, it is darn close and still just looks like a star in the sky. So peeps, get a grip: if there IS a companion star, you probably will not see it.

On the other hand, a large comet that DOES come into the inner solar system, and might pass close to the earth, could make an appearance like a "second sun" due to its coma. OR, if it was aimed at Earth, as it got closer, it might look like a "second sun."

Then, of course, there is a supernova... that can be "second sun-like" in appearance, but you would still be able to notice how distant it was.
On can see "visually" that something odd is happenning in the atmosphere by looking at the following graphs:
It is possible to select the rang of altitude and compare the trends with the records from the last ten years.
Basically, the lower atmosphere temperature is usually correlated with the high atmosphere temperature. What we see in January 2012 is a disconnect between the trends in temperature variation between let's say channel6 and channel 10. Note also the huge plunge in temperatures in the lower channels during January.
Joseph & Josephene SixPack are not going to even consider these possibilities, until too late that is. I've always said being aware of possibilities negates surprise, fear and all those emotions that stop us from being able to think in an emergency. I think this is important. Important that 'tis how one reacts when change occurs. If all this is true, I hope to surf a wave and not be drug under.

I also 'think' that what we are at the time of... "death", let's say. At the time of change, death even, the state of mind, the knowledge accumulated, what and who we are is what continues with us into the next stage/realm (for lack of absolute knowledge). And when I get there... Where ever and what ever that is... I'd rather be able to observe and think calmly than let emotions run me into something regrettable.
Laura said:
Exactly. I included the "two suns" in the list simply because it was indicative of atmospheric stuff which, I assumed, peeps here would understand. Believe me, if a second "sun" actually shows up, it will look nothing like Sol, it would probably appear as a rather dim star a very long way away. People just don't think about that sort of thing with any knowledge. They don't realize that if a significant body approaches, it can have all sorts of effects and still be so far away that it appears to be just a dim star. Geeze, look at Jupiter! It appears to be just a star in the sky! And it's HUGE. Also, relative to any companion star, it is darn close and still just looks like a star in the sky. So peeps, get a grip: if there IS a companion star, you probably will not see it.

On the other hand, a large comet that DOES come into the inner solar system, and might pass close to the earth, could make an appearance like a "second sun" due to its coma. OR, if it was aimed at Earth, as it got closer, it might look like a "second sun."

Then, of course, there is a supernova... that can be "second sun-like" in appearance, but you would still be able to notice how distant it was.

Very good point. with 3% size of sun with no fuel, that far away it is very difficult to even see.
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