The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

mkrnhr said:
It is interesting that the actual situation (historical heatwave in Australia and cold over most of the northern hemisphere) has been compared, at least, with the 1790 conditions: _
That was during the "little ice age" and that particular period has seen lots of wars everywhere (French revolution, American revolution and so forth) like today (and a lot of cometary activity). Cooling periods did correspond to lots of variance in weather conditions and even during the little ice age, many occurrences of high temperatures have been recorded.

That is a fascinating article. Given the current period we're in and the potential for further war, revolution and cometary activity, throw in the 'Year of the Snake' and it seems like an alignment of sorts. I admit I have been skeptical with regards to the ice age scenario, but I'm not only starting to believe the signs from personal research, as well as writings and other eyewitness accounts on this forum, but I'm (possibly) seeing signs for myself.

About a week or so prior to the heat wave event described above, I witnessed something from an aeroplane I'd never seen before - it can only be described as upside-down lightning. It made me jump from my seat when I was looking out of the window at night. The lightning bolt lasted a good 2-3 seconds (not an overestimation) and turned night into day. It looked a little like those plasma balls you see at museums when you touch the glass, and the plasma follows the hand. There was one big bolt which came out of the cloud, up into the air above, then descended back outwards and down into the cloud as smaller branches. I'm a regular flyer and have watched many storms before at night out of the window, but I have never seen anything like this before. Maybe it was just a rare natural occurrence that considering laws of probability, I saw it, but in the context as described it might just be another precursor to something more significant.
MikeJoseph82 said:
About a week or so prior to the heat wave event described above, I witnessed something from an aeroplane I'd never seen before - it can only be described as upside-down lightning. It made me jump from my seat when I was looking out of the window at night. The lightning bolt lasted a good 2-3 seconds (not an overestimation) and turned night into day. It looked a little like those plasma balls you see at museums when you touch the glass, and the plasma follows the hand. There was one big bolt which came out of the cloud, up into the air above, then descended back outwards and down into the cloud as smaller branches. I'm a regular flyer and have watched many storms before at night out of the window, but I have never seen anything like this before. Maybe it was just a rare natural occurrence that considering laws of probability, I saw it, but in the context as described it might just be another precursor to something more significant.

From your description it sounds to me like it could have been St. Elmo's Fire -'s_fire - which happen due to volcanic activity or near the mast of a ship or the wing of an airplane during a thunderstorm.
Heimdallr said:
From your description it sounds to me like it could have been St. Elmo's Fire -'s_fire - which happen due to volcanic activity or near the mast of a ship or the wing of an airplane during a thunderstorm.

The way it's described in that wikipedia entry, it would appear that it is a smaller and more localized phenomenon. The picture of it occurring on that tall ship seems to indicate the same.

However when searching for the term 'St Elmo's Fire' in Google Images, there are a couple of pictures displayed which although are different, are a closer representation to what I saw. Still, the actual display would have occurred at a distance of at least 10 kilometers away (estimate) from the aircraft, and might have traveled a vertical distance of at least a few thousand feet.
mkrnhr said:
It is interesting that the actual situation (historical heatwave in Australia and cold over most of the northern hemisphere) has been compared, at least, with the 1790 conditions: _
That was during the "little ice age" and that particular period has seen lots of wars everywhere (French revolution, American revolution and so forth) like today (and a lot of cometary activity). Cooling periods did correspond to lots of variance in weather conditions and even during the little ice age, many occurrences of high temperatures have been recorded.

yeah only that it seems this time its gonna be worse (earthquakes, sinkholes, more volcanic activity etc)
Ok this is very weird (to me :-[): a SAND STORM in Tokyo :huh: Are there any deserts in Japan? Never heard... And what any cold front has to to with this?

Meteorologists said the phenomenon was caused by a sudden cold front...
A rapidly developing low pressure system in the north was moving down south. It was bringing a snow storm in the north, and strong winds in Tokyo and surrounding areas...


Added:... maybe space dust?
Extreme weather kills 18,000 pashmina goats in Ladakh

NEW DELHI/SRINAGAR: Last year's unusually dry summer and this winter's unprecedented snowfall, the worst in nearly 50 years, in Ladakh's Changtang area has claimed over 18,000 "pashmina" goats, the source of one of the finest varieties of wool that has put the region on the world map.

Changtang is a high altitude plateau in southeastern Ladakh, inhabited by Changpa (Champa) nomads, and known for its harsh and semi-arid weather with very little vegetation. The harsh winter makes these mountain goats grow extremely warm and very soft coating that is six times finer than human hair and used to produce pashmina wool. Its products including shawls, scarves, wraps, stoles are exported worldwide.

"While rains were scanty last summer, the winter witnessed unprecedented snowfall," said Dr Morup of Leh's district sheep husbandry office. Because of the harsh climate no other agricultural activity is possible and the fodder comes mainly from the natural vegetation. Lack of rain last year dried out the natural flora and the heavy snowfall in January and February cut off the region from the rest of the country, preventing fodder supplies. "The goats perished because of extreme cold
and lack of food," he explained, adding, "We had supplied 13,000 quintals in November before the closure of the roads, otherwise loss would have been more."

Leh deputy commissioner Tsering Angchok told TOI, "Now, 1100 quintals of fodder have been sent in 62 trucks to the area where these animals are located."

The members of the Ladakh hill council, led by executive councilor Gyurmet Dorjey, are helping in organizing additional stocks of fodder to prevent any further loss of these "golden goats". The council members accuse the Omar Abdullah government of not doing enough to save these rare animals.

"These conditions also threaten the ancient nomadic lifestyle of the Champa people," said Tsewang Namgyal, advisor to YDA, an association of Drukpa Buddhists. Among the three main lineages of Himalayan Buddhism practised in the region, the Drukpa lineage has the largest number of followers. The harsh climate does not permit agriculture and these people are completely dependent on their livestock.

The pashmina wool has an enormous contribution to Ladakh's economy. "This kind of calamities might convince them to quit the nomadic lifestyle and settle in the villages. This will have a huge impact on the local economy," he added.

We are having CRAZY weather here in Croatia!

Just yesterday it was almost spring time! Temperatures were getting higher then 15°C during the last two weeks!

Now, TODAY, A DAY LATER WE ARE HAVING A BLIZARD of huge proportions and temperatures below zero! Here where I live snow has been falling ALL DAY LIKE A SAND STORM carrying the snow all over the place - even the door and windows have a layer of snow on them.

It has been falling all day non-stop carried by fast and very cold wind.

All I can say is - it made me realize what an ice age could look like and the picture ain't pretty.
Domagoj said:
We are having CRAZY weather here in Croatia!

Just yesterday it was almost spring time! Temperatures were getting higher then 15°C during the last two weeks!

Now, TODAY, A DAY LATER WE ARE HAVING A BLIZARD of huge proportions and temperatures below zero! Here where I live snow has been falling ALL DAY LIKE A SAND STORM carrying the snow all over the place - even the door and windows have a layer of snow on them.

It has been falling all day non-stop carried by fast and very cold wind.

All I can say is - it made me realize what an ice age could look like and the picture ain't pretty.

It sounds oddly familiar, only that I am in Spain! Well, northern part, but still. It has been one steady learning curve to learn how to navigate through this weather. The wind is so strong that cars often lose control. I've never seen so much snow fall so quickly as it did yesterday and today. It is crazy weather indeed. It has rained when it hasn't snowed, and now it seems to have settle down.
In the Netherlands same story over the past 10 days or so with several records broken either way (hot, cold, wet). :huh:


Same here in northwestern Canada. We had a horrible cold snap for three weeks, averaging around -25C and lots of snow. Then the last two weeks were +3C-ish, practically sweater weather with slush everywhere. Yesterday it suddenly changed again back to -11 days and -22 nights and we've had another six inches of snow. It's just nuts.
The ice fields of GUERNSEY! Record-breaking cold spell sees rare 8ft-high snowdrifts hit what is usually one of the UK's warmest spots

Freezing conditions led to a heavy frost developing across much of the UK

Temperatures dropped to -8.7C in some parts of Britain

Met Office warns: 'Nowhere should be surprised if it snows this weekend'


Full story and more photos -
Domagoj said:
Now, TODAY, A DAY LATER WE ARE HAVING A BLIZARD of huge proportions and temperatures below zero! Here where I live snow has been falling ALL DAY LIKE A SAND STORM carrying the snow all over the place - even the door and windows have a layer of snow on them.

The same happens right now in Belarus. A very strong blizzard that started this morning and just keeps intensifying. It doesn't matter if one cleans the road, it takes only minutes for the snow to pile up again.
In Split boora (fon: bu:ra - northeast cold wind - The Cleaner) is blowin'. Yeah - Air Cyro therapy, cleans everything - including "chem-trailz". First time this winter i put on my coat - which i almost forgot of...
...on the other side of globe, in New Zealand, there is a severe drought:

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