A translation into Danish.
"The Prayer of the Soul" "Sjælens bøn"
Oh Divine Cosmic Mind Åh Guddommelige Kosmiske Sind
Holy Awareness in All Creation Hellig Bevidsthed i Al Skabelse
Carried in the heart Båret i hjertet
Ruler of the mind Hersker af sindet
Savior of the Soul Frelser af Sjælen
Live in me today Lev i mig i dag
Be my Daily Bread Vær mit Daglige Brød
As I give bread to others Ligesom jeg giver brød til andre
Help me grow in knowledge Hjælp mig at vokse i viden
Of All Creation Om Hele Skabelsen
Clear my eyes Rens mine øjne
That I may See At jeg må se
Clear my ears Rens mine ører
That I may hear At jeg må høre
Cleanse my heart Rens mit hjerte
That I may know and love At jeg må kende og elske
The Holiness of True Existence Helligheden af Sand Eksistens
Divine Cosmic Mind Guddommelige Kosmiske Sind
Comments: "The Holiness of True Existence" can also be translated as "Sand Eksistens Hellighed". but I give a preference to "Helligheden af Sand Eksistens" as this relates better to the development and flow into the last line, the way I understand it, in the sense that "Holiness/Hellighed" in the next line becomes "Divine/Guddomelige" just as and "True Existence/Sand Eksistens" becomes "Cosmic Mind/Kosmiske Sind".
In addition the gentive in Danish is usually expressed by adding an "s", with the exception of words that end in "s", in which case it is formed by either adding an apostrophe ( ') or an apostrophe followed by s like ('s), so that when pronounced the genetive of a word naturally ending in "s" actually gets prolonged with what would be 'es'. Therefore "Sand Eksistens'/Eksitstens's Hellighed" would sound more like "Sand Eksistens(es) Hellighed" which is a bit clumsy, considering there are so many ”s” sounds in these words already.
The original and incorrect of the above was:
In addition the gentive in Danish is usually expressed by adding an "s", with the exception of words that end in "s". However when pronounced the genetive of a word naturally ending in "s" actually gets prolonged with what would be 'es'. Therefore "Sand Eksistens Hellighed" would sound more like "Sand Eksistens(es) Hellighed" which is a bit clumsy, considering there are so many s' in the words already.
Also in "Holiness/Hellighed" one has the idea of Wholeness which is Totality, which is All there Is, which is essentially "True Existence/Sand Eksistens".