The Situation In Germany

So it begins,…


Leader of the CDU Friedrich Merz just completely went back on what was said during the election and announced that there will be NO TALK of shutting the borders to those without valid documentation.

Only the @AfD can be trusted to save Germany

"I want to say it very clearly again. None of us will talk about border closures, no one, although this was claimed at times during the election campaign,
none of us want to close the borders"

Full translation from @grok

Reporter: Mr. Merz,
I would like to come back to the issue of rejections at the borders once again. Mr. Lümmelmann said during the election campaign that this is a must for the coalition agreement—if it doesn’t happen, then you simply won’t govern. Do you stick to that, and to what extent do you assume that a party that describes itself as a left-wing people’s party, a center-left people’s party, namely the SPD, would go along with this?

Merz :I’m also confident on this point. I emphasized this again last night on the TV program—uh, uh—in the coalition agreement, uh, of the state of Brandenburg under the leadership of the SPD with, uh, Mr., uh, Woidke at the helm, such a formulation is included with, uh, border controls and rejections.I also want to say very clearly once again: none of us is talking about border closures. Nobody. Even though that was claimed at times during the election campaign, none of us wants to close the borders.

Grok has fact checked this.

Merz DID say this during the election and has now reneged on it only ONE DAY after the election.

So, I fact check the Grok‘s statement and here is DW article and video in English from 23 Jan 2025 where he said:
Conservative election front-runner Friedrich Merz said he'll "permanently put controls on all German borders."
You can easily find it:örn_Höcke#Nationalismus_und_NS-Sprache

Maybe, but a two party coalition will be more stable, meaning that it may be another 4 years until any political change is possible in Germany.
Ok, I am sorry, I still do not see what is so bad about what he said. The language triggers many, that for sure, but he is saying positive things. C'mon, think about what members of Die Linke said in the past... from "We have to think about how we want to heat our houses AFTER we shot the 1% rich people" to "we know what to do if someone wants to rent a room in an inn to the AfD, we talk, nicely, to the innkeeper. If he still wants to rent it to them, we talk to him not so nicely, and if that doesnt come out the way we want, we have "other forces" ... and i am pretty sure he ment Antifa... In my eyes partys like Die Linke are using "Nazi"-methods, not the AfD.
Some social media data on voting preferences in Germany:
Yesterday, a MSM outlet General Anzeiger reported (unfortunately behind a paywall) about "an error" where
"A family from Bonn reports that the two adult children were not allowed to vote in the polling station. Apparently their names were already ticked off the list. But the voters didn't make a gross mistake. Can there still be an election campaign? [GA+]"

I saw it on FB. There are interesting comments below where people also complain that their IDs weren´t checked.
Maybe, but a two party coalition will be more stable, meaning that it may be another 4 years until any political change is possible in Germany.

Under 'normal circumstances' such a coalition would pull through until 2029, but these are not normal times.

Apart from the economy and coming financial troubles an aggravating migrant crime situation could pull the Christian Democrats apart to the point where the conservatives might break away and form a new party (how about 'Christian National Union', CNU?).

Friedrich Merz will have to stifle the party's liberal Merkelites in order to prevent that from happening and introduce some real measures.
Once he's going to do that the (deep state controlled) Merkelites will rebel.

Luckily there will be five state elections in 2026 which must be sending shivers down the spines of SPD and CDU.

May be so, but still the main stream medias (at least in France) keep saying that some AfD leaders (at least) are overtly Neo-Nazis, publicly stating it. Which is quite embarrassing. Unless not true ?

That only proves that the main stream media in France are no better than those in Germany.
From what I heard from people at the heart of richest and biggest economically fruitful region in germany (so as far away from the east part of Germany that you can think of), it seems they all are more or less critical about the realness of the results of the elections (which might not representative).

Agree that the pools are not representative.

As for the kids being easier to manipulate, not sure if that´s the overall case today in the world of X, TikTok and other social media. Kids are much smarter today.

One example.
In my kid´s school, every class has a girl and a boy president; my kid is a male president of his class. All representatives have regular meetings with teachers to discuss situation in the school, how to improve it, etc.
Each grade has 6 classes, plus Oberstufe, so we are talking here of about 72 + 12 representative students. Not all of them come to those meetings as some are sick, but usually a big majority shows up.

Some teachers did videos for social media on their own, where they stand up and say that "they are for democracy", so the idea was that they all make the video for school´s Instagram, with all of them "standing up for democracy". They said to the kids that if they don´t want to do that or if their parents didn´t sign the paper where they allow that their kid being filmed for social media, they don´t have to do that.

So my kid and his friend stood aside, simply not wanting to participate, and when he turned around, he saw that 90% of the kids also stepped aside also not wanting to participate in the video.

The teachers and reminding few students were, of course, pissed off! All of the sudden, there is no democracy to choose if you want to be part of the video or not, neither the parent´s consent on the matter of their kids being on social media matter - all of them are "not democratic" and one kid even called them Nazis! 🤣

As the show and bashing went on, my kid in the meantime was pretending to tie his shoelace, so others don´t see him laughing at the scene in front of him. 🤣

In the end, the idea of a video failed as there were only a few of the kids left who wanted to do the video, which wouldn´t be as dramatic video to post online, right.

That´s just one example, there are many more especially from the time when the teacher was trying to "teach them inclusion" and majority of the kids made fun of the whole thing.

So, yeah, I think that many kids today see what is happening around them. Or at least they had many recent wake up calls with all the assaults all across Germany and the situation in general.

Actually, there might be something to that. Usually I would tend to be very critical about the brainwashing degree of young and very young germans, but I also have experienced that some very young people seem to be not buying a number of propagandistic nonsense (which caught me by surprise). How representative that is, I have no idea.

If so, that might be a good sign although I still tend to be critical about it.

Here Merz, likely our new “leader“, answers a question from a kid in class:

Notice how this kid and other kids in the class look at Scholz. It is very subjective of course, but it almost seems like they are not buying his lies and manipulations and find that old guy strange? And the whole “staged atmosphere of that talk with kids“ might be what they see as well?
So it begins,…

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So, I fact check the Grok‘s statement and here is DW article and video in English from 23 Jan 2025 where he said:

Mari, did you see this?

Go to min 6 ... ^^

Looks like:

1: BSW isn't the only group that is now trying to recount and challenge the election results/counts.

2: An ex parliamentarian that successfully challenged an election in Berlin a while ago, is also going the legal route to find out if something strange happened.

3: People themselves have reported quite some irregularities during voting.

4: Anyone can, as of now, cross-check the officially stated numbers for each area with another "independent" source, and curiously enough, anyone can find quite a number of discrepancies in the vote counts, mostly in terms of BSW and AFD! And it seems like that could add up to very significant levels (for how the current system works)! Almost seems like they were stupid enough to rig it in a way that anyone can easily check out, or they don't care or whatever.

5: Not only is the slight failing of BSW to get into the Bundestag very significant, but also, curiously enough, the AfD was also getting just short off the numbers that could have changed what is happening in the Bundestag very significantly. In other words: Both BSW and AfD did just barely fall below the voting numbers that could have made them significant in the Bundestag and also on how the new government can or can not be formed.

6: This could be significant enough to challenge the election and/or have new elections soon. It could be quite a big deal.

See here:

So it seems like that my suspicion, that it was rigged just enough here and there, could actually be what happened. In order, a: to prevent BSW and AfD to get over respectively significant barriers in the Bundestag, and b: to be able to form a government they (the PTB) want.
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Looks like:

1: BSW isn't the only party that is now trying to recount and challenge the election results/counts.

2: An ex parliamentarian that successfully challenged an election in Berlin a while ago is also going the legal route to find out if something strange went on.

3: People themselves have reported quite some irregularities during voting.

4: Anyone can as of now cross-check the officially stated numbers for each area with another "independent" source, and curiously enough, anyone can find quite a number of discrepancies in the vote counts, mostly in terms of BSW and AFD! And it seems like that could add up to very significant levels (for how the current system works)! Almost seems like they were stupid enough to rigg it in a way that anyone can easily check out, or they don't care or whatever.

5: Not only is the slight failing of BSW to get into the Bundestag very significant, but also, curiously enough, the AfD was also getting just short off the numbers that could have made what is happening in the Bundestag very significant. In other words: Both BSW and AfD did just barely fall below the voting numbers that could have made them significant in the Bundestag and also on how the new government can or can not be formed.

6: This could be significant enough to challenge the election and/or have new elections soon. It could be quite a big deal.

See here:

So it seems like that my suspicion, that it was rigged just enough here and there, could actually be what happened. In order, a: to prevent BSW and AfD to get over respectively significant barriers in the Bundestag, and b: to be able to form a government they want.
I ask myself: Is that planned? I mean is it carried out that poorly on purpose? TO HAVE the opportunity to repeat the election?

To be honest: I "see" some things myself as well, and since the election was announced after the "Ampel" broke, I couldnt get ANY images of the election or the result. Nothing. It was like a completely blank spot. Maybe that was the reason. I think a repetition is very likely...
I ask myself: Is that planned? I mean is it carried out that poorly on purpose? TO HAVE the opportunity to repeat the election?

To be honest: I "see" some things myself as well, and since the election was announced after the "Ampel" broke, I couldnt get ANY images of the election or the result. Nothing. It was like a completely blank spot. Maybe that was the reason. I think a repetition is very likely...

Hard to say if that is on purpose, IF there is rigging. It could also be that those apparent obvious discrepancies, that anyone can check out, are there because of some kind of rule the C's talked about: That STS has to (or is required to) show their hands in some ways.

And I'm personally not so sure that a repetition is very likely soon, at least at this point. But I sure would hope so...
Hard to say if that is on purpose, IF there is rigging. It could also be that those apparent obvious discrepancies, that anyone can check out, are there because of some kind of rule the C's talked about: That STS has to (or is required to) show their hands in some ways.

And I'm personally not so sure that a repetition is very likely soon, at least at this point. But I sure would hope so...
Referring to the bolded italic part: But they do, or - here in Germany - already did some time ago, no? Remember Merkel saying that it has to be clear, that what was said before an election must not mean that the elected DO post election what was said pre election. I think Müntefering it was, who said something along those lines. I was really astonished THEN already, that noone seemed to bother...
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