The Situation In Germany

remember the rise of BSW in such a short time last year? I found that a bit fishy, too. But if you have seen how often she changed her direction during the elections in Thüringen, Sachsen-Anhalt and Brandenburg, no wonder so many voters left... and for me, her second, Mohammed Ali, she was pro vax mandates and is totally against deportations, even the most criminal murderers should stay, so she said in a TV interview 9 months or so ago
While it is true that Wagenknecht/BSW did a pretty bad election campaign, IMO, I still have a hard time trusting that result. It is sort of understandable that Wagenknecht positioned herself so strongly against the AfD, because, one of the main premises/goals of that new party is, I think, to get voters from all the big mainstream parties who are fed up with their policies, BUT, the people they target are still quite mainstream and brainwashed in many areas. In other words: They target voters who are/were quite mainstream but simply are disappointed with the big mainstream parties for changing a number of most basic things, like making politics for war and such. Still, I personally find the way Wagenknecht has gone about it rather mean spirited and defamatory towards the AfD and others outside the mainstream. Generally speaking, she is playing quite dirty, treacherously and backstabby, at least, when she needs to.

AfD on the other hand, while also targeting mainstream people of course, is in large parts comprised of voters who are more or less totally disillusioned about the sham of the mainstream parties and tend to be far less brainwashed.

Be that as it may, I think BSW should realistically have gotten quite a lot more votes than those 4,97%: Getting the votes of many people who wouldn't/couldn't vote for the AfD, but couldn't vote for their previous mainstream parties either; BSW was pretty much the only real option outside established parties with a real potential for people like that. And besides that, Wagenknecht is quite famous and was always considered lefty. I would have expected them to be more like between 7 and 16 percent of the votes.
While it is true that Wagenknecht/BSW did a pretty bad election campaign, IMO, I still have a hard time trusting that result. It is sort of understandable that Wagenknecht positioned herself so strongly against the AfD, because, one of the main premises/goals of that new party is, I think, to get voters from all the big mainstream parties who are fed up with their policies, BUT, the people they target are still quite mainstream and brainwashed in many areas. In other words: They target voters who are/were quite mainstream but simply are disappointed with the big mainstream parties for changing a number of most basic things, like making politics for war and such. Still, I personally find the way Wagenknecht has gone about it rather mean spirited and defamatory towards the AfD and others outside the mainstream. Generally speaking, she is playing quite dirty, treacherously and backstabby, at least, when she needs to.

AfD on the other hand, while also targeting mainstream people of course, is in large parts comprised of voters who are more or less totally disillusioned about the sham of the mainstream parties and tend to be far less brainwashed.

Be that as it may, I think BSW should realistically have gotten quite a lot more votes than those 4,97%: Getting the votes of many people who wouldn't/couldn't vote for the AfD, but couldn't vote for their previous mainstream parties either; BSW was pretty much the only real option outside established parties with a real potential for people like that. And besides that, Wagenknecht is quite famous and was always considered lefty. I would have expected them to be more like between 7 and 16 percent of the votes.
for me, ALL IS WRONG with BSW and Wagenknecht herself. She literally wrote "Hymnes" on Stalin, yes, thats many years ago, i agree, and people can change their minds, but she does not distance herself from that in any way. She is not amused, when the subject is brought on, that for sure. Then the name of the party. I do not think it is very wise to stand as a person - in name - for a movement, I think i do not have to go into this, in what direction this goes. I think BSW is "made" opposition - btw that could be true for AfD as well - and just adds to the general "stir" in society. I mean, even the word "party" derives from latin pars, partis. The core of the idea "party" is an idea of division. We need solutions with wich all can live, there should be the focus, but it is on fighting the opposition.

and for the 4,97..%... well, somewhere has to be a border. I do not think in general, that elections really see all votes executed..
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While it is true that Wagenknecht/BSW did a pretty bad election campaign, IMO, I still have a hard time trusting that result. It is sort of understandable that Wagenknecht positioned herself so strongly against the AfD, because, one of the main premises/goals of that new party is, I think, to get voters from all the big mainstream parties who are fed up with their policies, BUT, the people they target are still quite mainstream and brainwashed in many areas
Yes, I am not sure about Wagenknecht either. On the one hand, she seems sincere and openly talks about the most important issues facing Germany today (and she agrees with the AfD on the solutions). On the other hand, I think she is the most often invited guest on German TV out of all politicians in Germany, which is a bit of a red flag. But now it looks like somebody decided to cut the BSW down to size and just barely prevent them from being in parliament.

Where she and the AfD disagree the most are the economic policies - Wagenknecht prefers big government (which is problematic) while the AfD seems more business-friendly, though maybe more for big businesses (which may also be problematic). A kind of middle-ground between the two may be best.

I actually helped out in her "Aufstehen" organization several years ago, which was also educational regarding pathological personalities trying to get more "power" through scheming and such. Which I think may be one of the main reasons that organization failed.

She literally wrote "Hymnes" on Stalin, yes, thats many years ago, i agree, and people can change their minds, but she does not distance herself from that in any way.
That is not true, she repeatedly distanced herself from her communist roots, basically saying that she was young and made mistakes.
Yes, I am not sure about Wagenknecht either. On the one hand, she seems sincere and openly talks about the most important issues facing Germany today (and she agrees with the AfD on the solutions). On the other hand, I think she is the most often invited guest on German TV out of all politicians in Germany, which is a bit of a red flag. But now it looks like somebody decided to cut the BSW down to size and just barely prevent them from being in parliament.

Where she and the AfD disagree the most are the economic policies - Wagenknecht prefers big government (which is problematic) while the AfD seems more business-friendly, though maybe more for big businesses (which may also be problematic). A kind of middle-ground between the two may be best.

I actually helped out in her "Aufstehen" organization several years ago, which was also educational regarding pathological personalities trying to get more "power" through scheming and such. Which I think may be one of the main reasons that organization failed.

That is not true, she repeatedly distanced herself from her communist roots, basically saying that she was young and made mistakes.
thats true, but she refuses to say, WHAT THOSE MISTAKES WERE and what her thoughts are about these things now. And I think that is important to be credible

plus: taking part in the "Brandmauer" is as non-democratic as can be...
I know she once said otherwise as well, but she acted according to the "Brandmauer"
thats true, but she refuses to say, WHAT THOSE MISTAKES WERE and what her thoughts are about these things now.
Again, I don't think that's true. Wagenknecht wrote whole books on her current views, which are not communist at all.

Regarding the relationship between the AfD and BSW, here is a relatively good summary of the debate Weidel and Wagenknecht had:!6041991/

Regarding the "firewall":
In other words, this is how her message could be understood: Without Höcke, Wagenknecht could imagine working with the AfD. After all, the voters of both parties want “change”, according to Sahra Wagenknecht. [...]

Wagenknecht is not building a firewall to the AfD, but only to Björn Höcke: She made that clear. There are also signs of a rapprochement in parliament. In the Bundestag, almost the entire AfD parliamentary group has supported a BSW motion calling for a coronavirus investigation committee to be set up.
I can’t help to think that maybe Germany (followed by France and Britain) are the pawns of the global deepstate, which couldn’t, this time around, fully control America, so, they are now “switching back“ to getting their agendas through, by somewhat bypassing America for the time being, and continuing through the main powers in Europe.
In the comment, I try to give a perspective from the point of view of what Mike Benz said about the relation between some policies in the EU and the US, followed by a few session excerpts about the original inspiration from WWII for some of the current intelligence agencies. Next a few notes about military alliance related organizations, then another excerpt from the Cs commenting on the Book of Revelation, because at some stage the public and the politicians they vote, also in Germany, might have to deal with that in some way. At the end question about what if Alice Weidel had won, and a couple of excerpt of what to expect from the Trump Administration, at the end of the day, at least compared to the promises.

As an example of what you write, Mike Benz has explained how EU censorship laws were motivated by US influences, and later used not only in Europe, but also in the US:

Now, the Atlantic Council has seven CIA directors on its board. A lot of people don't even know that seven CIA directors are still alive, let alone all concentrated on the board of a single organization that's kind of the heavyweight in the censorship industry. They get annual funding from the Department of Defense, the State Department, and CIA cutouts like the National Endowment for Democracy.
The Atlantic Council in January, 2017 moved immediately to pressure European governments to pass censorship laws to create a transatlantic flank tank on free speech in exactly the way that Rick Stengel essentially called for to have us mimic European censorship laws. One of the ways they did this was by getting Germany to pass something called Nets DG in August, 2017, which was essentially kicked off the era of automated censorship in the us. What Nets DG required was, unless social media platforms wanted to pay a $54 million fine for each instance of speech, each post left up on their platform for more than 48 hours that had been identified as hate speech, they would be fined basically into bankruptcy when you aggregate 54 million over tens of thousands of posts per day. And the safe haven around that was if they deployed artificial intelligence based censorship technologies, which had been again created by DARPA to take on ISIS to be able to scan and ban speech automatically.
According to Mike Benz, seven of the former CIA directors are or were on the board of the Atlantic Council.
Interestingly, according to the sessions, the origin of the CIA connects to the history of the German Gestapo, about which there was:

Gestapo was inspired by Nephilim through Lizard beings' influence over Hitler. It was a practice run.
Session 2 November 1994
Q: (L) Now you say there are 36 million Nephilim heading this way, are they 4th density beings?

A: No. They live in 4 d but are 3 d. They are as physical as you. Behave like gestapo. Gestapo was inspired by Nephilim through Lizard beings' influence over Hitler. It was a practice run.

Q: (L) Are any of the Nephilim going to be friendly toward us?

A: No.
Hitler was the channel for the creation of Gestapo, and he again was put in power by someone else, the Illuminati:
Session 6 June 1998
A: It was der Fuhrer who tried hardest. But not nearly enough.

Q: {Question lost because of tape malfunction.}

A: Find it in order to supercede the very power structure that created him.

Q: What power structure was this?

A: The "Third Reich."

Q: And who created the Third Reich?

A: Illuminati.

Q: So Hitler thought he could find something that would enable him to take complete control...

A: Sort of like a termite trying to vanquish "Orkin."
More on the connection between the Nazi Gestapo and the CIA:

The CIA and NSA and other agencies are the children of Nazi Gestapo... the SS, which was experiment influenced by Antareans who were practicing for the eventual reintroduction of the Nephalim on to 3rd and or 4th density earth.
Session 5 October 1996
Q: [...] (V) Was the person I met last week, {Name redacted}, was he Greenbaumed? Has he been Greenbaumed. (L) He was bizarre, wasn’t he?

A: Now, some history... as you know, the CIA and NSA and other agencies are the children of Nazi Gestapo... the SS, which was experiment influenced by Antareans who were practicing for the eventual reintroduction of the Nephalim on to 3rd and or 4th density earth. And the contact with the “Antareans” was initiated by the Thule Society, which groomed its dupe subject, Adolph Hitler to be the all time mind programmed figurehead. Now, in modern times, you have seen, but so far, on a lesser scale: Oswald, Ruby, Demorenschildt, Sirhan Sirhan, James Earl Ray, Arthur Bremer, Farakahan, Menendez, Bundy, Ramirez, Dahmer, etc...
The continuation of the excerpt is about programming; the examples that refer to American presidents might apply elsewhere too. Unless they have a lot of knowledge and a network, how would they be able to discover and resist their programs?
Remember, the “Greenbaum method” is one of many in existence. - It is a veritable potpourri.
Q: (L) Is there any particular individual who is currently being programmed to take a more prominent position in terms of this...

A: Later... you must know that Oswald was programmed to be the “patsy.” So that he would say many contradictory things. Demorenschildt was both a programmer and programmed. Ruby was hypnotically programmed to shoot Oswald with an audio prompt, that being the sound of a car horn.

Q: (L) The question has been brought up, is there some way or means that one can distinguish or discern a victim of Greenbaum or other mind programming by some clues?

A: Not until it is too late.

Q: (L) Was SV Greenbaumed?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Yes, well, we kind of figured that already... (L) Yes, but I was just checking here... (T) Is JW Greenbaumed?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) And he carries guns around! Although, I’m not sure he knows how to get the cartridges in! (L) What about MF?

A: No.

Q: (L) SH?

A: No.

Q: (L) Anybody else got any likely suspects? (T) EB?

A: Now you have touched on a whole other subject, my friend. At least his wife is blissfully ignorant.

Q: (L) What have we stumbled upon with EB? Is he a programmer?

A: Discover.

Q: (T) I think I’d prefer not to! (L) Is there anything further you’d like to add to this subject for our edification before we shut down for the night? (V) I’d like to know if any Presidents have been Greenbaumed? (L) Well, we know some probably have!

A: Yes.

Q: (T) How many have we had now? Clinton is number what President? (TM) 42.

A: Remember, the “Greenbaum method” is one of many in existence.

Q: (L) OK, further... (T) What did it say? (V) You’ve got people getting hauled out and abducted, I mean... (L) All kinds of stuff going on. (M) Is (Name redacted) set to go off soon? (L) No, they told you, awareness is the first step in undoing it! Focus on that! You’re aware! How many people are?

A: It is a veritable potpourri.
It is likely that some of the current European leaders also are programmed.

Continuing with the roots of CIA
Gestapo became CIA
Session 19 June 1999
Q: (A) I would like to know what methods of programming may have been used on L during her kidnapping … the week-long ‘missing time?’

A: Research Gestapo techniques. Who became CIA.

Q: So, we need to look at the German programming techniques …

A: And Waffen SS.
If the Gestapo/SS of Germany created by Hitler with Lizzie inspiration, could morph into the CIA, the NSA an other agencies, it might also survive some changes both in Germany, the US, and NATO.

On a political level, Germany may appear as a pawn, something that can be moved by a player, but if the future is open, there ought to be a little room for free will action.

The controlling influences can possibly be found by tracing the connections of the institutions in which deep state people play an important part. The Wiki has about the Atlantic Council mentioned by Mike Benz:
The Atlantic Council is an American think tank in the field of international affairs, favoring Atlanticism, founded in 1961. It manages sixteen regional centers and functional programs related to international security and global economic prosperity. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C. It is a member of the Atlantic Treaty Association.
The history of Atlanticism the Wiki has:
In the aftermath of World War I, while the US Senate was discussing whether or not to ratify the Treaty of Versailles (it ultimately did not), some Congressional Republicans expressed their support for a legally binding US alliance with Britain and France as an alternative to the League of Nations's and especially Article X's open-ended commitments; however, US President Woodrow Wilson never seriously explored their offer, instead preferring to focus on his (ultimately unsuccessful) fight to secure US entry into the League of Nations.

The experience of having American and Canadian troops fighting with British, French, and other Europeans in Europe during the World Wars fundamentally changed this situation. Though the U.S. (and to some extent Canada) adopted a more isolationist position between the wars, by the time of the Normandy landings the Allies were well integrated on all policies. The Atlantic Charter of 1941 declared by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill established the goals of the Allies for the post-war world, and was later adopted by all the Western allies. Following the Second World War, the Western European countries were anxious to convince the U.S. to remain engaged in European affairs to deter any possible aggression by the Soviet Union. This led to the 1949 North Atlantic Treaty which established the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the main institutional consequence of Atlanticism, which binds all members to defend the others, and led to the long-term garrisoning of American and Canadian troops in Western Europe.

After the end of the Cold War, the relationship between the United States and Europe changed fundamentally, and made the sides less interested in each other. Without the threat of the Soviet Union dominating Europe, the continent became much less of a military priority for the U.S., and likewise, Europe no longer felt as much need for military protection from the U.S. As a result, the relationship lost much of its strategic importance.

However, the new democracies of the former Warsaw Pact, and parts of the fragments of the fractured Yugoslavia, took a different view, eagerly embracing Atlanticism, as a bulwark against their continued fear of the Soviet Union's key now-separate great power fragment: Russia.
How support for Atlanticism in Eastern Europe has been stoked by western intelligence since WWII operating in Eastern Europe has been documented. At the same time it has also been "advertised" in Western Europe.

Under The Atlantic Treaty Association, of which the Atlantic Council was a part, there is:
The Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA) is an umbrella organization which draws together political leaders, academics, military officials, and diplomats to support the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The ATA is an independent organization that is separate from NATO.
A few buzz words we hear all the time:
The Atlantic Treaty Association's stated mission is to support the values set forth in the North Atlantic Treaty: freedom, liberty, peace, security, and the rule of law. As such, the ATA aims to serve as a forum for debate in which member associations can realize common interests and democratic goals. The youth branch of the ATA, the Youth Atlantic Treaty Association (YATA) was created in 1996 seeks to educate and promote debate among youth in order to create responsible future political leaders who have an understanding of the values set forth in the North Atlantic Treaty.
The current day politicians in Europe were younger in the in mid 1990s; that the German Greens became such a support for the war efforts probably has several explanations, but the above promotion campaign might be one.

In a recent press release from February 18, there was from NATO a few policy points that probably will be reflected in action soon:
Together with NPA President Marcos Perestrello, Mr. Rutte chaired the annual NPA meeting with Permanent Representatives of the North Atlantic Council. They discussed a range of security challenges facing the Alliance, from Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine to the sabotage, cyber-attacks, and other destabilizing activities that seek to disrupt societies across the Alliance.

In the face of these and other challenges, the Secretary General called on Members of Parliament to champion increased defence spending and defence production. He also urged them to continue to advocate for robust support for Ukraine, to ensure that Ukraine is in a position of strength to secure a lasting peace.
I'm wondering if the NATO political-military-industrial network is more important for policy decisions in the EU area including Germany,, than the decisions by the Trump administration?

And then there is the alien aspect too, moving along in the background while we are busy tracking the political intrigues.
Session 16 October 1994
A: [...] Who has been speaking loudly about a new world order?

Q: (L) The United States?

A: Close. Elements of same.

Q: (L) "One of his heads seemed to have a deadly wound, but his death stroke was healed and the whole earth went after the beast in amazement and admiration..." What does it mean that one of his heads seemed to have a deadly wound?

A: Aliens.

Q: (L) The aliens will seem to be a deadly wound to the Beast?

A: Initially.

Q: (L) "But his death stroke was healed, and the whole earth went after the Beast with amazement and admiration..." What does this mean?

A: Initial fear gives way to worship and admiration.

Q: (L) "They fell down and gave homage to the dragon because he had bestowed on the beast all of his dominion and authority..." Who is this dragon?

A: World Body Politic.

Q: (L) And who is this Beast?

A: New World Order aka Brotherhood aka Lizzies aka antichrist.
The above may not be evident now, but if we keep an eye on these possibilities will we notice some patterns that are similar when they happen?
There was also, and this was about undergrounders:
Session 29 July 2023
Q: (Joe) Please. [laughter] Is part of their mission or agenda to prepare the global population for revelation of aliens?

A: Partly, but also involved with depopulation agenda.
Imagine it was Alice Weidel who had been selected, what chances would she have had for making real changes?
For all we know, about Trump there is so far:
Session 25 January 2025
(PopHistorian) Why is Trump promoting the Stargate AI project with such priority and praise for its leaders?

A: Trump is easily misled by those of eloquent persuasion. Hopefully others will show him the facts.

Q: (Joe) He's a bit clueless.

Q: (PopHistorian) With whom did the Stargate idea truly originate?

(L) Is there some debate over that?

(Niall) It's probably what it looks like. It's Larry Ellison and Sam Altman.

(Joe) There's an assumption in the question that it's not only them.

(L) Okay. So there's an assumption.

A: As so many things, origins in 4D STS.

Q: (L) Okay.

(PopHistorian) For what true aim?

A: Total control of the population.
(Joe) Only a little bit. Trump stated this week, in his inauguration speech, that the next four years would be the greatest years in American history. How likely is this to be the case?

A: Not very.

Q: (Joe) That's what I thought. And has Trump been told what the New Jersey drones probes were really about? Has he been given the truth?

A: No.

Q: (Joe) Okay. And in the previous session I asked, "Do a lot of members of government know?" And I think they said yes. But we're not talking about common or garden variety members... I mean, it's selective in terms of who's told. Is that true?

A: Yes.
So much for Trump, and more important in this discussion, how much do leading people in Germany really know? And are there cases where something along these lines might apply: "[Name] is easily misled by those of eloquent persuasion. Hopefully others will show [name] the facts." This is of course assuming there even is a good intention somewhere, but I guess they do exist.
Again, I don't think that's true. Wagenknecht wrote whole books on her current views, which are not communist at all.

Regarding the relationship between the AfD and BSW, here is a relatively good summary of the debate Weidel and Wagenknecht had:!6041991/

Regarding the "firewall":
and that is even more undemocratic, to judge a party by one member. What did Höcke say, that was THAT EVIL? He first came into view when he said: "„Wir Deutschen, also unser Volk, sind das einzige Volk der Welt, das sich ein Denkmal der Schande in das Herz seiner Hauptstadt gepflanzt hat“ - meaning: we germans, our people, we are the only people in the world, that puts a monument of shame right into the heart of its capital. What is wrong with that? It is true. There is no people on earth that did that. Do you see any monuments mourning socialist artrocities? Several countries could do that. But do they? No. What else did he say that was so bad? Tell me. I am no fan of him, by far, but I see it neutral. He was a Teacher, and he was school councelor, or trusted teacher on his school. for several years, and those are elected through the pupils. He is not a bad man. And even if he was, show me the party who has not at least one...
What else did he say that was so bad? Tell me. I am no fan of him, by far, but I see it neutral.
I am not against him either, but I think that some of his provocative word choices have been counterproductive and unnecessary. Why imply that you are a "neonazi" if you do not want to be seen as one? Even the AfD itself was close to expelling him.

And even if he was, show me the party who has not at least one...
He is among the leaders of the party though, which has more weight.
I am not against him either, but I think that some of his provocative word choices have been counterproductive and unnecessary. Why imply that you are a "neonazi" if you do not want to be seen as one? Even the AfD itself was close to expelling him.

He is among the leaders of the party though, which has more weight.
ok. do you say here he went - unnesscessarily - against the common "you-can-not-say-that"? What was it he said that was so ugly or evil, really?
What was it he said that was so ugly or evil, really?
He says that he uses expressions which were used before the nazis popularized them, such as his "Germany should have not only a thousand year past, but also a thousand year future." Which references the nazi slogan of "the thousand year Reich".

I think this is a battle he should not have engaged it, as it is not that important and mostly counterproductive.
He says that he uses expressions which were used before the nazis popularized them, such as his "Germany should have not only a thousand year past, but also a thousand year future." Which references the nazi slogan of "the thousand year Reich".

I think this is a battle he should not have engaged it, as it is not that important and mostly counterproductive.
ok. that is something i missed. can you give me a direct link, to what exactly, when and where he said this?
So the seemingly exciting federal election went by (voter turnout 82.5%) and it resulted in an unsurprising win by the ("black") Christian Democrats who are destined to form a coalition with the ("red") Social Democrats.

During election night it seemed that both parties would fall short of the needed 316 seat majority if Sarah Wagenknecht's BSW party could manage to climb above the 5% limit which would have meant that (either her BSW or) the ominous Greens might be needed to join the coming coalition. The thought of a "Kenya coalition" almost kept me up at night. Our man Robert Habeck had already signaled that "he would love to be needed" for 'Kenya'...

Perish the thought!

At the end of the day (or rather early in the morning) Wagenknecht's fight for parliamentary participation got stuck at 4.97 %, and the Greens were definitely not needed anymore.

An undesirable Christian-Socialist coalition will nonetheless be the lesser evil in comparison with 'Kenya'.

So has Sarah Wagenknecht been cheated? But to what end?
If you want to destroy Germany you would definitely want to have the Greens in power.

Has the Elon Musk intervention in the German election campaign helped the AfD?
I think it has pleased the AfD followers helping them to stand tall.

The legacy burden media, following at least ten years of anti-Trump (not to mention anti-Putin) hate speech, were quick to smear the American efforts as illegal, outrageous and everything else. Just weeks ago the media clowns were warning against Russian election interference, and suddenly there is American election meddling (or both) as well.

Law-abiding and responsible German voters seem to be seeking shelter with Friedrich Merz although he is an American asset as well.

Within only a couple of months 'The Left' party had staged a surprising resurrection (8.8 %) from the realm of the dead.

Now they are back to left wing basics demanding "Tax The Rich", "No VAT on food and public transport", and "Destroy the corporations".

Contrary to the BSW they are very much in favor of immigration, and against "Putin's war of aggression against Ukraine" and of course the "far-right surge". They may have gained a lot of votes from disgruntled Green voters.
ok. that is something i missed. can you give me a direct link, to what exactly, when and where he said this?
You can easily find it:örn_Höcke#Nationalismus_und_NS-Sprache

An undesirable Christian-Socialist coalition will nonetheless be the lesser evil in comparison with 'Kenya'.
Maybe, but a two party coalition will be more stable, meaning that it may be another 4 years until any political change is possible in Germany.
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