Re: The Usefulness of the Negative Emotional Center
It is said that the entire process is unconscious until we make it conscious... that waking up thing... then the disciplining of the personality/magnetizing the self etc.. and the path of the adept has begun.. whether or not you have studied or heard of this process.. all the spiritual mumbo-jumbo that shows the nature of the blueprint... that thread through our lives.... ever leading to more self-awareness... which inevitably leads to what is called 'detachment'... as all the little bits of self that trigger those emotions are seen the moment they are brought up to the surface for attention/review/study etc... It does change the game completely as you interact with others or alone with your environment... and the getting to know yourself thing takes on the question of what that self really is as it was previously defined by all those little bits of dross newly disposed of.. This detachment can seem to take all the 'fun' out of things... as you see things developing as the pieces collect and form around you... mostly for others... and all those previous emotional anchors are no longer around to spice up the game... thereby changing that very self... like the mind starts floating around and the body has a hard time interacting with all those individual triggers around us.... cast adrift and looking for the next shore for new adventures in self-awareness.
You almost miss the emotional overload at times especially if you ever 'fed' off of it... imagine the dismay of all the STSers when their feast is no more.... that should create some anger from hunger pains... as their ray of creation/light seems to meet a deadend... until they too learn to 'let go'... that whole unconditional thing... nonexpectation etc... into that floating state of mind... some call meditation or walking prayer or just streaming consciousness.
As Neo in Matrix said.. Where we go from here is up to you... or perhaps it should be us.. as we learn to merge not just this self's emotional body but all the other dimensional versions as well... one step at a time...
I never so much 'redirected the energy' so much as became aware of it before I ever heard of any of this spiritual mumbo-jumbo.... and got bored with the endless routine of sameness... like any addict unable to get any 'satisfaction'.... needing to 'break on through to the other side'.
Anger allows the feast whereas lower emotions like shame etc just make one part of the feast for others and not for the self... even sex feeds into this.. as the key is 'intent' as always... the physical emotions might trigger the game, but what we do with it once aware of our part in this play then gives us the power of controlling it... understanding how that anger can be used/misused etc.... same as basic love/peaceful emotions... more creatively used/applied or wasted in what I usually call 'do-gooder' reactions towards others. Learning to 'let go' again... as always... until there seems so very little left... as we once were... as we once would have been discribed by others and perhaps ourselves with we were honest enough to do so.
Born into STS, feeding off of anger seems part of the planned program for the feast... through careful application of 'schooling' of prejudices.. otherness... separation or as Hammerstein put it, "you have to be carefully taught." A nice play perhaps for awhile... until the sameness gets boring and we look for some satisfaction that we no longer get from the same old play/frequency/pattern of existence.... so time then for the questions/answers and the path onwards to something different... as different is good as long as it doesn't last too long.... so no further attachment is started... and karma allowed too much 'fun'.
It is said that the entire process is unconscious until we make it conscious... that waking up thing... then the disciplining of the personality/magnetizing the self etc.. and the path of the adept has begun.. whether or not you have studied or heard of this process.. all the spiritual mumbo-jumbo that shows the nature of the blueprint... that thread through our lives.... ever leading to more self-awareness... which inevitably leads to what is called 'detachment'... as all the little bits of self that trigger those emotions are seen the moment they are brought up to the surface for attention/review/study etc... It does change the game completely as you interact with others or alone with your environment... and the getting to know yourself thing takes on the question of what that self really is as it was previously defined by all those little bits of dross newly disposed of.. This detachment can seem to take all the 'fun' out of things... as you see things developing as the pieces collect and form around you... mostly for others... and all those previous emotional anchors are no longer around to spice up the game... thereby changing that very self... like the mind starts floating around and the body has a hard time interacting with all those individual triggers around us.... cast adrift and looking for the next shore for new adventures in self-awareness.
You almost miss the emotional overload at times especially if you ever 'fed' off of it... imagine the dismay of all the STSers when their feast is no more.... that should create some anger from hunger pains... as their ray of creation/light seems to meet a deadend... until they too learn to 'let go'... that whole unconditional thing... nonexpectation etc... into that floating state of mind... some call meditation or walking prayer or just streaming consciousness.
As Neo in Matrix said.. Where we go from here is up to you... or perhaps it should be us.. as we learn to merge not just this self's emotional body but all the other dimensional versions as well... one step at a time...
I never so much 'redirected the energy' so much as became aware of it before I ever heard of any of this spiritual mumbo-jumbo.... and got bored with the endless routine of sameness... like any addict unable to get any 'satisfaction'.... needing to 'break on through to the other side'.

Born into STS, feeding off of anger seems part of the planned program for the feast... through careful application of 'schooling' of prejudices.. otherness... separation or as Hammerstein put it, "you have to be carefully taught." A nice play perhaps for awhile... until the sameness gets boring and we look for some satisfaction that we no longer get from the same old play/frequency/pattern of existence.... so time then for the questions/answers and the path onwards to something different... as different is good as long as it doesn't last too long.... so no further attachment is started... and karma allowed too much 'fun'.